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This paper describes a Deep Belief Neural Network (DBNN) and Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) hybrid used as an acoustic model for Speech Recognition. It was demonstrated by many independent researchers that DBNNs exhibit superior performance to other known machine learning frameworks in terms of speech recognition accuracy. Their superiority comes from the fact that these are deep learning networks. However, a trained DBNN is simply a feed-forward network with no internal memory, unlike Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) which are Turing complete and do posses internal memory, thus allowing them to make use of longer context. In this paper, an experiment is performed to make a hybrid of a DBNN with an advanced bidirectional RNN used to process its output. Results show that the use of the new DBNN-BLSTM hybrid as the acoustic model for the Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (LVCSR) increases word recognition accuracy. However, the new model has many parameters and in some cases it may suffer performance issues in real-time applications.
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Łukasz Brocki
Krzysztof Marasek
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Shape optimization on mufflers within a limited space volume is essential for industry, where the equipment layout is occasionally tight and the available space for a muffler is limited for maintenance and operation purposes. To proficiently enhance the acoustical performance within a constrained space, the selection of an appropriate acoustical mechanism and optimizer becomes crucial. A multi-chamber side muffler hybridized with reverse-flow ducts which can visibly increase the acoustical performance is rarely addressed; therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to numerically analyze and maximize the acoustical performance of this muffler within a limited space.

In this paper, the four-pole system matrix for evaluating the acoustic performance - sound transmission loss (STL) - is derived by using a decoupled numerical method. Moreover, a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, a robust scheme in searching for the global optimum by imitating the softening process of metal, has been used during the optimization process. Before dealing with a broadband noise, the STL's maximization with respect to a one-tone noise is introduced for the reliability check on the SA method. Moreover, the accuracy check of the mathematical models with respect to various acoustical elements is performed.

The optimal result in eliminating broadband noise reveals that the multi-chamber muffler with reverse-flow perforated ducts is excellent for noise reduction. Consequently, the approach used for the optimal design of the noise elimination proposed in this study is easy and effective.

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Min-Chie Chiu
Ying-Chun Chang
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The paper formulates some objections to the methods of evaluation of uncertainty in noise measurement which are presented in two standards: ISO 9612 (2009) and DIN 45641 (1990). In particular, it focuses on approximation of an equivalent sound level by a function which depends on the arithmetic average of sound levels. Depending on the nature of a random sample the exact value of the equivalent sound level may be significantly different from an approximate one, which might lead to erroneous estimation of the uncertainty of noise indicators. The article presents an analysis of this problem and the adequacy of the solution depending on the type of a random sample.
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Bartosz Przysucha
Wojciech Batko
Agata Szeląg
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In this paper, numerical results of modeling of acoustic waves propagation are presented. For calculation of the acoustic fluctuations, a solution of the full non-linear Euler equation is used. The Euler equations are solved with the use of a numerical scheme of third-order accuracy in space and time. The paper shows a validation process of the described method. This method is suitable also for an aerodynamic noise assessment on the basis of unsteady mean flow field data obtained from a CFD calculations. In such case this method is called a hybrid CFD/CAA method. The proposed method is numerically decoupled with CFD solution, therefore the information about the mean unsteady flow field can be obtained using an arbitrary CFD method (solver). The accuracy of the acoustic field assessment depends on the quality of the CFD solutions. This decomposition reduces considerably the computational cost in comparison with direct noise calculations.

The presented Euler acoustic postprocessor (EAP) has been used for modeling of the acoustic waves propagation in a cavity and in the flow field around a cylinder and an aerodynamic profile.

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Włodzimierz Wróblewski
Tadeusz Chmielniak
Sebastian Rulik
Sławomir Dykas
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This article presents an efficient method of modelling acoustic phenomena for real-time applications such as computer games. Simplified models of reflections, transmission, and medium attenuation are described along with assessments conducted by a professional sound designer. The article introduces representation of sound phenomena using digital filters for further digital audio processing.
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Bartłomiej Miga
Bartosz Ziółko
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Bragg scattering of waves propagating in a periodically disturbed substrate is widely applied in optics and micro-acoustic systems. Here, it is studied for Rayleigh waves propagating on a periodically grooved elastic substrate. Practically applied groove depth in the Bragg grating reflectors does not exceed a few percent of the Rayleigh wavelength. Here, the analysis is carried out for periodic grooves of larger depth by applying the elastic plate model for the groove walls. The computed results show that the surface wave existence and reflection depends strongly on both the groove depth and period, and that there are limited domains of both for practical applications, primarily in comb transducers of surface waves.

