Nauki Humanistyczne i Społeczne

Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies


Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies | 2023 | vol. LXXVI | No 1


The city of Homs, formerly known as Emesa, strategically located in the central region of Syria, has been long linked to a folk belief that portrays its inhabitants as mad and fool. Historical and traditional sources also link the alleged madness and foolishness of the Homsians to the day of Wednesday, the so-called “Day of the Fool” or “Homsians’ Feast”, which is considered a special day. The legend regarding the “Day of the Fool” and its celebration during Wednesdays has been passed down orally in the local culture and its origins likely trace back to ancient times when the city was still called Emesa. Therefore, this article attempts at reconstructing history and origins about this folk belief, and exploring the reasons behind the supposed madness and foolishness of the inhabitants of Homs and their connections to Wednesdays by comparing three studies published after 2000s in Arabic by Homsian intellectuals, namely Al-Aḥmad, Samʽān, and Kadr.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Najla Kalach

  1. University of International Studies of Rome, Italy


In the article the author deals with the years the famous Turkologist and historian Ahmet Zeki Velidi Togan (1890–1970), who is known for his great edition of the 10th-century Arabic travel account of Ibn Faḍlān was working and teaching at Rheinische Friedrich- Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn (1935–1938). Various documents relating to events from this period are reproduced in the article (including his appointment to the Oriental Seminar at the university, his appointment as a member of the Finno-Ugric Society in Helsinki, his appointment as an honorary professor, a research stay in Turkey, his leave of absence to carry out a lectureship at the Georg August University in Göttingen, and finally his defence in response to accusations regarding his “political reliability”, which are not known in detail. This defence was made both by Paul Kahle and by himself in the form of an account of his political activities in the years 1917–1929, the full text of which is appended and which was later also used by Togan himself in his autobiography.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michael Knüppel

  1. Arctic Studies Center, Liaocheng University, China


After Italy declared war on Great Britain and France on June 10, 1940 Turkey remained neutral, despite the fact that the treaty with Western powers obliged it to enter the war in such circumstances. Turkish government referred to the Second Protocol attached to the Treaty of Mutual Assistance which made possible for the Turkish side to ignore their obligations in case a threat of armed conflict with Soviet Union. However it is still not known if this was real reason for Turkish decision. The aim of this article is to review interpretations of Turkish attitude that have been present in historiography since the war. It includes short-term and long-term factors of Turkish decision from June 1940. In addition, attention was concentrated on British intelligence sources, which, in relation to the period between spring and summer of 1940, have not yet been taken into account by scholars when trying to determinate Turkish motives.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Zdulski

  1. University of Lodz, Poland


The aim of this article is an attempt to analyse the world-famous documentary film entitled The Parade (Polish title Defilada). The film has a unique narrative structure, as it belongs to the performing arts, and makes use of hyperbole which represents one of rhetorical tropes. Thus, the narration of the film is characterised by a specific rhetorical order which follows the rules of composing a text about art, culture and other phenomena. The result is often art itself. At the level of creative intention, Andrzej Fidyks’s films constitute spectacles which have to be appealing enough to attract the attention of a contemporary viewer. Thus, spectacularity of this film is not only a feature directly related to audiovisual art. It constitutes an aesthetic value as well, and the spectacle appears as a parade in honour of the country’s leader. Research methods include two types of text analysis, i.e. the rhetorical analysis, and the analysis based on film studies. The neo-rhetorical (i.e., argumentative) approach to the cinematographic text is visible in studying The Parade as a documentary which was created under conditions of full control over the director, together with lack of access to information. Perversity is a deliberate argumentative strategy, as Fidyk uses it in order to explain to the viewers the reality of the visited country.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Bogumiła Fiołek-Lubczyńska

  1. University of Lodz, Poland


The purpose of the paper is to present difficulties lying ahead of translators of literary works in which specialized terminology is used. The authors have chosen as their research material one of the most well-known Polish alexandrines titled Pan Tadeusz czyli ostatni zajazd na Litwie. Historia szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812, we dwunastu księgach, wierszem [“Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Tale of the Gentry in the Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse”] and its translations into English and Korean. As the main purpose was to analyze the translation of hunting terminology into Korean, the authors have chosen an English translation rendered approximately at the same time as the Korean one. Therefore, the English language version has been used instrumentally. The research material has been limited to one plot only, that is to say the trials and tribulations of one of the heroines, whose name is Telimena and her chase for a husband. The main research method is the comparison of parallel texts. Apart from that, the authors have also resorted to techniques of providing equivalents and classifications of translation errors and mistakes. The findings prove that proper rendering of culture-bound terminology is very difficult and consultations with specialists are frequently necessary to achieve high quality translation products.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Matulewska
Kyong Geun Oh

