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The objective of this paper is to evaluate the self- healing properties of a commercially-available geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) using flexible-wall permeameter. The GCLs are produced by the same factory, but the contents of bentonite are different. Also the hydraulic conductivities (HC) of GCLs with no defect are different. In this study, specimens were completely saturated under the backpressure of 20 kPa before the test. Permeability tests were performed on GCL specimens with penetrating flaw and also on specimens permeated with distilled water and CaCl2 solutions. The test results were presented and discussed. Experimental results showed that the GCL with penetrating flaw did not exhibit complete self-healing in the case of flaw. After 120 days, the hydraulic conductivity increased by approximately an order of magnitude. In addition, CaCl2 solutions had a significant influence on the hydraulic conductivity. The research findings might be of interest to researchers and engineers who design liners for landfills and other liquid containment facilities

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Authors and Affiliations

Guang-Wei Zhang
Hu-Yuan Zhang
Jin-Fang Wang
Lang Zhou
Ping Liu
Xiao Jiang
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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of industrial waste landfill on the release of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on the environment with reference to water flow directions. 10 study plots were designated around the landfill site. Soil samples were taken from different soil layers. Plants: Solidago canadensis (leaves, stem), Quercus L. (leaves), and Poaceae were tested on PCBs contents. Groundwater samples were taken from piezometers. PCBs in the samples were determined by gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC / ECD).The highest accumulation of PCBs congeners was observed in the topsoil layers and decreased with the sampling depth. The dominant PCBs congeners in soil were PCB 28 and PCB 138, in plants PCB 28 and PCB 52. The most significant PCBs accumulation in the topsoil layer occurred in the research area on which the largest amount of waste was deposited and was equal to 14.2 ng/g. The largest sum of determined PCBs congeners was found in Solidago canadensis leaves – 3.26 ng/g and Quercus L. leaves – 3.32 ng/g. PCB 28 and PCB 52 were capable of translocation from soil to plants. It was found that the water flow direction did not affect PCB content in soils
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Gabryszewska
Barbara Gworek

  1. Institute of Environmental Protection - National Research Institute, Poland
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The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has wreaked havoc especially in 2020 and the first half of 2021 and has left severe after-effects affecting not only the health sector but also all aspects of human life. The aim of this study is to inspect the current trends of the quantities of household waste produced during the first four waves of the pandemic. The study was carried out in Guelma city, northeastern of Algeria, where the first containment was registered on February 25, 2020, it concerns an Italian national (Mohamed et al. 2021). An increase in the production of household waste of approximately 14% during the first containment was recorded in the study area, with the interruption of recycling, which caused an enormous pressure on the technical landfill center of Guelma. The results showed that the trend of waste production decreased at the following averages: 205.80; 198.92; 196.69 and 192.43 tons, for the first four waves of COVID-19 respectively. Therefore, a return to the pre-pandemic state would be close, which dampens the impact and pressure on the landfill and the environment. This research allows for perceiving the waste management status in Algeria, between the pandemic and post-pandemic period.
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Authors and Affiliations

Amina Mesbahi-Salhi
Mohamed Kaizouri
Bachir El Mouaz Madoui
Wafa Rezaiguia
Zihad Bouslama

