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The paper presents a mature concept of an intelligent monitoring system of air pollution inflow and its realization in the form of a SINZaP system lunched at Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (]ETU) in 2006. SINZaP is a real time operating system resembling a neural network. It is designed for modeling of pollutant emissions and air pollutants concentrations, addressed to specialists or decision makers responsible for air quality management. For modeling of emission and air pollutants concentrations in SIZNaP system, a back trajectory model -BackTrack has been used, which is based on YLSTRACK model. The essential feature ofthe BackTrack model is the application of back trajectories in the selection of emission sources influencing a given receptor. For modeling of trajectories BackTrack uses three-dimensional wind fields, friction velocity, MoninObukhov length and mixing layer height. SINZaP consists of four main modules: (I) data module including data scanner for reading public data accessible in the Internet, (2) module for preparation of meteorological data, (3) BackTrack module for simulations of pollutants emissions and simulations of air pollutants concentrations, and (4) Trainer module, the task ofwhich is correction of input parameters for adjusting modeling and observed data.
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Czeslaw Kliś
Joachim Bronder
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The paper presents application of direct pseudospectral Chebyshev method for solving a commercial airplane trajectory optimization problem. This method employs Nth-degree Lagrange polynomial approximations for the state and control variables with the values of these variables at the Chebyshev-Gauss-Lobatto (CGL) points as the expansion coefficients. This process is converted to a nonlinear programming problem (NLP) with the state and control values at the CGL points as unknown NLP parameters. The kinetic model of flight is formulated, where it is assumed that an airplane is a particle and the motion takes place in the vertical plane. The method is implemented in Matlab using sequential quadratic programming algorithm (SQP) as an efficient solver. Sensitivity analyses are performed concerning the influence of the degree of discretization and the initial approximation on the solution. Three examples of optimized trajectories in presence of wind are shown.
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Przemysław Panasz
Ryszard Maroński
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The paper concerns the analysis of the kinematics of the dislocation process that affects surface points within the area of underground exploitation. The problem discussed in the paper is the estimation of the changes concerning spatial configuration of a body, forced by underground influence, Observations of the real process show that the trajectories indicating the dislocations of the medium points are irregular. The deterministic description of the examined process, as a rule, generates smooth trajectories of point dislocation. Therefore, as is natural, the analytical representation of the process cannot be approximated to measurement results with arbitrary accuracy. The entropy has been assumed as the measure of the randomness of a given process. It has been shown then that the entropy is not constant. Hence the description of the post-mining dislocation process has been presented as a stochastic model. The quantitative results of the description have been put to a statistical estimation.
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Wiesław Piwowarski
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Many real-time systems can be described as cascade space-state models of different orders. In this paper, a new predefined controller is designed using a Strongly Predefined Time Sliding Mode Control (SPSMC) scheme for a cascade high-order nonlinear system. The proposed control scheme based-on SMC methodology is designed such that the system states reach zero within a determined time prior to performing numerical simulation. Moreover, Fixed Time Sliding Mode Control (FSMC) and Terminal Sliding Mode Control (TSMC) schemes are presented and simulated to provide a comparison with the proposed predefined time scheme. The numerical simulation is performed in Simulink/MATLAB for the proposed SPSMC and the other two existing methods on two examples: second and of third order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed SPSMC method. The trajectory tracking of the ship course system is addressed as an example of a second-order system. Synchronization of two chaotic systems, Genesio Tesi and Coullet, is considered as an example of a third-order system. Also, by using two performance criteria, a thorough comparison is made between the proposed predefined time scheme, SPSMC, and the two no predefined time schemes, FSMC and TSMC.

