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Peganum Harmala seeds extract: A green synthesis route for Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles as an adsorbent for crystal violet dye removalTytuł czasopisma
Archives of Environmental ProtectionRocznik
Alkorbi, Faeza : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Arts at Sharurah, Najran University, Sharurah 68342, Saudi Arabia ; A. Al-Qadri, Fatima : Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Sana'a, YemenSłowa kluczowe
Crystal Violet; ; Mn doping; ; adsorption; ; Nanoparticle; ; Zinc oxide; ; Peganum Harmala;Wydział PAN
Nauki TechniczneZakres
Polish Academy of SciencesBibliografia
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DOI: 10.24425/aep.2024.151685 ; ISSN 2083-4772 ; eISSN 2083-4810DOI
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