  1. Laboratory of Ecology of Earth and Aquatic Systems, University of Badji Mokhtar,Annaba, 23052, Algeria
  2. University of Mohamed Cherif Messaadia, Souk-Ahras, 41043, Algeria
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Lcachates from municipal solid waste landfills should be included in the group of strongly contaminated industrial wastewaters. This results form the presence of highly concentrated various organic and inorganic compounds, which frequently have toxic properties. Therefore, the proper purification of the leachates prior to their discharging to the environment is of great importance. One of the chemical methods that can be used for the purification of leachates is coagulation. The main objective of the experiments presented in the current study was to determine the effect of coagulation, combined with sedimentation, on the physicchemical and toxicological characteristics of leachates from one of a municipal solid waste landfill in Poland. Standard .jar-test" experiments were employed for coagulation. Polyaluminum chloride and ferric chloride were used as coagulants. Raw leachates as well as those after coagulation were tested for toxicity using a battery of tests embracing algal growth inhibition test, microbiotests and IQ Toxicity Tests with crustaceans and bacterial luminescence inhibition test (LUM!Stox). The studies carried out demonstrated that ferric chloride (0.92 g Fc3·/CODc, removed) is more effective technologically in the removal of organic compounds from lcachates than polyaluminum chloride (1.22 g AP'/CODc, removed). For optimal doses of coagulants the most advantageous coagulation effects were achieved at pH 6.5-6.6, adjusted with the use of NaOH. Coagulation conducted under optimal conditions allows for reducing the content of organic compounds, as expressed by CODc, values, from 40 to 84%. This effect of organic compound removal from leachatcs in the process of coagulation did not result in significant decrease of their toxicity, For the above reasons the coagulation process can be useful only as one of the clements· of a technological setup for the purification of leachates from municipal solid waste landfills. The battery of tests used in the studies proved usefulness for the evaluation of the toxicity of leachatcs with varied degree of contamination as well as at various stages of their purification.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jacek Wąsowski
Bożenna Słomczyńska
Tomasz Słomczyński
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The landfill gas (LFG), produced during decomposition of the organic fraction of waste is a major source of air pollutants. It consists mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, but also contains additional gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and a large number of trace components. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, heterocyclic compounds, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, terpenes and siloxanes belong to this group. This work presents the results of field studies concerning the concentration of over fifty non-methane organic compounds in municipal solid waste landfill gas. The sites examined were located in the Middle East macroregion of Poland. The landfills were different in the respect to size, morphology, and age of stored waste. The results reveal that the highest concentrations of the majority of the examined compounds were observed in gas released from the largest landfill at which the waste was not pre-treated prior to deposition. Concentrations often exceeded those found in the literature data. Deposition of waste after separation of biofraction and recyclable materials significantly decreased concentrations of the majority of NMOCs in the LFG.
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Małgorzata Pawłowska
Jacek Czerwiński
Witold Stępniewski
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The study was carried out to assess ecological risks at the closed landfill in Cai Dau town, Chau Phu district, An Giang province. Soil samples were collected at six locations (S1–S6) at depths of 0–20 cm and 60–80 cm in the rainy season (November 2020) and dry season (March 2021). The soil quality was evaluated using eight heavy metals (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cr and As). The results showed that most monitoring sites had heavy metal contents within the allowable limits for agricultural land of QCVN 03-MT:2015/BTNMT. Some heavy metals have been found to migrate to the soil layer of 60–80 cm. The heavy metals accumulation ( Igeo) in the two soil layers did not differ; Ni, Cr, Pb and As accumulated at non-polluting levels – moderate to high in the rainy season, while Cr and As only accumulated in the dry season. The composite pollution index ( PLI) indicated that the locations around the landfill were polluted; however, the ecological risk ranged from low to moderate (potential ecological risk index ( PERI) = 102–195) in the rainy season. Only about 50% of study sites during the dry season were contaminated and the risk was low ( PERI = 44– 68). However, the area around the landfill always poses potential risks due to the presence of heavy metals, including Ni, Cr, As and Pb. Monitoring the heavy metals in the surrounding landfill for the potential risks to human health and environment is needed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Giao T. Nguyen
Nhien T.H. Huynh

  1. Can Tho University, College of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Management, 3-2 Street, Xuan Khanh Ward, Ninh Kieu District, 900000, Can Tho City, Vietnam
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The new legislative provisions, regulating the trade in solid fuels in our country, draw attention to the need to develop and improve methods and methods of managing hard coal sludge. The aim of the work was to show whether filtration parameters (mainly the permeability coefficient) of hard coal sludge are sufficient for construction of insulating layers in landfills at the stage of their closing and what is the demand for material in the case of such a procedure. The analysis was carried out for landfills for municipal waste in the Opolskie, Śląskie and Małopolskie provinces. For hard coal sludge, the permeability coefficient values are in the range of 10–8–10–11 m/s, with the average value of 3.16 × 10–9 m/s. It can be concluded that this material generally meets the criteria of tightness for horizontal and often vertical flows. When compaction, increasing load or mixing with fly ash from hard coal combustion and clays, the achieved permeability coefficient often lowers its values. Based on the analysis, it can be assumed that hard coal sludge can be used to build mineral insulating barriers. At the end of 2016, 50 municipal landfills were open in the Opolskie, Śląskie and Małopolskie Provinces. Only 36 of them have obtained the status of a regional installation, close to 1/3 of the municipal landfill are within the Major Groundwater Basin (MGB) range. The remaining storage sites will be designated for closure. Assuming the necessity to close all currently active municipal waste landfills, the demand for hard coal sludge amounts to a total of 1,779,000 m3 which, given the assumptions, gives a mass of 2,704,080 Mg. The total amount of hard coal sludge production is very high in Poland. Only two basic mining groups annually produce a total of about 1,500,000 Mg of coal sludge. The construction of insulating layers in landfills of inert, hazardous and non-hazardous and inert wastes is an interesting solution. Such an application is prospective, but it will not solve the problem related to the production and management of this waste material as a whole. It is important to look for further solutions.

