Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Nonlinear behavior analysis of split-winding dry-type transformer using a new star model and a coupled field-circuit approach Tytuł czasopisma Archives of Electrical Engineering Rocznik 2016 Wolumin vol. 65 Numer No 4 December Autorzy Azizian, Davood Słowa kluczowe coupled field circuit ; electromagnetic modeling ; split-winding dry-type transformer ; nonlinear equivalent circuit ; finite element Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 773-787 Wydawca Polish Academy of Sciences Data 2016 Typ Artykuły / Articles Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/aee-2016-0054 ; ISSN: 1427-4221 ; eISSN: 2300-2506 Źródło Archives of Electrical Engineering; 2016; vol. 65; No 4 December; 773-787 Referencje Eslami (2013), Time - variant evaluation of electromagnetic forces on transformer windings during inrush current and short - circuit by FEM for Science and Engineering vol no pp, Arabian Journal, 38, 883, ; Dolinar (2006), A three - phase core - type transformer iron core model with included magnetic cross saturation on Magnetics vol no pp, IEEE Transactions, 42, 2849. ; Kumbhar (2007), Analysis of sympathetic inrush phenomena in transformers using coupled field - circuit approach Engineering Society General Meeting USA, IEEE Power. ; Hayek (2012), Multi - port equivalent scheme for multi - winding traction transformers for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering vol no pp, International Journal COMPEL, 31, 726, ; Dudzik (2013), Difficulties in parameters identification of traction transformer multi - port equivalent scheme with hidden construction defect of Energy and Power Engineering vol no pp, Journal, 7, 1186.