Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Optimal Spectrum Utilization and Flow Controlling In Heterogeneous Network with Reconfigurable Devices Tytuł czasopisma International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 63 Numer No 3 Autorzy Hashmi, Syed Shakeel ; Sattar, Syed Abdul ; Soundararajan, K. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/eletel-2017-0036 ; eISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013) ; ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012) Źródło International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2017; vol. 63; No 3 Referencje Xie (2012), Dynamic resource allocation for heterogeneous services in cognitive radio networks with imperfect channel sensing on, IEEE Transactions Vehicular Technology, 22, 770. ; Sharma (2013), Interference alignment for spectral coexistence of heterogeneous networks on and, EURASIP Journal Wireless Communications Networking, 201, ; Khandekar (2010), advanced Heterogeneous networks In Wireless Conference, European IEEE, 978. ; Shi (null), Ju Dynamic spectrum allocation in heterogeneous wireless networks under interference constraints across the cell coverage Mobile no pp, Wireless Communications Computing, 13, 2015. ; Yang (2007), aware routing in emerging heterogeneous wireless networks Quality - of - Service - Based Routing Algorithms for Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 16, 74. ; Karam (2009), On schemes for supporting QoS and mobility in heterogeneous networks Proceedings of the th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, null. ; Aristomenopoulos (2011), An autonomic qos - centric architecture for integrated heterogeneous wireless networks Mobile Networks and Applications pp, null, 19, 490. ; Krishnamachari (null), Son Oh - efficient design of heterogeneous cellular networks from deployment to operation Networks vol, Energy Computer, 95. ; Tahir (2014), Selection of access network using cost function method in heterogeneous wireless network Systems International Conference on, Multimedia Computing IEEE. ; Hu (2014), An energy efficient and spectrum efficient wireless heterogeneous network framework for systems, IEEE Communications Magazine, 11, 94. ; Hanly (null), Capacity and stable scheduling in heterogeneous wireless networks on Selected Areas in Communications vol, IEEE Journal, 33, 1266, ; Amin (2013), Balancing spectral efficiency energy consumption and fairness in future heterogeneous wireless systems with reconfigurable devices on Selected Areas in, IEEE Journal Communications, 31, 1, ; Badia (2007), Routing schemes in heterogeneous wireless networks based on access advertisement and backward utilities for QoS support [ Quality of Service based Routing Algorithms for Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 15, 67. ; Mansouri (null), new multi - rat scheduling algorithm for Heterogeneous wireless networks of Systems and, Journal Software, 2015. ; Dai (null), based device - to - device communication schemes in heterogeneous wireless networks, IET Communications, 21, 2015. ; Clement (null), An - Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Strategy with Robustness Against Noise Uncertainty for Cognitive Radio Networks for and, Energy Arabian Journal Science Engineering, 20, 2015. ; Iancu (2010), novel end - to - end QoS framework over heterogeneous networks - an architectural approach, Acta, 14. ; Richter (2010), demand and energy efficiency in heterogeneous cellular mobile radio networks In Vehicular Technology Conference st, Traffic IEEE IEEE, 17, 71. ; Rao (null), of Spectrum Efficiency and Efficiency of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks With Intra Inter - RAT Offloading Transactions on, Analysis Energy IEEE Vehicular Technology, 12, 2015. ; Fodor (2003), Providing quality of service in always best connected networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 18, 154. ; Ghafoor (2007), Sheikh Quality - of - service routing in heterogeneous networks with optimal buffer and bandwidth allocation In on, IEEE International Conference Communications IEEE, 23, 480.