Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Reflectometric measurements of thermally expanded core area Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2010 Wolumin 58 Numer No 4 Autorzy Ratuszek, M. ; Zakrzewski, Z. ; Majewski, J. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 513-517 Data 2010 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0051-1 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2010; 58; No 4; 513-517 Referencje Snyder A. (1983), Optical Waveguide Theory. ; Majewski A. (1991), Theory and Design of Fibre Waveguides. ; Tomoyuki N. (2001), Fiber for next-generation extra-large-capacity DWDM transmission, Hitachi Cable Rev, 20, 3. ; Shiraishi K. (1990), Beam expanding fiber using thermal diffusion of the dopant, J. Lightwave Technol, 8, 1151, ; Zheng W. (1994), Erbium-doped fiber splicing and splice loss estimation, J. Lightwave Technol, 12, 430, ; Ratuszek M. (1999), Examination of spliced telecommunication fibers of the NZDS-SMF type adjusted for wavelength division multiplexing, Optica Applicata, 29, 1-2, 73. ; Barnovski J. (1976), Fiber waveguides: a novel technique for investigation attenuation characteristics, Appl. Opt, 15, 2112, ; Nakazawa M. (1983), Rayleigh backscattering theory for single-mode optical fibers, J. Opt. Soc. Amer, 73, 1175, ; Miller C. (1986), Optical Fiber Splices and Connectors. ; Ratuszek M. (2007), Analysis of loss of single mode telecommunication fiber thermally diffused core area, Optica Applicata, 37, 3, 279. ; Kihara M. (1996), Charateristics of thermally expanded core fiber, J. Lightwave Technol, 14, 2209, ; Recommendation ITU-T G.655, <i>Transmission Media Characteristics: Characteristics of a Non-Zero Dispersion Shifted Single Mode Optical Fibre Cable</i>, 2003. ; Recommendation ITU-T G.652, <i>Transmission Media Characteristics: Characteristics of a Single-Mode Optical Fibre Cable</i>, 2003. ; Shiraishi K. (1993), Light-propagation characteristics in thermally diffused expanded core fibers, J. Lightwave Technol, 11, 1584, ; Marcuse D. (1984), Microdeformation losses of single mode fibers, Appl. Opt, 23, 7, 1082, ; Ratuszek M. (2007), Analysis of loss of single mode telecommunication fiber thermally diffused core areas, Proc. SPIE, 6608, 1. ; Zheng W. (1993), The real time control technique for erbium doped fiber splicing, Ericsson Rev, 27, 1. ; Ratuszek M. (2008), Influence of temperature and length of splicing areas on the loss of joints of single mode telecommunication fibers, Proc. SPIE, 7120, 20. ; Ratuszek M. (2000), Process optimization of the arc fusion splicing different types of single mode telecommunication fibers, Opto-Electron. Rev, 8, 2, 161. ; Jost W. (1960), Diffusion in Solids, Liquids, Gases. ; Ratuszek M. (2009), Characteristics of thermally diffused transit areas of single-mode telecommunication fibers, J. Lightwave Technology, 27, 3050,