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The chief purpose of this study is to investigate the process of adsorption of heavy metals in sands containing microplastics due to aging and bacterial culture. For this purpose, first, the experiment’s conditions were determined by reviewing previous studies and examining the effects of factors on the duration of bacterial culture and UV radiation. Finally, the test conditions were determined as follows: 25 g of adsorbent in 250 ml solution containing 50 mg/l of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, chromium, and nickel, 750 micrograms of microplastic, bacterial culture time two days, aging time with UV light 14 days. Results of the study show that the addition of virgin microplastics has little effected on increasing the adsorbent strength, except in the case of nickel whichreduces adsorption strength. The aging process increases the absorption of all studied metals by up to 60%. Bacterial culture without an aging process reduces the absorption of nickel and cadmium. Simultaneous use of bacterial culture and aging increases the adsorption power by up to 80% for all metals.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sara Seyfi
Homayoun Katibeh
Monireh Heshami

  1. Mining Exploration in Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
  2. Mineral Processing in Mining Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran
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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a compound responsible for the greenhouse effect. One of the methods of CO2 capture from the gas stream is adsorption process. In this paper, the adsorption equilibrium isotherms of CO2 on zeolite 13X were measured at different temperatures (293.15 K, 303.15 K, 313.15 K, 323.15 K, 333.15 K, 348.15 K, 373.15 K, 393.15 K) and under pressures up to 2 MPa. These data were obtained using an Intelligent Gravimetric Analyzer (IGA-002, Hiden Isochema, UK). Selected multitemperature adsorption isotherm equations, namely Toth, Langmuir–Freundlich, and, Langmuir were correlated with experimental data.

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Authors and Affiliations

Kamila Zabielska
Tomasz Aleksandrzak
Elżbieta Gabruś
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Bacterial adsorption on mineral surface is one of the key steps in bioleaching process. The bacteria adsorb on the mineral surface via the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) layer. In this paper, the behavior of glucuronic acid, one of the key substances in EPS layer, adsorbed on the pyrite surface is studied using DFT and electrochemical methods. Adsorption capacity of glucuronic acid is stronger than that of water. Glucuronic acid adsorbs on pyrite surfaces and it follows a mixed type of interactions (physisorption and chemisorption). Adsorption of glucuronic acid on pyrite surface followed Langmuir’s adsorption isotherm with adsorption standard free energy of –27.67kJ mol–1. The structural and electronic parameters were calculated and discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Xu Jia Ning
Yang Hong Ying
Tong Lin Lin
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In order to investigate the mechanism of adsorption of reactive dyes from the textile industry on ash from heating plant produced by brown coal combustion, some characteristic sorption constants are determined using Langergren adsorption equations for pseudo-fi rst and pseudo-second order. Combined kinetic models of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order can provide a simple but satisfactory explanation of the adsorption process for a reactive dye. According to the characteristic diagrams and results of adsorption kinetic parameters of reactive dyes on ashes, for the applied amounts of the adsorbents and different initial dye concentrations, it can be concluded that the rate of sorption is fully functionally described by second order adsorption model. According to the results, the rate constant of pseudo-second order decreases with increasing initial dye concentration and increases with increasing amount of adsorbent – ash.

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Authors and Affiliations

Dragan Djordjevic
Dragan Stojiljkovic
Miodrag Smelcerovic
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To investigate the adsorptive properties of a local laterite deposited in Chenzhou, Hunan province, China, the adsorptive properties of the natural laterite were investigated by batch technique in this study. The effects of contact time, pH, ionic strength, temperature, and the concentration on adsorption properties were also analyzed. The obtained experimental results show that the main mineral composition of laterite is kaolinite and montmorillonite. The adsorption process achieved equilibrium within 60 minutes and 90 minutes for Sr(II) and Cr(VI), respectively. The adsorption capacities for Cr(VI) and Sr(II) by the laterite were about 7.25 mg·g-1 and 8.35 mg·g-1 under the given experimental conditions, respectively. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted to the second-order kinetic equation. The adsorption capacity for Sr(II) onto the laterite increased with increasing pH from 3–11 but decreased with increasing ionic strength from 0.001 to 1.0 M NaCl. The Sr(II) adsorption reaction on laterite was endothermic and the process of adsorption was favored at high temperature. Similarly, the adsorption capacity for Cr(VI) onto the laterite increased with increasing pH from 3–11, however, the ionic strength and temperature had an insignificant effect on Cr(VI) adsorption. The adsorption of Cr(VI) and Sr(II) was dominated by ion exchange and surface complexation in this work. Furthermore, the Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherm model was used for the description of the adsorption process. The results suggest that the studied laterite samples can be effectively used for the treatment of contaminated wastewaters.

