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The biofiltration process in the biologically activated carbon filters (BAC) is one of advanced methods of water treatment. It enables efficient elimination of dissolved organic matter and some inorganic pollutants. The production of high-quality drinking water requires an appropriate method of filter work control based on biofilm growth assessment. The first aim of the study was to assess the microbial development in beds of two BAC filters with the use of various methods. The second aim was to compare the obtained results and indicate the method which could support filter operators during routine control of biofiltration process. The study was carried out in a pilot scale on models of BAC filters during two filter runs. The analysis of Microorganisms was performed in water samples collected from different depths of the filter beds with the use of culture method (HPC), metabolica ctivity assay (with the FDA), epifluorescence microscopy – total cell count method (TCC) and biochemical method (system Vitek 2 Compact). No statistical correlation between HPC and metabolic activity assay was noted. Total bacteria number determined with the use of TCC was approx. 100–900 times higher than in the HPC method. The biochemical tests revealed the presence of several Gram-negative species. The comparison of the applied methods shows that microbial activity assay is the most useful, fast and low-cost method which may be applied additionally to the HPC method at standard water treatment plant laboratory.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Holc
Beata Mądrecka-Witkowska
Małgorzata Komorowska-Kaufman
Elżbieta Szeląg-Wasielewska
Alina Pruss
Zefiryn Cybulski

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations, Poland
  2. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology, Department of Water Protection, Poland
  3. Greater Poland Cancer Center, Microbiology Laboratory, Poland
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Water supply of Riga City uses water from the river Daugava, lakes Baltezers as well as deep well groundwater as drinking water. Due to chlorination of drinking water before use, inhabitants health may be at risk due to trihalornethanes and some organic pollutants. The objective of this study was to determine the level of pollution of drinking water and possible health risk. Pollutants were determined with previous solid phase microextraction (on fibre coated with polidirnethylsilox ane) or pentane extraction of chemical substances by use of gas chromatography and for benzo(a)pyrene by spectrofluorimetry The summary concentration of thrihalornethanes (bromoform, chloroform, bromodichlorornethane, dibromochloromethane) ranged from 3.4 ug/drn' to 304.4 etg/dm3 (maximum allowable concentration - MAC 100 μg/dm-' according to water standards in Latvia), summary lrichloroethene and tetrachloroethene occurred in the concentration from I .O ug/drn' to 13.4 ug/dm' (MAC = I O ug/drri') The level of aromatic hydrocarbons benzene and toluene was below 0.2 ug/drrr' (MAC = I μg/dm'). The concentration of benzo(a)pyrenc was below 0.002 ug/drrr' (MAC= O.Ol ug/drrr'). Fluctuations of concentration were found to depend on the season and place of sampling. The results confirmed an occurrence of risk due lo the impact of trihalomethanes to health. Therefore, water ozonation has been planed to replace chlorination with ozonation in Riga City.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marite Bake
Silvija Pastare
Una Zilbere
lnese Pastare
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Sapropel is a layer of sediment composed of organic and inorganic substances that accumulates at the bottom of lakes. The water of such lakes often have elevated levels of heavy metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu, and Zn, which can pose risks to human health. Sapropel may be used as a biosorbent in removing these heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Various doses of sapropel ranging from 1 to 50 g/L and different mixing times from15 to150 minutes have been tested. The maximum removal efficiencies for Cd (93%), Cr (31%), Cu (84%), and Zn (84%) from aqueous solutions were achieved using the minimum doses of sapropel (50 g/L). The study has shown that mixing sapropel for 15 minutes is sufficient for the removal of Cr, 30 minutes for Cd and Cu, and 60 minutes for Zn.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ramunė Albrektienė-Plačakė
Dainius Paliulis

  1. Department of Chemistry and Bioengineering, Vilnius TECH, Lithuania
  2. Department of Environmental Protection and Water Engineering, Vilnius TECH, Lithuania
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The present study aimed to assess groundwater quality according to the water quality index (WQI) in Ali Al- Gharbi district of the Maysan Governorate in eastern Iraq. For this purpose, 10 physical parameters such as pH, total hardness ( TH), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), sulphate (SO42–), chloride (Cl–), nitrate (NO3–), and total dissolved solids ( TDSs) were examined since 2019 from 16 different locations (viz. wells). The analysis results indicated that 18.75% of the water samples were of good quality, 56.25% of them had low quality, and 25% of such samples were very poor. The WQI also varied from 69.67 and 297.6. Therefore, prior to water use, there is a dire need for some treatments, as protecting this district from pollution is significant.
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Sarteel Hamid Enad Al-Shammary
Sattar Obaid Maiws Al-Mayyahi

