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Coal production in 2018 increased by 3.3% and amounted to 7.81 million tons. Compared to 2010, it increased by 620 million tons. The structure of coal production in the world is very stable in the analyzed period of 2010–2018. Steam coal dominates in production with a share of 77%. Since 1990, the share of coal in the consumption of primary energy carriers has fallen by 3% in the global economy. In the EU, the share of coal in the consumption of primary energy carriers is more than twice lower than in the world, and in 2018 amounted to 13%. BP estimates the sufficiency of coal proven reserves based on 2018 data for the next 132 years. For oil and gas, they are estimated at 51 years. The decline in hard coal production in the European U nion can be dated almost continuously since 1990, which has decreased by 74%. In 2018, 74 million tons of coal were produced in the EU. In 2018, hard coal consumption in EU countries dropped to 226 million tons, i.e. by 20.6%.

In 2018, global trade in steam coal amounted to 1.14 billion tons. The situation in China is crucial for the international coal market. The slight change in the import policy of this country significantly affects the situation in international trade in steam coal. In 2019, coal prices (at Newcastle, Richards Bay, ARA ports) dropped by an average of 23 U SD/ton. The average decreases for these three indices were 33%. The prices of steam coal in the forecasts presented in the paper are under pressure of the falling demand.

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Zbigniew Grudziński
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The aim of the research is to assess and discuss the diversity of energy production and consumption in European Union countries. The time scope covers the years 2007 and 2016. The diversity of EU countries was examined using the cluster analysis. The following diagnostic features were adopted for the analysis: energy dependency rate (in %), gross inland consumption of energy per 10,000 inhabitants (toe/10,000 inhabitants), primary production of energy (all products) per 10,000 inhabitants (toe/10,000 inhabitants), primary production of renewable energies per 10,000 inhabitants (toe/10,000 inhabitants), primary production of energy (without renewable energy) per 10,000 inhabitants (toe/10,000 inhabitants). Comparing the included indicators from 2016 to 2007 for all EU countries, an increase was recorded only for the primary production of renewable energies per 10,000 inhabitants,. Based on the cluster analysis, the examined countries were divided into six groups. According to the results of the research carried out, Northern and Eastern European countries are characterized by low energy dependence. However, according to the analysis carried out, this dependence is guaranteed based on various energy sources. The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland) owe their high independence to the production of large amounts of energy from renewable sources. On the other hand, countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia and the whole of Eastern Europe are based on primary energy sources such as: coal, oil and gas. Southern Europe countries (Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta) are characterized by high energy dependence, as evidenced by low rates in the area of energy production, both in total and renewable and non-renewable energy production.

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Dorota Agnieszka Janiszewska
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Using renewable energy sources for electricity production is based on the processing of primary energy occurring in the form of sun, wind etc., into electrical energy. Economic viability using those sources in small power plants strongly depends on the support system, based mainly on financial instruments. Micro-installations, by using special instruments dedicated to the prosumer market may become more and more interesting not only in terms of environmental energy, but also financial independence. In the paper, the term hybrid power plant is understood to mean a production unit generating electricity or electricity and heat in the process of energy production, in which two or more renewable energy sources or energy sources other than renewable sources are used. The combination of the two energy sources is to their mutual complementarity, to ensure the continuity of the electricity supply. The ideal situation would be if both sources of energy included in the hybrid power plant continuously covered the total demand for energy consumers. Unfortunately, due to the short-term and long-term variability of weather conditions, such a balance is unattainable. The paper assesses the possibility of balancing the hybrid power plant in daily and monthly periods. Basic types of power plants and hybrid components and system support micro-installations were characterized. The support system is based particularly on a system of feed-in tariffs and the possibility of obtaining a preferential loan with a subsidy (redemption of part of the loan size). Then, an analysis of energy and economic efficiency for a standard set of hybrid micro-installations consisting of a wind turbine and photovoltaic panels with a total power of 5 kW, were presented. Fourteen variants of financing, economic efficiency compared with the use of the method of the simple payback period were assumed.

