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In 1998 microbiological investigation of water on eleven sample points, of the greatest antropogenie reservoir in the West-part of Upper Silesian Region was carried out. Total numbers of psychrophiles, mesophiles, Coliform bacteria was determined. In the estuary of Kłodnica river Coli-coefficient was 0.00004, coefficient of Coli-faecal type was 0.0009. These values indicate severe water pollution with faecal matter over the standards for waters and sewage waters. With the distance from estuary of Kłodnica river microbiological pollution factors decrease was observed. After 1 km Coli-coefficient was 100-product decrease. In the sample point at the end of longitude profile, near the dam vicinity, values of those indicators successfully decreased to 0.1 of the Coli-form and 1 for Coli-faecal type. In the 4 sample points along the length of left bank of second part of reservoir (West-part) the differentiation of water quality was observed between I and III quality classes. Decrease of numbers of faecal streptococci by flow-line from 6000 in the estuary of the Kłodnica river to 15 in the pelagic point and 4 in the end of reservoir was determined. Decrease in microbiological factor is the greatest on the first 1000 meters of longitude profile of the reservoir. Very important in decrease of bacteria numbers is sedimentation process of alochtonie suspended solids.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Kostecki
Aleksandra Smyłła
Aleksandra Starczyńska
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Trwające pięć lat wykopaliska w Mitrou w środkowej Grecji obaliły pogląd, że w starożytnej Grecji handlowano głównie luksusową ceramiką i pokazały, jak ,,zwykłe" naczynia użytkowe wędrowały z miejsca ich produkcji do domostw Greków.
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Bartomiej Lis
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Mapa polityczna Europy Środkowej w ciągu ostatniego tysiąca lat zmieniała się wielokrotnie. Wiele krajów zostało zupełnie zapomnianych, inne istnieją tylko na kartach podręczników historii lub w micie i legendzie. Taką krainą są Inflanty.
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Bogusław Dybaś

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Zofia Tylewska-Ostrowska

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