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Ali Soltani Sharif Abadi
Pooyan Alinaghi Hosseinabadi
Saad Mekhilef
Andrzej Ordys
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This article presents the information concerning aspects of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) mission planning process, emphasizing maritime security monitoring and surveillance, and using side-looking sonars as a primary data source. The paper describes characteristic mission plan phases and gives suggestions for the operators, mainly concerning the safety and effectiveness of the AUV mission. The article describes the coverage path planning algorithm, which could be used to create an effective AUV mission plan, considering AUV manoeuvrability, sonar characteristics, and environmental factors. The results of the algorithms have been verified during the real mission of the AUV vehicle.
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Wojciech Wawrzyński
Mariusz Zieja
Mariusz Żokowski
Norbert Sigiel

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, ul. Plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Air Force Institute of Technology, ul. Księcia Bolesława 6, 01-494 Warszawa, Poland
  3. Armament Agency, ul. Królewska 1/7, 00-909 Warszawa, Poland
  4. 13.MCM Squadron, ul. Smidowicza 48, 81-106 Gdynia, Poland
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The paper presents the algorithms for kinematic analysis, trajectory planning, dynamics of kinematic chain and driving units elaborated for manipulators and robots with kinematic chains of serial structure with revolute pairs with perpendicular or parallel axes. Elastic deflections of driving units as well as action of external forces on end-effector have been taken into account. The simulating software was created using the modular structure of modeling process. The application of software for testing the robots accuracy and running speed acc. to ISO 9283 is also presented.
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Andrzej A. Stępniewski
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The control system described by Urysohn type integral equation is considered where the system is nonlinear with respect to the phase vector and is affine with respect to the control vector. The control functions are chosen from the closed ball of the space Lq (Ω; ℝ<sup>m</sup>), q > 1, with radius r and centered at the origin. The trajectory of the system is defined as p-integrable multivariable function from the space Lq (Ω; ℝ<sup>n</sup>), (1/q) + (1/p) = 1, satisfying the system’s equation almost everywhere. It is shown that the system’s trajectories are robust with respect to the fast consumption of the remaining control resource. Applying this result it is proved that every trajectory can be approximated by the trajectory obtained by full consumption of the total control resource.

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Nesir Huseyin
Anar Huseyin
Khalik G. Guseinov

  1. Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
  2. Department of Statistics and Computer Sciences, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey
  3. Department of Mathematics, Eskisehir Technical University, 26470 Eskisehir, Turkey
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The present paper examines how, at a time of post EU-enlargement migration, female Polish migrants in the UK act within, despite and against the social structure of gender regimes in the origin and host societies and how female migrant agents are actively mediating structures in a quest to fulfil their as-pirations. Biographical narrative interviews conducted with female Polish migrant workers in the UK and semi-structured expert interviews provide the empirical data for the analysis of how employment trajectories in migration can challenge or reinforce gender roles, and of the role of female migrants’ agency. The paper shows how some women are limited in their opportunities by gender roles and fa-milial obligations, while others are able to progress professionally either by entering a typical ‘mi-grant’ sector, by undertaking UK education, or by starting their own businesses, challenging the gendered expectations they face. The paper thus contributes to the discussion on female migrants as disadvantaged migrant workers or as active agents of change.

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Karima Aziz
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Geographic trajectory of a pipeline is important information for pipeline maintenance and leak detection. Although accurate trajectory of a ground pipeline usually can be directly measured by using global positioning system technology, it is much difficult to determine trajectory for an underground pipeline where global positioning system signal cannot be received. In this paper, a new method to determine trajectory for an underground pipeline by using a pipeline inspection robot is proposed. The robot is equipped with a low-cost inertial measurement unit and odometers. The kinematic model, measurement model and error propagation model are established for estimating position, velocity and attitude of the robot. The path reconstruction algorithm for the robot is proposed to improve accuracy of trajectory determination based on pipeline features. The experiment is given to illustrate that the position errors of the proposed method are less than 40% of that of the standard extended Kalman filter.
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Authors and Affiliations