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Bartosz Soliński
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The author analyses the main legal features, tendencies and determinants of European Community maritime policy in particular periods of the Community's development. It also analyses the principles of the European Union's "new maritime strategy." This policy is characterised by neoliberalism with certain protectionist elements. The essay concentrates on selected issues connected with legal regulation in the areas of maritime transport, of ports and of fishing. It also presents the international and international-legal determinants ofCommunity maritime policy. It further sketches the leading principles of the new, so-called northern dimension of EU maritime policy which takes Baltic-related issues into consideration. The essay also presents selected issues relating to Polish interests in fishing, including those involved in Poland's accession negotiations with the European Union.
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Leonard Łukaszuk
Keywords emission
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The simplified model of the gas emission from cars in the city is presented. The model is based on the Pasquille relation with necessary modifications regarding diffusion in the perpendicular direction to the street axis and the emission in the upper limit of the street. The emission cars from going down the street is modelled as the series of sources located close to the street level, with the emission related to the number and size of the car engine. The emission from sources of pollution located outside the street is modelled as the system of sources of pollution located on the height of the buildings along the street. Some examples showing the influence of the wind velocity and air turbulence on the carbon monoxide concentration along the length and the height of the street are presented.
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Marek Janusz
Jan Nadziakiewicz
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This paper deals with an observer design for a p-cell chopper. The goal is to reduce drastically the number of sensors in such system by using an observer in order to estimate all the capacitor voltages. Furthermore, considering an instantaneous model of a p-cell chopper, an interconnected observer is designed in order to estimate the capacitor voltages. This is realized by using only the load current measurement. Simulation results are given in order to illustrate the performance of such observer. To demonstrate the validity of our approach, experimental results based on Digital Signal Processor (DSP) are presented.

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Kamel Laidi
Khalifa Benmansour
Abdelaziz Ferdjouni
Ouahid Bouchhida
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This is a report on the work of the Commission of Press Studies of the Cracow Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1973–2022. Based on archive materials, it presents the Commission's origins, profile, function-ing, membership statistics and members' affiliations, and its coverage of an evolving research scene.
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Jolanta Chwastyk-Kowalczyk

  1. Instytut Mediów, Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach ul. Uniwersytecka 17 PL 25-406 Kielce
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This article presents an overview of German-language periodicals published in Stanisławów and Lwów in the first half of the 20th century. They reflect the cultural, social and religious diversity of the local German com- munity, for the most part descendants of migrants who came to Galicia after it was incorporated into the Aus- trian Empire at the end of the 18th century. The history of those publications and of the local German-speaking community came to end after the German attack on Poland in 1939 and the incorporation of eastern Galicia into the Soviet Union.
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„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Galizien und die Bukowina”, 1904‒1918.
„Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt. Amtliches Organ der evangelischen Kirchenbehörde”, 1920‒ 1939.
„Deutsches Volksblatt für Galizien”, 1907‒1918.
„Ost‑Deutsches Volksblatt”, 1922‒1939.
„Mennonitisches Gemeindeblatt für Österreich”, 1913‒1917, 1920‒1939.

