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An evaluation method is developed for single blow experiments with liquids on heat exchangers. The method is based on the unity Mach number dispersion model. The evaluation of one experiment yields merely one equation for the two unknowns, the number of transfer units and the dispersive Peclet number. Calculations on an example confirm that one single blow test alone cannot provide reliable values of the unknowns. A second test with a liquid of differing heat capacity is required, or a tracer experiment for the measurement of the Peclet number. A modified method is developed for gases. One experiment yields the effective number of transfer units and approximate values of the two unknowns. The numerical evaluation of calculated experiments demonstrates the applicability of the evaluation methods.
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Wilfried Roetzel
Chakkrit Na Ranong
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A computational approach to analysis of wave propagation in plane stress problems is presented. The initial-boundary value problem is spatially approximated by the multi-node C⁰ displacement-based isoparametric quadrilateral finite elements. To integrate the element matrices the multi-node Gauss-Legendre-Lobatto quadrature rule is employed. The temporal discretization is carried out by the Newmark type algorithm reformulated to accommodate the structure of local element matrices. Numerical simulations are conducted for a T-shaped steel panel for different cases of initial excitation. For diagnostic purposes, the uniformly distributed loads subjected to an edge of the T-joint are found to be the most appropriate for design of ultrasonic devices for monitoring the structural element integrity.

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M. Rucka
J. Chróścielewski
W. Witkowski
K. Wilde
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The paper features a comprehensive approach to risk management worked out during the ValueSec project (EU 7th Framework Programme). The motivation for research was presented, along with the course of the research, achieved project results and validation results. The methodology of risk management and a supporting tool were developed as a result of the project. They help decision makers to make complex strategic decisions about security measures. These complex decision-related problems were the reason to launch the research. The elaborated methodology is based on three pillars: assessment of the considered security measure ability to reduce risk, costs and benefits analysis with respect to the security measure application, and analysis of legal, social, cultural, and other restrictions that might impair or even destroy the efficiency of the functioning measures. In the project these restrictions are called qualitative criteria. The main added value of the ValueSec project is the elaboration of a special software module to analyse impacts of qualitative criteria on the considered measure. Based on the methodology, a ValueSec Toolset prototype was developed. The prototype was then validated in the following application domains: mass event, railway transport security, airport and air transport security, protection against flood, and protection of smart grids against cyber-attacks.

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Andrzej Białas
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Many countries, including Indonesia, face severe water scarcity and groundwater depletion. Monitoring and evaluation of water resources need to be done. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the method of calculating water, which was initially based on a biophysical approach, replaced by a socio-ecological approach. Water yields were estimated using the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs (InVEST) model. The Ordinary Least Square (OLS) and geographic weighted regression (GWR) methods were used to identify and analyze socio-ecological variables for changes in water yields. The purpose of this study was: (1) to analyze the spatial and temporal changes in water yield from 2000 to 2018 in the Citarum River Basin Unit (Citarum RBU) using the InVEST model, and (2) to identify socio-ecological variables as driving factors for changes in water yields using the OLS and GWR methods. The findings revealed the overall annual water yield decreased from 16.64 billion m3 year-1 in the year 2000 to 12.16 billion m3 year-1 in 2018; it was about 4.48 billion m3 (26.91%). The socio-ecological variables in water yields in the Citarum RBU show that climate and socio-economic characteristics contributed 6% and 44%, respectively. Land use/Land cover (LU/LC) and land configuration contribution fell by 20% and 40%, respectively.The main factors underlying the recent changes in water yields include average rainfall, pure dry agriculture, and bare land at 28.53%, 27.73%, and 15.08% for the biophysical model, while 30.28%, 23.77%, and 10.24% for the socio-ecological model, respectively. However, the social-ecological model demonstrated an increase in the contribution rate of climate and socio-economic factors and vice versa for the land use and landscape contribution rate. This circumstance demonstrates that the socio-ecological model is more comprehensive than the biophysical one for evaluating water scarcity.
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Authors and Affiliations

Irmadi Nahib
Wiwin Ambarwulan
Dewayany Sutrisno
Mulyanto Darmawan
Yatin Suwarno
Ati Rahadiati
Jaka Suryanta
Yosef Prihanto
Aninda W. Rudiastuti
Yustisi Lumban Gaol

  1. Research Center for Geospatial, Research Organization for Earth Sciences and Maritime,National Research and Innovation Agency, Cibinong Science Center,Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia
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In the paper the methodology of furnace exit gas temperature calculations by using well known normative standard method CKTI is presented. There are shown changes in methodology approach for three editions of it and in additional developments. Furnace exit gas temperature for two stoker grate boilers is calculated. By using described methods, it was possible to determine their effectiveness by comparing with measurements. Knowledge of the furnace exit gas temperature allows to define the division into irradiated and convection surfaces, which has an impact on the design features of the boiler as well as its dimensions and weight.
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Authors and Affiliations