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Authors and Affiliations

Yong He
Yong-gui Chen
Ke-neng Zhang
Wei-min Ye
Dong-yu Wu
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The trigeneration systems for production of cold use sorption refrigeration machines: absorption and adsorption types. Absorption systems are characterized namely by better cooling coefficient of performance, while the adsorptive systems are characterized by the ability to operate at lower temperatures. The driving heat source temperature can be as low as 60-70 °C. Such temperature of the driving heat source allows to use them in district heating systems. The article focuses on the presentation of the research results on the adsorption devices designed to work in trigeneration systems.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Grzebielec
Artur Rusowicz
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This paper discusses the adsorption of Direct Orange 26 azo dye on sunflower husk - an agricultural waste product. During the study, sorption kinetics and equilibrium as well as sorption capacity of the husk were investigated. The adsorption kinetics was analyzed using pseudo-first and pseudo-second order equations, which indicated a chemical sorption mechanism. The sorption equilibrium was approximated with the two-parameter Freundlich and Langmuir equations and the three-parameter Redlich-Peterson equation. The main experiments were carried out in a laboratory adsorption column under different process conditions. Experimental data were interpreted with the Thomas model, based on the volumetric flow rate, initial composition of the feed solution and mass of the adsorbent. The results of modeling the adsorption equilibrium, adsorption kinetics and adsorption dynamics were evaluated statistically.

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Authors and Affiliations

Elwira Tomczak
Paweł Tosik
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With the increase in use and application of carbon nanomaterials and the frequent presence of fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines antibiotics in the aquatic environment, their interactions have attracted extensive attention. In this study, adsorption of two antibiotics: oxytetracycline (OTC) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) by four carbon-based nanomaterials (graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, multiwalled carbon-nanotubes, oxidized multiwalled carbon-nanotubes) affected by pH was investigated. The experiment was performed in two steps: (i) adsorption of OTC and CIP at different pH values, (ii) adsorption isotherm studies of both antibiotics on four carbon-based nanomaterials. Both steps were conducted using the batch equilibration technique. The results showed that the adsorption of both antibiotics on studied adsorbents was highly pH-dependent. The highest adsorption was obtained at pH 7.0, implying the importance of the zwitterionic antibiotics forms to adsorption. Antibiotics adsorption isotherms at three given pH values followed the order of pH 7.0 > 1.0 > 11.0, which confirmed zwitterionic species of OTC and CIP as having the greatest ability to adsorb on carbonaceous nanomaterials. Electrostatic interaction, π-π EDA interaction, hydrophobic interaction for both antibiotics, and additionally hydrogen bond for CIP were possible mechanisms responsible for OTC and CIP adsorption onto studied nanomaterials. These results should be important to understand and assess the fate and interaction of carbon-based nanomaterials in the aquatic environment. This study can also be important for the use of carbon nanomaterials to remove antibiotics from the environment.
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Authors and Affiliations

Filip Gamoń
Mariusz Tomaszewski
Grzegorz Cema
Aleksandra Ziembińska-Buczyńska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Gliwice, Poland
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The study of herbicide dynamics in the soil and their interaction with the components of the environment makes it possible to ensure the selectivity of crops and the agronomical efficiency. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of soil physicochemical properties on the emergence and growth of soybean, with pre-emergence application of various saflufenacil rates. An experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with a completely randomized design, testing different soil types containing “Erechim”, “Santa Maria” and “Eldorado do Sul”, at different saflufenacil rates: 0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 g a.i. · ha–1. The application was performed 1 day after soybean sowing, and analyzed variables were: the phytotoxicity emergence of seedlings, dry mass and height of the soybean. The saflufenacil effective dose of 50% response in soybean (ED50) and the characteristics of the soils showed that the soil contained clay and sand which were the components most related to the saflufenacil availability to the plants. A lower ED50 by phytotoxicity to the soybean was found in soil with lower and greater content of clay and sand, respectively. The physicochemical properties of soil influenced the saflufenacil activity, having greater potential of injury to soybean in the soil from Eldorado do Sul, due to its clay and sand content.
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Authors and Affiliations

