Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Annular Array Transducer and Matched Amplifier for Therapeutic Ultrasound Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Acoustics Rocznik 2010 Wolumin vol. 35 Numer No 4 Autorzy Secomski, Wojciech ; Lewandowski, Marcin ; Nowicki, Andrzej ; Wójcik, Janusz ; Walczak, Mateusz ; Tymkiewicz, Ryszard Słowa kluczowe ultrasonic therapy ; annular array transducer ; ultrasonic field Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 653-660 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Committee on Acoustics Data 2010 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10168-010-0049-6 ; ISSN 0137-5075 ; eISSN 2300-262X Źródło Archives of Acoustics; 2010; vol. 35; No 4; 653-660 Referencje Arditi M. (1982), An annular array system for high resolution breast echography, Ultrasonic Imaging, 4, 1, 1. ; Gambin B. (2009), Temperature Fields Induced by Low Power Focused Ultrasound in Soft Tissues During Gene Therapy. Numerical Predictions and Experimental Results, Archives of Acoustics, 34, 4, 445. ; G. ter Haar (1999), Therapeutic ultrasound, Eur. J. Ultrasound, 9, 1, 3. ; G. ter Haar (2008), The Resurgence of Therapeutic ultrasound - A 21st Century Phenomenon, Ultrasonics, 48, 4, 233. ; Shuto J. (2006), Effects of low-intensity focused ultrasound on the mouse submandibular gland, Ultrasound Med. Biol, 32, 4, 587. ; Wójcik L. (2008), Pulsed nonlinear acoustic fields from clinically relevant sources: numerical calculations and experiments results, Archives of Acoustics, 33, 4, 565. ; Wójcik J. (1999), Temperature elevation computed for three-layer and four-layer obstetrical tissue models in nonlinear and linear propagation cases, Ultrasound Med. Biol, 25, 5, 259.