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Essential sorts of disinfecting agents and principles of their action have been considered in the paper. Results of research on application of washing-disinfecting liquids, containing silver nano-particles, in meat industry have been presented. It has been established that liquids characterized by very efficient bactericidal and fungicidal properties can be prepared by composition of toxieal ly performing silver nano-particles, some degreasing agents, reducing surface tension, and frothing agents. The listed components eliminate "insulating effect" of fat particles in which bacteria are suspended and facilitate silver nano-particle contact with bacteria and fungi, increasing this way biochemical effect of silver nano-particles.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Konopka
Zygmunt Kowalski
Zbigniew Wzorek
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In Agricultural and Industrial Works FARMUTIL HS at Śmiłów were "cleaner production" program has been pul in practice, elimination of odors occurring during production of the meal and bone meal is of vital importance. Conccnlrations and emissions of lola! dust, organic substances in form of gas and vapors (as total organic carbon), hydrogen chloride, fluorine chloride, sulphur and nitrogen dioxides, carbon monoxide, heavy metals, polychlorinatcd dibcnzodioxins and dibcnzofurans were measured al emitters of the piani for thermal disposal of odors from the production of the meat and bone meal. The results of measurements and analyses of the composition of the flue gas emitted lo the atmosphere revealed that the concentration of harmful chemical compounds was low, lower than the permissible values defined in the standards.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zygmunt Kowalski
Anna Maślanka
Ewa Surowiec
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The circular economy model is based on several priority areas, including biomass and bio-based products. Focusing on them and their use should certainly take their cascading into account use, including how energy from waste from the wood industry is managed. Biomass is one of the most frequently used renewable energy sources in Poland, and in the European Union it satisfies 6% of primary energy. The CE (Circular Economy) model assumes that the reuse, processing and regeneration of a product requires less resources and energy, and is more economical than conventional material recycling, as low quality raw materials. The current model of waste management must take energy recovery into account, without which it is impossible to close the balance sheet of management of many groups of waste. This is also important from the economic point of view. Chemical energy, which is contained in a large part of waste, can be used for energy purposes, including the production of electricity and heat. Reducing the use of raw materials is the most effective environmental approach to solving the waste problem. However, this requires reducing the extraction and consumption of materials, challenging existing production and consumption patterns. In the circular economy model there is a huge difference in approach to recycling leading to new products that create transport and production, new jobs and possible GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth. The aim of the study is to analyze the use of waste from the wood industry and to present possible solutions for its cascade use, taking the currently implemented circular economy model (CE) into account.

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Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Generowicz
Zygmunt Kowalski
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This paper presents a comparative analysis of feed phosphates production processes using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology and process analysis in the quantification of cumulated calculation. Three feed phosphates production processes were compared: a modified thermal process and two different low temperature endothermic units (one working in the "Bonarka" Inorganic Works (BIW) in Cracow and the other in the Phosphoric Fertilizers Works (PFW) "Fosfory" in Gdańsk). The LCA results indicated that the most advantageous technology is the feed phosphates production unit in "Fosfory". It was shown that LCA can be an efficient instrument for evaluating environmental impact, though it should be compared with other estimation methods.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zygmunt Kowalski
Joanna Kulczycka
Grzegorz Skowron
Agnieszka Sobczak
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This article presents considerations about meaning that has preliminary processing of chromium materials in process of sodium chromate production. This paper is divided into 2 main parts: theoretic introduction and description oflaboratory researches (including final results and conclusions). The first one indicates primary reasons for establish the studies: threats, as hazardous emissions from chemical industry to the natural environment and opportunities, as sustainable growth and development of technologies reducing negative impact of production processes. Scientific and practical experience has been also presented shortly. In the second part necessary assumptions have been formulated, used materials and constitution of chromic charge have been specified, and finally/methods, terms and way of running the researches has been defined. As an effect of the analysis, technological indices of sodium chromate production has been calculated and then used as a base for discussion about gained results and to formulate final conclusions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zygmunt Kowalski
Zbigniew Wzorek
Karol Koneczny
Joanna Kulczycka
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The operation of thermal devices and installations, in particular heat exchangers, is associated

with the formation of various deposits of sediments, forming the boiler scale. The

amount of precipitate depends on the quality of the flowing liquids treatment, as well as

the intensity of the use of devices. There are both mechanical and chemical treatment methods

to remove these deposits. The chemical methods of boiler scale treatment include the

cleaning method consisting in dissolving boiler scale inside heat devices. Worked out descaling

concentrate contains phosphoric acid (V) and the components that inhibit corrosion,

anti-foam substances, as well as anti-microbial substances as formalin, ammonium chloride,

copper sulphate and zinc sulfate. Dissolution of the boiler scale results in the formation of

wastewater which can be totally utilized as raw materials in phosphoric fertilizer produc

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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Olczak
Zygmunt Kowalski
Joanna Kulczycka
Agnieszka Makara
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In the defunct Górka heading there is both a waste disposal site with an area of 6.7 ha containing approximately 600 000 m3 of waste generated in the course of aluminum oxide production and a pond with an area of 3 ha and depth ofup to 15 m containing about 400 000 m3 of effluent (leachate water). The reservoir is filled with infiltrates flowing in from the above-mentioned disposal site at a rate - 130 m3/day. The subsidence of the pond bottom and infiltration of solutions into the Triassic and Jurassic water resources, estimated at - 40 m3/day, is a cause of serious concern. The basic problem of the effluents in the Górka pond is their high alkalinity (pH 12-14) and variable pollutant content, the level of which increases with the pond's depth. The proposed solution involves pumping out and treating about 500 000 m3 of effluents retained in the Górka reservoir. The effluents would be treated in a reverse osmosis plant using a process which has so far been verified on a quarter-commercial scale. The treatment process by-product would be discharged into the Ropa stream. The brine solution (containing - 25% NaCl), would be solidified. The next stage after pumping would be the utilization of approximately 50 000 m3 of bottom slurry. Highly alkaline slurries would be utilized in the production of self-solidifying mixtures. These mixtures would be used to scal the bottom of the Górka reservoir and part of the edges of the defunct quarry, according to requirements. The next stage would involve outcropping the feed-water sources located in the northern section of the old heading to reconstruct the original flow system from the sources to the Ropa River. The excavated solid waste would be relocated into the remainder of the disposal site containing solid aluminium waste. The surface ofthc site would be scaled and then reclaimed. The final stage involves macrolcvclling of the site into an amphitheatre system, outcropping the fertile soil layer, constructing a lake and streams, and finally land reclamation of the whole site.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zygmunt Kowalski
Ryszard Strzelecki
Premysław Wolski
Joanna Kulczycka
Piotr Rudnicki
Agnieszka Sobczak

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