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Celem pracy była wstępna charakterystyka (mineralogiczna, chemiczna, teksturalna) odpadów poflotacyjnych, stanowiących surowiec uboczny (odpadowy) przy uzyskiwaniu koncentratów cynkowo-ołowiowych, pod kątem dalszych analiz nad możliwością ich perspektywicznego (eksperymentalnego) wykorzystania jako sorbentów gazów kwaśnych (SO2 i CO2). Składowisko tych odpadów jest własnością ZGH 'Bolesław' w Bukownie. Materiał badawczy stanowiła próbka odpadów poflotacyjnych pobrana ze stawu osadowego nr 1, leżącego w południowej części Stawu Zachodniego. Charakterystyka wytypowanych do badań materiałów obejmowała podstawowe badania mineralogiczne (XRD, SEM-EDS), analizy chemiczne (oznaczenie zawartości wilgoci analitycznej, zawartości strat prażenia, podstawowego składu chemicznego, jak też pierwiastków śladowych) oraz wyznaczenie podstawowych parametrów teksturalnych (powierzchnia właściwa BET, rozkład i wielkość porów). Badania mineralogiczne wykazały, że materiał odpadowy stanowią głównie minerały węglanowe (w przewadze kalcyt, dolomit, ankeryt) oraz minerały stanowiące pozostałość po niewyflotowanych kruszcach (w przewadze galena, sfaleryt). Analiza chemiczna pozwoliła stwierdzić, iż w analizowanej próbce dominują związki wapnia, magnezu i żelaza uwarunkowane przewagą minerałów węglanowych w badanych odpadach. Wśród pierwiastków śladowych przeważa arsen, następnie mangan i bar, występujące jednak w ilości nie przekraczającej 1%. Analiza teksturalna wykazała, że materiał badawczy charakteryzuje się niską powierzchnią właściwą i dużymi rozmiarami cząstek. Przeprowadzone badania sugerują, że analizowany materiał charakteryzuje się ubogimi właściwościami adsorpcyjnymi, aczkolwiek mógłby on znaleźć zastosowanie w metodach odsiarczania, jak też neutralizacji dwutlenku węgla (karbonizacja). Należałoby jednak w tym celu przeprowadzić dodatkowe badania wymywalności metali ciężkich w środowisku kwasowym, jak też zastosować domieszki innych składników, takich jak cement czy zeolity, w celu immobilizacji niebezpiecznych składników odpadów.

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Magdalena Wdowin
Agnieszka Gruszecka
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A procedure has been proposed for proceeding with homogeneous chemicals being technical products or reagents stored in unlabelled packages, in order to classify these substances to particular categories of wastes. A series of simple tests belonging to a classical analysis of chemical compounds, complemented with instrumental methods in needed cases has been proposed. The requirements have been established for equipment and necessary qualification of personnel in a laboratory in which identification is to be carried out. Attention has been drawn to risk accompanying this procedure and necessary precautions, which should be undertaken, especially due to possible explosive, inflammable and toxic properties of these substances. The worked out procedure was verified in tests and applied during cleaning the central chemical storage rooms.
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Andrzej Skibiński
Teofil Korolewicz
Jacek Majewski
Małgorzata Majka
Andrzej Rajca
Marian Turek
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The presented paper deals with the investigations on the content of chosen trace impurities in offal taken at various stages of technological process in felt production in hat industry, and its possible. The contents of lead, zinc, cadmium, iron, cobalt, copper, nickel and chromium in Bove hair washer wastes, in wastes from rinsing of washer, and in wastes from felting process were determined by spectrophotometric methods because of their simplicity and relative availability.
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Danuta Matysek-Majewska
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The chemical fundamentals of one variant of the chelate method of combined removal of sulfur and nitrogen oxides from flue gases were described. Special attention was paid for chemical reactions responsible for production of solid wastes. A flow sheet of the technology was presented and the operation of industrial installation of SO2, NOx and dust from combustion gases of two 29 MW, grate boilers each was described. The material balance of the process was made and the quantity of solid wastes produced during 3 weeks test of the technology was presented.
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Tomasz Rachwał
Tomasz T. Suchecki
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The article presents the results of plasma vitrification of solid remnants from thermal waste treatment with and without the addition of a carbonate fraction obtained from lead-zinc ore flotation. The substrates used in the research were slags and ashes from medical waste treatment, incineration of municipal waste, sewage sludge as well as hazardous and industrial wastes.