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland


Child-authored poetry is one of the most remarkable and fascinating phenomena in the contemporary Chinese poetry world. However, for all its immense popularity among Chinese readers and attractivity for professional, adult poets, due to its unclear ontological status and lack of well-proven methodological tools that would be easily applicable to it, it has thus far remained beyond the scope of literary-critical and scholarly interests. The present paper offers a broad panoramic view of Chinese children’s poetry through six case studies of individual young authors and collective initiatives aimed at the artistic activization of certain groups of children, discussing the educational and social significance of children’s poetry writing, its complicated reception patterns, as well as its entanglement with various literary-political discourses. Subsequently, the study delves into the aesthetic, conceptual, and philosophical aspects of children’s works. The final part analyses the essential theoretical-philosophical questions that child-authored verse asks with regard to poetry at large, prompting us to rethink notions such as authorship or “poeticness” and the definition of poetry per se. The author proposes the metaphor of asymptotic freedom to illustrate how marginal phenomena of questionable status contribute to maintaining the distinctness and coherence of the field of poetry as a whole.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Krenz

  1. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland

Instrukcja dla autorów

Instrukcje dla autorów

W czasopiśmie publikowane są przede wszystkim oryginalne artykuły. Złożenie artykułu w redakcji drogą elektroniczną jest równoznaczne z oświadczeniem Autora(ów), że praca nie była dotychczas publikowana i nie jest zgłoszona do publikacji w żadnym innym czasopiśmie. Autorzy przyjmują także odpowiedzialność za uzgodnienie wszystkich praw do jej zgłoszenia. Wszystkie nadesłane do redakcji artykuły oceniane są przez dwóch niezależnych recenzentów spośród autorytetów uznanych w danej dyscyplinie. Recenzenci zostają poproszeni o wykonanie recenzji, otrzymują tekst artykułu (bez danych personalnych autorów) oraz formularz recenzji, w uzasadnionych przypadkach poszerzony o dodatkowe pytania dotyczące artykułu. Czas oczekiwania na recenzje wynosi od 1 do 6 miesięcy. Po zakończeniu procesu recenzowania Autorzy są informowani o jego wynikach oraz – jeżeli obie recenzje są pozytywne – proszeni o naniesienie sugerowanych poprawek. O przyjęciu pracy do druku decydują opinie niezależnych recenzentów i akceptacja redakcji.

Prześlij swój artykuł

INSTRUKCJA DLA AUTORÓW „Rocznika Orientalistycznego”

- Każdy nadesłany materiał zostanie poddany recenzji, kwalifikującej tekst do publikacji. Zarówno nazwiska recenzentów, jak i rezultaty ich pracy są danymi poufnymi Redakcji.

- „RO” prosi o nadesłanie wraz z publikacją wszystkich niestandardowych czcionek w niej użytych oraz, pliku w formacie *.doc, *.docx, a w uzasadnionych przypadkach także jako *.pdf.

- Przyjmujemy teksty w językach angielskim, niemieckim i francuskim.

- Całość tekstu powinna składać się z nagłówka tytułowego w języku angielskim (w przypadku artykułów po niemiecku lub francusku, również nagłówka w tych językach), tekstu głównego, słów kluczowych (4-10) i abstraktu w j. angielskim (od 150 do 200 słów).

- Autorzy proszeni są o podanie swojej afiliacji, numeru ORCID oraz przygotowanie bibliografii załącznikowej (na końcu artykułu). W bibliografii, podobnie jak w przypisach, wolno używać wyłącznie liter łacińskich.

- Autor zapewnia, że posiada stosowne zezwolenia na reprodukowanie w swoim artykule cudzych materiałów. Autor oświadcza, że nadesłany tekst nie był wcześniej w żadnej formie opublikowany, co dotyczy również publikacji w innym języku. Redakcja informuje jednocześnie, że zarówno „ghostwriting”, jak i „guest authorship” są przejawem nierzetelności naukowej, a wszelkie wykryte przypadki będą demaskowane, włącznie z powiadomieniem odpowiednich podmiotów.