Geovana Facco Barbieri
Cassiano Salin Pigatto
Glauco Pacheco Leães
Nelson Diehl Kruse
Dirceu Agostinetto
André da Rosa Ulguim

  1. Plant Protection Department, Federal University of Pelotas, Av. Eliseu Maciel, 96160-000, Capão do Leão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  2. Plant Protection Department, Federal University of Santa Maria, Av. Roraima, 1000, 97105-900, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
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In the context of resource utilization, the applications of waste biomass have attracted increasing attention.Previous studies have shown that forming biochar by heat treatment of sludge could replace the traditional sludge disposal methods, and sludge biochar is proved to be efficient in wastewater treatment. In this work, the pyrolysis, hydrothermal carbonization and microwave pyrolysis methods for preparing sludge biochar were reviewed, and the effects of different modification methods on the performance of sludge biochar in the synthesis process were comprehensively analyzed. This review also summarized the risk control of heavy metal leaching in sludge biochar, increasing the pyrolysis temperature and use of the fractional pyrolysis or co-pyrolysis were usually effectively meathods to reduce the leaching risk of heavy metal in the system, which is crucial for the wide application of sludge biochar in sewage treatment. At the same time, the adsorption mechanism of sludge biochar and the catalytic mechanism as the catalytic material in AOPs reaction, the process of radical and non-radical pathway and the possible impacts in the sludge biochar catalytic process were also analyzed in this paper
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Ming Yi Lv
Hui Xin Yu
Xiao Yuan Shang

  1. Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, China
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The pesticide persistence, in particular in soils, often significantly exceeding the declarations of their manufacturers is surprising. There are many publications devoted to the explanation of this phenomenon in the field literature, but the diverse research methodologies used may lead to the ambiguous conclusions. On the basis of the collected literature, the attempt was made to systematize the available information on the interactions of commonly used groups of pesticides with individual soil components. The complex mechanisms of interactions between pesticides and soil based on van der Waals forces, ionic and covalent bonding, ligand exchange and charge transfer complexes formation were demonstrated. It was also proved that the nature of interactions is strictly dependent on the structure of the pesticide molecule. The conclusion of the review may contribute to the choice of plant protection products that, in addition to their effectiveness, are as little ballast for the environment as possible.

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Hanna Barchańska
Marianna Czaplicka
Joanna Kyzioł-Komosińska

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Poland
  2. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences
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This paper presents an experimental study on Cochineal Red A dye adsorptive removal by yeast. Batch equilibrium and kinetic tests were conducted in constant temperature of 30 ◦C for the dye’s initial concentration range of 0.02–0.50 g/L (pH = 3 and 10) and 0.02–0.35 g/L (pH = 7:6). The equilibrium was reached after 105–120 min. Yeast demonstrated the adsorption capacity of 10.16 mg/g for acidic environment (pH = 3) and slightly lower values (8.13 mg/g and 8.38 mg/g respectively) for neutral (pH = 7:6) and alkaline environment (pH = 10). The experimental equilibrium results were fitted with Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips and Toth isotherm models. Most of them (Freundlich model being the exception) were proven sufficient for the experimental data correlation. The adsorption kinetic studies showed that the pseudo-second order model fits better the experimental data than the pseudo-first- order model. Results achieved from intra-particle diffusion model indicate that powdered yeast are a nonporous adsorbent. The percentage of solution discoloration reached a maximum value of 75% at pH = 3 for an initial dye concentration of 0.02 g/L.

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Martyna Borysiak
Elżbieta Gabruś
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The usefulness of untreated powdered eggshell as low-cost adsorbent for the removal of pentachlorophenol (PCP) from aqueous solutions was investigated. The most important parameters affecting the adsorption process, including the pH and ionic strength, were examined. The adsorption characteristics of PCP onto eggshell were evaluated in terms of kinetic and equilibrium parameters. The kinetic data were studied in terms of the pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order and intra-particle diffusion kinetic models. The equilibrium data were analyzed using the Langmuir, Freundlich, Sips and Redlich-Peterson isotherm models. The pseudo-second order model best described the adsorption kinetics. Using the Langmuir equation, the monolayer adsorption capacity of eggshell for PCP was found to be 0.127 mg/g. The results showed that PCP can be effectively removed from aqueous solution employing eggshell as a cheap adsorbent.

