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Differences in patients motivating factors influence their attitudes towards the role and quality of tourism agents’ services. This paper identified three major components (treatment-related, economic and travel-related) that explain patients motivation to travel for treatment. The study can help medical tourism agents to refine their marketing strategies and suggest the proper incentives to encourage participation in medical tourism. The research was made on the basis of a critical analysis of scientific literature, surveys and analyses.

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Magdalena Kachniewska
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The idea of emergence in its complex scientific sense was first formulated by the proponents of British emergentism. Emergentism in this perspective was an ontology of evolutionary processes in a broad sense, encompassing the relationships between various levels of existence. However, with the growing popularity of this trend, more and more critical voices against this theory began to appear. This article reviews and compares the critical arguments against British emergentism. Works by Stephen C. Pepper, Charles Baylis and Walter Terence Stace, who pointed to the impossibility of explaining emergent novelty from the perspective of a mechanistic view of the world, are discussed.
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Marzena Fornal

  1. Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, ul. Sterlinga 26, 90-212 Łódź
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In Tractatus Logico‑Philosophicus Wittgenstein referred to a relatively small number of philosophers, and Fritz Mauthner was one of them, although his work is nowadays largely forgotten. In thesis 4.0031 Wittgenstein claimed that his critique of language was quite different from Mauthner’s project. What could it mean then for contemporary discussions on the Tractatus? In this paper it is argued that for Wittgenstein it amounted to rejection of both the resolute and the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus. On the one hand, Mauthner thought that language could not be exhaustively analyzed by semantics and logic. On the other hand, he believed that one of the greatest illusions of philosophers who investigated language was the conviction that one of the most fundamental features of language is its referential function. These are the claims that the proponents of the radical interpretation read into the Tractatus. But thesis 4.0031 shows that they are wrong. Moreover, in his critique of the referential function of language Mauthner associated states of affairs directly with brain states of a given agent. As for the representatives of the materialistic interpretation of the Tractatus, they attribute to theses 5.54–5.5422 a similar view on the relation between man and the world. Hence, thesis 4.0031 falsifies their reading, as well.
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Arens K. (1995), Mach und Mauthner: Der Fall eines Paradigmenwechsels, w: E. Leinfellner, H. Schleichert (red.), Fritz Mauthner: Das Werk eines Kritischen Denkers, Wien: Böhlau, s. 95–109.

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Dayton E. (1976), Tractatus 5.54–5.5422, „Canadian Journal of Philosophy” 6, s. 275–283.

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Diamond C. (2009a), Etyka, wyobraźnia i metoda „Traktatu” Wittgensteina, przeł. P. Mroczkiewicz, w: A. Crary, R. Read (red.), Wittgenstein – nowe spojrzenie, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, s. 181–209.

Diamond C. (2009b), Czy Bismarck ma żuka w pudełku? Argument języka prywatnego w „Tractatus logico‑philosophicus”, przeł. M. Gusin, w: A. Crary, R. Read (red.), Wittgenstein – nowe spojrzenie, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Dolnośląskiej Szkoły Wyższej, s. 307–341.

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Marek Dobrzeniecki

  1. Akademia Katolicka w Warszawie, ul. Dewajtis 3, 01‑815 Warszawa
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The text outlines a project of research on modernism in Poland, of which the key element is the heuristic model as the effect of the social reaction to the processes of modernisation. On the one hand, they caused the belief about their negative impact on European civilisation; on the other hand, they triggered the need for a comprehensive regeneration of humanity and its living space.
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Bolecki Włodzimierz, Modalności modernizmu. Studia, analizy, interpretacje, Warszawa 2012.

Griffin Roger, Modernism and Fascism. The Sense of a Beginning under Mussolini and Hitler, Basingstoke 2007.

Juszkiewicz Piotr, Cień modernizmu, Poznań 2013.

Modernism. Designing a New World. 1914–1939, red. Christopher Wilk, London 2006.

Szczerski Andrzej, Transformacja. Sztuka w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej po 1989 roku, Kraków 2018.