The plasma treatment resulted in acquiring products of different quality depending on the processed substrate. Most of the obtained products were of vitreous and homogenic build. Treatment of remnants from incineration of hazardous and industrial wastes resulted in obtaining heterogeneous and rough surfaced products. A 20% share of the carbonate fraction enabled the obtaining of a vitrified product with a glassy surface and fracture. Hardness of the obtained products was rated in Mohs scale and ranged from 6 to 6,5. Leaching tests showed a decrease in heavy metal concentration in the leachates from vitrificates with the addition of carbonate fraction compared to the ones with it.

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January Bień
Bartosz Morzyk
Katarzyna Wystalska
Piotr Celary
Jolanta Sobik-Szołtysek
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The aim of this work was to determine the influence of various variants of bioleaching on effectivity of releasing chosen critical metals: rhodium, cadmium, indium, niobium and chromium from ashes which are a byproduct of municipal waste and sewage sludge thermal processing. The research was conducted in 3 variants that considered different process factors such as temperature (24ºC and 37ºC), mixing intensity and aeration. After 5 days of the process the analyses were made of metals content, sulfate concentration, pH, general number of bacteria number, index of sulfur oxidizing bacteria. The best results of bioleaching were achieved by running the process at the temperature of 24ºC with aeration. The efficiency of rhodium and cadmium release from the byproduct of municipal waste thermal processing was above 90%. The efficiency of indium and chromium release reached 50–60%. Only niobium leached better in mixing conditions. The byproduct of sewage sludge thermal processing was far less susceptible to bioleaching. The highest effectivity (on a level of 50%) was reached for indium in temperature of 24°C with aeration. The efficiency of bioleaching depended on waste’s physiochemical properties and type of metal which will be released. Aeration with compressed air had a positive influence on the increase of sulfur oxidizing bacteria what corresponded with almost double increase of sulfate concentration in leaching culture. Such conditions had a positive influence on the increase of the efficiency of bioleaching process. Heightening the temperature to 37°C and slowly mixing did not impact bioleaching in a positive way.

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Dorota A. Andrzejewska-Górecka
Agnieszka Poniatowska
Bartłomiej Macherzyński
Dominik Wojewódka
Maciej Sierakowski
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The most important and the most frequently used plastics are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). They are characterised with high heating values (approximately 40 MJ/kg). Moreover, their chemical composition, based mainly on carbon and hydrogen, allows to use them in industrial processes. One of the methods of utilisation of plastic waste can be its use in the metallurgical industry. This paper presents results of thermal decomposition of waste PE/PP. Chemical and thermal analysis (TG) of studied wastes was carried out. Evolved gaseous products from the decomposition of wastes were indentified using mass spectrometry (TG-MS). This paper also presents an application of plastic wastes as supplemental fuel in blast furnace processes (as a substitute for coke) and as an addition in processes of coking coal.

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Monika Kuźnia
Aneta Magdziarz
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This paper presents the results of a composite consisting mainly of industrial waste bound by a hydraulic binder. The composite consists of unburnt coal-mining slate, shredded rubber waste (SRW), fly ash and CEM I cement. The purpose of using the above components was to protect the unburnt coal-mining slate from the negative effects of water, which causes degradation of the aggregate grain size and significantly affects the load-bearing capacity of the aggregate. This was achieved through the use of a binder consisting of shredded waste rubber, fly ash and cement, which imparts hydrophobic properties to the composite. The composite is to be used in road pavement construction and earthworks as a substitute for standard materials. This paper focuses on testing the effects of 5, 10 and 15% additions of shredded rubber waste (SRW) on the physical and mechanical parameters of the composite, mainly compressive strength, water absorption by mass, capillary rise and deformability under cyclic loading. The composite was tested under cyclic loading conditions using a measurement system based on digital image correlation (DIC), with which the deformations occurring on the surface of the test specimens were determined. The results obtained showed the influence of shredded rubber waste additives on the decrease in compression strength (after 7 and 28 days of specimen care), mass water absorption and capillary rise, as well as an increase in the deformability of the composite under destructive loading and cyclic loading.
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Konrad Walotek
Joanna Bzówka
Adrian Ciołczyk

