Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Influence of suspended equipment on the carbody vertical vibration behaviour of high-speed railway vehicles Tytuł czasopisma Archive of Mechanical Engineering Rocznik 2016 Wolumin vol. 63 Numer No 1 Autorzy Dumitriu, Mădălina Słowa kluczowe railway vehicle ; flexible carbody ; suspended equipment ; vertical vibrations ; frequency response functions ; geometric filtering effect Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 145-162 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building Data 2016.04.20 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/meceng-2016-0008 ; ISSN 0004-0738, e-ISSN 2300-1895 Źródło Archive of Mechanical Engineering; 2016; vol. 63; No 1; 145-162 Referencje Zeng (2007), Vibration analysis of railway passenger car systems by considering flexible carbody effect of the China Railway Society Vol Iss pp, Journal, 29, 19. ; Zhou (2009), Influences of car body vertical flexibility on ride quality of passenger railway vehicles Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers of Rail and Rapid Transit Vol pp, Part Journal, 223. ; Cheli (2011), On rail vehicle vibrations induced by track unevenness : Analysis of the excitation mechanism of Sound and Vibration Vol pp, Journal, 330. ; Shi (2014), Application of DVA theory in vibration reduction of carbody with suspended equipment for high - speed EMU China Technological Sciences Vol No pp, Science, 57, 1425. ; Wu (2012), Effect of equipment suspension stiffness on riding quality Noise Vibration Control Vol Iss pp, Journal, 32, 73. ; Wu (2005), Dynamic response of high - speed passenger car based on flexible carbody model of Traffic Transportation Engineering Vol pp, Journal, 5. ; Dumitriu (2014), Considerations on the geometric filtering effect of the bounce and pitch movements in railway vehicles Annals of Faculty Engineering Hunedoara of Engineering Tome XII Fascicule pp, International Journal, 155. ; Gong (2012), On the resonant vibration of a flexible railway car body and its suppression with a dynamic vibration absorber of Vibration and Control Vol Iss pp, Journal, 19, 649. ; Luo (2014), Identifying the relationship between suspension parameters of underframe equipment and carbody modal frequency of Modern Transportion Vol Iss pp, Journal, 22, 206. ; Sun (2011), Influences of suspended equipment under car body on highspeed train ride quality pp, Procedia Engineering, 16, 812, ; Shi (2014), Influence of equipment excitation on flexible carbody vibration of EMU of Modern Transportion Vol Iss pp, Journal, 22, 195.