Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Structural and Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled CuAlBe Non-Spark Alloy Explosion Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2024 Wolumin vol. 69 Numer No 1 Autorzy Chelariu, G.R. ; Cimpoeșu, N. ; Paraschiv, P. ; Prisecariu, B.A. ; Rusu, I. ; Știrbu, I. ; Sandu, G.I. ; Benchea, M. ; Bejinariu, C. Afiliacje Chelariu, G.R. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Cimpoeșu, N. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Paraschiv, P. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Prisecariu, B.A. : “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania ; Rusu, I. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Știrbu, I. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Sandu, G.I. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Benchea, M. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Mechanica l Faculty, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi ; Bejinariu, C. : Gheorghe Asachi University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, 43 Dimitrie Mangeron str., 700050, Iasi Słowa kluczowe Anti-spark material ; SEM ; EDS ; cold rolling ; indentation Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 236-268 Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 11.04.2024 Typ Article Identyfikator DOI: 10.24425/amm.2024.147817 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909