Shuo Zhang
Stevan Dubljevic

  1. University of Alberta, Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering, T6G 2R3 Edmonton, AB, Canada
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This paper proposes a method for offline accurate ball tracking for short volleyball actions in sport halls. Our aim is to detect block touches on the ball and to determinate accurate trajectory and impact positions of the ball to support referees. The proposed method is divided into two stages, namely training and ball tracking, and is based on background subtraction. Application of the Gaussian mixture model has been used to estimate a background, and a high-speed camera with a capture rate of 180 frames per second and a resolution of 1920 × 1080 are used for motion capture. In sport halls significant differences in light intensity occur between each sequence frame. To minimize the influence of these light changes, an additional model is created and template matching is used for accurate determination of ball positions when the ball contour in the foreground image is distorted. We show that this algorithm is more accurate than other methods used in similar systems. Our light intensity change model eliminates almost all pixels added to images of moving objects owing to sudden changes in intensity. The average accuracy achieved in the validation process is of 0.57 pixel. Our algorithm accurately determined 99.8% of all ball positions from 2000 test frames, with 25.4 ms being the average time for a single frame analysis. The algorithm presented in this paper is the first stage of referee support using a system of many cameras and 3D trajectories.

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Authors and Affiliations

P. Kurowski
K. Szelag
W. Zaluski
R. Sitnik
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Motion planning for autonomous vehicles relies heavily on perception and prediction results to find a safe, collision-free local trajectory that adheres to traffic rules. However, vehicle perception is frequently limited by occlusion, and the generation of safe local trajectories with restricted perception poses a significant challenge in the field of motion planning. This paper introduces a collision avoidance trajectory planning algorithm that considers potential collision risks, within a hierarchical framework of sampling and optimization. The primary objective of this work is to generate trajectories that are safer and align better with human driver behavior while considering potential collision risks in occluded regions. Specifically, in occlusion scenarios, the state space is discretized, and a dynamic programming algorithm is used for a sampling-based search to obtain initial trajectories. Additionally, the concept of a driving risk field is introduced to describe potential collision risk elements within the human-vehicle-road environment. By drawing inspiration from graph search algorithms, potential collision risk areas are accurately described, and a cost function is proposed for evaluating potential risks in occluded regions. Drivers typically exhibit conservative and cautious driving behavior when navigating through occluded regions. The proposed algorithm not only prioritizes driving safety but also considers driving efficiency, thereby reducing the vehicle’s conservativeness when passing through occlusions. The research results demonstrate that the ego vehicle can actively avoid blind spots and tends to move away from occluded regions, aligning more closely with human driver behavior.
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Yubin Qian
Chengzhi Deng
Jiejie Xu
Xianguo Qu
Zhenyu Song

  1. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Shanghai, China
  2. Defective Product Administrative Center, State Administration for Market Regulation, Beijing, China
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Forecasting future trajectories of intelligent agents presents a formidable challenge, necessitating the analysis of intricate scenarios and uncertainties arising from agent interactions. Consequently, it is judicious to contemplate the establishment of inter-agent relationships and the assimilation of contextual semantic information. In this manuscript, we introduce HTTNet, a comprehensive framework that spans three dimensions of information modeling: (1) the temporal dimension, where HTTNet employs a time encoder to articulate time sequences, comprehending the influences of past and future trajectories; (2) the social dimension, where the trajectory encoder facilitates the input of trajectories from multiple agents, thereby streamlining the modeling of interaction information among intelligent agents; (3) the contextual dimension, where the TF-map encoder integrates semantic scene input, amplifying HTTNet cognitive grasp of scene information. Furthermore, HTTNet integrates a hybrid modeling paradigm featuring CNN and transformer, transmuting map scenes into feature information for the transformer. Qualitative and quantitative analyses on the nuScenes and interaction datasets highlight the exceptional performance of HTTNet, achieving 1.03 minADE10 and a 0.31 miss rate on nuScenes, underscoring its effectiveness in multi-agent trajectory prediction in complex scenarios.
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Xianlei Ge
1 2
Xiaobo Sen
1 3
Xuanxin Zhou
Xiaoyan Li
4 2

