Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Effect of Vortex Runner Gating System on the Mechanical Strength of Al-12Si Alloy Castings Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Metallurgy and Materials Rocznik 2011 Numer No 4 December Autorzy Ahmad, R. ; Hashim, M. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Wydawca Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences ; Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2011 Identyfikator DOI: 10.2478/v10172-011-0109-6 ; e-ISSN 2300-1909 Źródło Archives of Metallurgy and Materials; 2011; No 4 December Referencje Askeland D. (2003), The Science and Engineering of Materials, 357. ; Attar E. (2005), Modeling of air pressure effects in casting molds, Journal of Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 13, 903, ; Babaei R. (2006), Improved advection algorithm of computational modeling of free surface flow using structured grids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195, 775, ; Barkhudarov M. (1995), Simulation of surface turbulence fluid phenomena during mold filling, null, 5. ; Campbell J. (2003), Casting, 13-37, 117, ; Dai X. (2003), Effects of runner system design on the mechanical strength of Al-7Si-Mg alloy castings, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A, 354, 315, ; Esparza C. (2005), Optimal design of gating systems by gradient search methods, Computational Materials Science, 36, 457, ; Higgins R. (1993), Engineering Metallurgy - Part I : Applied Physical Metallurgy, 413. ; Hu B. (2000), Design and optimization of runner and gating systems for the die casting of thin-walled magnesium telecommunication parts through numerical simulation, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 105, 128, ; Katzarov I. (2003), Finite element modeling of the porosity formation in casting, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 1545, ; Lee P. (2001), Modeling microporosity in aluminum silicon alloys: a review, Journal of Light Metals, 1, 15, ; Masoumi M. (2005), Effect of Gating Design on Mold Filling, American Foundry Society Transactions, 113, 185. ; Yang X. (2004), Numerical Modeling of the Entrainment of Oxide Film Defects in Filling of Aluminum Alloy Castings, International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 17, 6, 321,