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Joanna Sadkowska
Jolanta Kumirska
Magda Caban
Mariusz Chmielewski
Piotr Stepnowski
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In the present study the adsorption of Reactive Blue 19 dye on the hydroxyapatite (HAp) nanopowders was investigated. The batch adsorption experiments were performed by monitoring the adsorbent dosage, contact time, dye solution concentration, pH and temperature. At pH 3 and 20°C, high dye removal rates of about 95.58% and 86.95% for the uncalcined and calcined nanohydroxyapatites, respectively, were obtained. The kinetic studies indicated the dye adsorption onto nanohydroxyapatite samples to follow a pseudo-second order model. The Langmuir isotherm was found to be the best to represent the equilibrium with experimental data. The maximum adsorption capacity of uncalcined and calcined nanohydroxyapatite samples has been found to be 90.09 mg/g and 74.97 mg/g, respectively.

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Gabriela Ciobanu
Simona Barna
Maria Harja
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Adsorption capacity of chitosan towards toxic p-nitrotoluenosulfonic acid (PNTS) was investigated in this study. An adsorption isotherm was determined at 293 K. The character of the process was specified. On the basis of calorimetric measurements the thermal power of the process was determined. The investigations revealed that chitosan was a good PNTS adsorbent, the adsorption of this compound had a character of chemisorption and took place on the adsorbent surface.
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Roman Zarzycki
Małgorzata DorabiaIska
Witold Sujka
Zofia Modrzejewska
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This research was conducted to study the adsorption of ammonium ions onto pumice as a natural and low-cost adsorbent. The physico-chemical properties of the pumice granular were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Modeling and optimization of a NH4+ sorption process was accomplished by varying four independent parameters (pumice dosage, initial ammonium ion concentration, mixing rate and contact time) using a central composite design (CCD) under response surface methodology (RSM). The optimum conditions for maximum removal of NH4+ (70.3%) were found to be 100 g, 20 mg/l, 300 rpm and 180 min, for pumice dosage, initial NH4+ ion concentration, mixing rate and contact time. It was found that the NH4+ adsorption on the pumice granular was dependent on adsorbent dosage and initial ammonium ion concentration. NH4+ was increased due to decrease the initial concentration of NH4 and increase the contact time, mixing rate and amount of adsorbent.

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Masoud Moradi
Mehdi Fazlzadehdavil
Meghdad Pirsaheb
Yadollah Mansouri
Touba Khosravi
Kiomars Sharafi
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Searching for new refrigerants is one of the most significant scientific problems in refrigeration. There are ecological refrigerants commonly known: H2O and CO2. H2O and CO2 known as natural refrigerants, but they have problems:a high freezing point of H2O and a low triple point of CO2. These problems can be solved by the application of a hybrid sorption-compression refrigeration cycle. The cycle combines the application possibility of H2O in the high temperature sorption stage and the low temperature application of CO2 in the compression stage. This solution gives significant energy savings in comparison with the two-stage compressor cycle and with the one-stage transcritical CO2 cycle. Besides, the sorption cycle may be powered by low temperature waste heat or renewable heat. This is an original idea of the authors. In the paper an analysis of the possible extension of this solution for high capacity industrial refrigeration is presented. The estimated energy savings as well as TEWI (Total Equivalent Warming Impact) index for ecological gains are calculated.

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Piotr Cyklis
Karina Janisz
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Periodic adsorption in a perfect mixing tank of a limited volume was considered. It was assumed that the adsorption rate is limited by diffusion resistance in a pellet. The approximate model of diffusion kinetics based on a continued fraction approximation was compared with the exact analytical solution. For the approximate model an algorithm was developed to determine a temporal variation of the adsorbate concentration in the pellet. The comparison was made for different values of the adsorbent load factor. In the numerical tests different shapes of pellets were considered. Both the numerical tests as well as our own experimental results showed that the approximate model provides results that are in good agreement with the exact solution. In the experimental part of this work adsorption of p-nitrophenol and acetic acid from aqueous solutions on cylindrical pellets of activated carbon was conducted.