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Eugeniusz Danicki
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This article discusses a system of recognition of acoustic signals of loaded synchronous motor. This software can recognize various types of incipient failures by means of analysis of the acoustic signals. Proposed approach uses the acoustic signals generated by loaded synchronous motor. A plan of study of the acoustic signals of loaded synchronous motor is proposed. Studies include following states: healthy loaded synchronous motor, loaded synchronous motor with shorted stator coil, loaded synchronous motor with shorted stator coil and broken coil, loaded synchronous motor with shorted stator coil and two broken coils. The methods such as FFT, method of selection of amplitudes of frequencies (MSAF-5), Linear Support Vector Machine were used to identify specific state of the motor. The proposed approach can keep high recognition rate and reduce the maintenance cost of synchronous motors.
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Adam Glowacz
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The aim of this paper is to present a way of ranking the nonlinearities of electrodynamic loudspeakers. For this purpose, we have constructed a nonlinear analytic model which takes into account the variations of the small signal parameters. The determination of these variations is based on a very precise measurement of the electrical impedance of the electrodynamic loudspeaker. First, we present the experimental method to identify the variations of these parameters, then we propose to study theoretically the importance of these nonlinearities according to the input level or the input frequency. We show that the parameter which creates most of the distortions is not always the same and depends mainly on both the input level and the input frequency. Such results can be very useful for optimization of electrodynamic loudspeakers.

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Romain Ravaud
Guy Lemarquand
Valérie Lemarquand
Tangi Roussel
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This work presents a simulation of the response of packets of microbubbles in an ultrasonic pulse-echo scan line. Rayleigh-Plesset equation has been used to predict the echo from numerically obtained radial dynamics of microbubbles. Varying the number of scattering microbubbles on the pulse wave form has been discussed. To improve microbubble-specific imaging at high frequencies, the subharmonic and second harmonic signals from individual microbubbles as well as microbubbles packets were simulated as a function of size and pressure. Two different modes of harmonic generation have been distinguished. The strength and bandwidth of the subharmonic component in the scattering spectrum of microbubbles is greater than that of the second harmonic. The pressure spectra provide quantitative and detailed information on the dynamic behaviour of ultrasound contrast agent microbubbles packet.
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Mohamed G.S. Ali
Nour Z. Elsayed
Ebtsam A. Eid
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The following work presents the idea of constructing a digitally controlled active piezoceramic transducer matrix for ultrasonic projection imaging of biological media in a similar way as in case of roentgenography (RTG). Multielement ultrasonic probes in the form of flat matrices of elementary piezoceramic transducers require attaching a large number of electrodes in order to activate the individual transducers. This paper presents the idea of minimising the number of transducer connections in an active row-column matrix system. This idea was verified by designing a model of a matrix consisting of 16 ultrasonic transducers with electrode attachments optimised by means of electronic switches in rows and columns and miniature transistor switches in the nodes of the matrix allowing to activate selected transducers. The results of measurements and simulations of parameters of the designed matrix show that it is suitable to be used in projection imaging of biological media as a sending probe. In to use the matrix as a universal sending or receiving probe, it was suggested to add further switches that would eliminate the undesired effect of crosstalks in case of switches used for toggling the transducers in the nodes of the matrix.

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Krzysztof Opieliński
Tadeusz Gudra
Piotr Pruchnicki
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I have a great pleasure to inform the "AA" Readers that the 39th Winter School on Wave and Quantum Acoustics, organized by Upper Silesian Division of the Polish Acoustical Society and Institute of Physics at Silesian University of Technology, is planned at the top of March 2010 in beautiful scenery of Silesian Beskidy Mountains. Many times it was organized in Wisła, Skoczów, Szczyrk, and Korbielów, and this year it will be organized again in Szczyrk.

