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The paper discusses the current situation as well as the perspectives for hard coal extraction in India, a global leader both in terms of hard coal output and import volumes. Despite this, over 300 million people lack access to electricity in this country. The main energy resource of India is hard coal and Coal India Limited (CI L) is the world’s biggest company dealing with hard coal extraction. CI L has over 450 mines, employs over 400,000 people, and extracts ca. 430 million tons of hard coal from its 471 mining facilities. India is planning the decisive development of hard coal mining to extract 1.5 billion tons in 2020. Hard coal output in India can be limited due to the occurrence of various threats, including the methane threat. The biggest methane threat occurs in the mines in the Jharia basin, located in East India (the Jharkhand province), where coal methane content is up to ca. 18 m3/Mg. Obtaining methane from coal seams is becoming a necessity. The paper provides guidelines for the classification of particular levels of the methane threat in Indian’s mines. The results of methane sorption tests, carried by the use of the microgravimetric method on coal from the Moonidih mine were presented. Sorption capacities and the diffusion coefficient of methane on coal were determined. The next step was to determine the possibility of degassing the seam, using numerical methods based on the value of coal diffusion coefficient based on Crank’s diffusion model solution. The aim of this study was the evaluation of coal seam demethanization possibilities. The low diffusivity of coal, combined with a minor network of natural cracks in the seam, seems to preclude foregoing demethanization carried out by means of coal seam drilling, without prior slotting.
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Mirosław Wierzbicki
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The paper presents an analysis of hard coal prices offered at the coal depots in Poland. Coal depots are one of the most popular forms of purchasing coal by Polish households. Prices refer to price offers for cobble coal (grain size: 60–120 mm) and their analysis is performed based on the regions rather than on all Polish provinces. From January 2010 to May 2019, there were two regions that were distinguished in terms of price spread: the S-W region and the N-E region. In the case of the S-W region, the difference between the province with the minimum price (Śląskie Province) and with the maximum price (Dolnośląskie Province since September 2017) ranged from PLN 53–83/ton, and in the N-E region the difference ranged PLN 64–130/ton. In the case of the remaining two regions, prices varied from a few to approximately PLN 80/ton for the N-W region, and from a few to about PLN 40 /ton for the S-E region. In order to determine how the origin of the coal affects its prices (domestic coal, imported coal), the analysis also included cobble coal price offers that are part of the Author’s own database created for several years. In the case of cobble coal from domestic producers, price offers varied betwwen PLN 14–33/GJ, and price offers for imported cobble coal stood varied between PLN 12–32/GJ. The N-E region attracted particular attention as the price offers for imported cobble coal reached a level similar to the offers from the S-W region, i.e. the region closest to Silesian coal mines. Price differentials within provinces belonging to a given region were influenced by the geographical rent. The paper also analyses average selling prices offered by domestic producers for various size grades of steam coal as well as selling prices for imported coal (free-at-frontier price).

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Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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A significant part of hard coal production (15–19% in the years 2010–2017, i.e. 1.0–1.3 billion

tons per year) is traded on the international market. The majority of coal trade takes place by sea,

accounting for 91–94% of the total coal trade. The article discusses the share of coal in international

seaborne trade and the largest coal ports. Coal is one the five major bulk commodities (in addition

to iron ore, grain, bauxite, alumina, and phosphate rock). In the years 2010–2016, the share of coal

in international seaborne trade and major bulk commodities was 36–41% and 11–12%, respectively.

Based on the analysis of coal throughput in different ports worldwide, the ports with the

largest throughput include the ports of Qinhuangdao (China), Newcastle (Australia), and Richards

Bay (South Africa). For 2013–2017, their throughput amounted to a total of 411–476 million tons

of coal. The largest coal exporting countries were: Australia, Indonesia, Russia, Colombia, South

Africa, and the US (a total of 85% share in global coal exports), while the largest importers are

Asian countries: China, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (a 64% share in global imports). In

Europe, Germany is the largest importer of coal (54 million tons imported in 2016). The article also

discusses the freight costs and the bulk carrier fleet. Taking the price of coal at the recipient’s (i.e.

at the importer’s port) into account, the share of freight costs in the CIF price of steam coal (the

price of a good delivered at the frontier of the importing country) was at the level of 10–14%. In

the years 2010–2016, the share of bulk carriers in the world fleet was in the range of 11–15%. In

terms of tonnage, bulk carriers accounted for 31–35% of the total tonnage of all types of ships in

the world. The share of new (1–4 years) bulk carriers in the total number of ships on a global scale

in the years 2010–2016 was 29–46%.