  1. Wasit University, College of Science, Department of Geology, Al-Kut city, Wasit Province, Iraq
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The work is an attempt to assess piped water quality in four counties located in east central Poland. Piped water was analysed for three successive years in each county. Water samples were tested for the following physical and chemical parameters: turbidity, colour, conductivity, taste, odour, pH, nitrates (III), nitrates (V), iron and manganese. They were compared with the current standard values. Preliminary data analysis included an analysis of maximum and minimum values of physical and chemical parameters, and it revealed that turbidity, colour, iron and manganese contents exceeded the permissible standards in all the counties. Percentages of parameters exceedances and mean values of the exceedances were used to rank the counties in terms of water quality. The ranking was obtained by means of multidimensional comparative analysis. It was demonstrated that best quality water was supplied by Węgrów County water supply system which was followed by Mińsk Mazowiecki County. The third rank was assigned to Łosice County and the poorest quality water was found to be supplied by Siedlce County water supply system.

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Elżbieta Radzka
Katarzyna Rymuza
Jolanta Jankowska
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Groundwater quality depends on many factors, among which public water supply systems and wastewater infrastructure in built-up areas plays a very important role. Analyses of influence of designed water supply and sewage network in Maciejowa village on the ground- and surface water quality have been the main aim of the paper. A mathematical model based on deterministic description of groundwater flow and migration of pollutants has been applied. An influence of various scenarios of drinking water/wastewater system development and management on pollution loads entering water environment were simulated. Recommendations regarding the sequence of individual piping systems construction were formulated to assure the best protection of water resources.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mieczysław Chalfen
Tadeusz Molski
Katarzyna Wiącek
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The objective of the paper is to use life cycle assessment to compare environmental impact of different technologies used in the process of water disinfection. Two scenarios are developed for water disinfection life cycle at ZUW Raba water treatment plant: (1) historical, in which gaseous chlorine is used as a disinfectant and (2) actual, in which UV radiation and electrolytically generated sodium hypochlorite are used for that purpose. Primary data is supplemented with ecoinvent 3 database records. Environmental impact is assessed by IMPACT2002+ method and its midpoint and endpoint indicators that are calculated with the use of SimaPro 8.4 software. The focus of the assessment is on selected life cycle phases: disinfection process itself and the water distribution process that follows. The assessment uses the data on flows and emissions streams as observed in the Raba plant. As the results of primal analysis show, a change of disinfectant results in quantitative changes in THMs and free chlorine in water supplied to the water supply network. The results of analysis confirm the higher potential of THMs formation and higher environmental impact of the combined method of UV/NaClO disinfection in distribution phase and in whole life cycle, mainly due to the increase of human toxicity factors. However, during the disinfection phase, gaseous chlorine use is more harmful for environment. But the final conclusion states that water quality indicators are not significant in the context of LCA, while both disinfection and distribution phases are concerned.

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Authors and Affiliations

Artur Jachimowski
Tomasz Nitkiewicz
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Chemical industries in Onitsha urban area of southeastern Nigeria have been discharging large quantities of effluents into surface streams. These streams are the primary sources of water used by poor households for domestic purposes. This study examines the effects of effluents on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the recipient streams. This objective was achieved by collecting eight effluents and twenty-two water samples from control points, discharge lo-cations and exit chutes of the effluents for analysis. The results of the study characterised the effluents and their effects on the recipient streams. The effluents cause gross pollution of the streams as most of the parameters including pH, total dis-solved solids (TDS), turbidity, biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), Mg, NO3, Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, total heterotrophic count (THC) and total coliform group (TCG) returned high values that exceeded the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) benchmark from 2011 for drinking water quality. Only dissolved oxygen (DO), Na, Zn, Ca, and Na returned values lower than the WHO guideline. E. coli was found in all the samples; TCG was also high. This paper, there-fore, recommends that the effluent generating industries should treat their effluents before disposal.

