Tytuł artykułu
Effects of Transition Metal Carbides on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Tungsten Carbide Via Spark Plasma SinteringTytuł czasopisma
Archives of Metallurgy and MaterialsRocznik
vol. 66Numer
No 4Autorzy
Lee, Jeong-Han : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Smart Mobility Materials and Components R&D Group, 6, Cheomdan-gwa giro 208-gil , Buk-gu, Gwang-Ju,61012, Korea ; Oh, Ik-Hyun : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Smart Mobility Materials and Components R&D Group, 6, Cheomdan-gwa giro 208-gil , Buk-gu, Gwang-Ju,61012, Korea ; Park, Hyun-Kuk : Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Smart Mobility Materials and Components R&D Group, 6, Cheomdan-gwa giro 208-gil , Buk-gu, Gwang-Ju,61012, KoreaSłowa kluczowe
WC cemented carbide ; transition metal carbide ; spark plasma sintering ; grain growth inhibitor ; hardnessWydział PAN
Nauki TechniczneZakres
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of SciencesBibliografia
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