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
Zbigniew Grudziński
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Paper deals with the new localizer GLOP2 designed for detection of the miners trapped in underground hard coal mines. The results of a field test conducted in coal mine BOBREK show that the presented localizer allows for efficient measurement of the distance between a trapped miner and the rescuer in the range of up to 15 m.
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Piotr Burnos
Janusz Gajda
Piotr Maj
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Households are the most significant group of consumers in the municipal and household sector in

Poland. In 2010-2016, households consumed annually from 8.9 to 10.8 million Mg of coal (77-81%

share in this sector).

As of the beginning of 2018, seven voivodships in Poland have already introduced anti-smog resolutions,

one has its draft, three are considering introduction of such resolutions. In the face of introducing

anti-smog resolutions, the analysis of coal consumption by households was conducted for a situation

where anti-smog resolutions will be introduced in all voivodships in Poland.

A forecast of hard coal consumption by Polish households in 2017-2030 was presented in the article.

Two scenarios differentiated in terms of calorific value of coal were taken into account: (i) concerned coal

with a calorific value of 24 MJ/kg (min. Q for eco-pea coal: grain size 5.0-31.5 mm), (ii) – coals with

a calorific value of 26 MJ/kg (Q recommended for use by producers of class 5 boilers).

In the perspective of 2030, the largest decrease in hard coal consumption can be expected (jointly)

in the voivodships of Śląskie, Dolnośląskie, Opolskie and Lubuskie. Under the assumptions made, in

relation to 2016, it may be reduced by half and fall from 2.8 to the level of 1.4-1.5 million Mg. The

smallest decreases in consumption may occur (jointly) in the Małopolskie, Lubelskie, Podkarpackie and

Świętokrzyskie voivodships – decrease by 16-22% and fall from 2.6 to approximately 1.9-2.0 million Mg.

On a national scale, coal consumption may decrease from the current 10.4 (2016) to around 6.3-6.8 million

Mg (a decrease of 30-35%).

Despite the decrease in hard coal consumption in the 2030 perspective, one should expect an increase

in demand for high quality coal dedicated to modern boilers (usually pea assortments) as well as qualified

coal fuels (mainly eco-pea coal).

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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj
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This paper deals with issues related to tribological processes occurring as a result of excessive wear of the surface of scraper conveyor components caused by the impact of the mined material created during drilling of development or exploitation galleries. One of the most common types of tribological wear is abrasive wear. W ear tests were carried out for hard coal – based abrasive using dry carbon abrasive and a hydrated mixture with 76 and 58% hard coal. Based on the conducted research, it was established that the effects of wear processes are associated with damage typical of wear mechanisms: micro-scratching and micro-fatigue. For the wear variant in the presence of dry coal abrasive, individual scratches caused by the abrasive grains were observed on the surface of the samples. The main reason for this type of damage was the aggregation of quartz, which is one of the basic components of the mineral substance present in the tested hard coal. When hydrated carbon mixtures were used as an abrasive, the surface of the samples also displayed scratches characteristic of the aggregate quartz. A small part of the carbon abrasive was pressed into the scratches. Under the influence of the wear caused by friction, small depressions were also formed, where coal penetrated. The effect of coal pressing into micro-scratches is related to its plastic properties. T ests of the abrasive conducted after the conclusion of wear tests have shown that under the influence of the local increase in temperature and pressure, the hard coal contained in the abrasive can undergo transformations. In the abrasive transformed under friction, small, but measurable changes in the content of the C element in relation to the initial hard coal sample were exhibited.

