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Given the whole spectrum of doubts and controversies that arise in discussions about laws affecting historical memory (and their subcategory of memory laws), the question of assessing them in the context of international standards of human rights protection – and in particular the European system of human rights protection – is often overlooked. Thus this article focuses on the implications and conditions for introducing memory laws in light of international human rights standards using selected examples of various types of recently-adopted Polish memory laws as case studies. The authors begin with a brief description of the phenomenon of memory laws and the most significant threats that they pose to the protection of international human rights standards. The following sections analyse selected Polish laws affecting historical memory vis-à-vis these standards. The analysis covers non-binding declaratory laws affecting historical memory, and acts that include criminal law sanctions. The article attempts to sketch the circumstances linking laws affecting historical memory with the human rights protection standards, including those entailed both in binding treaties and other instruments of international law.

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Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias
Grażyna Baranowska
Anna Wójcik
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Exploited lubricants are dangerous contaminants because of their toxicity and low biodegradability. In this study, microbial culture active in exploited lubricant oil Mobil I was isolated and inoculated to sandy soil containing 0.5 g of contaminant per 100 g of dry soil. Microorganisms were used as free cells and immobilizate on wood chips, soil was also properly supplied with water and nutrients. The bioaugumantation seems to enhance biodegradation process. After 5 months, 93% of non-polar compounds were eliminated from soil containing immobilized biomass. Comparatively, in non-treated soil (control system) the contaminant elimination was at the level of 47%. Bacterial number in treated and non-treated soil was similar for about 3 months; however enzymatic activity (dehydrogenascs and hydrolascs) in control soil was much lower. Finally, after 5 months of treatment the content of bacteria active in contaminant decomposition in inoculated soil was 100-fold higher than in control system. Presumably, the main reason of low remediation results in non-treated soil seems to be low enzymatic activity of the biomass.
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Ewa Zborowska
Jeremi Naumczyk
Ewelina Bugryn
Renata Wojciechowska
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The buoyant hypopycnal flow of brackish water and suspended sediment transport and settling were studied in two sub-polar fjords: the glacial Kongsfjörden and the outwash (non-glacial contact) Adventfjörden, Svalbard . The data presented indicates faster water mixing on the tidal flat in comparison to the englacial runoff, which leads to faster horizontal density gradients decreases in the non-glaciated fjord. The fast settling of particles in the narrow zone of the steep slope at the edge of the tidal flat leads to the removal of 25% of the surface suspended sediment. The rapid settling is due to increasing salinity, decreasing velocity, and flocculation of fine particles. The fast settling of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the tidal flat area causes sediment redeposition and resuspension followed by sediment transport along the bottom with hyperpycnal flows. This leads to grain sorting in the fjord head. In contrast, at the glacier front, SPM is transported farther into the fjord, where tidal pumping and water mixing lead to the removal of 71% of total SPM. The fjords investigated represent two different sedimentological regimes. In the glaciated Kongsfjörden, the buoyant hypopycnal flow of brackish water is the main sediment transporting factor. In the non-glacial Adventfjörden, hyperpycnal flows transport sediment along the bottom.

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Marek Zajączkowski
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The aim of the research was to identify factors favouring the change of innovation process models by diff erent regions, especially less developed regions. The chapter addresses the most critical issues in the literature of path dependence and resilience. Literature analysis allowed to identify the puzzling areas of the existing research and build out of them a transparent and holistic approach to a comprehensive set of conditions for the transformation of regional development paths. Findings of the research are an important step in understanding nonlinear and holistic processes of the renewal and creation of the regional development paths, as well as explaining how adaptation to short-term shocks and long-term adaptability is the result of the interactions among path dependency, event exposure and reactive ability.

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Korneliusz Pylak
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Trade is one of the key factors determining sustainable city development and its surroundings. City development is a result of provision of goods and services to city inhabitants, and residents of its surrounding areas. Retail trade in Poland belongs to economy sectors in which the processes of market changes were started the earliest. Discount stores that apply the strategy of low prices in the in the process of market conquering are currently one of the most dynamically developing selling formats. These shopping facilities are located in many Polish cities, including small towns and rural areas. The aim of the article is to show the scale of investments in new discount shops in small towns and rural areas in Poland in 2012–2015. Research focused at devoted to this field is important from the point of view of choosing the location of new investments related to discount chains and of the small towns and rural areas development strategies. Identification of consequences of discount chains operations in chosen rural areas and small towns can impact the verification of the policy adopted by local authorities in relation to spatial planning and forming the functional structure of the space. It will result in more conscious (rational) decisions in terms of localizing new discounts, which will reduce the number of local conflicts related to location of such facilities.