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Geotechnics andRoads, ul. Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department ofGeotechnics and Roads, ul. Akademicka 2A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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In this study the current legal and market conditions of waste management in Poland are analyzed. The main legal basis for changes in the national municipal waste management system and their impact on the market situation in the last few years have been determined. Additionally, the important function of the selective collection and the key role of the separation of raw material fractions in waste sorting plants constituting the basis for the operation of Regional Municipal Waste Processing (RMWP) plants was underlined. Furthermore, the possibilities of developing electricity production technology in low and medium power modules using waste gasification techniques were emphasized. The stream of plastic mixture from municipal waste sorting was identified as problematic in the context of effective material recovery. Tests were conducted on the morphology of this waste stream from two sorting plants. In line with the literature data and as part of the analytical work, the properties of the plastic waste stream designated for recycling and the energy properties of the post-recycling plastic mixture were estimated. Tests results showed that the calorific value of this mixture reached 31.8 MJ/kg, whereas, ash and chlorine content equaled 2.7% and 1.1% of dry mass, respectively. These parameters indicate that the mixture as a high-calorific fuel component may be a valuable addition to refuse-derived fuel (RDF) produced from the over-sieve fraction of municipal waste. Concurrently, as a result of the development of waste gasification technologies with a high share of electricity production in low-medium power range plants, it is possible to integrate them with plastic recycling and RMWP plants in the Polish national waste management system.

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Arkadiusz Primus
Czesława Rosik-Dulewska
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Accordingly with the principles of the circular economy, mixed plastic wastes can be recycled also by thermoforming, getting new non-oriented fibers composite materials. This study highlights the mechanical behavior of new composite material plates containing recycled glass fibers as reinforcing element and ABS-PMMA mixture as matrix, as well as an efficient way to convert a manufacturing process wastes in a product. The mechanical behavior of new composite material plates was evidenced by tensile, flexural and compression tests. In addition a surface morphology analysis was performed.
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M.A. Platon
O. Nemeș
1 2
A.-E. Tiuc
C. Vilău
C.M. Dudescu
S. Pădurețu

  1. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Materials and Environmental Engineering, 28 Memorandumului Street, 400114, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  2. National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection, 294 Blvd. Splaiul Independentei, Sector 6, 060031, Bucharest, Romania
  3. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Automotive, Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, 28 Memorandumului Street, 400114, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  4. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Machine Building, 28 Memorandumului Street, 400114, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
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This paper presents the results of investigation on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentration in sludge coming from industrial wastewater treatment. The sludge was characterised according to chemical composition and heavy metal contents. Leaching of PAHs from sludge in dynamic conditions was also done with lizymetric columns used to simulate the real conditions during the storage of wastes. The changes or PAHs concentration in sludge stored under various lights conditions were also compared (daylight and darkness). A periodic extraction method with cyclohexane was used to select PAHs from samples. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescent detector was used to analyse PAHs. Six PAHs listed by WHO were analysed (fluoranthene Fl, benzo(b)fluoranthene BbF, benzo(k)fluoranthene BkF, benzo(a)pyrene BaP, benzo(ghi)perylene BghiP and indeno(l ,2,3-cd)pyrene IP).
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Agnieszka Popenda
Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła
Marta Janosz-Rajczyk
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The presented results of research on the effectiveness of enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic waste, depending on their initial depolymerisation in alkaline medium were considered in the context of the possibility of their further use in the fermentation media focused on the recovery of energy in the form of molecular hydrogen. The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate dose and concentration of a chemical reagent, whose efficiency would be high enough to cause decomposition of the complex, but without an excessive production of by-products which could adversely affect the progress and effectiveness of the enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. The effect of treatment on physical-chemical changes of homogenates’ properties such as pH, COD, the concentration of monosaccharide and total sugars and the concentration of total suspended solids and volatile suspended solids was determined. The enzymatic decomposition of lignocellulosic complex was repeatedly more efficient if the sample homogenates were subjected to an initial exposure to NaOH. The degree of conversion of complex sugars into simple sugars during enzymatic hydrolysis of homogenates pre-alkalized to pH 11.5 and 12.0 was 83.3 and 84.2% respectively, which should be sufficient for efficient hydrogen fermentation process.

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Marcin Wołczyński
Marta Janosz-Rajczyk
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For a very long period of time, Polish waste management was based mainly on landfilling at landfills, which had a negative impact on the surrounding environment. The EU requirements for the Member States have led to a revolution in Polish legislation on waste management and local governments have become responsible for creating local waste management systems that will affect the achievement of EU targets. One of the solutions undertaken by several municipalities is the construction and operation of a municipal waste thermal treatment installation, which not only reduced the amount of waste deposited, but also supported the local power industry by generating electricity and heat. The emission standards for installations producing energy from waste, as in the case of conventional power plants and combined heat and power plants, are very strict, therefore, the continuous monitoring of emitted pollutants is carried out, and waste gas treatment systems are developed based on the best available techniques (BAT). The article presents emission standards applicable to waste incineration plants, including duties in the field of the environment, as well as issues related to the installation as a source of energy. In addition, the currently functioning waste incineration plants in Poland have been briefly characterized, and development plans in this area in the country have been described.

