Humanities and Social Sciences



Nauka | 2024 | No 3

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Last year we celebrated the 35th anniversary of the parliamentary elections which brought Poland's independence and allowed us to decide about our future. In every area of our lives, including science, this anniversary encouraged reflection on how we managed to use the 35 years of freedom. Thus, in this article, I briefly characterize the current state of science in Poland. Then I try to show major results of 35-year endless reforms of the science system in our country. Interestingly, so far, these reforms have practically omitted the Polish Academy of Sciences. Therefore, I also discuss the recently prepared draft law that is supposed to give a new shape to this leading national scientific institution.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Rocki
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Based on the Scopus-SciVal database, an analysis was carried out of the number of citations of Polish scientific units in the years 2020–2024. The Polish Academy of Sciences is in first place, measured as a whole. The academy also excels in 17 of the 27 core sciences. In second place is the Jagiellonian University and in third place is the University of Warsaw.
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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Pilc

  1. Instytut Farmakologii PAN im. J. Maja
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The annual rankings of universities, in a sense, organize information about the higher education system, but they are created with current analyzes in mind, including decision-making by candidates for studies. The coexistence of a nationwide system for monitoring the economic fate of graduates prompts us to compare the results of the selected ranking with the fate of graduates. The article uses data on the ranking results divided into public and private universities and data from the above-mentioned monitoring system. The aim of the work was to check whether the candidates' choice of universities with top rankings provides grounds for predicting a better situation on the labor market than in the case of choosing another university five years after obtaining a diploma. It was indicated that in the case of public universities, the ranking is a good predictor in this respect. In the case of non-public universities, the analyzes did not indicate a significantly better situation for graduates at the top of the ranking than graduates of other universities.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Rocki

  1. Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Warszawa
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The subject of this article is universities of applied sciences (UOAS), whose institutional identity is shaped by conflicting ideas, aspirations, social functions. On the one hand, they carry out the teaching and professional missions on the other hand, many of them are drifting under the influence of changes in the law, financial constraints, pressure from the social environment. In the text, we present the circumstances and goals of the establishment and location of UOAS in Poland, which significantly resonate on their functioning in the local environment and determine the social egalitarian, teaching and professional functions they carry out. We also identify the key factors (drivers) that push universities toward academicism in the broadest sense, or steer them toward professional education for the social and economic needs of the region.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Wasielewski
Dominik Antonowicz
Jarosław Domalewski
Marta Jaworska

  1. Instytut Socjologii, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernikaw Toruniu
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In the era of enormous development of modern technologies, there is an ongoing discussion among neuropsychologists about the modernization of diagnostic methods used in clinical practice. Unlike the area of scientific research, the clinical practice of neuropsychology is characterized by great resistance to the modernization of assessment methods. The roots of neuropsychological tools commonly used in clinical practice, even in highly developed countries, date back to the 19th century. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. One of them is the concern to maintain the highest psychometric and clinical standards established for diagnostic assessment methods and procedures, established in the course of the development of neuropsychology as a science. Modernization and creation of new methods that will be used in clinical practice may be achieved in many ways: a) as a result of the integration of neurosciences and health sciences, b) thanks to the implementation of modern psychometric and mathematical algorithms, including artificial intelligence, and c) through data obtained by technical devices used by the patient in everyday life. However, each of these potential development paths has its limitations. While accepting the need to modernize measurement methods for neuropsychological diagnosis in clinical practice, it should not be forgotten that implementation of modern technologies cannot be the primary goal. For the good of the patient, it is crucial to maintain the highest psychometric and clinical standards in terms of assessment methods developed over the years.
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Authors and Affiliations