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Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Jonczy
Andrzej N. Wieczorek
Jacek Podwórny
Anna Gerle
Marcin Staszuk
Jacek Szweblik
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Running a business entails various risks which can significantly impact the economic and production results achieved by a given enterprise. One way of hedging certain risks is to use appropriately designed derivatives. This article presents the newest group of these contracts, i.e. swaps, and focuses on how these contracts can be used by Polish mining companies from the hard coal mining sector selling a part of their output on the global market. This article briefly characterises and presents types of swaps as well as the Polish swap market, pioneered by Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. with the first FX swap of 1992. Since then, other types of transactions have also been included in the offering of domestic banks (assets swaps, cross-currency interest rate swaps). Mining companies producing hard coal have not been active on the swap market yet because of their poor activity on derivative markets. This article proposes a swap as an derivative hedging the hard coal price for a mining company exporting a part of its production to the global market. In the presented example, a mining company, by concluding a forward and an appropriately structured commodity swap, was able to both protect it self from a fall in the price and use additional gains due to prices rising in the global market. Apart from commodity swaps, mining companies can use FX swaps, IRS and other swaps described in the literature and commonly applied in practice by various economic entities, depending on the type of risk that needs hedging. A significant advantage of this kind of contract is that there is no need to freeze funds in security deposits, nor are there fees of other kinds (premiums) like those payable for other derivatives (futures, options).

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Edyta Brzychczy
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Coal reserves in the Czech Republic are estimated to be 10 billion tons – hard coal about 37%, brown coal about 60% and lignite 3%. Hard coal is produced in Northern Moravia. In 2017 the production of hard coal was 5.5 million tons. Brown coal is mined in North-Western Bohemia − the production of brown coal in 2017 was 38.1 million tons. Significant quantities of hard coal are exported to: Slovakia, Austria, Germany and Hungary. In accordance with the National Energy Policy, coal will remain the main source of energy in the country in the future, despite the increased use of nuclear energy and natural gas. The government expects that in 2030 energy from coal will account for 30.5% of energy produced. There are five coal companies in the Czech Republic: OKD, a.s., the only hard coal producer and four brown coal mining companies: Severočeské Doly a.s., owned by ČEZ, the largest producer of brown coal, Vršanská uhelná a.s., with coal resources until 2055, Severní energetická a.s. with the largest brown coal reserves in the Czech Republic and Sokolovska uhelná a.s., the smallest mining company extracting lignite. OKD operates coal in two mines Kopalnia Důlní závod 1 – (consists of three mines: ČSA Mine, Lazy Mine, Darkov Mine) and Mine Důlní závod 2 (ttwo mines Sever, Jih). The article also presents a pro-ecological solution for the management of waste heaps after coal enrichment – a plant for the enrichment of coal waste from the Hermanice heap.

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Vladimír Čablík
Miluše Hlavatá
Iva Janáková
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Coal combustion processes are the main source of mercury emission to the environment in Poland. Mercury is emitted by both power and heating plants using hard and brown coals as well as in households. With an annual mercury emission in Poland at the level of 10 Mg, the households emit 0.6 Mg. In the paper, studies on the mercury release in the coal and biomass combustion process in household boilers were conducted. The mercury release factors were determined for that purpose. For the analyzed samples the mercury release factors ranged from 98.3 to 99.1% for hard coal and from 99.5% to 99.9% for biomass, respectively. Due to the high values of the determined factors, the amount of mercury released into the environment mainly depends on the mercury content in the combusted fuel. In light of the obtained results, the mercury content in the examined hard coals was 6 times higher than in the biomass (dry basis). Taking the calorific value of fuels into account, the difference in mercury content between coal and biomass decreased, but its content in coal was still 4 times higher. The mercury content determined in that way ranged from 0.7 to 1.7 μg/MJ for hard coal and from 0.1 to 0.5 μg/MJ for biomass, respectively. The main opportunity to decrease the mercury emissions from households is offered by the use of fuels with a mercury content that is as low as possible, as well as by a reduction of fuel consumption. The latter could be obtained by the use of modern boilers as well as by the thermo-modernization of buildings. It is also possible to partially reduce mercury emissions by using dust removal devices.