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Michael C. Obeta
Uchenna P. Okafor
Cletus F. Nwankwo
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Water quality is an important criterion for evaluating the suitability of water for drinking and domestic purpose. The main objective of this study was to investigate the physicochemical characterization of groundwater for drinking water con-sumption. Ten captured sources were selected from three aquifers including the Guelma Mio-Plio-Quaternary alluvial ba-sin; the Senonian Heliopolis Neritic limestone aquifer, and the Eocene limestones of Ras El Agba-Sellaoua aquifer. The analyses concerned the periods of high water in May 2017 and low water in August 2017. Twelve parameters were deter-mined for the water samples: pH, T (°C), EC, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl–, HCO3–, SO42–, NO3–, TH (hydrotimetric degree), TAT (total alkalinity titration). The interpretation of the various analytical results allowed the determination of the chemical facies and the classification of the groundwater aquifers as follows: (i) in the alluvial layer, the gypsiferous marl substratum and the clays of the three terraces (high, medium and low) have given the water a chlorinated calcium chemical facies in the east part of the study area and travertines feeding partly alluvial layer, and have given a bicarbonated calcium water facies in the west, (ii) in the Senonian of Heliopolis limestone and Eocene carbonate formations of Ras El Agba- -Sellaoua, the chemical facies are calcium bicarbonate. Water isotopes (δ18O and δD) helped to determine the origin of groundwater. Overall, the groundwater in the area is hard and has significant to excessive mineralization. It is progressivelydegraded in the direction of flow, especially in the Guelma alluvial aquifer.

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Kaddour Benmarce
Kamel Khanchoul
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In order to evaluate the water quality of the Hauterivian groundwater in the zinc deposit of Chaabet el Hamra, Southern Setif region, Algeria, eighteen physico-chemical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Cl−, SO42−, HCO3−, CO32−, NO3−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, and heavy metals Zn, Pb, Fe, Cr, Cd, Mn were analyzed and collected from six different wells in April 2012. The studied groundwater is dominated by HCO3−, Ca2+, and Mg2+ ions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Algerian standards, all groundwater samples are considered safe and fit for drinking as they fall within the permissible limits. In addition, the Schoeller diagram confirms the best quality water of the Hauterivian groundwater. Gibbs diagram show that the predominant samples fall in the rock-water interaction field, suggesting that water-rock inter-actions are the major mechanism controlling groundwater chemistry. Assessment of groundwater samples using various water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio (SAR), soluble sodium percentage (SSP), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), magnesium hazard (MH) and Kelly ratio (KR) showed that the groundwater in the area has an excellent quality for irrigation purpose. According to Wilcox’s diagram, all groundwater samples fall in the C2S1 category, reflecting that they are suitable for irrigation.

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Houria Kada
Abdslem Demdoum
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This study aimed at evaluating water quality of groundwater wells (GWWs) in Wadi Shati, Libya, and assessing its suitability for drinking. Water samples were collected from 17 GWWs and subjected to laboratory testing for 24 physical and chemical water quality parameters (WQPs). Analysis uncovered that the recorded values of 11 WQPs were consistent with the Libyan drinking water quality standard (DWQS). These parameters were pH, temperature (T), acidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and cadmium. However, values of colour and turbidity exceeded the maximum levels set by the Libyan DWQS at five out of the 17 study wells. Likewise, concentrations of chloride (Cl ), sulphate (SO 4 2−), and ammonia (NH3) violated the local DWQS in three locations, each. Additionally, concentrations of phosphate (PO 4 3−), iron, manganese, chromium, and nickel exceeded their maximum allowable concentrations according to the Libyan DWQS. The levels of these five parameters are alarming. Overall, the 17 studied GWWs suffer from varying levels of pollution that, mostly, arise from domestic and agricultural sources, e.g., septic tank seepage and agricultural drainage of agro-chemicals like fertilisers and pesticides. The results of this study emphasise that routine monitoring of groundwater resources plays a vital role in their sustainable management and stresses that water quality data are critical for characterisation of pollution, if any, and for protection of human health and ecosystem safety. Our results serve as guideline for sustainable management of water quality in the Wadi Shati District.
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Omar Asad Ahmad
Nabeel M. Gazzaz
Amnah Khair Alshebani

