Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Control and modulation methods of voltage source converter Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2009 Wolumin vol. 57 Numer No 4 Autorzy Radomski, G. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 323-336 Data 2009 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0135-y ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2009; vol. 57; No 4; 323-336 Referencje Holtz J. (1992), Pulsewidth modulation - a survey, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 39, 5, 410. ; Pinheiro H. (2002), Space vector modulation for voltage-source inverters: a unified approach, IECON 02, 1, 5. ; Antoniewicz P. (2006), Predictive direct power control of three-phase boost rectifier, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech, 54, 3, 287. ; M. Malinowski, "Sensorless control strategies for three-phase PWM rectifiers", <i>Ph.D. Thesis</i>, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 2001. ; M. Jasiński, "Direct power and torque control of ac/dc/ac converter-fed induction motor drives", <i>Ph.D. Thesis</i>, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, 2005. ; Strzelecki R. (2000), "Power coefficient in AC power supply systems and ways of its improvement. ; Chen L. (2008), Dead-time elimination for voltage source inverters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 23, 2, 574. ; Radomski G. (2008), Modelling and modulation of voltage source converter, null, 1, 504.