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Tadeusz Dziok
Elżbieta Kołodziejska
Ewa Kołodziejska
Agnieszka Woszczyna
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This study presents the results of concentrations of rare earth elements and yttrium (REY ), uranium (U), and thorium (Th) in ashes from combustion/co-combustion of biomass (20%, 40%, and 60% share) from the agri-food industry (pomace from apples, walnut shells, and sunflower husks) and hard coal. The study primarily focuses on ashes from the co-combustion of biomass and hard coal, in terms of their potential use for the recovery of rare earth elements (REE ), and the identification of the sources of these elements in the ashes. Research methods such as ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry), XRD (X-ray diffraction), and SEM -EDS (scanning electron microscopy with quantitative X-ray microanalysis) were used. The total average content of REY in ash from biomass combustion is 3.55–120.5 mg/kg, and in ash from co-combustion, it is from 187.3 to 73.5 mg/kg. The concentration of critical REE in biomass combustion ash is in the range 1.0–38.7 mg/kg, and in cocombustion ash it is 23.3–60.7 mg/kg. In hard-coal ash, the average concentration of REY and critical REY was determined at the level of 175 and 45.3 mg/kg, respectively. In all samples of the tested ashes, a higher concentration of Th (0.2–14.8 mg/kg) was found in comparison to U (0.1–6 mg/kg). In ashes from biomass and hard-coal combustion/co-combustion, the range of the prospective coefficient (Coutl) is 0.66–0.82 and 0.8–0.85, respectively, which may suggest a potential source for REE recovery. On the basis of SEM -EDS studies, yttrium was found in particles of ashes from biomass combustion, which is mainly bound to carbonates. The carriers of REY , U, and Th in ashes from biomass and hard-coal co-combustion are phosphates (monazite and xenotime), and probably the vitreous aluminosilicate substance.
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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Adamczyk
Danuta Smołka-Danielowska
Arkadiusz Krzątała
Tomasz Krzykawski

  1. University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland
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Human-induced climate change is caused by the emission of pollutants into the environment. One of the sources of the formation of harmful compounds is the combustion of solid fuels in heating boilers. These contribute to the occurrence of respiratory and circulatory system diseases, allergies, cancer and developmental disorders in children. In this research, the concentrations of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and hydrocarbons in samples obtained from the combustion of hard coal intended for fuel in household furnaces were measured using an exhaust-gas analyzer equipped with electrochemical sensors. The combustion of test samples was performed using an up-draft research furnace. The results show that the average total concentration of the tested pollutants emitted from the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal is over 20% lower compared to the emission from the combustion of type 31 coal. Moreover, the concentration of carbon monoxide, the permissible levels of which are regulated by the chimney emission standards, is significantly lower during the combustion of type 32 and type 33 coal compared to the combustion of type 31 coal. Therefore, one of the ways to locally reduce pollutant emission from the combustion of solid fuels in home heating boilers might be the accurate choice of the type of hard coal used for heating. Before the use of coal stoves in households is completely dismissed, local regulations can be introduced to limit emissions in places where air quality indicators are exceeded and improve the health of the population.
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Authors and Affiliations