The Cambridge History of Modernism, red. Vincent Sherry, Cambridge 2016.
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Piotr Juszkiewicz

  1. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań
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In this paper we introduce a self-tuning Kalman filter for fast time-domain amplitude estimation of noisy harmonic signals with non-stationary amplitude and harmonic distortion, which is the problem of a contactvoltage measurement to which we apply the proposed method. The research method is based on the self-tuning of the Kalman filter's dropping-off behavior. The optimal performance (in terms of accuracy and fast response) is achieved by detecting the jump of the amplitude based on statistical tests of the innovation vector of the Kalman filter and reacting to this jump by adjusting the values of the covariance matrix of the state vector. The method's optimal configuration of the parameters was chosen using a statistical power analysis. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms competing methods in terms of speed and accuracy of the jump detection and amplitude estimation.

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Uroš Kovač
Andrej Košir
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The domestic (Polish) lignite deposits, including the Bełchatów deposit, are classified as multi- mineral and multi-raw materials. Ensuring the possibility of using a significant part of all minerals present in this type of deposits should be a matter of priority for mines. Over several dozen years of operation, the Bełchatów Lignite Mine, based on its own experience in documenting and exploiting both the main mineral and accompanying minerals, as well as rock mass components that are not solid minerals, this mine has developed a new approach to the problem of the comprehensive use of deposit resources. The content of the article is an attempt to answer the question: do the applicable laws guarantee a comprehensive and rational use of mineral deposits whose resources are non-renewable? On the example of the area of the Bełchatów lignite deposit, the comprehensive and rational use of mineral resources was analysed. It was indicated that the reasons for their use result from the lack of appropriate organizational, economic and financial solutions. Particular attention was paid to the need to modify the licensing procedures for prospecting, documenting and extracting minerals. It seems reasonable to introduce multi-resource concessions, which are an important element of the circular economy. Therefore, proposals were formulated regarding the introduction of additional legal regulations and instruments of an economic and financial nature. These would be able to guarantee the comprehensive and rational use of most mineral resources.
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Elżbieta Hycnar
Tadeusz Ratajczak
Ryszard Uberman

  1. AGH University of Kraków, Poland
  2. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute PAS, Kraków, Poland
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The Author defines the strategy of cultural identity of young Canadians of Polish origin. His work is based on questionnaires carried out within the group.

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Roch Little
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The engine simulations have become an integral part of engine design and development. They are based on approximations and assumptions. The precision of the results depends on the accuracy of these hypotheses. The simplified models of frozen composition, chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics provide the compositions of combustion products for engine cycle simulations. This paper evaluates the effects of different operating conditions and hypotheses on the exergetic analysis of a spark-ignition engine. The Brazilian automotive market has the highest number of flex-fuel vehicles. Therefore, a flex-fuel engine is considered for simulations in order to demonstrate the effects of these different hypotheses. The stroke length and bore diameter have the same value of 80 mm. The in-cylinder irreversibility is calculated for each case at the closed part of the engine cycle. A comparative analysis of these hypotheses provides a comprehensive evaluation of their effects on exergetic analysis. Higher values of accumulated irreversibility are observed for the oversimplified hypothesis.

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Caio H. Rufino
Alessandro J.T.B. de Lima
Ana P. Mattos
Fazal U.M. Allah
Janito V. Ferreira
Waldyr L.R. Gallo
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The problem of optimal design of symmetrical double-lap adhesive joint is considered. It is assumed that the main plate has constant thickness, while the thickness of the doublers can vary along the joint length. The optimization problem consists in finding optimal length of the joint and an optimal cross-section of the doublers, which provide minimum structural mass at given strength constraints. The classical Goland-Reissner model was used to describe the joint stress state. A corresponding system of differential equations with variable coefficients was solved using the finite difference method. Genetic optimization algorithm was used for numerical solution of the optimization problem. In this case, Fourier series were used to describe doubler thickness variation along the joint length. This solution ensures smoothness of the desired function. Two model problems were solved. It is shown that the length and optimal shape of the doubler depend on the design load.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sergei Kurennov
Konstantin Barakhov
Olexander Polyakov
Igor Taranenko

  1. National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv, Ukraine

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