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Jagoda Gołek-Schild
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The circular economy (CE) has been a European Union (EU) priority since 2014, when first official document on the CE was published. Currently, the EU is on the road to the transformation from a linear economy model to the CE model. In 2019, a new strategy was announced – the European Green Deal, the main goal of which is to mobilize the industrial sector for the CE implementation. The CE assumes that the generated waste should be treated as a secondary raw material. The paper presents an analysis of the possibility of using selected groups of waste for the production of fertilizers. Moreover, an identification of strengths and weaknesses, as well as market opportunities and threats related to the use of selected groups of waste as a valuable raw material for the production of fertilizers was conducted. The scope of the work includes characteristics of municipal waste (household waste, food waste, green waste, municipal sewage sludge, digestate), industrial waste (sewage sludge, ashes from biomass combustion, digestate) and agricultural waste (animal waste, plant waste), and a SWO T (strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. The fertilizer use from waste is determined by the content of nutrients (phosphorus – P, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium ) and the presence of heavy metals unfavorable for plants (zinc, lead, mercury). Due to the possibility of contamination, including heavy metals, before introducing waste into the soil, it should be subjected to a detailed chemical analysis and treatment. The use of waste for the production of fertilizers allows for the reduction of the EU’s dependence on the import of nutrients from outside Europe, and is in line with the CE.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Smol
Dominika Szołdrowska

  1. Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland
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Mercury is ranked third on the Substance Priority List, an index of substances determined to pose the most significant potential threat to human health compiled by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. This element is activated with the extraction of hard coal and accumulated in the natural environment or re-emitted from the waste deposited on dumping grounds. So far, studies on mercury content have focused on the analysis of the dumps surface and the adjacent areas. In this paper, the detection of mercury content inside mining waste dumping grounds was analysed. The recognition of mercury content in the profile of the mining waste dump is important in terms of the dismantling of the facility. The dismantling may pose a risk of environmental pollution with mercury due to the possibility of increased fire risk, re-emission, and the transfer of xenobiotics to another place. In this paper, the study of mercury content in the mining waste dump profile was presented. The research demonstrated that there is no significant relationship between the mercury content and the sampling depth. The mercury content in the mining waste was determined based on the rank and origin of hard coal only. Therefore, intensive efforts should be undertaken to identify the environmental hazards arising from the dismantling of mining waste dumps and to adopt measures to prevent these hazards.
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Authors and Affiliations

Anna Michalska
Adam Smoliński
Aleksandra Koteras

  1. Central Mining Institute (GIG), 1 Gwarków Sq., 40-166 Katowice, Poland
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The utilization of mining waste is an important problem in Poland and Ukraine. The article presents one of the variants of waste mining in the quarry in Płaza. An analysis of the resource base of the deposit and their location at the area of Płaza deposit is carried out. The Płaza deposit is located in the western part of the Małopolskie province, in the entire Chrzanów commune. The Płaza deposit is constructed of Middle Triassic carbonates represented by the limestone-dolomite Olkusz Formation and the limestone-marlized Gogolin Formation. The deposit series lies on the dolomites of Röt age (Lower Triassic – Olenekian). The most valuable raw material was the pure limestone from the lower part of the Olkusz Formation, now almost completely exploited. The article presents the current state of mineable reserves of the deposit and their quality (chemical and physical characteristics). Moreover the article shows potential consumers of raw material and the possibility of extending the life of the mine work. According to the results of the environmental monitoring the ground and hydrogeological conditions were evaluated, the results of which allowed a more efficient use of the existing quarry area for mining waste disposal to be proposed. The paper presents a conceptual waste transport scheme, planned distribution and compaction of wastes belonging to the first, second and third group and then a surface reclamation. In view of the absence of similar decisions analogs, the consideration of the open-pit as a one solid geomechanical system functioning under the conditions of uncertainty is suggested. In order to examine the dynamics of the waste compaction process, some measures are foreseen to constantly observe their subsidence. The proposed measures for the synchronous disposal of mining waste in the worked-out area of the open-pit and the simultaneous mining operation in the quarry will allow the life cycle of the open-pit to be prolonged for 15–20 years.