Aleksandra Kęska
Iwona Jatowczyc-Borkowska

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
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The geopolitical situation in Europe has changed dramatically due to the war waged by the Russian Federation in Ukraine. This makes it necessary to become independent from supplies of mineral resources, especially energy from Russia. According to the authors, ensuring Poland’s energy security will require a longer use of coal as the primary energy resource than initially expected. The expected increase in energy demand may cause a negative energy balance in the country. Renewable energy sources dependent on weather conditions cannot with certainty ensure energy security. On the other hand, nuclear requires large financial outlays and a longer time for reactors’ construction. In addition, it has other disadvantages (the problem of waste, environmental impact in the event of a malfunction and the need to import uranium). In these circumstances, coal may be a raw material that meets the economic needs and ensures the energy security of the country.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Strzałkowski
Marek Maruszczyk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mining, Safety Engineering and IndustrialAutomation, 2a Akademicka Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Carbo Mar Consulting, Poland
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In the period 1993-2000 several activities were undertaken in the hard coal mining sector aimed reduction of production costs. In the paper an analysis of changes between components of the unit cost of production based on tabular specifications and their graphical interpretations is presented.
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Tadeusz Woźny
Stanisław Głodzik
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In this study, a new laser flash system was proposed for the determination of the thermal conductivity of brown coal, hard coal and anthracite. The main objective of the investigation was to determine the effect of coal rank, composition, physical structure and temperature on thermal conductivity. The solid fuels tested were medium conductors of heat whose determined thermal conductivities were in the range of 0.09 to 0.23 W/(m K) at room temperature. The thermal conductivity of the solid fuels tested typically increased with the rank of coal and the measurement temperature. The results of this study show that the physical structure of solid fuels and temperature have a dominant effect on the fuels' thermal conductivity.

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Monika Kosowska-Golachowska
Władysław Gajewski
Tomasz Musiał
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The aim of the study is to determine the mercury content in hard coal, randomly taken from the USCB and in by-products of hard coal mining (fresh mining waste), i.e. aggregates (gangue) and hard coal sludge and mining waste from the Siersza dump (weathered waste). The 34 samples were intended for analysis. The total mercury content and the amount of mercury leaching from solid samples was determined. The percentage of the leaching form in the total element content, i.e. the level of mercury release from the material (leaching level), was also calculated. The amount of mercury leaching was determined by a static method using a batch test 1:10. The highest possibility of leaching mercury is characterized by weathered waste from the Siersza dump and slightly lower analyzed hard coal from the U pper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB). For hard coal samples, the total mercury content is between 0.0275–0.1236 mg/kg. However, the amount of mercury leaching from coal samples is 0.0008–0.0077 mg/kg. The aggregate is characterized by a higher total mercury content in the finest fraction 0–6 mm, within 0.1377–0.6107 mg/kg and much lower in the 80-120 mm fraction, within 0.0508–0.1274 mg/kg. The amount of elution is comparable in both fractions and amounts to 0.0008–0.0057 mg/kg. Coal sludge has a total mercury content of 0.0937–0.2047 mg/kg. L ow leaching values of 0.0014–0.0074 mg/ kg are also observed. Weathered mining waste has a total mercury content of 0.0622–0.2987 mg/kg. However, leaching values from weathered waste are much higher than from fresh mining waste. This value is 0.0058–0.0165 mg/kg. In the hard coal extracted from U SCB, the leaching level is 4.7% on average. Mining waste is characterized by a large variation in the proportion of mercury leaching form and the differences result from the seasoning time of the samples. Waste or by-products of hard coal production, such as aggregates and coal sludge, show a mercury washout form at an average level of 1.7%. The proportion of leachable form in weathered waste increased strongly to 7.3%. Elution characteristics vary for different groups of materials tested. Factors such as the type and origin of samples, their granulometric composition and the seasoning time of the material are of fundamental importance and demonstrated in the work.

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Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Janusz Mazurek
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The Polish power generation system is based mostly on coal-fired power plants. Therefore, the coal mining sector is strongly sensitive to changes in the energy sector, of which decarbonization is the crucial one. The EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) requires power generating companies to purchase European Emission Allowances (EUAs), whose prices have recently soared. They have a direct impact on the cost efficiency of hard coal-fired power generation, hence influence the consumption of hard coal on the power sector. In this context, the objective of this paper is to estimate the hard coal consumption in various regions of Poland under selected forecasts of the EUA price. To investigate this question, two models are employed:

 - the PolPower_LR model that simulates the Polish power generation system,

 - the FSM _LR model that optimizes hard coal supplies.