Alabrudzińska E., Kościoły ewangelickie na kresach wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej, Toruń 1999.
Bachmann A., Galiziens Mennoniten im Wandel der Zeiten. Ihre Geschichte und ihre Familien, Backnang 1984.
Bibliografia Historii Polski XIX i XX wieku, t. III: 1865–1918, wol. 3, red. D.U. Ścięgosz-Karpińska, Warszawa 2017.
Brożek A., Niemcy zagraniczni w polityce kolonizacji pruskich prowincji wschodnich 1886– 1918, Poznań 1989.
Das Deutschtum in Galizien. Seine geschichtliche Entwicklung und gegenwärtige Lage, Lemberg 1914.
Grodziski S., Historia ustroju społeczno‑politycznego Galicji 1772–1848, Wrocław i in.1971.
Heckel H., 10 Jahre „Ostdeutsches Volksblatt” — 25 Jahre „Deutsches Volksblatt”, „Ost- ‑Deutsches Volksblatt“. Jubiläums‑Ausgabe, nr 40, 2.10.1932, s. 2–3.
Heckel H., Das Deutsche Volksblatt für Galizien, „Schaffen und Schauen”, z. 5‒6, styczeń/ luty 1932, s. 43‒44.
Kaschnitz K., Prasa niemiecka w Polsce, „Sprawy Narodowościowe” 1932, nr 6, s. 595– 622.
Kowalak T., Prasa niemiecka w Polsce 1918‒1939. Powiązania i wpływy, Warszawa 1971.
Kuhn W., Bevölkerungsstatistik des Deutschtums in Galizien, Wien 1930.
Mazur G., Życie polityczne polskiego Lwowa 1918–1939, Kraków 2007.
Müller E., Einfluß der NS‑Ideologie auf die ehem.[alige] deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen am Beispiel der Galiziendeutschen und ihres „Ostdeutschen Volksblattes”, „Jahrbuch Weichsel‑Warthe“ 1998, s. 98‒104.
Müller S., Von der Ansiedlung bis zur Umsiedlung. Das Deutschtum Galiziens, insbeson- dere Lembergs 1772‒1940, Marburg/Lahn 1961.
Müller S., Galizien und sein Deutschtum. Eine Dokumentation aus Sepp Müllers Nachlaß ergänzt durch Unterlagen des Hilfskomitees der Galiziendeutschen 1948‒1951, t. 1, red. E. Müller, Stuttgart 1999.
Röskau-Rydel I., Die deutschsprachige Presse in Kleinpolen 1918 bis 1939 zwischen Ablehnung und Akzeptanz der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie am Beispiel des Ostdeutschen Volksblattes, des Evangelischen Gemeindeblattes für Galizien und die Bukowina sowie der Dornfelder Blätter, [w:] Regionen des östlichen Europas im 20. Jahrhundert. Nationalsozialismus und Regionalbewusstsein im östlichen Europa, red. B. Olschowsky i I. Loose, München 2016, s. 81–102.
Röskau-Rydel I., Galizien, [w]: Galizien, Bukowina, Moldau, wyd. I. Röskau‑Rydel, Ber- lin 1999, s. 15–212.
Röskau-Rydel I., Powstanie „Evangelisches Gemeindeblatt für Galizien und die Bukowina” [Ewangelickiej Gazety Gminnej dla Galicji i Bukowiny] i jej znaczenie, [w:] Prasa w warsztacie badawczym historyka, red. K. Karolczak i K. Meus, Kraków 2017, s. 102‒ 110.
Schneider L., 1907–1932. Unser Volksblatt — ein Jubilar, „Ost‑Deutsches Volksblatt”. Jubiläums‑Ausgabe, nr 40, 2.10.1932, s. 4–5.
Sprawozdanie Urzędu Wojewódzkiego we Stanisławowie do MSW. Departament Polityczny, Wydział Narodowościowy w Warszawie z dn. 29 marca 1939 r., [w:] Galizien und die Galiziendeutschen (1914‒1940). Kontext und Quellen, red. K. Boeckh, Herne 2018, s. 226‒227.
Zamorski K., Informator statystyczny do dziejów społeczno‑gospodarczycj Galicji. Ludność Galicji w latach 1857–1910, Kraków – Warszawa 1989.
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Isabel Röskau-Rydel

  1. Instytut Neofilologii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN, ul. Studencka 5 PL 30-116 Kraków
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A strip yield model implementation by the present authors is applied to predict fatigue crack growth observed in structural steel specimens under various constant and variable amplitude loading conditions. Attention is paid to the model calibration using the constraint factors in view of the dependence of both the crack closure mechanism and the material stress-strain response on the load history. Prediction capabilities of the model are considered in the context of the incompatibility between the crack growth resistance for constant and variable amplitude loading.