- Zgłaszając artykuł do „Rocznika Orientalistycznego” Autor jednoznacznie wyraża zgodę na udzielenie autorskiej licencji eksploatacyjnej do nadesłanego tekstu (dot. postaci drukowanej i/lub elektronicznej), co obejmuje prawo Redakcji do: kopiowania, publikacji, reprodukcji, cytowania, umieszczenia w formie elektronicznej w bazach danych, itp., itd. Czas trwania udzielonej licencji jest zgodny z dyrektywą UE. Licencja zostaje udzielona "Rocznikowi Orientalistycznemu" nieodpłatnie.

- Autor otrzymuje 2 egz. numeru "Rocznika Orientalistycznego" w przypadku artykułu i 1 egz. w przypadku recenzji.

- Redakcja zastrzega sobie prawo do skracania i redagowania złożonych tekstów.

- Po przyjęciu tekstu do druku i zredagowaniu Autor otrzyma drogą elektroniczną tekst do korekty, którą jest zobowiązany uczynić i odesłać do Redakcji w możliwie najszybszym terminie.

Style of Reference

Style Sheet

Zasady etyki publikacyjnej

Publishing ethics

The Editorial Board of Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies urge the authors to present the results of their original work in a transparent and reliable way, thereby preventing any cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship (honorary authorship). The term ghostwriting describes a situation in which a person has significantly contributed to a publication without being listed as co-author or without his/her name being mentioned in the acknowledgement. Guest authorship, in turn, means that a person’s contribution to a publication is negligible or none at all, yet such a person is listed as co-author or author. In order to prevent these, relevant provisions have been included into the agreements signed with authors.

All the articles intended for publication in the journal are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate software.

All cases of misconduct will be publicised by the Editorial Board, which includes notifying the relevant institutions (the authors’ employers, academic societies, etc.).

The editorial staff of Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies act in line with COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. All parties involved in the publication process (the editor, the author, the reviewer, the publisher) should be familiar with ethical standards observed in the journal.


Duties of Editors:

1) The editors have the authority to decide which of the submitted papers should be accepted for publication (taking into account: the text conformity with the profile of the journal, the academic importance of the contribution, the originality as well as clarity of the input). When making decisions, the editor should be guided by the journal’s policy, as well as by legal regulations on matters such as infringement of copyright and plagiarism.

2) The editors assess the submitted manuscripts on basis of their scholarly merit, without regard to race, gender, sexual preferences, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political views of the authors (fair play).

3) Unpublished articles, article excerpts, or materials contained therein may not be used by the editorial board or the editors for the purpose of their own research without the written consent of the authors. The editors do not attempt to influence the journal’s ranking by artificially increasing any journal metric, i.e. the editor shall not require that references to that (or any other) journal’s articles be included except for genuine scholarly reasons. Authors should not be required to include references to the editors’ articles.

4) The editors do not disclose any information about a manuscript under consideration to anyone other than the author(s), reviewers, and – in special circumstances – other editorial staff. In exceptional circumstances, the editor may share limited information with editors of other journals where deemed necessary to investigate suspected research misconduct.

5) The editors will safeguard the integrity of the published record, and publish corrections, clarifications, and retractions when needed. They will ensure that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely. The editorial board will require all collaborators to disclose any competitive interests and will make every effort to prevent it. If necessary, steps to be taken include retracting a manuscript or publishing a corrective statement.

6) The editor can retract an article when research results have already been published elsewhere; the manuscript contains plagiarism or otherwise breaches ethical principles; there is clear evidence that the results of research are unreliable or that data has been fabricated. A notification of manuscript retraction should be understood as a de facto removal of the text. Such a notification should inform for what reasons is the text being retracted.

7) The editors reserve the right to edit the texts for length, stylistic details, conformance with style guides etc.


Duties of Authors:

1) An author of the article is considered to be an individual who had a decisive influence on the final shape of the text in the version in which it is to be published. If more than one person has been involved in writing the text and/or in the research underlying it, the contributions of all persons should be specified in the statement submitted together with the manuscript.

2) The authors should ensure that they have written entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others, that this has been appropriately cited or quoted and permission has been obtained where necessary.

3) An author should not in general publish manuscripts describing essentially the same research in more than one journal of primary publication. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently constitutes unethical behaviour and is unacceptable. Publication of some kinds of articles in more than one journal is sometimes justifiable, provided certain conditions are met. The authors and editors of the journals concerned must agree to the secondary publication. The primary reference must be cited in the secondary publication.