Three scenarios differentiated by the EUA price are designed for this study. In the first one, the average EUA price from 2014–2017 is assumed. In the second and third, the EUA prices are assumed accordingly to the NPS and the SDS scenario of the World Energy Outlook. In this study we consider only existing, modernized, under construction and announced coal-fired power generation units. The results of the study indicate that regardless of the scenario, a drop in hard coal consumption by power generation units is observed in the entire period of analysis. However, the dynamics of these changes differ. The results of this analysis prove that the volume of hard coal consumption may differ by even 136 million Mg (in total) depending on the EUA prices development scenario. The highest cumulated volume of hard coal consumption is observed in the Opolski, Radomski and Sosnowiecki region, regardless of the considered scenario.

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Przemysław Kaszyński
Aleksandra Komorowska
Jacek Kamiński
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The new legislative provisions, regulating the solid fuel trade in Poland, and the resolutions of

provincial assemblies assume, inter alia, a ban on the household use of lignite fuels and solid fuels

produced with its use; this also applies to coal sludge, coal flotation concentrates, and mixtures

produced with their use. These changes will force the producers of these materials to find new

ways and methods of their development, including their modification (mixing with other products

or waste) in order to increase their attractiveness for the commercial power industry. The presented

paper focuses on the analysis of coal sludge, classified as waste (codes 01 04 12 and 01 04 81)

or as a by-product in the production of coals of different types. A preliminary analysis aimed at

presenting changes in quality parameters and based on the mixtures of hard coal sludge (PG SILESIA)

with coal dusts from lignite (pulverized lignite) (LEAG) has been carried out. The analysis

of quality parameters of the discussed mixtures included the determination of the calorific value,

ash content, volatile matter content, moisture content, heavy metal content (Cd, Tl, Hg, Sb, As, Pb,

Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, and W), and sulfur content. The preliminary analysis has shown that mixing

coal sludge with coal dust from lignite and their granulation allows a product with the desired quality

and physical parameters to be obtained, which is attractive to the commercial power industry.

Compared to coal sludge, granulates made of coal sludge and coal dust from lignite with or without

ground dolomite have a higher sulfur content (in the range of 1–1.4%). However, this is still an

acceptable content for solid fuels in the commercial power industry. Compared to the basic coal

sludge sample, the observed increase in the content of individual toxic components in the mixture

samples is small and it therefore can be concluded that the addition of coal dust from lignite or carbonates

has no significant effect on the total content of the individual elements. The calorific value

is a key parameter determining the usefulness in the power industry. The size of this parameter for

coal sludge in an as received basis is in the range of 9.4–10.6 MJ/kg. In the case of the examined

mixtures of coal sludge with coal dust from lignite, the calorific value significantly increases to

the range of 14.0–14.5 MJ/kg (as received). The obtained values increase the usefulness in the

commercial power industry while, at the same time, the requirements for the combustion of solid

fuels are met to a greater extent. A slight decrease in the calorific value is observed in the case of

granulation with the addition of CaO or carbonates. Taking the analyzed parameters into account,

it can be concluded that the prepared mixtures can be used in the combustion in units with flue gas

desulfurization plants and a nominal thermal power not less than 1 MW. At this stage of work no

cost analysis was carried out.

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Authors and Affiliations

Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Marek Wiencek
Janusz Mazurek
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This article presents the use of a multi-criterion Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to assess

geological and mining condition nuisance in longwall mining operations in selected coal mines in Poland.

For this purpose, a methodology has been developed which was used to calculate the operational nuisance

indicator (WUe) in relation to the cost of mining coal in individual longwalls. Components of the aggregate

operational nuisance indicator include four sub-indicators: the natural hazards indicator (UZN), an

indicator describing the seam parameters (UPZ), an indicator describing the technical parameters (UT)

and an environmental impact indicator (UŚ). In total, the impact of 28 different criteria, which formed

particular components of the nuisance indicators were analysed. In total 471 longwalls in 11 coal mines

were analysed, including 277 longwalls that were mined in the period of 2011 to 2016 and 194 longwalls

scheduled for exploitation in the years 2017 to 2021.