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Małgorzata Skorupa
Tomasz Machniewicz
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Artykuł dotyczy korespondencji z Anglii pisanych przez Edmunda Naganowskiego w latach 1879–1903 i publikowanych w prasie w Warszawie, Krakowie i Lwowie. Teksty te dotyczyły kwestii z życia literac-kiego i kulturalnego, a także polityki i obyczajów angielskich. Naganowski pisał o najważniejszych pisa-rzach brytyjskich drugiej połowy XIX wieku. Wielka Brytania fascynowała pisarza, ale umiał też pisać o niej krytycznie.
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Aleksandra Budrewicz

  1. Instytut Filologii Angielskiej Uniwersytet Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
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At present, it is said that Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution. Like the previous ones, it also has the ability to transform economies, jobs and societies. Our expectations are changing to the speed of obtaining answers to the questions asked. This is done by introducing new technologies and processes. This is an opportunity for Polish participants of local heat markets, or participants of the power or energy market. who are currently facing profound changes and investments forced, among others, by BAT conclusions. Such mega-processes as digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, IoT, machine learning are increasingly penetrating the world and business. More than 200 years have passed since the first industrial revolution, which was the use of the steam engine, and the requirements for testing the efficiency of enterprises have changed, which themselves are changing very quickly. The basic efficiency measures used in a given sector often result from the specifics of the sector and its degree of development on a macroeconomic scale. Therefore, it is worth placing the energy company in this environment and presenting its role to better match the instruments used. The above is also associated with increased reporting and the need to use additional evaluation measures, e.g. effectiveness of individual projects. It is therefore worth analyzing the available literature in this area, and the performance measures available and used in it, which will help in assessing the effectiveness of management, despite political and regulatory turmoil, and help us use the opportunities brought by the fourth industrial revolution.

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Grzegorz Kinelski
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The relevance of the subject of research is determined by the need to develop and subsequently implement a mathematical model and the corresponding structural scheme of the convective heating surfaces of the TP-92 steam boiler. The purpose of this research work is to directly model the heat- -transfer system of the convective heating surfaces of this boiler, designed for effective use in real conditions. The basis of the methodological approach in the research work is a combination of methods of the system analysis of the key principles of constructing mathematical models of heat-transfer systems of modern steam boilers with an experimental study of the prospects for creating a mathematical model of a heat-transfer system of the convective heating surfaces of a TP-92 steam boiler. In the course of the study, the results were obtained and presented in the form of a mathematical model of a convective heat-transfer system. It allows for making effective mathematical calculations of the main operating modes of the TP-92 steam boiler and calculating the dependences of the temperature and thermal modes of its operation on the change of incoming parameters of the used heat carriers, changes in the heating surface area and the relative flow rate of the heat carriers over the time of their use. The results obtained in the study, including the conclusions formulated on their basis, are of significant practical importance for the designers of steam boilers. The results also are useful for maintenance personnel, whose immediate responsibilities include determining the real possibilities of improving the convective heat-transfer system, based on the known parameters of the temperature of the coolant at the entrance to the system and at the exit from it.
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Taras Kravets
Igor Galyanchuk
Oksana Yurasova
Andrii Kapustianskyi
Kateryna Romanova

  1. Department of Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
  2. Thermal Mechanical Department, JSC “Tekhenergo”, Ukraine
  3. Department of Heat Engineering, National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
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Hydrogen-based power engineering has great potential for upgrading present and future structures of heat and electricity generation and for decarbonizing industrial technologies. The production of hydrogen and its optimal utilization in the economy and transport for the achievement of ecological and economic goals requires a wide discussion of many technological and operational – related issues as well as intensive scientific research. The introductory section of the paper indicates the main functions of hydrogen in the decarbonization of power energy generation and industrial processes, and discusses selected assumptions and conditions for the implementation of development scenarios outlined by the Hydrogen Council, 2017 and IEA, 2019. The first scenario assumes an 18% share of hydrogen in final energy consumption in 2050 and the elimination 6 Gt of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The second document was prepared in connection with the G20 summit in Japan. It presents the current state of hydrogen technology development and outlines the scenario of their development and significance, in particular until 2030. The second part of the paper presents a description of main hybrid Power-to-Power, Power-to-Gas and Power-to-Liquid technological structures with the electrolytic production of hydrogen from renewable sources. General technological diagrams of the use of water and carbon dioxide coelectrolysis in the production of fuels using F-T synthesis and the methanol production scheme are presented. Methods of integration of renewable energy with electrolytic hydrogen production technologies are indicated, and reliability indicators used in the selection of the principal modules of hybrid systems are discussed. A more detailed description is presented of the optimal method of obtaining a direct coupling of photovoltaic (PV) panels with electrolyzers.