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Michał Potempa
Artem Shyrin
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Municipal waste management has been an area of special interest of the European Commission (EC) for many years. In 2018, the EC pointed out issues related to municipal waste management as an important element of the monitoring framework for the transition towards a circular economy (CE), which is currently a priority in the economic policy of the European Union (EU). In the presented monitoring framework, 10 CE indicators were identified, among which issues related to municipal waste appear directly in two areas of the CE – in the field of production and in the field of waste management, and indirectly – un two other areas – secondary raw materials, and competitiveness and innovation. The paper presents changes in the management of municipal waste in Poland in the context of the implementation of the CE assumptions, a discussion of the results of CE indicators in two areas of the CE monitoring framework in Poland (production and waste management), and a comparison of the results against other European countries.

In Poland, tasks related to the implementation of municipal waste management from July 1, 2013 are the responsibility of the municipality, which is obliged to ensure the conditions for the system of selective collection and collection of municipal waste from residents, as well as the construction, maintenance and operation of regional municipal waste treatment installations (RIPOK). The municipality is also committed to the proper management of municipal waste, in accordance with the European waste management hierarchy, whose overriding objective is to prevent waste formation and limiting its amount, then recycling and other forms of disposal, incineration and safe storage. The study analyzed changes in the value of two selected CE indicators, i.e. (1) the municipal waste generation indicator, in the area of production and (2) the municipal waste recycling indicator, in the area of waste management. For this purpose, statistical data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) and Eurostat were used. Data has been presented since 2014, i.e. from the moment of initiating the need to move to the CE in the EU. In recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of municipal waste generated in Poland as well as in the EU. According to Eurostat, the amount of municipal waste generated per one inhabitant of Poland increased from 272 kg in 2014 to 315 kg in 2017. It should be noted that the average amount of municipal waste generated in Poland in 2017 was one of the lowest in EU, with a European average of 486 kg/person. Poland has achieved lower levels of municipal waste recycling (33.9%) than the European average (46%). The reason for Poland’s worse results in the recycling of municipal waste may be, among others, the lack of sufficiently developed waste processing infrastructure, operating in other countries such as Germany and Denmark, and definitely higher public awareness of the issue of municipal waste in developed countries. Municipal waste management in Poland faces a number of challenges in the implementation of GOZ, primarily in terms of achieving the recycling values imposed by the EC, up to a minimum of 55% by 2025.

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Authors and Affiliations

Marzena Smol
Joanna Kulczycka
Agnieszka Czaplicka-Kotas
Dariusz Włóka
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With the increase in the mass of municipal waste generated, the demand for facilities dealing with their development is increasing. The aim of the research was to determine environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the location of waste management facilities and an attempt to indicate potential locations for selected waste management facilities in the communes of the Sądecko-Gorlicki region. The scope of work included: a review of existing waste management facilities in the studied region, acquisition of geodatabase for digital data, analysis of the distance between the waste management facilities and environmental or anthropogenic elements, and analysis of potential locations designated in the GIS based on the developed criteria.As a result of spatial analyzes, it was found that in the study area, there are 3 places of potentiallocations for installation of municipal solid waste treatment facilities.

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Mateusz Malinowski
Agnieszka Petryk
Jakub Rybiński
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The article presents the results of preliminary tests obtained from the analysis of ash coming from the combustion of various types of waste in household furnaces. The aim of this work was to examine the infl uence of various types of waste burned in household furnaces on the elemental composition of the generated ash. As part of the research, analyses of ash generated from the incineration of mixed waste, plastics, wood, textiles, rubber waste and paper were made. The content of selected metal ions: Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn, Cd, Tl, Cr, Co, Ni, As, Sn, Sb, Pb, V was determined in the tested samples, according to PN-EN ISO 17294-2: 2016-11 standard. The highest concentrations of zinc were found in the large-sized waste, rubber and textile ash samples and highest concentrations of copper were found in the plastic and paper ash samples. The highest concentrations for elements such as copper, lead, cobalt and chromium were recorded for samples of rubber and large-sized waste containing e.g. varnished furniture boards. The obtained results showed that depending on the waste incinerated, the content of selected metals was signifi cantly diff erent, and the highest concentrations were noted for samples of large-sized waste, waste from segregated plastics and waste from rubbers.