Correlation analysis was used to evaluate the relationships between nuisance and the operating costs

of longwalls. The analysis revealed a strong correlation between the level of nuisance and the operating

costs of the longwalls under study. The design of the longwall schedule should therefore also take into

account the nuisance arising from the geological and mining conditions of the operations. Selective

operations management allows for the optimization of costs for mining in underground mines using the

longwall system. This knowledge can also be used to reduce the total operating costs of mines as a result

of abandoning the mining operations in entire longwalls or portions of longwalls that may be permanently

unprofitable. Currently, underground mines do not employ this optimization method, which even more

emphasizes the need for popularizing this approach.

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Eugeniusz Jacek Sobczyk
Michał Kopacz
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The coal fed to gravity enrichment consists of coals coming from different deposits and exploitation fronts. These coals differ in quality parameters, especially the amount of gangue (stone) changing over time. This results in the instability of work, especially jiggers, which have a relatively low accuracy assessed by probable scattering or imperfection rates. This deteriorates the quality of the concentrate obtained, the quality parameters of which change over time. The improvement of jiggers work would be possible by averaging the feed. This process is practically impossible due to the failure to design such a node during plant construction, which are, in most cases, directly related to the shaft. In the article, the authors propose to solve the process of averaging the feed before directing it to the enrichment process in jiggers by introducing its deshaling in vibratory- air separators of the FGX type.

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Wiesław Blaschke
Ireneusz Baic
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Coal mining is one of the most important sectors of the Polish industry. It can be said that the coal is a national raw material. This results in Poland being a pioneer in the European Union in terms of coal mining as well as its use in the production of electricity and heat. There are many companies in Poland which have been established and developed around the coal mining industry aimed at coal extracting. The operations of those companies depends on the condition of the mining companies and their cooperation with them: commercial, service and advisory, called referred to as “mining supporting companies”. The article focuses on the results of a survey carried out in mining supporting companies, such as mining machinery and equipment manufacturers, mining-related service companies and mining-related research and development institutions. The authors evaluated the relationship and dependence of those companies on the mining industry. It was assumed that the measure of the mining supporting companies condition is the overall quantity of public related payments contributed to the state budget and local budgets. In the article, the authors raised the problem of the size of losses for public finances, as a result of the significant limitations of financial flows from the mining companies. The surveyed companies are those associated with the Polish Mining Chamber of Industry and Commerce. As a result, the authors prepared conclusions regarding the dependence of the mining supporting companies on the situation of the mining subsector.

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Lidia Gawlik
Monika Pepłowska
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The paper presents selected issues related to the development of international coal markets. World consumption of coal dropped for the second year in a row in 2016, primarily due to lower demand from China and the U S. The share of coal in global primary energy consumption decreased to 28%. World coal production accounted to 3.66 billion toe and it was lower by 6.2% when compared to the previous year. More than 60% of this decline took place in China. The decline in global production was more than four times higher than the decrease in consumption. The sufficiency of world resources of coal are estimated at 153 years – that is three times more than the sufficiency of oil and gas resources. After several years of decline, coal prices increased by 77% in 2016. The current spot prices are at the level of $80/t and are close to the 2014 prices. In the European market, after the first half of the year, coal prices reached the level of around 66% higher than in the same period of the last year. The average price in the first half amounted to PLN 12.6/GJ, which is close to the 2012 prices. The share of spot trade in the total purchase amount accounted to approx. 20%. Prices in futures contracts can be estimated on the basis of the Japan-Australia contracts prices and prices in supplies to power plants located in Germany. On average, the prices in supplies to these power plants were higher by approximately 9% in the years 2010–2016 and prices in Australia – Japan contracts were 12% higher than CIF ARA prices in 2017. Global energy coal trade reached about 1.012 billion tonnes in 2016. In 2019, a decline by 4.8% is expected primarily due to the expected reduction in the demand in major importing countries in Asia.