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Tadeusz Chmielniak
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The primary aim of this paper was to assess the development of prosumer energy sector in Poland. In the first point, the basic notions connected with prosumer energy (micro-installation, prosumer) were discussed on the basis of Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 (Journal of Laws, item 478, as amended) and the main aspects of the European Union energy policy where presented in the context of the development of the prosumer energy sector. In this part of the study, numerous benefits for the Polish economy and consumers of electrical energy, connected with the expansion of prosumer energy sector, were presented. On the other hand, many obstacles which stall this sector in Poland were noticed. In the second point the most important regulations from the Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 were analyzed (In the second point the most important regulations from the Law of Renewable Energy Sources of February 20, 2015 (hereinafter: the RES act) were analyzed). On the basis of this legal act, the so called “rebate system”, which is currently used in Poland to support prosumers of electrical energy, was described. Moreover, many legal and administrative simplifications implemented by the RES act were indicated. The analytical approach to the RES Act in this study resulted in the detection of many regulations in this legal act which may have an adverse impact on the development of the prosumer energy sector in Poland. In the third point, programs co-financed by the Polish government or the European Union, which financially support the purchase and installation of energy technologies using RES, were described. Statistical data connected with the prosumer energy sector in Poland was presented in the fourth point of this paper. On the basis thereof, the authors attempted to find the correlation between the number of prosumers and the share of the amount of electrical energy from renewable energy sources in gross electrical energy consumption. In the fifth point issues connected with energy technologies used in the Polish prosumer energy sector were discussed. Moreover, this point focuses on the great popularity of photovoltaic modules among Polish prosumers and results in the reluctance of Polish prosumers to install wind microturbines and small hydroelectric power plants.

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Jan Kuchmacz
Łukasz Mika
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This paper first describes basic information on 13 mineral resource strategy reports issued by the world’s major mineral resource exploration countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, Europe, the U.S., Russia, and India. Through these strategic reports, we identified the problems facing current mineral exploration and development, such as mining issues, increased on land access and permitting, disincentives to obtain precompetitive geoscience information, and the urgent need to improve exploration technology to adapt to new demands. Then, by studying the visions and aims of the new mineral resource strategies, this paper found that the strategic goals have something in common: to display a new image of mining development. The new image of mining development is an image of advanced mining through green development, ecological protection, technology intensity, sustainability, and social acceptance, consolidating the primary position and foundational role of mineral resources and mining development in economic and social development. The new image creates a favorable development environment for the rational use and adequate protection of mineral resources. After that, a summary of the measures taken to achieve these objectives, which include strengthening domestic mineral exploration, increasing coordination between mineral exploration and ecological environmental protection, strengthening the life cycle management of the industrial chain, playing a significant role in scientific and technological innovation, and paying close attention to significant shifts in the focus on critical minerals, is provided.
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6. BGS 2015. Risk list 2015. Nottingham: British Geological Survey (BGS), 2 pp.
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Yu Yun

  1. China Geological Survey Development and Research Center, China
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This paper discusses particular traits of historical thinking, including the role of the historian’s mentality in the perception of history.

