
Tytuł artykułu

Effect of Deformation Temperature on the Magnetic Properties of PrFeB Alloy Fabricated by Gas Atomization

Tytuł czasopisma

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials




vol. 66


No 4



Cho, Ju-Young : Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 156 Gaetbeol-ro (Songdo-dong), Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon 21999, Korea ; Cho, Ju-Young : Hanyang University, Department of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Ansan 15588, Korea ; Song, Myung-Suk : Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 156 Gaetbeol-ro (Songdo-dong), Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon 21999, Korea ; Choa, Yong-Ho : Hanyang University, Department of Material Science and Chemical Engineering, Ansan 15588, Korea ; Kim, Taek-Soo : Research Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 156 Gaetbeol-ro (Songdo-dong), Yeonsu-Gu, Incheon 21999, Korea ; Kim, Taek-Soo : University of Science and Technology, Critical Materials and Semi-Conductor Packaging Engineering, Daejeon 3413, Republic of Korea

Słowa kluczowe

PrFeB alloy ; Gas atomization ; plastic deformation ; Rolling ; REFeB magnet

Wydział PAN

Nauki Techniczne




Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences


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DOI: 10.24425/amm.2021.136404 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909


Archives of Metallurgy and Materials