Nauki Techniczne

Archives of Control Sciences


Archives of Control Sciences | 2017 | No 4


Abstract In the paper construction of a Lyapunov functional for time delay system with both lumped and distributed delay is presented. The Lyapunov functional is determined by means of the Lyapunov matrix. The method of determination of the Lyapunov matrix for time delay system with both lumped and distributed delay is presented. It is given the example illustrating the method.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jozef Duda


Abstract This research work proposes a new three-dimensional chaotic system with a hidden attractor. The proposed chaotic system consists of only two quadratic nonlinearities and the system possesses no critical points. The phase portraits and basic qualitative properties of the new chaotic system such as Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension have been described in detail. Finally, we give some engineering applications of the new chaotic system like circuit simulation and control of wireless mobile robot.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan
Aceng Sambas
Mustafa Mamat
Mada Sanjaya Ws


Abstract This paper investigates the problem of adaptive robust simultaneous stabilization (ARSS) of two dissipative Hamiltonian systems (DHSs), and proposes a number of results on the controller parameterization design. Firstly, an adaptive H∞ control design approach is presented by using the dissipative Hamiltonian structural for the case that there are both external disturbances and parametric uncertainties in two DHSs. Secondly, an algorithm for solving tuning parameters of the controller is proposed using symbolic computation. The proposed controller parameterization method avoids solving Hamilton-Jacobi-Issacs (HJI) equations and the obtained controller is easier as compared to some existing ones. Finally, an illustrative example is presented to show that the ARSS controller obtained in this paper works very well.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhong Cao
Xiaorong Hou
Wenjing Zhao


Abstract Offset-free model predictive control (MPC) algorithms for nonlinear state-space process models, with modeling errors and under asymptotically constant external disturbances, is the subject of the paper. The main result of the paper is the presentation of a novel technique based on constant state disturbance prediction. It was introduced originally by the author for linear state-space models and is generalized to the nonlinear case in the paper. First the case with measured state is considered, in this case the technique allows to avoid disturbance estimation at all. For the cases with process outputs measured only and thus the necessity of state estimation, the technique allows the process state estimation only - as opposed to conventional approach of extended process-and-disturbance state estimation. This leads to simpler design with state observer/filter of lower order and, moreover, without the need of a decision of disturbance placement in the model (under certain restrictions), as in the conventional approach. A theoretical analysis of the proposed algorithm is provided, under applicability conditions which are weaker than in the conventional approach. The presented theory is illustrated by simulation results of nonlinear processes, showing competitiveness of the proposed algorithms.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Tatjewski


Abstract This paper presents the dynamically consistent Jacobian inverse for non-holonomic robotic system, and its application to solving the motion planning problem. The system’s kinematics are represented by a driftless control system, and defined in terms of its input-output map in accordance with the endogenous configuration space approach. The dynamically consistent Jacobian inverse (DCJI) has been introduced by means of a Riemannian metric in the endogenous configuration space, exploiting the reduced inertia matrix of the system’s dynamics. The consistency condition is formulated as the commutativity property of a diagram of maps. Singular configurations of DCJI are studied, and shown to coincide with the kinematic singularities. A parametric form of DCJI is derived, and used for solving example motion planning problems for the trident snake mobile robot. Some advantages in performance of DCJI in comparison to the Jacobian pseudoinverse are discovered.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Joanna Ratajczak
Krzysztof Tchoń


Abstract This article presents a control algorithm for nonholonomic mobile manipulators with a simple, geometric holonomic constraint imposed on the robot’s arm. A mathematical model in generalized, auxiliary and linearized coordinates is presented, as well as the constrained dynamics of the robotic system. A position-force control law is proposed, both for the fully known robot’s model, as well as for the model with parametric uncertainty in the dynamics. Theoretical considerations are supported by the results of computer simulations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mirela Kaczmarek
Wojciech Domski
Alicja Mazur


Abstract The paper mitigates the existing conditions reported in the previous literature for control design of discrete-time linear positive systems. Incorporating an associated structure of linear matrix inequalities, combined with the Lyapunov inequality guaranteing asymptotic stability of discrete-time positive system structures, new conditions are presented with which the state-feedback controllers and the system state observers can be designed. Associated solutions of the proposed design conditions are illustrated by numerical illustrative examples.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Dušan Krokavec
Anna Filasová

Instrukcja dla autorów

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First page should include the title of the paper, first name(s) and surname(s) of the Author(s), and a short summary (abstract), not longer than 20 lines.

Keywords of max. 5 - 7 items should be included in manuscript.

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References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript. They should be numbered in ascending order and the numbers should be inserted in square brackets. References should be organized as follows. First initial(s), surname(s) of the author(s) and title of article or book. Then, for papers: title of periodical or collective work, volume number (year of issue), issue number, and numbers of the first and the last page; for books: publisher's name(s), place and year of issue. Example:

  1. R. E. Kalman: Mathematical description of linear dynamical system. SIAM J. Control. 1(2), (1963), 152-192.
  2. F. C. Shweppe: Uncertain dynamic systems. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 1970.

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