As always, the School has been a place where achievements of various sections of physical acoustics (especially molecular acoustics, quantum acoustics, acousto-optics, magnetoacoustics, acoustoelectronics, photoacoustics, acoustics of solids etc.) are being exchanged. Moreover, some similar and related topics, for example optoelectronics and thermal wave methods, will be presented too.

As at previous years the School will be divided on three different, but complementary, parts - Winter Workshops (WW). Chronologically it will be: 6th WW on Acoustoelectronics (chairman Prof. Marian Urbanczyk, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice), 6th WW on Molecular Acoustics, Relaxation and Calorimetric Methods (chairwoman Dr. Marzena Dzida, Silesian University of Technology, Katowice) and 15th WW on Photoacoustics and Thermal Waves Methods (chairman Prof. Jerzy Bodzenta, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice). Moreover, this year we propose take participation in associated conference - the 4th conference on Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods (chairman Prof. Tadeusz Pustelny, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice).

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Roman Bukowski
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The main aim of this paper is to examine the variability of some dynamic properties of concrete composite panels to in-plane eccentric compression loads via static and dynamic impact testing. First, experimental tests were performed in order to obtain the dynamic and static properties of concrete composite panels. In-plane eccentric loads were statically applied to a couple of panels in ten uniform steps. For each step, dynamic impact testing was performed and the modal damping, peak amplitude and natural frequencies obtained. Second, a ‘hybrid’ model, based on the concepts of modal analysis and the Finite Element Method, was developed in order to obtain the natural frequencies and corresponding normal modes of the composite panels within the frequency range 0–200 Hz. For this model, an initial warp of the panel middle surface was incorporated into the formulation in order to represent the applied flexural moment provoked by the eccentric in-plane loads. The accuracy of the ‘hybrid’ model was verified by comparison with the experimental results. Third, comparison is made between predictions (using on the ‘hybrid’ model) and experimental results.
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Max de Castro Magalhaes
Roberto M. da Silva
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The following paper presents an idea of minimising the number of connections of individual piezoelectric transducers in a row-column multielement passive matrix system used for imaging of biological media structure by means of ultrasonic projection. It allows to achieve significant directivity with acceptable input impedance decrease. This concept was verified by designing a model of a passive ultrasonic matrix consisting of 16 elementary piezoceramic transducers, with electrode attachments optimised by means of electronic switches in rows and columns. Distributions of acoustic field generated by the constructed matrix model in water and results of the calculations conformed well.

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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Opieliński
Tadeusz Gudra
Piotr Pruchnicki
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This study investigates several factors that have not been specified in the standard for dynamic stiffness, compressibility, and long-term deformation; these factors can be used to evaluate the acoustic and physical performances of resilient materials. The study is intended to provide basic data for deriving the factors that need to be additionally reviewed through the standards. Since magnitude of dynamic stiffness changes with an increase in loading time, it is necessary to examine the setting of the loading time for a load plate under test conditions. Samples of size 300×300 mm, rather than 200×200 mm, yielded more reliable results for compressibility measurement. Since the test to infer long-term deformation of resilient materials after a period of 10 years in some samples showed variation characteristics different from those specified in the standards, it is recommended that the test method should be reviewed through ongoing research.
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Kyoung-Woo Kim
Jun-Oh Yeon
Kwan-Seop Yang
Myung-Jun Kim
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This article presents the results of experimental studies of simultaneous transmission of ultrasonic waves and laser signals in optical fibers by the use of both the optical single mode and multimode fiber couplers. This work was aimed, among other things, at the study of the way the acoustic energy affects a laser beam. The light wave was guided into one of the coupler's arms. The optical power applied to one input of the coupler is separated into two coupler outputs according to the rate determined by the coupling coefficient. Only an ultrasonic wave generated by a sandwich type transducer is applied to the other arm of the coupler. In this experiment, as in case of the light wave, the acoustic power is separated into both the outputs. One can observe the interaction of both the waves on the two outputs - a modulation of the light wave by means of the ultrasonic wave is possible. The output signal was detected using a PIN diode and an optical power meter (OPM). Temporary courses were observed on an oscilloscope screen. The simultaneous transmission of ultrasounds and optical radiation in optical fibers can be used in the construction of medical equipment.

