Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of sandstone similar materials with different joint positions and thicknesses based on triaxial testing and PFC simulation Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Civil Engineering Rocznik 2024 Wolumin vol. 70 Numer No 4 Autorzy Jing, Wei ; Lu, Bingpeng ; Jing, Laiwang ; Jin, Rencai Afiliacje Jing, Wei : Anhui University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines, 168 Taifeng Street, Huainan City, Anhui Province, China ; Lu, Bingpeng : Anhui University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines, 168 Taifeng Street, Huainan City, Anhui Province, China ; Jing, Laiwang : Anhui University of Science and Technology, State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines, 168 Taifeng Street, Huainan City, Anhui Province, China ; Jin, Rencai : China MCC17 Group Co., LTD., Civil Engineering Post-doctoral Research Workstation, No. 88 Yushan East Road, Huashan District, Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province, China Słowa kluczowe different thicknesses and positions of joints ; Jointed rock mass ; mechanical properties ; spatio-temporal evolution of cracks ; PFC simulation Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 615 –629 Wydawca WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING and COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Data 16.12.2024 Typ Article Identyfikator DOI: 10.24425/ace.2024.151913 ; ISSN 1230-2945