
Tytuł artykułu

Design and application of comprehensive evaluation index system of smart grid based on coordinated planning of major network and power distribution network

Tytuł czasopisma

Archives of Electrical Engineering




vol. 70


No 1



Ning, Guangtao : Power Grid Planning and Design Research Center, Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., China ; Fang, Bing : Power Grid Planning and Design Research Center, Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., China ; Qin, Dan : Power Grid Planning and Design Research Center, Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., China ; Liang, Yafeng : Power Grid Planning and Design Research Center, Hainan Power Grid Co., Ltd., China ; Zheng, Lijuan : Tellhow Software Co., Ltd, China

Słowa kluczowe

coordinated planning ; index system ; major network ; power distribution network ; smart power grid

Wydział PAN

Nauki Techniczne




Polish Academy of Sciences


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DOI: 10.24425/aee.2021.136055 ; e-ISSN 2300-2506


Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2021; vol. 70; No 1; 103-113