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Zbigniew Grudziński
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In the processes of coal mining, preparation and combustion, the rejects and by-products are generated. These are, among others, the rejects from the coal washing and dry deshaling processes as well as the coal combustion by-products (fly ash and slag). Current legal and industry regulations recommend determining the content of mercury in them. The regulations also define the acceptable content of mercury. The aim of the paper was to determine the mercury content in the rejects derived from the coal cleaning processes as well as in the combustion by-products in respect of their utilization. The mercury content in the representative samples of the rejects derived from the coal washing and dry deshaling processes as well as in the coal combustion by products derived from 8 coal-fired boilers was determined. The mercury content in the rejects from the coal washing process varied from 54 to 245 μg/kg, (the average of 98 μg/kg) and in the rejects from the dry deshaling process it varied from 76 to 310 μg/kg (the average of 148 μg/kg). The mercury content in the fly ash varied from 70 to 1420 μg/kg, (the average of 567 μg/kg) and in the slag it varied from 8 to 58 μg/kg (the average of 21 μg/kg). At the moment, in light of the regulations from the point of view of mercury content in the rejects from the coal preparation processes and in the coal combustion by-products, there are no significant barriers determining the way of their utilization. Nevertheless, in the future, regulations limiting the maximum content of mercury as well as the acceptable amount of leachable mercury may be introduced. Therefore, preparing for this situation by developing other alternative methods of using the rejects and by-products is recommended.

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Piotr Burmistrz
Tadeusz Dziok
Krzysztof Bytnar
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Sixteen samples were designed for analysis (hard coal, aggregate – barren rock, hard coal sludge). The total mercury content and the amount of mercury leaching were determined. The percentage of leachable form in the total content was calculated. The studies were carried out under various pH medium. The leachability under conditions close to neutral was determined in accordance with the PN EN 12457/1-4 standard. The leachability under acidic medium (pH of the solution – approx. 3) was determined in accordance with principles of the TCLP method. The mercury content was determined by means of the AAS method. For hard coal the total mercury content was 0.0384–0.1049 mg/kg. The level of leaching on mean was 2.6%. At the acidic medium the amount of leaching increases to an mean 4.1%. The extractive waste of aggregate type features a higher total mercury content in the finest fraction < 6 mm (up to 0.4564 mg/kg) and a lower content in the fraction 80–120 mm (up to 0.1006 mg/kg). The aggregate shows the percentage of the leachable form on mean from 1.4 to 2.2%. With pH decreasing to approx. 3, the amount of leaching grows up to mean values of 1.7–3.2%. Coal sludge features the total mercury content of 0.1368–0.2178 mg/kg. The percentage of mercury leachable form is approx. 1.8%. With pH decreasing the value increases to mean value of 3.0%. In general, the leachability of mercury from hard coals and extractive waste is low, and the leachability in an acidic medium grows approx. twice. Such factors as the type and origin of samples, their grain composition, and the pH conditions, have basic importance for the process. The time of waste seasoning and its weathering processes have the greatest impact on increasing the leaching of mercury from the extractive waste.
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Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk
Janusz Mazurek

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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There was done an inventarization of 41 coal mining dumping grounds, gathering waste material from 27 mines. Considering the fact, that five mines belong to multi-motion plants the research comprised 32 hard coal deposits. Source data with localization of particular dumps have been obtained from archival materials from the mines and municipalities, in the boundaries where the dumps occur as well as free accessible published materials (books, scientific papers). The data have been verified, in the beginning on the basis of topographical maps, orthophotomaps and aerial photographs and then, after vision done during field works they have been drawn on the topographic base, what resulted in creating the map of post-mining dumping grounds. Valorisation of coal mining waste dumps, using already repeatedly presented method, included defining of: name of the dump, coal mine from where the wastes come from, state of the dump, surface of the dump, type of technical and biological reclamation, accessibility of the object, possibilities of recovery of coal and the results have been drawn on the map. On the basis of collected and elaborated data there was done an attempt of defining of potential possibilities of recovery of coal from the dumps and connecting of coal quality in exploited deposits and coal content in waste material. The results showed that in spite of initial information that the majority of the dumps comprise potential objects of coal recovery of coal from waste material, eventually only in some cases (thirteen objects) the recovery seems to be economically justified.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marek Marcisz
Krystian Probierz
Łukasz Gawor

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