Szczegóły Szczegóły PDF BIBTEX RIS Tytuł artykułu Plug-in direct particle swarm repetitive controller with a reduced dimensionality of a fitness landscape – a multi-swarm approach Tytuł czasopisma Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Rocznik 2015 Wolumin 63 Numer No 4 Autorzy Ufnalski, B. ; Grzesiak, L.M. Wydział PAN Nauki Techniczne Zakres 857-866 Data 2015[2015.01.01 AD - 2015.12.31 AD] Identyfikator DOI: 10.1515/bpasts-2015-0098 ; ISSN 2300-1917 Źródło Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences; 2015; 63; No 4; 857-866 Referencje Escobar (2014), Filters with linear - phase properties for repetitive feedback on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans, 61, 405. ; Deng (2008), Neural controller for UPS inverters based on spline network on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Trans, 55, 899. ; Bolder (2015), Rational basis functions in iterative learning control - with experimental verification on a motion system on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Trans, 23, 722. ; Biernat (null), Direct particle swarm repetitive controller with time - distributed calculations for real time implementation Conf on Intelligent Systems ( IS, IEEE Int, 1, ; Ufnalski (2013), Particle swarm optimization of an online trained repetitive neurocontroller for the sine - wave inverter IEEE Industrial, Annual Conf Electronics Society, 6001. ; Escobar (2013), Implementation of repetitive controllers subject to fractional delays IEEE Industrial, Annual Conf Electronics Society, 5983. ; Blackwell (2008), Particle swarms for dynamic optimization problems Swarm Intelligence pp Berlin, Natural Computing Series, 193, ; Rogers (2013), Two decades of research on linear repetitive processes part I : theory Workshop on Multidimensional Systems ( nDS, Int, 1. ; Kaszewski (2013), An LQ controller with disturbance feedforward for the - phase - leg true sine wave inverter Conf on Industrial Technology ( ICIT, IEEE Int, 3, 1924. ; Heertjes (2009), Nonlinear Qfilter in the learning of nano - positioning motion systems Control Conf CD - ROM, Eur. ; Ufnalski (2014), A plug - in direct particle swarm repetitive controller for a single - phase inverter Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Electrical Review, 6. ; Rogers (2013), Two decades of research on linear repetitive processes part II : applications Workshop on Multidimensional Systems ( nDS, Int, 1. ; Bosgra (2010), van de Wijdeven and Using basis functions in iterative learning control : analysis and design theory, Control, 661. ; Bosgra (2006), van de Wijdeven and Stabilizability performance and the choice of actuation and observation time windows in iterative learning control on Decision and Control, IEEE Conf, 5042. ; Chen (2004), Learning feedforward control using a dilated spline network : frequency domain analysis and design on Neural Networks, IEEE Trans, 15, 355. ; Heertjes (2007), Nonlinear iterative learning control with applications to lithographic machinery, Control Engineering Practice, 15, 1545, ; Cui (2009), A simple distributed particle swarm optimization for dynamic and noisy environments Workshop on Nature Inspired Cooperative Strategies for Optimization ( NICSO, Int, 89. ; Ufnalski (2015), Particle swarm optimization of the multioscillatory LQR for a threephase four - wire voltage - source inverter with an LC output filter on, IEEE Transactions Industrial Electronics, 62, 484, ; Rotariu (2008), Adaptive iterative learning control for high precision motion systems on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Trans, 16, 1075.