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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Jarosław Staszczak
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One of the major tasks of municipal waste management in European Union countries is the systematic reduction of waste that is removed and transported to landfills. This refers particularly to biodegradable waste. One of the methods employed to decrease waste amount is Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) of the waste, before it is stored.

The article presents characteristics of MSW and biologically pre-treated municipal solid waste, organic carbon loads emitted in biogas and leachate during waste deposition in a landfill. Its decomposition rate constants were determined on the basis of modified Zacharof and Butler’s stochastic model. The values of decomposition rate constants determined for MSW had similar change trends to those presented in the literature: the hydrolysis constant had the lowest value (2.6 × 10-5 d-1), the highest acid phase constant (4.1 × 10-4 d-1), while the methane phase constant - 2.2 × 10-4 d-1. The PMSW decomposition rate constants in each anaerobic waste degradation phase had similar change trends, though their values were higher, by 21, 11 and 19%, respectively.

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Authors and Affiliations

Monika Suchowska-Kisielewicz
Sylwia Myszograj
Andrzej Jędrczak
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The leachate problem is important and difficult to solve in Poland and in the world. The composition and their properties leachates depend on the age of the landfill, type of waste, climatic conditions and the mode of operation of the landfill. A significant part of landfilled waste is subject to so-called humification. This process stabilizes organic substances in the landfill and creates humic substances that penetrate into the leachate. The leaks contain many toxic impurities, such as PAHs, pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and other substances hazardous to human health and life, which can be sorbed by humic substances. Leachates from three municipal landfills, differing in the characteristics of the stored waste, were studied. Fulvic acids (FAs) were extracted on the basis of affinity for specific solvents along with the use of sorption. The obtained acids were subjected to a qualitative analysis of the content of micro-impurities, essential elements forming the structure of the fulvic acid molecule, and their infrared spectra were tested. It has been noticed that with the age of waste deposited, the content of elemental carbon increases, and the amount of oxygen and hydrogen decreases. The degree of purity of fulvic acids was influenced by the time of waste storage, and the sulfur content depended on their characteristics. With the time of waste storage, the characteristics of the acids obtained were approaching humic acids, and the intensity of absorption bands clearly increased. The spectra obtained correlate well with those of fulvic acids available in the literature, and the findings provide scientific confirmation of the need for further research on the characteristics of fulvic acids.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Orliński
Anna M. Anielak

  1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Institute of Water Supply and Environmental Protection, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
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This article describes the population of Xizang, the composition of municipal solid waste, and the distribution of municipal solid waste treatment facilities. With the development of Xizang's economy and tourism, the amount of municipal solid waste cleared and transported in Xizang has increased from 380,000 tons in 2003 to 692,200 tons in 2021, with an average annual growth rate of 4.56%. The proportions of kitchen waste, paper waste, and ash waste in the municipal solid waste components in Xizang have significantly decreased over the past 10 years. For example, the proportion of ash decreased from 22.83% in 2012 to 13.04% in 2021. Overall, recyclables such as paper, plastic rubber, textiles, glass, metal and wood and bamboo accounted for between 55.69% and 58.22% of the total municipal solid waste in Lhasa City. The disposal of municipal solid waste in Xizang was mainly through landfill. There are more than 130 landfill sites, 1 incineration plant, 5 pyrolysis pilot sites, 2 kitchen waste treatment plants, and more than 160 waste transfer stations for municipal solid waste disposal in Xizang. The designed daily disposal capacity of municipal solid waste is 3,768.4 tons per day.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wenwu Zhou
Zeng Dan

  1. School of Ecology and Environment ,Tibet University, Lhasa, China
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The Kalina pond has been well known as a severely degraded area in the Silesia region, Poland. The environmental deterioration results from high contamination of water and bottom sediments with recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds, mainly phenol. The study was aimed at developing a bioremediation-based approach suitable for this type of polluted areas, involving microbiological treatment of water as a key and integral part of other necessary actions: mechanical interventions and the use of physical methods. During the initial biological treatment stage, autochthonous microorganisms were isolated from contaminated samples of water, soil and sediment, then subjected to strong selective pressure by incubation with the pollutants, and finally, cultivated to form a specialised microbial consortium consisting of five extremophilic bacterial strains. Consortium propagation and its biodegradation activity were optimised under variant conditions enabling bacteria to proliferate and to obtain high biomass density at large volumes allowing for the in situ application. After installing aeration systems in the pond, the consortium was surface-sprinkled to launch bioremediation and then both bacterial frequency and the contaminant level was systematically monitored. The complex remediation strategy proved efficient and was implemented on an industrial scale enabling successful remedial of the affected site. Treatment with the specifically targeted and adapted microbial consortium allowed for removal of most organic pollutants within a four-month season of 2022: the chemical oxygen demand (COD) value decreased by 72%, polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) level by 97%, while the content of total phenols and other monoaromatic hydrocarbons (BTEX) dropped below the detection thresholds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Starzec
Emilia Stańkowska
Paulina Supel
Robert Mazur
Piotr Surma
Paweł Kaszycki