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Maciej Dymkowski
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The authors present the part of research devoted to the "squat" -type crack development in the heads of railway rails. This paper contains description of the results of investigations of the influence of the dynamic interaction, between the railway bogie running along the track on the "squat't-type crack development. The studies are performed by the use of computer simulation technique. The study is divided into two parts. The first part explains, how the vertical displacement of the wheel varies during the quasi-static rolling of the bo gie wheel along the cracked rail. In the second part of the paper, this displacements fluctuation is introduced to dynamic analysis. The histories of the wheel-rail force fluctuation during passage along the rail with the "squat'l-type crack were obtained as the result of dynamic analysis.
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Mirosław Olzak
Tomasz Szolc
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Background: The cause of the increased risk of hypertension in children born prematurely is still unclear. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of blood pressure monitoring and the levels of variety of kidney function markers at the 40–42 weeks postmenstrual age in children born prematurely and to compare them with the values obtained from full-term newborns. The analysis of the differences in the observed parameters could be used to assess the risk of developing hypertension in preterm infants in the following years of life.
Methodology: Prospective cohort study included 37 children born prematurely (<35 weeks of gesta-tion) and 20 full-term newborns. The 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure measurement, serum cystatin C and thrombomodulin levels, urine Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL) concentration, renal ultrasound and bioelectrical impedance were performed.
Results: Analysis of the blood pressure monitoring reveled lower values of diastolic (DBP) and mean blood pressure (MAP) in the preterm group (DBP: 47.69 ± 4.79 vs. 53.96 ± 5.3 mmHg; p <0.01; MAP 64 ± 6.7 vs. 68 ± 6 mmHg; p = 0.02), however the preterm children were significantly smaller at the time of evaluation. Moreover, the pulse pressure was significantly higher in the preterm group (44 ± 7.8 vs. 39.4 ± 5.7 mmHg; p = 0.017). In the preterm group serum cystatin C level was lower (1.397 ± 0.22 vs. 1.617 ± 0.22 mg/l; p <0.01) and NGAL urine concentration was higher (57 ± 84 vs. 15 ± 21 ng/ml; p = 0.04). There was substantial difference in body composition between groups - the total body water was lower in the preterm group (75.6 ± 13 vs. 82 ± 8%; p = 0.015).
Conclusion: At the predicted date of birth, preterm newborns show significant differences in blood pressure profile, body weight composition, and levels of cystatin C and NGAL compared to full-term babies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maja Gilarska
Dagmara Wolińska
Przemko Kwinta

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
  2. Department of Pediatrics, University Children Hospital, Kraków, Poland
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Neotectonic studies in Poland concern mainly manifestations of those tectonic movements that have been active in Late Neogene and Quaternary times, as well as geodetically measured recent vertical and horizontal crustal motions. Among problems of particular interest, the following should be listed: periodicity of neotectonic (mostly Quaternary) activity, estimation of the parametres of the neotectonic stress field, amplitudes and rates of Quaternary and recent movements, development of neotectonic troughs and young faults, mutual relationships among photolineaments, geological structures and recent seismicity, as well as the role of tectonic reactivation of fault zones due to human activity. Neotectonic faults in Poland have developed in Neogene and Quaternary times due to reactivation of Laramian or older structures, or in the Quaternary due to reactivation of Neogene faults. The size of throw of Quaternary faults changes from 40-50 m and >100 m in the Sudetes and the Lublin Upland, to several - several tens of metres in the Carpathians. The average rate of faulting during Quaternary times has been 0.02 to 0.05 mm/yr, what enables one to include these structures into the domains of inactive or low-activity faults. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the results of repeated precise levellings and GPS campaigns. Strike-slip displacements have been postulated for some of these faults. Isolated faults in Central Poland have shown middle Quaternary thrusting of the order of 40-50 m, and some of the Outer Carpathian overthrusts tend to reveal young Quaternary activity, as indicated, i.a., by concentrations of fractured pebbles within the thrust zones. Episodes of increased intensity of faulting took place in the early Quaternary, in the Mazovian (Holsteinian) Interglacial, and during or shortly after the Odranian (Drenthe) glacial stage. Some of the faults have also been active in Holocene times. Recent seismic activity is often related to strike-slip faults, which in the Carpathians trend ENE-WSW and NE-SW, whereas outside the Carpathians they are oriented parallel to the margin of the East-European Platform and the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Future investigations should put more emphasis on palaeoseismotectonic phenomena and practical application of neotectonic research.
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Authors and Affiliations