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Sylwia Muc
Tadeusz Gudra
Elżbieta Bereś-Pawlik
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The paper presents the results of the noise propagation analysis in ship structures tested in a number of AHTS (Anchor Handling Tug Supply) vessels. Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) based on numerical model developed specially for the purpose of this numerical investigation were conducted. This numerical model enabled the analysis of both the structural elements and the acoustic spaces. For the detailed studies 47 points fixed at various ship locations were selected. Prediction results with use of the numerical model were compared with the experimental results carried out in six identical AHTS vessels. Experimental studies were performed in accordance with the requirements of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Resolution A.468 (XII). As a result one presented a comparison of the model analysis and experimental tests results.
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Grażyna Grelowska
Mateusz Weryk
Eugeniusz Kozaczka
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Main energy conversion machinery used and to be used in cogeneration systems are schematically described. Some assets of the distributed generation are pointed out and small-scale cogeneration systems designed for energy units of distributed cogeneration are described.

In the small scale, turbines and bearings are a source of specific problems connected with securing stable rotor operation. Accepted has been two kinds of high speed micro-turbines of electric power about 3 KW with multistage axial and radial rotors supported on foil bearings. A concept which becomes more and more attractive takes into account a low-boiling agent, which is normally used in the thermal cycle of the micro-turbine, as the lubricating liquid in the bearings (so-called ORC based systems). Of some importance is the operation of these machines at a low noise emission level, sine being parts of the household equipment they could disturb the calm of the residents. The scope of the present article is limited to the discussion of dynamic characteristics of the selected design. The properties of the rotor combined with slide bearings (foil bearings in this particular case) were taken under investigation. A combination of this type is a certain novelty since a typical modal analysis of such objects refers to a rotor itself. Analysing the dynamic state of the "home" power plants requires qualitatively novel research tools.

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Jan Kiciński
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In this paper, the MFC sensor and actuators are applied to suppress circular plate vibrations. It is assumed that the system to be regulated is unknown. The mathematical model of the plate was obtained on the base of registration of a system response on a fixed excitation. For the estimation of the system’s behaviour the ARX identification method was used to derive the linear model in the form of a transfer function of the order nine. The obtained model is then used to develop the linear feedback control algorithm for the cancellation of vibration by using the MFC star-shaped actuator (SIMO system). The MFC elements location is dealt with in this study with the use of a laser scanning vibrometer. The control schemes presented have the ability to compute the control effort and to apply it to the actuator within one sampling period. This control scheme is then illustrated through some numerical examples with simulations modelling the designed controller. The paper also describes the experimental results of the designed control system. Finally, the results obtained for the considered plate show that in the chosen frequency limit the designed structure of a closed-loop system with MFC elements provides a substantial vibration suppression.
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Lucyna Leniowska
Dominik Mazan
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The aim of this project was to create a ranking of the nursery schools in Wrocław with regard to the quality of the acoustic environment on their premises, using a specially developed evaluation methodology. Each nursery school was rated according to an adopted grading scale on the basis of the noise level distribution on the playground and on the nursery school building facades. Using the grading scale one can classify nursery school premises into twelve categories characterized by different acoustic environment quality, from exceptionally good (< 45 dB) to exceptionally bad (> 70 dB).

The appropriately rescaled data from the acoustic map of Wrocław and the authors' own measurements and simulation analyses were used. The developed methodology was verified by comparing the ratings yielded by it with those determined on the basis of field measurements and simulation studies, carried out for several selected nursery schools. The paper presents the results of an acoustic environment quality assessment carried out, using the developed investigative methodology, for 118 nursery schools located in Wrocław.