4) When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to notify the journal editor or publisher and cooperate with the editor to correct or retract the paper.

5) If any unethical conduct on the part of the author of the publication is revealed – such as plagiarism, data falsification or re-publication of a previously published work or part of it (the so-called self-plagiarism) – the editors ask such an author for explanations and then may take appropriate steps in line with the COPE guidelines. At a later stage of the proceedings, this may mean notifying the authorities of the author’s academic unit, rejecting a given article, and refusal to publish any future texts by that person in the journal.

6) In line with COPE guidelines, any change to authorship information requires written consent from all co-authors. This should be expressed by each author in a separate (electronic) letter of consent addressed to the editor-in-chief. The consent of all co-authors to changing authorship information of a submitted or already printed paper must take written form. If authors cannot reach agreement on this, they should consult the authorities of their home institution(s).


Duties of Reviewers:

1) Reviewers influence the decisions made by the editor-in-chief. Their comments on the subject matter can also help the authors improve their manuscripts.

2) In the reviews the quality of the reported research should be judged objectively. Reviewers should explain their judgment clearly and support it. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Authors have the right to respond to the critical remarks of reviewers.

3) A reviewer should be alert to potential ethical issues in the paper and should inform the editor, including any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which the reviewer has personal knowledge. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation.

4) If a reviewer suggests that an author includes citations to the reviewer’s (or their associates’) work, this must be for genuine scientific reasons and not with the intention of increasing the reviewer’s citation count or enhancing the visibility of their work (or that of their associates). Information or ideas obtained through peer review must not be used for the reviewer’s personal advantage.

5) Reviewers are obliged to submit their opinion statements timely. If for any reason (from scholarly ones to time pressure) they cannot meet the deadline or cannot undertake the reviewing at all, they should notify the editorial board immediately.

6) All materials sent for review should be treated as confidential. Disclosing their contents to third parties (with the exception of persons authorised) is inadmissible.

7) The principle of preventing conflicts of interest:

A conflict of interest exists when an author (or the research unit which he or she represents), a reviewer or an editor is engaged in personal or economic relations which may inappropriately influence his/her actions. Each author or reviewer noticing an existing conflict of interest is obliged to report it to the editors.

Procedura recenzowania

Review process

The manuscripts should be original and inventive, and significantly add to existing research.

Submitted articles will undergo a double, anonymous and independent peer-review process (the identity of the reviewed author will not be disclosed to reviewers, nor vice versa).

The articles under review are treated as confidential.

At least two reviewers will be appointed by the editors among specialists in fields related to the topic of the article.

The reviewers will not be members of the journal’s editorial staff and will not be affiliated with the same institution as the author. At least one reviewer will be affiliated to a foreign institution, other than the nationality of the author.

The editorial board will make an additional effort to select reviewers with no professional or private relationship with the author of the text being reviewed. The reviewers will be appointed in such a way as to avoid any conflict of interest (understood as relations between the author and the reviewer: personal relations like kinship, legal relations, conflict, subordination in a workplace; direct scholarly co-operation in the period of two years preceding the reviewing process).

The reviewers will provide an objective review of the submitted article. The review must contain an explicit conclusion stating whether the article should or should not be accepted for publication. The reviewers must disclose any irregularities that they discover, in particular any forms of plagiarism.

The evaluation is based on the following criteria: whether it is a new and original contribution, whether the paper’s title corresponds well to its content, whether the paper’s structure is clear and correct, whether the literature is quoted correctly and sufficiently.

The reviewers choose one of the following options: to accept the paper in its current form, to accept the paper with minor adjustments, to accept the paper with major changes and/or updates, or to reject the paper.

As a result of the review process, authors may be expected to modify their articles according to the recommendations of the reviewers. Amended articles could be accompanied by a cover letter explaining how the comments were addressed and the changes made.

Editorial board retains a right to publish, to reject or to return an article for modifications. In the event of an ambivalent publishing review, the text is submitted for another evaluation.

Articles on which two negative opinions have been passed will not be accepted for publication. The authors of negatively assessed texts will be notified as soon as the reviews reach the editorial board.

The list of reviewers will be published at the end of each year in one of Rocznik Orientalistyczny/Yearbook of Oriental Studies volumes.

A different review process conducted by the editorial board applies to book reviews.

There are no processing charges nor submission charges.

The review of an article submitted to Rocznik Orientalistyczny / Yearbook of Oriental Studies - form

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