Witold Zuchiewicz
Janusz Badura
Marek Jarosiński
Committee for Quaternary Research Polish Academy of Sciences Commission on Neotectonics
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Aiming at the problems of the negative sequence governance and regenerative braking energy utilization of electrified railways, a layered compensation optimization strategy considering the power flow of energy storage systems was proposed based on the railway power conditioner. The paper introduces the topology of the energy storage type railway power conditioner, and analyzes its negative sequence compensation and regenerative braking energy utilization mechanism. Considering the influence of equipment capacity and power flow of the energy storage system on railway power conditioner compensation effect, the objective function and constraint conditions of the layered compensation optimization of the energy storage type railway power conditioner were constructed, and the sequential quadratic programming method was used to solve the problem. The feasibility of the proposed strategy is verified by a multi-condition simulation test. The results show that the proposed optimization compensation strategy can realize negative sequence compensation and regenerative braking energy utilization, improve the power factor of traction substations when the system equipment capacity is limited, and it also has good real-time performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ying Wang
Yanqiang He
Xiaoqiang Chen
Miaomiao Zhao
Jing Xie

  1. School of Automation and Electrical Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou, 730070 China
  2. Xi’an Rail Transit Group Co., LTD Operation Branch Xi’an, 710000 China
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Irrigation and hydropower are among the most important sectors in the construction industry that propel the economic needs of a developing country like Vietnam. The construction of these projects often suffers from severe delays, leading to financial losses and other negative impacts on the economy. This paper aims to determine delay factors in the construction of these projects. Among many, 39 most important candidates of delay causes were identified from the literature review. Further surveys on project participants were conducted for the severity of these causes. An exploratory factor analysis was utilized to identify latent factors that cause delays in construction projects. The analysis result categorized a few groups of factors such as abnormal factors on the construction site (e.g., labor accidents, hydrology, water flow, extreme weather) and technical factors related to the construction contractor (e.g., unsuitable schedule, outdated construction technology, unprofessional workers) that have the greatest impact on the delay in construction of irrigation and hydropower projects in Vietnam. These findings contribute to the body of knowledge of project management and risk management, hence an improvement in the efficiency of the project sectors’ performance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Van Son Nguyen
Huu-Hue Nguyen
Duc Anh Nguyen
Dinh Tuan Hai

  1. ThuyLoi University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, No. 175 Tay Son Road, Dong Da District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
  2. Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Department of Building and Industrial Construction, No. 55 Giai Phong Street, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
  3. Hanoi Architectural University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Km 10, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Vietnam
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The application of used glazed waste in concrete production can improve the performance of the structure of the building. Flexural and shear behavior and action of reinforced HollowGlass Concrete Beams (HGCB) and Solid Glass Concrete Beams (SGCB) made with glass waste under a two-point load are studied in this paper. In this work, 6 reinforced concrete solid and hollow beams were tested under a four-point bending test to evaluate and calculate the flexural behavior of SGCB and HGCB. For that purpose, Beams were prepared with 1000 mm length, 230 mm height, and 120 mm. All beams were divided into groups and named according to the space stirrups steel bar. The experimental work investigates five main variables which are: first: the comparison between SGCB and HGCB with the concrete beams made with glass waste (Glass Concrete Beam GCB), second: comparison between Solid Concrete Beams for Normal Concrete Beams (NCB), and GCB, three: comparison between Hollow Concrete Beams for NCB and GCB, four: the comparison between HGCB and HCB, last: the comparison between SGCB and SCB. The test results indicated that GCB was offered higher strength than NCB, but the load–slip behavior of all specimens is similar for both types of concretes, and the bond strength is not influenced by steel specimens. Furthermore, the results of this study indicated that the contribution of GCB to the load is indicated to be considerable. The results indicate that the hollow opening affected the ultimate load capacity and deflection of HGCB.
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Authors and Affiliations

Salam Salman Chiad Alharishawi
Nagham Rajaa
Aqeel Raheem Jabur

  1. Mustansiriyah University, College of Engineering, Environmental Engineering Department, Baghdad
  2. Mustansiriyah University, College of Engineering, Highway and Transportation Engineering Department, Baghdad, Iraq
  3. Mustansiriyah University, College of Engineering, Civil Engineering Department, Baghdad, Iraq

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