  1. University of Agriculture in Kraków, Faculty of Biotechnology and Horticulture, Department of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków, Poland
  2. Remea Sp. z o. o., ul. Bonifraterska 17, 00-203 Warszawa, Poland
  3. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mining Geodesy and Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Protection and Landscaping, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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Environmental risk assessment is one of the key tools in environmental engineering. This risk assessment can be qualitative or quantitative and it is based on preliminary studies i.e., baseline study for waste disposal sites. Even though the literature exists on baseline study in general, still there is a lack of guidance regarding development of a site-specific baseline study model for a waste disposal site. This study has two-fold aim, firstly, how to develop site-specific baseline study model for a selected dumping site, and secondly, how this site-specific baseline study can support the environmental engineering via mathematical risk estimation. Mahmood Booti Open Dumping Site (MBODS) is selected to demonstrate the development and application of site-specific baseline study model. This is followed by building a framework that shows how the output of the baseline study can lead to environmental engineering via mathematical risk estimation. The paper provides a mechanism of how to construct a bespoke baseline-study model that is readily useable, avoiding procurement of expensive computer software and yet smoothly connecting with the follow-on stages of the risk assessment. The work presented in this paper can be reproduced repeatedly to create site-specific baseline study models for risk assessment of other waste disposal sites in a cost-effective, consistent and cohesive manner.
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Authors and Affiliations

Asifa Alam
Adeel Mahmood
M. Nawaz Chaudhry
Sajid Rashid Ahmad
Noor Ul Safa
Huda Ahmed Alghamdi
Heba Waheeb Alhamdi
Rizwan Ullah

  1. College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan
  2. Department of Environmental Sciences, GC Women University Sialkot, Pakistan
  3. Lahore Schools of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
  4. Department of Biology, College of Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia
  5. Department of Zoology, Mirpur University of Science of Technology (MUST), Mirpur Azad Kashmir, Pakistan
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The paper presents results obtained during experiments with constructed wetlands that were built and monitored on the site of a municipal landfill in Southern Poland. The wetland was filled with gravel and rock in which reeds, cattails and willow were planted. A control plot without vegetation was also constructed. Each wetland was loaded with a portion of the leachate generated by the landfill. Measurements of the leachate quality showed very high concentrations of several pollutants. Particularly high concentrations of BOD, COD, nitrogen, and heavy metals were measured. High pollutant levels were probably responsible for the demise of the willows, which were dead within several months of planting. The efficiency of pollution removal with detention time up to 24 h ranged from O to 87% based on decreasing concentration of selected parameters. However, the removal efficiency of the control plot was typically only several percent lower than the removal efficiencies of the plots with vegetation.
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Włodzimierz A. Wójcik
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Landfilling is the main method of waste disposal in Poland as well as in most countries all over the world. Leachate originating during waste deposition may be a source of ground water pollution. The aim of the paper was to characterize and compare the composition of leachate originating from three landfills in Lublin Province (Poland) and differing in their methods of waste pre-treatment. Ozonation was used in the initial trials to treat landfill leachate. Experiments were carried out to determine whether ozonation using a single dose of 1.8 gO,lm3 has the same effect on the efficiency of organic removal from leachates characterized by different ages and degrees of solid waste pretreatment. From analyses (BOD5, COD, N-NH,, heavy metals) it was concluded, that excluding some fractions (glass, paper, plastics, aluminum, fine organic fraction) from the waste mass affects the leachate quality. The studied oxidizing method was found to influence the BOD5 and COD levels
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Magdalena Lebiocka
Agnieszka Montusiewicz
Małgorzata Pawłowska
Janusz Ozonek
Ewa Szkutnik
Marcin Rosłan
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This paper presents simulation results of the consolidation process of the flotation waste landfill “Żelazny Most”. The mathematical model used in presented research is based on Biot’s model of consolidation and is extended with rheological skeleton. The load is the mass pressure of the landfill itself. The initial point selected for calculations was based on the ground water level calculated in a landfill. The creeping process in this waste landfill was analyzed along the north – south section. The solution is therefore 2D with the assumption of a plane strain state. Effective model parameters data were obtained in laboratory tests on the material from the waste landfill. Results obtained for a stress state in a storage state can help to determine whether the adopted linear model of visco-elastic medium does not lead to changes in the Coulomb – Mohr potential yield, showing the emergence of plasticity of material storage areas.

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Authors and Affiliations

T. Strzelecki
M. Bartlewska-Urban

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