Applied sciences

Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management


Gospodarka Surowcami Mineralnymi - Mineral Resources Management | 2002 | No 1

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This report has been presented the directions of new application the some from natural raw materials and new engineering's processing of them for products may be using in the various kinds of industry. Holy Cross Devonian dolomites, magncsites from Lower Silesia and ehaleedonites belongs to them. Above - mentioned raw materials arc utilise exclusively in raw state and single recast - crushing that materials for manufacturing crushed stone (dolomites, chalccdonitcs), crushing and milling for production agricultural manure flours (dolomites, magnesites) Holy Cross dolomites were using only for production of the crushed stones for roads and fine flours for agriculture needs. Dolomites from deposits Radkowice and Laskowa arc presented. After the preconditioning recognition of quality of Devonian dolomites from the deposits Radkowice and Laskowa, it has been estimated that this raw material is allowed to manufacturing the fine flours for glass industry. The tests of manufacturing some kinds of the glasses from the new raw material compositions (in which one of the raw materials was Devonian dolomite) it have been made. Glass-wards: packing glass, window glass, and colourless flat glass it has been produced. The magnesites in Poland arc unique raw material. In Lower Silesia region, a few deposits have the veins structure associated with scrpcntynitc massifs only. In this region 6 deposits were documented for the refractory industry, but the quality of magncsitcs from them no complies with requirements of this industry. Only one the Braszowice deposit is exploited. That deposit belongs to Magnesite Plant "Grochow". Actually the existing infrastructure and demand of the market permits for manufacturing only the magncsitcs for agricultural needs. In this report the directions of new application ofmagncsitcs - for manufacturing the active magnesium oxide for rubber and cable industry (where he is the component in blends with chloroprenc rubber) arc presented. The apprenticeship industrial tests of Polish active magnesium oxide - has been made with the good results. That product may be using also in abrasive materials industry, in water filtration and industrial sewage treatment processes. Active magnesium oxide also utilises the biological wastes (liquid manure) - in these processing is the agent for manufacturing the natural fertilizer - phosphor ammonium magnesia (from liquid manure) in big stock-farms. Phosphor ammonium magnesia is dry fertilizer easy for transport and dose in the soils. The new application of the chalccdonitcs for manufacturing crystobalite has been examined. The synthetic crystobalitc in the gypsum jewellery blends has been using. As yet the principal direction of using chalcedonitcs (from neighbourhood Tornaszow Mazowiecki) is production of flushing crushed stones for roads. Last years in the Geology and Mining Establishment of Institute for Building and Mineral Raw Material the directions of new application the chalcedonitcs in the various technologies have been elaborated. Among others the environment protection - the water purification and silica addition for cement belongs to them.
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Iwona Kosk
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The analysis of quality indexes of mineral processes from the perspective of their utility for controlling tasks has been presented in the article. The description of a processing technological structure has been given. Quality criterions used in the parametrical and dynamical optimization have been given as well as properties which they shall fulfilcd. Requirements for appreciation indexes of mineral processes were presented and appreciation indexes and goal functions for selected processes (flotation and milling) were given.
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Kazimierz Trybalski
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The paper explains the influence of the increase in the volume of coal bed during its thcrmoplasticity stage on the process of char porous structure formation. Basing onrselfon the volume balance of the particular clements of coal bed a mathematical model has been developed for the description of the influence of changes in bed volume as well as its solid phase during carbonization on the total porosity of originating chars. The model has subsequently been used lo evaluate the possibility of determining the porosity by means of microscopy, mercury porosimctry and helium method. In order to give a detailed description of the impact of bed expansion on the formation of char porous structure, the pores have been divided into three groups, i.e. pores with radius< 7,5 nm, pores with radius 7,5-2500 nm and pores with radius > 2500 nm. The division has been made on the basis of different influence of factors like carbonization temperature, bulk density and coal grain size on the volume of these pore groups. As a result of the comparison of the pore volume in chars obtained in the conditions of constant volume and those obtained in the conditions of free expansion, the increase in the volume of the bed has been observed to significantly influence only the formation of the pores with radius> 2500 nm. Basing oneself on the examination of pore volume in chars produced from single coals and those obtained from their blends, it has been stated that volume of pores with radius s 2500 nm is of additive nature. In the case of pores with radius> 2500 nm their volume is of additive nature only in chars obtained in the conditions of constant volume of the carbonization space. The results presented in this paper arc based on laboratory research carried out in the conditions similar to those in commercial coking plants (the rate of heating, the composition and pressure of gaseous atmosphere, the bulk density and the size of coal grains). For this reason the obtained results and conclusions that have been drawn, can be used to explain the process of coke porous structure formation in the conditions of a commercial coking chamber.
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Andrzej Strugała
