Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Generalization of the modulating functions method into the fractional differential equations Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2010 Wolumin 58 Numer No 4 Autorzy Janiczek, T. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 593-599 Data 2010 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10175-010-0060-0 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2010; 58; No 4; 593-599 Referencje V. Maletinsky, "l-i-p Identifikation kontinuierlicher dynamischer prozesse", <i>PhD Thesis</i>, ETH Zurich, Zurich, 1978. ; Maletinsky V. (1979), Identification of continuous dynamical systems with spline type modulating function method, null, 1, 275. ; Co T. (1990), System identification using modulating functions and fast Fourier transforms, Computers Chem. Eng, 14, 1051, ; Preisig H. (1993), Theory and application of the modulating function method-I. Review and theory of the method and theory of spline-type modulating functions I-III, Computers Chem. Eng, 17, 1, ; Shinbrot M. (1954), On the analysis of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems from transient-response data, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Technical Note, 3288. ; Shinbrot M. (1957), On the analysis of linear and nonlinear systems, Trans. ASME, 1, 547. ; Podlubny I. (1999), Fractional Differential Equations. ; Janiczek T. (2007), Equivalent model of modified bismuth oxides described by fractional derivatives, Key Engineering Materials, 336-338, 676, ; Janiczek T. (2007), Implementation of fractional differential calculus to identify models of fractional systems, PAK, 9, 194. ; Kaczorek T. (2008), Practical stability of positive fractional discretetime linear systems, Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech, 56, 313. ; Nowak-Woźny D. (2009), Fractional electrical model for modified bismuth oxide, J. Electrostatics, 67, 18, ; Camko S. (1987), Fractional integrals and derivatives and some of their applications, null, 1. ; Miller K. (1993), An Introduction to the Fractional Calculus and Fractional Differential Equations. ; Oldham K. (1974), The Fractional Calculus. ; Kilbas A. (2006), Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equation.