Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Mycotoxins Biosynthesis by Fusarium Oxysporum and F. Proliferatum Isolates of Asparagus Origin Tytuł czasopisma Journal of Plant Protection Research Rocznik 2009 Wolumin vol. 49 Numer No 4 Autorzy Waśkiewicz, Agnieszka ; Irzykowska, Lidia ; Karolewski, Zbigniew ; Bocianowski, Jan ; Goliński, Piotr ; Weber, Zbigniew Wydział PAN Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze Wydawca Committee of Plant Protection PAS ; Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute Data 2009 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10045-009-0057-6 ; ISSN 1427-4345 ; eISSN 1899-007X Źródło Journal of Plant Protection Research; 2009; vol. 49; No 4 Referencje Baayen R. (2000), <i>Fusarium redolens</i> f. sp. <i>asparagi</i>, causal agent of asparagus root rot, crown rot and spear rot, Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 106, 907. ; Blok W. (1995), Fungi on roots and stem bases of asparagus in the Netherlands: species and pathogenicity, Eur. J. Plant Pathol, 101, 15. ; Bogartz R. (1994), An Introduction to the Analysis of Variance, 565. ; Chełkowski J. (1990), Moniliformin production by <i>Fusarium</i>, species. Mycotoxin Res, 6, 41. ; Chulze S. (1996), <i>Fusarium</i> and fumonisin occurrence in Argentinian corn at different ear maturity stages, J. Agr. Food Chem, 44, 2797. ; Doko M. (1994), Occurrence of fumonisins B<sub>1</sub> and B<sub>2</sub> in corn and corn-based human foodstuffs in Italy, Food Addit. Contam, 11, 433. ; Elmer W. (2000), Incidence of infection of asparagus spears marketed in Connecticut by <i>Fusarium</i> spp, Plant Dis, 84, 831. ; Elmer W. (1996), Epidemiology and management of the diseases causal to asparagus decline, Plant Dis, 80, 117. ; Goliński P. (1999), Scab response of selected winter wheat cultivars after inoculation with <i>Fusarium avenaceum</i> (Fr.), Sacc. J. Phytopathol, 147, 717. ; Gossmann M. (2001), Untersuchungen zum Spargel (<i>Asparagus officinalis</i> L.) aus Jung- und Ertragsanlagen in Deutschland und Österreich auf Infektionen mit <i>Fusarium</i>-Arten, Pflanzenschutzberichte, 59, 45. ; International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). 2002. Fumonisin B<sub>1</sub>. Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risks to humans: Some traditional herbal medicines, some mycotoxins, naphtalene and styrene. <i>Lyon, France</i> 82: 301-333. ; Kostecki M. (1995), Beauvericin and moniliformin production by Polish isolates of <i>Fusarium subglutinans</i> and natural co-occurrence of both mycotoxins in maize samples, Microbiol. Alim. Nutrit, 13, 67. ; Liu C. (2007), Fumonisins production by <i>Fusarium proliferatum</i> strains isolated from asparagus crown, Mycopathology, 164, 127. ; Logrieco A. (1998), Occurrence of fuminisins B1 and B2 in <i>Fusarium proliferatum</i> infected asparagus plants, J. Agr. Food Chem, 46, 5201. ; Marin S. (1999a), Fumonisin B<sub>1</sub> production and growth of <i>Fusarium moniliforme</i> and <i>Fusarium proliferatum</i> on maize, wheat, and barley grain, J. Food Protect, 64, 921. ; Marin S. (1999b), Two-dimensional profiles of fumonisin B<sub>1</sub> production by <i>Fusarium moniliforme</i> and <i>Fusarium proliferatum</i> in relation to environmental factors and potential for modelling toxin formation in maize grain, Int. J. Food Microbiol, 51, 159. ; Sanchis V. (1995), Fumonisin B<sub>1</sub> and B<sub>2</sub> and toxigenic <i>Fusarium</i> strains in feeds from the Spanish market, Int. J. Food Microbiol, 27, 37. ; Sharman M. (1991), A survey of the occurrence of the mycotoxin moniliformin in cereal samples from sources worldwide, Food Addit. Contam, 4, 459. ; Shephard G. (1990), Quantitative determination of fumonsin B1 and B2 by highperformance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, J. Liq. Chromatogr, 13, 2077. ; Sydenham E. (1990), Evidence for natural occurrence of fuminisin B1, a mycotoxin produced by Fusarium moniliforme, in corn, J. Agric. Food. Chem, 38, 285. ; Sydenham E. (1993), Fumonisins in Argentinian field-trial corn, J. Agric. Food Chem, 41, 891. ; Weber Z. (2006), <i>Fusarium</i> species colonizing spears and forming mycotoxins in field samples of asparagus from Germany and Poland, J. Phytopathol, 154, 209. ; Weber Z. (2007), Occurrence of <i>Fusarium</i> species in spears of asparagus (<i>Asparagus officinalis).</i>, Phytopathol. Pol, 45, 9.