  1. Amman Arab University, Faculty of Engineering, Jordan Street, 11953, Amman, Jordan
  2. Jarash University, Faculty of Agriculture and Science, Jordan
  3. Sebha University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Libya
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To investigate and assess the effects of land use and its changes on concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Fe) in the tributary of drinking water reservoir catchment, soils of different land use types (forest, arable land, meadows and pastures, residential areas), suspended sediment and bottom sediment were collected. Heavy metals were analyzed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). The metal distribution pattern was observed, where Zn and Cd could be considered as main metal contaminants. The variation in the concentration level of Zn and Cd in studied soils showed the impact of pollution from anthropogenic activities. Also some seasonal variations were visible among the suspended sediment and bottom sediment samples which could be associated with land agricultural practices or meteorological conditions. The sediment fingerprints approach used for determining sources of the suspension in the catchment showed (Kruskal-Wallis H test, p<0.05), that only Mn and Ni were not able to be distinguished among the potential sediment sources. A multiple linear regression model described the relationship between suspended sediment and 4 types of soil samples. The results related suspended composition mostly to the samples from the residential land use. Considering the contemporary trend of observed changes in land use resulting in conversion of agricultural areas into residential and service structures these changes can be essential for the contamination of aquatic environment. This situation is a warning sign due to the rapid industrialization, urbanization and intensive agriculture in this region what can significantly affect the drinking water quality.

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Gabriela Zemełka
Małgorzata Kryłów
Ewa Szalińska van Overdijk
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Geological carbon dioxide storing should be carried out with the assumption that there are no leakages from the storage sites. However, regardless of whether the gas which is injected in leaks from the storage site or not, the carbon dioxide stored will influence the environment. In a tight storage site the carbon dioxide injected in will dissolve in the reservoir liquids (groundwater and oil) and react with the rocks of the storage formation. Dissolving CO2 in underground water will result in the change of its pH and chemism. The reactions with the rock matrix of the storage site will not only trigger changes in its mineralogical composition, but also in the petrophysical parameters, because of the precipitation and dissolution of minerals. A leakage of CO2 from its storage site can trigger off changes in the composition of soil air and groundwater, influence the development of plants, and in case of sudden and large leaks it will pose a threat for people and animals. Carbon dioxide can cause deterioration of the quality of drinking waters related to the rise in their mineralization (hardness) and the mobilization of heavymetals' cations. A higher content of this gas in soil leads to a greater acidity and negatively affects plants. A carbon dioxide concentration of ca. 20-30% is a critical value for plants above which they start to die. The influence of high concentrations of carbon dioxide on the human organism depends on the concentration of gas, exposure time and physiological factors. CO2 content in the air of up to 1.5% does not provoke any side effects in people. A concentration of over 3% has a number of negative effects, such as: higher respiratory rate, breathing difficulties, headaches, loss of consciousness. Concentrations higher than 30% lead to death after a few minutes. Underground microorganisms and fungi have a good tolerance to elevated and high concentrations of carbon dioxide. Among animals the best resistance is found in invertebrates, some rodents and birds.

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Barbara Uliasz-Misiak
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Filtration through biologically active carbon (BAC) filters is an effective method of organic matter removal during drinking water treatment. In this study, the microbial community in the initial period of filters’ operation, as well as its role in the organic matter removal were investigated. Research was carried out in a pilot scale on two BAC filters (Filter 1 and Filter 2) which were distinguished by the type of inflowing water. It was observed that the number of heterotrophic plate count bacteria and total microbial activity were significantly higher in water samples collected from Filter 2, which received an additional load of organic matter and microorganisms. Despite the differences in the values of chemical and microbiological parameters of inflowing water, the composition of the microbiome in both filters was similar. The predominant taxon was a bacterium related to Spongiibacter sp. (Gammaproteobacteria) (>50% of relative abundance). In both filters, the efficiency of organic matter removal was at the same level, and the composition and relative frequency of predicted functional pathways related to metabolism determined using PICRUSt (Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States Software) at level 3 of KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) Orthology – were also similar. The study demonstrated that a 40-day period of filter operation after filling with virgin granular activated carbon, was sufficient to initiate biofilm development. It was proved, that during the initial stage of filter operation, microorganisms capable of biodegradation of various organic compounds, including xenobiotics like nitrotoluene, colonized the filters
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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Mądrecka-Witkowska
Małgorzata Komorowska-Kaufman
Alina Pruss
Dorota Holc
Artur Trzebny
Miroslawa Dabert

