
Tytuł artykułu

Sensory characteristics analysis for typical odor emission sources

Tytuł czasopisma

Archives of Environmental Protection









Yan, Fengyue : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Yan, Fengyue : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Yan, Fengyue : Tianjin Sinodour Environmental Protection Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300191, China ; Li, Weifang : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Li, Weifang : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Wang, Gen : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Wang, Gen : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Geng, Jing : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Geng, Jing : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Lu, Zhiqiang : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Lu, Zhiqiang : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Zhai, Zengxiu : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Zhai, Zengxiu : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Zhai, Zengxiu : Tianjin Sinodour Environmental Protection Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300191, China ; Zhang, Yan : State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Odor Pollution Control, Tianjin 300191, China ; Zhang, Yan : Tianjin Academy of Eco-environmental Sciences, Tianjin, 300191, China ; Zhang, Yan : Tianjin Sinodour Environmental Protection Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd.,Tianjin 300191, China

Słowa kluczowe

hedonic tone ; odor intensity ; annoyance potential ; persistence of odor

Wydział PAN

Nauki Techniczne




Polish Academy of Sciences


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DOI: 10.24425/aep.2021.138467 ; ISSN 2083-4772 ; eISSN 2083-4810

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