
Tytuł artykułu

Does Competitively Distinct Operation Enable Performance in Turbulent Business Environment? A Study on Finnish SMEs

Tytuł czasopisma

Management and Production Engineering Review




No 3


Słowa kluczowe

Wydział IV Nauk Technicznych

Wydział PAN

Wydział IV Nauk Technicznych


Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management




DOI: 10.1515/mper-2016-0029 ; ISSN 2080-8208 ; eISSN 2082-1344


Management and Production Engineering Review; 2016; No 3


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O czasopiśmie

MISSION STATEMENT Management and Production Engineering Review (MPER) is a peer-refereed, international, multidisciplinary journal covering a broad spectrum of topics in production engineering and management. Production engineering is a currently developing stream of science encompassing planning, design, implementation and management of production and logistic systems. Orientation towards human resources factor differentiates production engineering from other technical disciplines. The journal aims to advance the theoretical and applied knowledge of this rapidly evolving field, with a special focus on production management, organisation of production processes, manage- ment of production knowledge, computer integrated management of production flow, enterprise effectiveness, maintainability and sustainable manufacturing, productivity and organisation, forecasting, modelling and simu- lation, decision making systems, project management, innovation management and technology transfer, quality engineering and safety at work, supply chain optimization and logistics. Management and Production Engineering Review is published under the auspices of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Production Engineering and Polish Association for Production Management. The main purpose of Management and Production Engineering Review is to publish the results of cutting- edge research advancing the concepts, theories and implementation of novel solutions in modern manufacturing. Papers presenting original research results related to production engineering and management education are also welcomed. We welcome original papers written in English. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, discussions of previously published papers, book reviews, and editorials. Letters to the Editor-in-Chief are highly encouraged.
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Index Copernicus
Web of Science - Clarivate (ESCI)
Scopus - Elsevier
(CiteScore 2020 - 2.5
SJR 2020 - 0.332
SNIP 2020 - 1.061)