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations, Poznań, Poland
  2. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Faculty of Biology, Poznań, Poland
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Heavy metal ions (e.g. cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel, arsenic, lead, zinc) have significantly serious side effects on the human health. They can bind with proteins and enzymes, altering their activity, increasing neurotoxicity, generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), promote cellular stress and resulting in their damage. Furthermore, the size, shape and type of metal are important for considering nano- or microtoxicity. It then becomes clear that the levels of these metals in drinking water are an important issue. Herein, a new micro-mechanical sensor is proposed to detect and measure these hazardous metals. The sensor consists of a micro-beam inside a micro-container. The surface of the beam is coated with a specific protein that may bind heavy metals. The mass adsorbed is measured using the resonant frequency shift of the micro-beam. This frequency shift due to the admissible mass (which is considered acceptable for drinking water based on the World Health Organization (WHO) standard) of manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and cadmium (Cd) is investigated for the first, second and third mode, respectively. Additionally, the effects of micro-beam off-center positions inside the micro-container and the mass location are investigated.

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Z. Rahimi
J. Yazdani
H. Hatami
W. Sumelka
D. Baleanu
S. Najafi
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This work aimed to evaluate groundwater potability for the population through geochemical assessment methods on the example of aquifers in Krasnodar city. In 2016 and 2019, on the territory of Krasnodar city (Krasnodar region, Russian Federation), a detailed geochemical analysis of groundwater quality was performed based on a total of 6000 samples, 3000 samples per each year. Samples were taken from 30 wells located at depths of up to 450 m in the layers of Anthropogen and Neogene stages. Quantitative analysis of wells according to the average water quality parameters showed that in 15 wells, the water condition met the MAC (maximum allowable concentration) standards in all layers. Water abundance between the layers of the Quaternary and Cimmerian stages is seven times as different (p ≤ 0.001) towards the latter, the hardness between the same horizons is ten times as different (p ≤ 0.001) towards the Quaternary stage and three times as different (p ≤ 0.05) in terms of solid residue. Thus, the water hardness and water abundance index vary significantly between the vertical layers. A strong positive correlation between the solid residue and the hardness values (Pearson correlation 0.93, p ≤ 0.05), and a negative correlation between water abundance and solid residue values (Pearson correlation –0.83, p ≤ 0.05), as well as between the hardness and water abundance values (Pearson correlation –0.81, p ≤ 0.05) was recorded. These findings can be used for regions with similar deposits of rocks and aquifers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Abdugani Azimov
Larisa Nekrasova
Dmitry Gura
3 4

  1. M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Research Laboratory: Adsorption and Filtration Purification of Gases and Liquids, 5 Tauke khan Avenue, 160012 Shymkent, Kazakhstan
  2. Federal State Budgetary Institution “Centre for Strategic Planning and Management of Biomedical Health Risks” of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Moscow, Russia
  3. Kuban State Technological University, Department of Cadastre and Geoengineering, Kuban, Russia
  4. Kuban State Agrarian University, Department of Geodesy, Kuban, Russia
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Groundwater hydrochemistry of Algerian Sahara (Southwest, Algeria) was used to assess groundwater quality to de-termine its suitability for drinking and agricultural purposes. A total of 26 groundwater samples were analysed for 14 para-meters. Standards laboratory methods were used to determine physicochemical groundwater properties. This study shows that these pH, electric conductivity, total hardness, bicarbonate, and phosphate were within WHO limits. The concentration of magnesium ranging from 30.49 to 120 mg∙dm–3 with an average value of 67.21 mg∙dm–3. 38.56% of the water points analysed have a concentration lower than the value set by the WHO at 75.00 mg∙dm–3. It also showed that 70% of the points studied have potassium concentrations that exceed World Health Organization standards. Groundwater of Algerian Sahara is low in nitrogen (NO3–) and the higher concentration may result in various health risks. The result for this study showed that the water was to be found suitable for drinking purposes except for few samples. Piper diagram indicates that groundwater in Adrar belongs to chlorinated-sulphated, sodium and magnesium facies. The groundwater samples of Adrar present high salinity and low alkalinity fall into the field of C3S1 and C3S2. Based on the RSC values, all samples had values less than 1.25 and were good for irrigation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ali Bendida
1 2
Mohammed Amin Kendouci
Abdellatif El-Bari Tidjani

  1. Universiy Tahri Mohammed Bechar, Faculty of Technology, BP 417, 08000 Bechar, Algeria
  2. University of Science and Technology Oran, Laboratory of Management and Water Treatment (LGTE)

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