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Petrographic analysis under microscope served to determine the degree ofdiagenetic changes in the Carboniferous sandstones sampled from the borehole core Drogomyśl IG-I. The degree of diagenetic engagement in the sandstones was found to be growing with the depth below the ground level. The transformation is revealed by disappearance of quartz grain edges, partial or entire dissolution of quartz grains with re-crystallisation of chalcedony and also by: Si-enrichment of feldspars and mica, kaolinitization of feldspars and biotite, carbonatization of quartz, feldspars and mica as well as chloritization ofbiotite. On the basis of their mineral composition the sandstones were classified to the group of minerals which arc both mechanically and chemically stable. Results of performed X-ray diffraction analysis of clay minerals in the sandstones indicated to the temperature range of diagcnctic transformation from J 20°C to above I 60°C. It should be emphasized that the appearance of secondary porosity in the sandstones. as a result of diagenctic transformation, may have positive impact on the gas accumulation. Therefore, tha described method can be useful for evaluation of diagcnctic potential of sandston
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Zdzisław Adamczyk
Andrzej Porszke
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The increased demand for water has caused that problems involving retention and artificial recharge of groundwater have become one of the most important water management problems. In practice there arc often hydrogcological situations where the capacity of the water bearing environment is to small to satisfy demand. The lack ofadequatc viable sources ofgroundwater supply suggests utilizing surface waters to artificially recharge water bearing rock layers. This would allow the discharge capacity of water wells to be increased. An accurate hydrogcological prognosis of the effects of a well working within these conditions hence has a much greater practical significance. The prognosis is performed using analytical methods or more reliable, mathematical modelling. This paper represents an estimation of the accuracy ofhydrogcological prognosis for single and double well bank infiltration stations located in the vicinity of perpendicular recharge boundaries. These prognosis were realized by comparing the results obtained by analytical and modelling methods for wells exploiting both the confined and unconfined layers. In total 140 variant solutions were realized. Analytical calculations for two wells working in tandem were performed on the basis of equations introduced by the authors of the present paper. The analytical accuracy defining the output capacity of a well under given boundary conditions and both hydrogcological and technical-exploitation parameters is 0--13% in the case of a single holed well intake and 0-8% for a double holed well intake. Meanwhile errors in calculating the drawdown ofthe water table can be 20% and 10%.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Haładus
Ryszard Kulma
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The Pleistocene-Holocene groundwater horizon is the only source of potable water for the Vistula River Sandbar between Kąty Rybackie and the state border. Groundwater occurs herc as a lens of fresh water, which remains in hydrodynamic and hydrochcmical equilibrium with the surrounding saline waters of the Gdańsk Bay and Vistula Lagoon. The horizon is recharged only by meteoric waters. The mathematical model ofhydrogeological conditions in the study area based upon the current state of knowledge enabled the calculation of groundwater balance for the prognoscd positions of groundwater table. The results of such simulation provide quantitative characterization of principal factors controlling the aquatic environment in the area, i.e. effective infiltration of meteoric waters, surface drainage to the Vistula River Lagoon and Gdańsk Bay and groundwater withdrawal. Moreover, the obtained results led to the calculation of disposable groundwater resources and optimization of exploitation parameters of water intakes under specific conditions of the Vistula River Sandbar. The estimated disposable resources in the study area of35 km2 reach 8,200 m3/24 h.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ryszard Kulma
Andrzej Haładus
Ewa Prussak
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In the paper, there arc presented the consequences of incorrect values of estimated maximal dust suspended' emission - Ep on the results of dust pollution concentration calculations. Wrongly estimated value of dust concentration in the area of dust pollution emitter-dumping side of tine-grained materials, conveyor belt, waste-tip - cause incorrect estimation ofthe environmental effects, induced by the activity ofsuch type ofstructures, which arc, for example, the part of the mineral resources processing factory. In the paper there is a comparison of estimated dust concentration values according to the ministerial directives, for determined Ep values in the base ofdust concentration measurements and for adopted estimated Ep values. The comparative calculations were done by using, as the real value, the dust concentration measurement in automatic monitoring stations-"Rudna" and "Tarnówck"-oftlotation waste dumping-side of copper ores "Iron Bridge" ("Żelazny Most").
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Dariusz Foszcz

Additional info

The subject matter of the articles published in Mineral Resources Management covers issues related to minerals and raw materials, as well as mineral deposits, with particular emphasis on:

  • The scientific basis for mineral resources management,
  • The strategy and methodology of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits,
  • Methods of rational management and use of deposits,
  • The rational exploitation of deposits and the reduction in the loss of raw materials,
  • Mineral resources management in processing technologies,
  • Environmental protection in the mining industry,
  • Optimization of mineral deposits and mineral resources management,
  • The rational use of mineral resources,
  • The economics of mineral resources,
  • The raw materials market,
  • Raw materials policy,
  • The use of accompanying minerals,
  • The use of secondary raw materials and waste,
  • Raw material recycling,
  • The management of waste from the mining industry.

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