Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu A study on permanent magnet topologies for hybrid bearings for medical drives applied in Ventricular Assist Devices Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2011 Wolumin vol. 60 Numer No 3 September Autorzy Pohlmann, André ; Hameyer, Kay Słowa kluczowe ventricular assist device ; VAD ; finite element method ; FEM ; magnetic bearings Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 371-380 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2011 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10171-011-0032-5 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2011; vol. 60; No 3 September; 371-380 Referencje World-Health-Organization, Causes of Death 2008 Summary Tables <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Copeland J. (2004), Cardiac replacement with a total artificial heart as a bridge to transplantation, N. Engl. J. Med, 351, 859, ; Thoratec Cooperation <a target="_blank" href=''></a> ; Miura H. (2006), Improvement of the transcutaneous energy transmission system utilizing ferrite cored coils for artificial hearts, IEEE J MAG, 42, 10, 3578, ; Hoshi H. (2011), Third-generation blood pumps with mechanical noncontact magnetic bearings, null. ; Pohlmann A. (2010), Numerical computation can safe life: FEM simulations for the development of artificial hearts, null. ; Samuel Earnshaw (1842), On the nature of the molecular forces which regulate the constitution of the luminiferous ether, Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 7, 97.