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Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Poluszyńska

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Opole, Poland
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During the past several years big changes have been observed in waste water disposal, noticeable particularly in the improvement of water protection and sewage treatment. An important element of waste water disposal still requiring improvement is a low development of sewage systems in rural and urban areas. The main problem is an increasing amount of sludge, high degree of sediment hydration and considerable ability to anaerobic decomposition, a lack of areas for managing sediments near big cities and deposits of sediments on storage areas. Selected issues of waste water disposal and sludge handling in the Mazovian Province against a background of waste water disposal and sludge handling in Poland were presented in the article.

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Hanna Bauman-Kaszubska
Mikołaj Sikorski
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The galvanic sludges contain a number of toxic heavy metals, potentially mobilized as chemically active ions under environmental conditions as. This study explores the application of fly ash-based geopolymers for the removal of Zn ions from galvanizing sludge. In this study, geopolymers, synthesized via the geopolymerization method, were used to remove Zn from post-galvanized sewage sludge. Two types of geopolymers were used, derived from ash from coal combustion and biomass combustion. Structural, morphological, and surface properties were characterized using FTIR and SEM, respectively. In addition, BET and Langmuir isotherms, along with analyses such as t-Plot and BJH method for porous solids were conducted. The results indicate that the geopolymer derived from coal combustion ash is a more effective sorbent for Zn(II) ions, exhibiting a removal efficiency of 99.9%, compared to 40.7% for the geopolymer derived from biomass combustion ash. The FTIR spectra analysis reveals the presence of bonds between the -OH and/or Si-OH groups on the geopolymers’ surface and the Zn(II) ions. The environmentally and economically advantageous process maximizes the recovery of a valuable component at minimal cost, yielding relatively clean monometallic waste suitable for reuse.
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Authors and Affiliations

Elżbieta Sitarz-Palczak

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
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Mining wastes are by-products generated during search, excavation and processing, both physical and chemical, of ores and other minerals. In 2017, wastes from group 01 constituted 60% of total wastes produced in Poland. According to the statistical data, approximately 92% of the waste generated during the excavation and processing of hard coal is economically reused. 30% of this waste used in industry and nearly 70% is used for the reclamation of the degraded industrial areas. At present, there is a tendency in the E uropean Union to shift from a linear economy to the Circular E conomy. The goal is to maintain economical value of the resources, among others, by their reuse in a productive way, which at the same time eliminates waste. One of the industrial branch where the ideals of a Circular E conomy can be implemented is the mining industry. Mining wastes may form one of the sources of anthropogenic minerals, as they belong to alternative aggregates. Deposits of anthropogenic minerals are considered sources of valuable raw materials which guarantee that the products made on their basis will be of high quality. The article presents the results of physico-chemical tests, the leachability of contaminations and phytotoxicity tests carried out on the basis of the selected mining waste in light of a Circular E conomy.

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Monika Czop
Amanda Kościelna
Karolina Żydek
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A large amount of solid and liquid wastes produced by mines and mills each year needs to be managed and minimized by alternative disposal methods like paste and dry stack. Increasingly strict environmental legislation and cost competitiveness also dictate the utilization of technically suitable, economically viable, environmentally acceptable, and socially responsible techniques. This paper reviews some of these techniques that could potentially reduce large volumes of mine wastes (with a focus on mine tailings and waste rocks) without causing significant environmental hazards. The new emerging techniques such as environmental desulphurization, covers built with sulphide-free tailings, co-disposal of tailings and waste rocks, geotextile tube dewatering, and use of tailings in the cement production and road construction for both industrial and environmental purposes are discussed in terms of waste minimization. The existing methods and approaches for efficient waste treatment and disposal are also discussed in this review paper.

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Erol Yilmaz
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Suitable doses and forms of mineral fertilizers play a significant role in soil-less reclamation of mining wastes. It concerns especially nitrogen, because in this case its mineral and organic forms play a definite role. The relationship between each form is affected by a petrographic and mineral composition, weathering processes of waste material on the waste heaps, and also chemical composition and relationship between the main components, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Very important are also tree and shrub species introduced on the heaps, as different species can be characterized by individual nutrient requirements. The investigations showed that the period of first 2-3 years determines the success of interventions in biological reclamation. This refers mostly to nitrogen. Phosphoric fertilization plays an important role in later period, while potassium fertilization is not necessary, because waste material contains considerable quantities of total, and also of exchangeable and dissolvable in water potassium.
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Zygmunt Strzyszcz

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