  1. School of Electronic Engineering, Huainan Normal University, China
  2. College of Computing and Information Technologies, National University, Philippines
  3. College of Industrial Education, Technological University of the Philippines, Philippines
  4. School of Computer, Huainan Normal University, China
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Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) perfectly fit into the future vision of merchant fleet. MASS autonomous navigation system combines automatic trajectory tracking and supervisor safe trajectory generation subsystems. Automatic trajectory tracking method, using line-of-sight (LOS) reference course generation algorithm, is combined with model predictive control (MPC). Algorithm for MASS trajectory tracking, including cooperation with the dynamic system of safe trajectory generation is described. It allows for better ship control with steady state cross-track error limitation to the ship hull breadth and limited overshoot after turns. In real MASS ships path is defined as set of straight line segments, so transition between trajectory sections when passing waypoint is unavoidable. In the proposed control algorithm LOS trajectory reference course is mapped to the rotational speed reference value, which is dynamically constrained in MPC controller due to dynamically changing reference trajectory in real MASS system. Also maneuver path advance dependent on the path tangential angle difference, to ensure trajectory tracking for turns from 0 to 90 degrees, without overshoot is used. All results were obtained with the use of training ship in real–time conditions.
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Anna Miller

  1. Gdynia Maritime University, ul. Morska 81-87, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
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Adaptive locomotion over difficult or irregular terrain is considered as a superiority feature of walking robots over wheeled or tracked machines. However, safe foot positioning, body posture and stability, correct leg trajectory, and efficient path planning are a necessity for legged robots to overcome a variety of possible terrains and obstacles.Without these properties, anywalking machine becomes useless. Energy consumption is one of the major problems for robots with a large number of Degrees of Freedom (DoF). When considering a path plan ormovement parameters such as speed, step length or step height, it is important to choose the most suitable variables to sustain long battery life and to reach the objective or complete the task successfully.We change the settings of a hexapod robot leg trajectory for overcoming small terrain irregularities by optimizing consumed energy and leg trajectory during each leg transfer. The trajectory settings are implemented as a part of hexapod robot simulation model and tested through series of experiments with various terrains of differing complexity and obstacles of various sizes. Our results show that the proposed energy-efficient trajectory transformation is an effective method for minimizing energy consumption and improving overall performance of a walking robot.

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Mindaugas Luneckas
Tomas Luneckas
Dainius Udris
Darius Plonis
Rytis Maskeliunas
Robertas Damasevicius
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The main objective of this article is to obtain equations of motion of the spin–stabilized projectile in the presence of non–constant wind. Introducing models allowing utilization of inhomogeneous wind is dictated by new possibilities created by the use of e.g. lidars in the Fire Control Systems (FCS). Constant feed of wind data can replace meteorological messages, increasing the FCS effectiveness. Article contains results of projectile flight simulations which indicate the positive effect that the derived explicit form of the model has when considering software development for modern Fire Control Systems.

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L. Baranowski
P. Majewski
J. Szymonik
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The article deals with studying the hydrodynamic characteristics of the fluidized bed in gravitation shelf dryers. The algorithm to calculate hydrodynamic characteristics of the fluidized bed in the dryer’s workspace is described. Every block of the algorithm has a primary hydrodynamic characteristics theoretical model of calculation. Principles of disperse phase motion in various areas in the gravitation shelf dryer are established. The software realization of the author’s mathematic model to calculate disperse phase motion trajectory in a free and constrained regime, disperse phase residence time in the dryers’ workspace, polydisperse systems classification is proposed in the study. Calculations of disperse phase motion hydrodynamic characteristics using the software product ANSYS CFX, based on the author’s mathematic model, are presented in the article. The software product enables automating calculation simultaneously by several optimization criteria and visualizing calculation results in the form of 3D images. The disperse phase flow velocity fields are obtained; principles of a wide fraction of the disperse phase distribution in the workspace of the shelf dryer are fixed. The way to define disperse phase residence time91 in the workspace of the shelf dryer in free (without consideration of cooperation with other particles and dryer’s elements) and con-strained motion regimes is proposed in the research. The calculation results make a base for the optimal choice of the gravitation shelf dryer working chamber sizes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nadiia Artyukhova
Jan Krmela
Vladimíra Krmelová
Artem Artyukhov
Mária Gavendová

