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This study presents the results of tests conducted in 2009 and 2010 on experimental sites installed on the roof of the Science and Education Building of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The aim of the analysis was to determine the retention capacity of green roofs and the runoff delays and peak runoff reduction during rainfall recorded in Wroclaw conditions.

The research shows that green roofs allow to reduce the volume of runoff stormwater in comparison to conventional roofs, that they delay the runoff in time and influence the reduction of the maximum runoff intensity, and thus may limit the impact of stormwater on the stormwater drainage and combined sewage systems.

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Ewa Burszta-Adamiak
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Starting from the consideration that sustainability of landscape heritage is logically coupled with today’s sustainable development needs, the research explores the general ideas, methods and strategies of ancient Chinese urban water management. Based on the traditional Chinese water management experience from the ancient city of Ganzhou, the paper — analyses the current water landscape heritage in Jiangxi Province, China.
Based on the historic experience and knowledge introduced and analyzed in the case study of Ganzhou, it is possible to define rainwater management principles and sustainable development strategies for modern urban landscape that could be the basis of a new research perspective in facing today’s climate anomalies.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ning Dong Ge
Yang Yang
Albert Fekete

  1. Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  2. Department of Garden Art and Design, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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At present, stormwater management is one of the key issues in urban policy. This is due to the increasing urbanisation, climate change, the growing threat of extreme (weather) events and the need to protect water resources. Legislation plays an essential role in the process of project planning and implementation. The recognition of opportunities and barriers contained in these regulations forms the basis for action by the central government, local authorities and investors. The article aims to analyse legal provisions, administrative decisions and factual circumstances that provide the foundation of administrative court rulings in Poland and regard the legal possibilities of rainwater management in urban areas. The adopted research method allows for/includes the author’s interpretation and formulation of de lege ferenda conclusions. The results of analyses of both European and national legislation and case law indicate that there is a problem with the interpretation of existing legislation and the lack of legal definitions of basic equipment and solutions in the field of water law, for instance. Such legal circumstances make it difficult to make the required legal decisions, and have a negative impact on the timing of implementation and number of these muchneeded projects.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Sobota
Ewa Burszta-Adamiak
Tomasz Kowalczyk

  1. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, Grunwaldzka St. 55, 50-357 Wrocław, Poland
  2. Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Environmental Engineering and Geodesy,Grunwaldzka St. 55, 50-357 Wrocław, Poland
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Green roofs are increasingly popular in both new and modernised buildings. They significantly reduce the outflow of stormwater from buildings and change its composition. Wherever an urbanised area is equipped with a separate sewage system, usually stormwater goes directly to the receiver without treatment, which may affect the quality of water in the receiver. The article presents results of research carried out on the green roof of a building in Lodz, Poland. During rainfall, the flow rate from the roof was measured. With the use of the US EPA software Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) a model of the green roof was created and calibrated using rainfall data from the city’s pluviometric network. Based on the measurements of the roof runoff, as well as SWMM modelling, the degree of outfall reduction was determined. Samples of roof runoff were collected to study the characteristics of rainwater, including pH, electrical conductivity, organic compounds, nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended solids. The results were compared with the quality of runoff from a traditional roof. Except ammonium nitrogen, values of the examined quality indicators was higher in the case of the green roof but the pollution load of almost all contaminants, except phosphorus, were lower due to a significant reduction in the volume of stormwater outflow (62–91%). The quality of stormwater discharged from the green roof improved with its age.
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Grażyna Sakson

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations, Al. Politechniki 6, 90-924, Łódź, Poland
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The implementation of construction projects in Warsaw is associated with increasing difficulties in preparation, obtaining the relevant building permits and licences, partly due to the lack of water and sewage infrastructure and the inadequate management of rainwater in the city. All this leads to an increase in the cost of the construction projects undertaken. To illustrate a number of issues related to stormwater management in the city and the resulting problems, the study provides a number of different case studies, stylised facts and abductive conclusions to develop the best explanation for the existing problems. Specifically, the study presents the barriers to stormwater management in the city of Warsaw through an analysis of a hypothetical investment process (related to the Wawer Canal). The case studies analysed concern the deterioration of the “Bernardine Water” reservoir and the lack of appropriate investments in the Sluzewiecki Stream catchment, as well as a number of conflicting conditions in stormwater management in Warsaw. In contrast, examples of successful investments in stormwater management are also shown, e.g. Radex Park Marywilska, Stegny Południe settlement, Fort Bema settlement in Bemowo. In this way it is shown that with the right approach it is possible to carry out construction investments in water and wastewater infrastructure in an appropriate way, thus avoiding many stormwater management problems. The main conclusion of the study is that insufficient consideration of stormwater drainage issues in spatial planning will lead to further flooding and increasing water management problems.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Sobieraj
Marek Bryx
Dominik Metelski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw School of Economics, Department of Innovative City, al. Niepodległosci 162, 02-554, Warsaw, Poland
  3. University of Granada, Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences, Campus Cartuja, 18071 Granada, Spain

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