Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu WAMS - based control of series FACTS devices installed in tie-lines of interconnected power system Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2010 Wolumin vol. 59 Numer No 3 - 4 December Autorzy Nogal, Łukasz ; Machowski, Jan Słowa kluczowe power system control ; transient stability ; FACTS ; WAMS Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 121-140 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2010 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/s10171-010-0010-3 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2010; vol. 59; No 3 - 4 December; 121-140 Referencje Hingorani N. (2000), Understanding FACTS. Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems. ; Machowski J. (2008), Power System Dynamics. Stability and Control. ; CIGRE Technical Brochure, No 145: <i>Modelling of power elektronics equipment (FACTS) in load flow and stability programs.</i> <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Youke Tan (1997), Design of series and shunt FACTS controller using adaptive nonlinear coordinated design techniques, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, 12, 3. ; Wang F. (1998), A unified model for the analysis of FACTS devices in damping power system oscillations. II. Multi-machine power systems, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 13, 1355. ; Pal B. (2000), A linear matrix inequality approach to robust damping control design in power systems with superconducting magnetic energy storage device, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 15. ; Chaudhuri B. (2003), Mixed-sensitivity approach to H4 control of power system oscillations employing multiple FACTS devices, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 18, 1149. ; Kamwa I. (1998), Multi-Loop Power System Stabilizers Using Wide-Area Synchronous Phasor Measurements, null. ; Machowski J. (2008), State-variable control of shunt FACTS devices using phasor measurements, Electric Power System Research, 78, 1, 39. ; Bhargava B. (1999), Synchronised phasor measurement system project at Southern California Edison Co., IEEE PES Summer Meeting, 1, 16. ; Magnus A. (2002), Phasor measurement applications in Scandinavia. Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 2002: Asia Pacific, IEEE/PES, 1, 480. ; Yu C. (2002), Self-correction two-machine equivalent model for stability control of FACTS system using real-time phasor measurements, IEE Proc. Gen., Transm. and Distrib, 149, 389. ; Kamwa I. (2001), Wide-area measurement based stabilising control of large power systems - a decentralized/hierarchical approach, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 16, 136. ; Aboul-Ela M. (1996), Damping controller design for power system oscillations using global signals, IEEE Trans., Power Systems, 11, 767. ; Adamiak M. (2006), Wide Area Protection-Technology and Infrastructures, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 21, 601. ; Pai M. (1989), Energy Function Analysis For Power System Stability, ; Pavella M. (2000), Transient Stability of Power Systems. A unified Approach to Assessment and Control, ; Nogal L. <i>Control of series FACTS devices by the use of WAMS.</i> Ph D Thesis, Warsaw University of Technology (2009) (in Polish). ; Zarghami M. (2010), A Novel Approach to Inter-area Oscillation Damping by Unified Power Flow Controllers Utilizing Ultracapacitors, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 25, 1, 1,