Tytuł artykułu
Direct Energy Deposition of Mo Powder Prepared by Electrode Induction Melting Gas AtomizationTytuł czasopisma
Archives of Metallurgy and MaterialsRocznik
vol. 66Numer
No 3Autorzy
Roh, Goo-Won : University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul 04763, Republic of Korea ; Roh, Goo-Won : Research and Development Center, Eloi Materials Lab (EML) Co. Ltd., Suwon 16229, Republic of Korea ; Park, Eun-Soo : Research and Development Center, Eloi Materials Lab (EML) Co. Ltd., Suwon 16229, Republic of Korea ; Moon, Jaeyun : University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Las Vegas, 4505 S. Maryland PKWY Las Vegas, NV 89154, United States ; Lee, Hojun : Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Seoul 01811, Republic of Korea ; Byun, Jongmin : Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering Seoul 01811, Republic of KoreaSłowa kluczowe
Molybdenum powder ; Electrode induction melting gas atomization ; Direct Energy Deposition ; Porosity ; HardnessWydział PAN
Nauki TechniczneZakres
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of SciencesBibliografia
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