Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu State Space-Based Method for the DOA Estimation by the Forward-Backward Data Matrix Using Small Snapshots Tytuł czasopisma International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications Rocznik 2017 Wolumin vol. 63 Numer No 3 Autorzy Liu, Jianfeng Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications Data 2017 Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/eletel-2017-0042 ; eISSN 2300-1933 (since 2013) ; ISSN 2081-8491 (until 2012) Źródło International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications; 2017; vol. 63; No 3 Referencje Rao (1989), Sensitivity considerations in state space model - based harmonic retrieval methods on vol no pp, IEEE Trans Speech Signal Processing, 20, 37, ; BHASKAR (null), Performance analysis of Root - Music IEEE Transactions on and Signal Processing vol no pp, Acoustics Speech, 13, 37, ; Cheng Qian (2014), So Improved unitary Root - MUSIC for DOA estimation based on pseudo - noise resampling vol no pp, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 21, ; Schell (1994), Performance analysis of the cyclic MUSIC method of direction estimation for cyclostationary signals on Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 11, 3043, ; Satish (1986), Maximum likelihood estimation and bounds for direction of arrival parameters of a large sensor array on and vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Antennas Propagation, 24, 478, ; Joel (2007), Anna Signal recovery from random measurements via orthogonal matching pursuit on vol no pp, IEEE Transactions Information Theory, 26, 53, ; Stoica (1989), MUSIC Maximum Likelihood Bound Transactions on and Signal Processing vol no pp, IEEE Acoustics Speech, 25, 37, ; Wei Wang (2013), estimation for monostatic MIMO radar based on unitary root - MUSIC of vol no pp, International Journal Electronics, 100. ; BHASKAR (1990), Relationship between matrix pencil and state space based harmonic retrieval methods on processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Speech Signal, 18, 38, ; Yide Wang (2003), Charge Saillard An extended cyclic MUSIC algorithm on Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 1695, ; Barabell (1983), Improving the resolution performance of eigenstructure - based direction - finding algorithms of vol, Proc, 336. ; Schmidt (1986), Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation on Antennas and Propagation vol no pp, IEEE Trans, 34, ; Desbouvries (1996), Unitary Hessenberg and state - space model based methods for the harmonic retrieval problem of Sonar and navigation vol no pp, Proc IEEE Radar, 22, 143, ; Zoltowski (1993), Beam - space root - MUSIC for minimum redundancy linear arrays on SignalProcessing vol no pp, IEEE Trans, 2502, ; Shu Changgan (2014), An improved forward / backward spatial smoothing Root - MUSIC algorithm based signal decorrelation of pp, Proc IEEE, 1252, ; Donoho (2006), Stable recovery of sparse overcomplete representations in the presence of noise Theory, IEEE Trans, 16, ; Xiaofei Zhang (2009), Improved coherent DOA estimation algorithm for uniform linear arrays of vol no, International Journal Electronics, 9, 213, ; Swindlehurst (1992), performance analysis of subspace - based methods in the presence of model errors Part The MUSIC algorithm on Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 1758. ; BHASKAR (1992), Model based processing of Signals state space approach of the vol no pp, Proc IEEE, 17, 283, ; Malioutov (2005), sparse signal reconstruction perspective for source localization with sensor arrays on Processing vol no pp estimation based on sparse signal recovery utilizing weighted processing, IEEE Trans Signal IEEE signal letters, 15, 53,,no.3,pp.155-158,2012.doi:10.1109/LSP.2012.2183592 ; Ye Tian (2014), DOA estimation in the presence of unknown non - uniform noise without knowing the number of sources vol no pp, International Journal of Electronics Letters, 1, ; Gorodnitsky (1997), Sparse signal reconstruction from limited data using re - weighted minimum norm algorithm on Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 14, 45, ; Kung (1983), State space and SVD based approximation methods for the harmonic retrieval problem Optical Society of America vol no pp, null, 19, 73, ; Pascal Vallet (null), Performance analysis of an improved MUSIC DOA estimator on Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 12, 63, ; Hua Chen (1996), State - space based approximation methods for the harmonic retrieval problem in the presence of known signal poles of, Proc, 21, 5, ; Wax (1985), Detection of signals by information theoretic criteria Speech Processing vol no pp, IEEE Trans Signal, 23, 33,