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Krzysztof Kupiec
Monika Gwadera
Barbara Larwa
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The work concerns the dynamic behaviour of a porous, isothermal catalyst pellet in which a simultaneous chemical reaction, diffusion and adsorption take place. The impact of the reactant adsorption onto the pellet dynamics was evaluated. A linear isotherm and a non-linear Freundlich isotherm were considered. Responses of the pellet to sinusoidal variations of the reactant concentration in a bulk gas were examined. It was demonstrated that the dynamics of the pellet is significantly affected both by accounting for the adsorption and by the frequency of the bulk concentration variations. The sorption phenomenon causes damping of the concentration oscillations inside the pellet and damping of its effectiveness factor oscillations. Depending on the frequency of the concentration oscillations in the bulk, the remarkable oscillations can involve an entire volume of the pellet or its portion in the vicinity of the external surface.

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Katarzyna Bizon
Bolesław Tabiś
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The solution of applications for air pollution control in foundries for iron and non-ferrous metals may not only be understood as the observance of requested emission limit values at the stack outlet. An effective environmental protection already starts with the greatest possible capture of pollutants at the source with at the same time minimisation of the volume flow necessary for this. Independent of this, the downstream installed filtration system has to realise a degree of separation of definitely above 99%. Furthermore, when selecting the filter construction, attention has to be paid to a high availability. An even temporarily production without filter will more and more no longer be accepted by residents and authorities. Incidents at the filter lead to a shutdown of the whole production. Additional measures for heat recovery while preparing concepts for filtration plants help to reduce the energy consumption and serve for a sustained conservation of environment. A consequent consideration of the items above is also condition for the fact that environmental protection in foundries remains affordable. The lecture deals with the subjects above from the point of view of a plant constructor.
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R. Margraf
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The requirements for environmentally friendly refrigerants promote application of CO2and water as working fluids. However there are two problems related to that, namely high temperature limit for CO2in condenser due to the low critical temperature, and low temperature limit for water being the result of high triple point temperature. This can be avoided by application of the hybrid adsorption-compression system, where water is the working fluid in the adsorption high temperature cycle used to cool down the CO2compression cycle condenser. The adsorption process is powered with a low temperature renewable heat source as solar collectors or other waste heat source. The refrigeration system integrating adsorption and compression system has been designed and constructed in the Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Thermal Machine Measurements of Cracow University of Technology. The heat source for adsorption system consists of 16 tube tulbular collectors. The CO2compression low temperature cycle is based on two parallel compressors with frequency inverter. Energy efficiency and TEWI of this hybrid system is quite promising in comparison with the compression only systems.
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Piotr Cyklis
Ryszard Kantor
Tomasz Ryncarz
Bogusław Górski
Roman Duda
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One of the most important problems concerning contaminant transport in the ground is the problem related to the definition of parameters characterizing the adsorption capacity of ground for the chosen contaminants relocating with groundwater. In this paper, for chloride and sulfate indicators relocating in sandy ground, the numerical values of retardation factors (Ra) (treated as average values) and pore groundwater velocities with adsorption (ux/Ra) (in micro-pore ground spaces) are taken into consideration. Based on 2D transport equation the maximal dimensionless concentration values (C*max c) in the chosen ground cross-sections were calculated. All the presented numerical calculations are related to the unpublished measurement series which was marked in this paper as: October 1982. For this measurement series the calculated concentration values are compared to the measured concentration ones (C*max m) given recently to the author of this paper. In final part of this paper the parameters characterizing adsorption capacity (Ra, ux/Ra) are also compared to the same parameters calculated for the two earlier measurement series. Such comparison also allowed for the estimation of a gradual in time depletion of adsorption capacity for the chosen sandy ground.

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Andrzej Aniszewski
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This paper is devoted to application of adsorption process for cooling power generation in a cooling devices. Construction and working principle of a water-silica gel adsorption chiller has been presented and the basic refrigeration cycle has been discussed. The article outlines behavior of a single-stage adsorption system influenced by changes in cycle time. The effect of cycle time and inlet chilled water temperatures on the main system performance parameters has been analysed

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Małgorzata Szyc
Wojciech Nowak

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