  1. Sumy State University, Oleg Balatskyi Academic and Research Institute of Finance, Economics and Management, Department of Marketing, Rymskogo-Korsakova st. 2, 40007, Sumy, Ukraine
  2. Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov, Department of Numerical Methods and Computational Modeling, Ivana Krasku 491/30, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
  3. Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Faculty of Industrial Technologies in Púchov, Department of Material Technologies and Environment, Ivana Krasku 491/30, 020 01 Púchov, Slovakia
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This paper considers the problem of the accurate task space finite-time control susceptible to both undesirable disturbance forces exerted on the end-effector and unknown friction forces coming from joints directly driven by the actuators as well as unstructured forces resulting from the kinematic singularities appearing on the mechanism trajectory. We obtain a class of estimated extended transposed Jacobian controllers which seem to successfully counteract the external disturbance forces on the basis of a suitably defined task-space non-singular terminal sliding manifold (TSM) and the Lyapunov stability theory. Moreover, in order to overcome (or to minimise) the undesirable chattering effects, the proposed robust control law involves the second-order sliding technique. The numerical simulations (closely related to an experiment) ran for a mobile manipulator consisting of a non-holononic platform of (2;0) type and a holonomic manipulator of two revolute kinematic pairs show the performance of the proposed controllers and make a comparison with other well-known control schemes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mirosław Galicki

  1. Centrum Badan Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, ul. Bartycka 18A, 00-716 Warsaw, Poland
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In this work, continuous third-order sliding mode controllers are presented to control a five degrees-of-freedom (5-DOF) exoskeleton robot. This latter is used in physiotherapy rehabilitation of upper extremities. The aspiration is to assist the movements of patients with severe motor limitations. The control objective is then to design adept controllers to follow desired trajectories smoothly and precisely. Accordingly, it is proposed, in this work, a class of homogeneous algorithms of sliding modes having finite-time convergence properties of the states. They provide continuous control signals and are robust regardless of non-modeled dynamics, uncertainties and external disturbances. A comparative study with a robust finite-time sliding mode controller proposed in literature is performed. Simulations are accomplished to investigate the efficacy of these algorithms and the obtained results are analyzed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ratiba Fellag
1 3
Mohamed Guiatni
Mustapha Hamerlain
Noura Achour

  1. Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Alger, Algérie.
  2. Laboratoire LCS^2, Ecole Militaire Polytechnique, Alger, Algérie.
  3. Laboratoire LRPE, Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Alger, Algérie.
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Micro-acceleration generation during ultra-low-frequency micro-vibration calibration is a sensitive issue. There are issues of traditional pendulum tables being unable to change the pendulum radius and direction to produce micro-accelerations of different magnitudes, and the line shakers having a low signal-to-noise ratio when the vibration amplitude is the same as that of the pendulum tables. Therefore, a novel ultra-low-frequency micro-vibration calibration method is proposed to solve the above issues based on virtual pendulum motion trajectories of the Stewart platform. The micro-accelerations of 10–5 to 10–3 m/s2 can be generated by the trajectories with the radius of up to 12 m, the displacement amplitudes of up to 11.636 mm and the frequencies between 0.01 and 0.1 Hz. In the virtual pendulum motion, the maximum acceleration can be 2481 times greater than the acceleration of linear motion at the same frequency and displacement amplitude. In a comparison experiment with the current rotating platform, the maximum relative deviation of sensitivity amplitude calibration for pendulum motion around the x- and y-axis based on the Stewart platform are 0.411% and 0.295% respectively. The above results demonstrate the validity and reliability of this kind of method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tong Ye
Zhihua Liu
Chenguang Cai
Fubing Bao
Fei Xu
Xiangkun Lian

  1. College of Metrology and Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, 310018 Hangzhou, China
  2. Institute of Mechanics and Acoustic Metrology, National Institute of Metrology, 100029 Beijing, China

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