Emilia Łojek

  1. Katedra Neuropsychologii, Wydział Psychologii,Uniwersytet Warszawski
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The anniversaries and associated persons of bipolar mood disorder (manic-depressive illness) and lithium treatment were discussed. 1854 year (170th anniversary): the concept of manic-depressive illness: Jules Ballairger (folie double forme); Jean-Pierre Falret (folie circulaire); 1859 year (165th anniversary): the application of lithium in the treatment of rheumatic gout – Alfred Barrod; 1899 year (125th anniversary): the dichotomic concept of psychiatric disorders – Emil Kraepelin (manisch-depressives Irresein, dementia praecox); 1929 year (95th anniversary): the introduction of the „7-up” drink containing lithium; 1934 year (90th anniversary): the concept of bipolar disorder – Karl Kleist (zweipolig); 1949 year (75th anniversary): the introduction of lithium into contemporary psychiatry – John Cade; 1954 year (70th anniversary): demonstrating the anitimanic effect of lithium using placebo – Mogens Schou; 1974 year (50th anniversary): the concept of rapid cycling (David Dunner and Ronald Fieve); 1984 year (40th anniversary): the concept of seasonal affective disorder – Norman Rosenthal; 1989 year (35th anniversary): the concept of lithium mechanism – Michael Berridge (phosphatidilonisitol system); 1999 year (25th anniversary): the foundation of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders – David Kupfer and Ellen Frank; the inauguration of the journal Bipolar Disorders – Samuel Gershon and Jair Soares; the concept of excellent lithium responders – Paul Grof; 2009 year (15th anniversary): the inauguration of the ConLiGen (The International Consortium of Lithium Genetics); demonstrating the negative relationship between lithium in drinking water and suicides; 2019 year (fifth anniversary): The book: Lithium – the amazing drug in psychiatry.
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Authors and Affiliations

Janusz Rybakowski

  1. Klinika Psychiatrii Dorosłych,Uniwersytet Medyczny w Poznaniu
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The Poznan School of Methodology is a research formation operating at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, from the mid-1960s until 1973, whose founders were J. Kmita, L. Nowak and J. Topolski. It developed an original naturalistic and anti-positivist methodological model of the humanities, which, while assuming the methodological unity of the humanities and natural sciences, at the same time defines the methodological specificity of the humanities. It results from the use of deductive scientific explanation called humanistic interpretation in the research practice of humanists. Between 1970 and 1973, Marxist methodology was practised. It was discovered that the original Marxist research method was the procedure of idealisation and concretisation. This period was followed by the disintegration of the Poznan School of Methodology as a research group with common theoretical assumptions. The originality and innovative character of its analyses and scientific findings gained it considerable fame in the world of science, but it also became the subject of lively debates, discussions, polemics and fierce disputes, of which the published reviews are a historical testimony today.
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Jerzy Grad

  1. Wydział Antropologii i Kulturoznawstwa,Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu
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This text is dedicated to the memory of the eminent limnologist, ecologist, and evolutionist, Prof. Z. Maciej Gliwicz, who passed away on June 2, 2024. It describes his scientific biography, the functions he performed, his greatest scientific achievements, which have been permanently inscribed in the global bloodstream of biological knowledge, as well as his passion, perseverance, curiosity about the world, extraordinary personality, creative and inspiring, and his powerful impact on the Polish and international scientific community.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Pijanowska
Piotr Dawidowicz

  1. Instytut Biologii Funkcjonalnej i Ekologii, Wydział Biologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

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NAUKA jest czasopismem Polskiej Akademii Nauk wydawanym kwartalnie w języku polskim lub angielskim. Czasopismo publikuje recenzowane prace naukowe, artykuły przeglądowe, polemiczne, wspomnieniowe, recenzje oraz listy do redakcji.

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Watson J.D., Crick F.H.C., Molecular structure of nucleic acids. Nature 1953, nr 171,

s. 737–738.


Ziman J., Reliable knowledge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1978, s. 124–157.

Rozdział w książce:

Klemensiewicz Z., Przekład jako zagadnienie językoznawstwa, [w:] O sztuce tłumaczenia, pod redakcją M. Rusinka, Wrocław 1955, Zakład im. Ossolińskich, s. 85–97.

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