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Barbara Rudno-Rudzińska
Karolina Czajkowska
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The main objective of this study is to improve the ultrasound image by employing a new algorithm based on transducer array element beam pattern correction implemented in the synthetic transmit aperture (STA) method combined with emission of mutually orthogonal complementary Golay sequences. Orthogonal Golay sequences can be transmitted and received by different transducer elements simultaneously, thereby decreasing the time of image reconstruction, which plays an important role in medical diagnostic imaging. The paper presents the preliminary results of computer simulation of the synthetic aperture method combined with the orthogonal Golay sequences in a linear transducer array. The transmission of long waveforms characterized by a particular autocorrelation function allows to increase the total energy of the transmitted signal without increasing the peak pressure. It can also improve the signal-to-noise ratio and increase the visualization depth maintaining the ultrasound image resolution. In the work, the 128-element linear transducer array with a 0.3 mm pitch excited by 8-bits Golay coded sequences as well as one cycle at nominal frequencies of 4 MHz were used. The comparison of 2D ultrasound images of the phantoms is presented to demonstrate the benefits of a coded transmission. The image reconstruction was performed using the synthetic STA algorithm with transmit and receive signals correction based on a single element directivity function.
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Ihor Trots
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In the article a short historical outline of noise control conferences organized in Poland is given. Those conferences with the participation of Polish specialists have been organized since 1964; since 1976 they have been evolved into International Noise Control Conferences. Silhouettes of four Polish scientists, which have made a large contribution to the noise and vibration control in Poland, are presented. Also the current state of threats by noise and vibrations have been briefly mentioned. The significance of such conferences has been emphasized.

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Zbigniew Engel
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This paper presents a theoretical study of the propagation behaviour of surface Love waves in nonhomogeneous functionally graded elastic materials, which is a vital problem in acoustics. The elastic properties (shear modulus) of a semi-infinite elastic half-space vary monotonically with the depth (distance from the surface of the material). Two Love wave waveguide structures are analyzed: 1) a nonhomogeneous elastic surface layer deposited on a homogeneous elastic substrate, and 2) a semi-infinite nonhomogeneous elastic half-space. The Direct Sturm-Liouville Problem that describes the propagation of Love waves in nonhomogeneous elastic functionally graded materials is formulated and solved 1) analytically in the case of the step profile, exponential profile and 1cosh2 type profile, and 2) numerically in the case of the power type profiles (i.e. linear and quadratic), by using two numerical methods: i.e. a) Finite Difference Method, and b) Haskell-Thompson Transfer Matrix Method. The dispersion curves of phase and group velocity of surface Love waves in inhomogeneous elastic graded materials are evaluated. The integral formula for the group velocity of Love waves in nonhomogeneous elastic graded materials has been established. The results obtained in this paper can give a deeper insight into the nature of Love waves propagation in elastic nonhomogeneous functionally graded materials.
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Piotr Kiełczyński
Marek Szalewski
Andrzej Balcerzak
Krzysztof Wieja
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There are many industrial environments which are exposed to a high-level noise. It is necessary to protect people from the noise. Most of the time, the consumer requires a miniature version of a noise canceller to satisfy the internal working place requirements. Very important thing is to select the most appropriate personal hearing protection device, for example an earplug. It should guarantee high passive noise attenuation and allow for secondary sound generation in case of active control. In many cases the noise is nonstationary. For instance, some of the noisy devices are switched on and off, speed of some rotors or fans changes, etc. To avoid any severe transient acoustic effects due to potential convergence problems of adaptive systems, a fixed-parameter approach to control is appreciated. If the noise were stationary, it would be possible to design an optimal control filter minimising variance of the signal being the effect of the acoustic noise and the secondary sound interference. Because of noise nonstationarity for most applications, the idea of generalised disturbance defined by a frequency window of different types has been developed by the authors and announced in previous publications. The aim of this paper is to apply such an approach to different earplugs and verify its noise reduction properties. Simulation experiments are conducted based on real world measurements performed using the G. R. A. S. artificial head equipped with an artificial mechanical ear, and the noise recorded in a power plant.

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Marek Pawełczyk
Mariusz Latos

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