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Małgorzata Twardzik
Katarzyna Bilińska-Reformat
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The main aim of this work is to study the thermal efficiency of a new type of a static mixer and to analyse the flow and temperature patterns and heat transfer efficiency. The measurements were carried out for the static mixer equipped with a new mixing insert. The heat transfer enhancement was determined by measuring the temperature profiles on each side of the heating pipe as well as the temperature field inside the static mixer. All experiments were carried out with varying operating parameters for four liquids: water, glycerol, transformer oil and an aqueous solution of molasses. Numerical CFD simulations were carried out using the two-equation turbulence k-ω model, provided by ANSYS Workbench 14.5 software. The proposed CFD model was validated by comparing the predicted numerical results against experimental thermal database obtained from the investigations. Local and global convective heat transfer coefficients and Nusselt numbers were detrmined. The relationship between heat transfer process and hydrodynamics in the static mixer was also presented. Moreover, a comparison of the thermal performance between the tested static mixer and a conventional empty tube was carried out. The relative enhancement of heat transfer was characterised by the rate of relative heat transfer intensification.

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Maciej Konopacki
Marian Kordas
Karol Fijałkowski
Rafał Rakoczy
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In the broad spectrum of Bertrand Russell’s interests the socio‑political issues had a special role. The possibility of peaceful global co‑existence was most important to him. Occasionally he took part in the disputes between West and East accepting the role of a mediator. He saw a chance for peace in the creation of a world government. Kant had proposed a similar project of a supranational community and hoped it could result in the emergence of a global society, embracing all nations. With this achievement in place, the project of ‘eternal peace’ could be completed, he hoped. In this way, relying on ethical and legal principles, Kant designed a permanent international peace alliance.
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Grażyna Szumera

  1. Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Instytut Filozofii, ul. Bankowa 11, 40‑007 Katowice
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The Author analyzes the meaning of the notion "heretics" in the legislation of the Christian Emperors of the Roman Empire. He manifests that evident differences existed also in the understanding of this term among the Fathers of the Church and explains why was it so.
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Michał Stachura
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The article presents Polish historians and their work in the times of the Saxon kings of Poland. In particular the Author seeks an answer to the problem what was accepted and what the Polish authors of the first part of the 18th century condemned.
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Dariusz Dolański
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Deep excavation walls can be analyzed and calculated by using classical methods (currently rarely in use due to their many simplifications) or numerical methods. Among the numerical methods we can distinguish a simplified approach, in which the interaction between soil and a wall structure is modelled by a system of elasto-plastic supports, and the finite-element method (FEM) in which the soil is modelled with mesh of elements. It is a common view that if we want to analyze only wall constructions, the first, simplified method of calculation is sufficient. The second method, FEM, is required if we want to further analyze the stress and strain states in the soil and the influence of the excavation on the surrounding area. However, as it is demonstrated in the paper, important differences may appear in the calculation results of both methods. Thus, the safety design of a deep excavation structure depends very much on the choice of calculating method.

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A. Krasiński
M. Urban
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Concrete is the most widely used construction material because of its specialty of being cast into any desired shape. The main requirements of earthquake resistant structures are good ductility and energy absorption capacity. Fiber reinforced concrete possesses high flexural and tensile strength, improved ductility, and high energy absorption over the conventional concrete in sustaining dynamic loads. The aim of this paper is to compare the properties of concrete beams in which three types of fibers are added individually. Steel fibers, polypropylene fibers and hybrid fibers were added to concrete in the weight ratio of four percentages in the preparation of four beam specimens. The fourth specimen did not contain fibers and acted as a control specimen. The dimensions of the beam specimens were 150 × 150 × 700 mm. The reinforced concrete beams of M30 grade concrete were prepared for casting and testing. Various parameters such as load carrying capacity, stiffness degradation, ductility characteristics and energy absorption capacity of FRC beams were compared with that of RC beams. The companion specimens were cast and tested to study strength properties and then the results were compared. All the beams were tested under three point bending under Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The results were evaluated with respect to modulus of elasticity, first crack load, ultimate load, and ultimate deflection. The test result shows that use of hybrid fiber improves the flexural performance of the reinforced concrete beams. The flexural behavior and stiffness of the tested beams were calculated, and compared with respect to their load carrying capacities. Comparison was also made with theoretical calculations in order to determine the load-deflection curves of the tested beams. Results of the experimental programme were compared with theoretical predictions. Based on the results of the experimental programme, it can be concluded that the addition of steel, polypropylene and hybrid fibers by 4% by weight of cement (but 2.14% by volume of cement) had the best effect on the stiffness and energy absorption capacity of the beams.

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M. Tamil Selvi
T.S. Thandavamoorthy
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In the last decades borderlands studies have been rapidly developing in various disciplines. Within the changing function of European borders (from separating line between two souvereign states to borderscapes of intercultural flows and fluid identity) the focus of border scholars moved towards social relations and bottom-up perspective. Thus, borderlands are perceived as laboratories of European integration and multicultural spaces. For the aim of this article, borderlands are defined as spaces located on the geographical border between different states, nations and cultures that are objects of European Union cohesion policy. By analysing the Eurobarometer survey on cross-border cooperation I try to demonstrate differences between border regions covered by the Interreg cross-border cooperation programmes in terms of cross-border practices, general trust in others and attitudes towards citizens of neighbouring countries.

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Elżbieta Opiłowska

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