Łukasz Rutkowski
Ireneusz Szczygieł

  1. Boilers Manufacturer SEFAKO S.A., Przemysłowa 9, 28-340 Sedziszów, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology Institute of Thermal Technology, Konarskiego 22, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The article presents the results of a detailed study of the geological structure of the Łeba Barrier in the Rąbka cross-section (Southern Baltic, Poland). The barrier separates Lake Łebsko from the Baltic. Five sedimentary complexes were distinguished there (M2-M6). The spatial variability of the grain-size distribution was examined and succession stages of the mollusc fauna occurring in the individual sedimentary complexes were distinguished. Radiocarbon dating was used to establish the age of the most important events during the process of formation of the barrier, which took place in the course of several relative sea-level changes. The first sedimentary complex (M2) at Rąbka is connected with the second ingression (i2) of the Baltic Sea (ca. 6,700-6,000 14C years BP), sea-level stabilization (6,000-5,500 14C years BP), and at last sea-level lowering (5,500-5,000 14C years BP) in the region of the Gardno-Łeba Coastal Plain. The sedimentary complex M3 developed in a lagoonal environment when the barrier was situated north of its present position (5,000-3,000 14C BP). The next lowering of the sea-level made the lagoon shallower and caused the emergence of small but already subaerial stretches of barrier land with a freshwater fauna in the north (4,880š40 14C BP). With the next ingression stage (i3), which took place between 4,500 and 3,000 BP, the barrier shifted to its present-day position and the lagoon changed into a freshwater lake. From 3,000 to 1,700 14C BP fossil soil and peats developed on the barrier surface as a result of another sea-level lowering. The last ingression stages (i4 and i5), younger than 1,700 BP, built up the barrier, practically in its today's location (sedimentary complexes M4 and M5). The youngest sedimentary complex (M-6) is represented by present-day beach sands.

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Authors and Affiliations

Karol Rotnicki
Stefan W. Alexandrowicz
Anna Pazdur
Tomasz Goslar
Ryszard K. Borówka
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The assemblage of lacustrine ostracods found in the Eemian Interglacial sediments at Kruklanki (Masurian Lake District, northeastern Poland) contains 18 species belonging to 13 genera. The most dominant species are Candona neglecta Sars, 1887, Limnocytherina sanctipatricii (Brady et Robertson, 1869), Limnocythere inopinala (Baird, 1843) and Candona candida (O.F. Muller, 1776). Cyclocypris serena (Koch, 1838), llyocypris decipiens Masi, 1905, Pseudocandona insculpta (G.W. Muller, 1900) and Leucocythere mirabilis Kaufmann, 1892 are recorded for the first time from the Eemian of Poland; the latter two species are also new for the Eemian lacustrine deposits of Europe. The ecological requirements of the recognised ostracod species as well as their geographic ranges in the Quaternary of Europe are summarised. Based on these data, past habitat type is estimated as a deeper littoral of a lake with reasonably cold, well-oxygenated and calcium-rich waters. The present state of knowledge of the Eemian ostracods from Poland is reviewed and their comparison with the Eemian ostracod assemblages from Europe is briefly given. Comparison of the ostracod fauna! assemblage from Kruklanki with those from other Eemian sites in Poland enables to establish and describe one general type of ostracod assemblages characteristic for lacustrine littoral in this interglacial.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tadeusz Namiotko
Janina Szczechura
Lucyna Namiotko
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The results of several years of studies concerning the role of penguin rookeries in the functioning of the land ecosystems in the maritime Antarctic are summarized. The origins of phosphatic ornithogenic soil in the areas of currently active penguin rookeries arc presented. In the maritime Antarctic occurs relatively fast microbiological decomposition and mineralization of large amounts of excrements carried into coastal area by penguins during breeding period. Chemically aggressive water solutions of guano react with underlaying rocks. This process brings about the occurrence of wide zones of phosphatization. These processes cause the appearance of the series of phosphate minerals whose composition and properties depend on the changing physical and chemical conditions of the soil environment. It has been discovered that in the rookeries for various reasons abandoned by penguins phosphates are still present in large amounts and, gradually changed and washed out, have been for hundreds, or even thousands years a source of nutrients for plants growing in poor Antarctic land ecosystems. These soils came to be called the relic ornithogenic soils of the maritime Antarctic. The stages of plant colonization in the abandoned penguin rookeries were traced. The differences in the fate of the organic matter carried out from the sea to the coastal area by sea-birds in various climatic zones were discussed.

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Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Myrcha
Andrzej Tatur
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The mining in seams with a high methane content by means of a longwall system, under conditions of high extraction concentration, results in exceeding methane concentrations allowed by the regulations at workings of the longwall environment, with the effect of mining machines’ standstill periods. The paper is a part of a study supporting the development of a system for shearing cutting speed control at the longwall, which should substantially reduce the production standstills due to exceeded limits and switching off the supply of electric equipment. Such a control system may be appropriate for longwalls ventilated using “Y” and “short Y” methods. Efficient Computer simulations of the 3D airflow and methane propagation may assist the design and initial evaluation of the control system performance. First chapters present studies that are necessary for a proper formulation of the properties of the longwall model. Synthetic analysis of production during the period of longwall operation allowed one to choose the input assumptions to carry out ventilation-methane computations in a CFD numerical model of longwall Z-11. This study is followed by a description of the model that is used for a case study, considering three variants of the shearer position. Finally, initial simulation results and directions of further studies are discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Janoszek
Jerzy Krawczyk

  1. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
  2. Strata Mechanics Research Institute, Polish Academy of Science, 27 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Kraków, Poland

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