Applied sciences

Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers


Chemical and Process Engineering | 2021 | vol. 42 | No 3

Authors and Affiliations

Joël Bertrand

  1. Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, INP – ENSIACET,4, allée Emile Monsoi, CS 84234, 31432 TOULOUSE CEDEX 4, France
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The aim of the investigation was liquid mixing time measurement in a laboratory scale stirred tank equipped with a metal Maxblend impeller and comparison with the corresponding mixing time obtained with other conventional impellers. The data are collected by Electrical Resistance Tomography, whose applicability in this case is non-trivial, because of the electrical interferences between the large paddles of the impeller and the measuring system. The raw data treatment methodology purposely developed for obtaining the homogenization dynamics curve is presented.Arobust approach for a fine and lowcost investigation of the mixing performances of close-clearance impellers in opaque systems is suggested. The analysis of the local and averaged conductivity time traces reveals the effect of important variables, such as the fluid viscosity and the vessel configuration, on the mixing time under various agitation conditions. The data collection and post processing procedures open the way to the application of the technique to multiphase and non-Newtonian fluids stirred with close-clearance impellers.
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Authors and Affiliations

Suzuka Iwasawa
Honami Kubo
Katsuhide Takenaka
Sandro Pintus
Francesco Maluta
Giuseppina Montante
Alessandro Paglianti

  1. Sumitomo Heavy Industries Process Equipment Co., Ltd. 1501, Imazaike, Saijo City, Ehime, Japan
  2. Retired from University of Pisa, Via Giunta Pisano 28, 56126 Pisa, Italy
  3. Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna, viale Risorgimento 4,40136 Bologna, Italy
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The homogeneity of an immiscible liquid–liquid system was investigated in a baffled vessel agitated by a Rushton turbine. The dispersion homogeneity was analyzed by comparing Sauter mean diameters and drop size distribution (DSD) determined in different measured regions for various impeller speeds. The sizes of droplets were obtained by the in-situ measurement technique and by the Image Analysis (IA) method. Dispersion kinetics was successfully fitted with Hong and Lee (1983) model. The effect of intermittency turbulence on drop size reported by Bałdyga and Podgórska (1998) was analyzed and the multifractal exponent ������ was evaluated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Formánek
Radek Šulc

  1. Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Process Engineering, Technická 4, 160 00 Prague, Czech Republic
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The study addresses two groups of issues occurring in modeling and experimental studies of multicomponent nonisobaric diffusion in macroporous materials. The dynamics of such processes is described in terms of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. A method of orthogonal collocation for resolving the equations is proposed and compared with the method of lines. The second group of problems presented involves numerical simulations of diffusion in aWicke–Kallenbach diffusion cell. Such an apparatus is used in experimental studies. Particular attention is paid to diffusion in a cell closed from both sides. This is an analogue of the Duncan–Toor experiment. The effect of the number of diffusing components and their initial concentrations on the dynamics of diffusion in binary and ternary solution was studied. Hitherto unknown dynamic properties of such processes were detected and discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Bizon
Bolesław Tabiś

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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This paper presents the results of investigations into dry methane reforming (DMR). The process was aimed at obtaining synthesis gas required for the production of dimethyl ether (DME). The effect of temperature, pressure and inlet gas composition on the process was determined in the experimental part of this work. The tests were carried out in a laboratory tubular reactor over a Ni/CaO–Al2O3 catalyst. The obtained experimental results were used to verify literature kinetic data and to develop a mathematical model of the DMR process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Robert Cherbański
Ewelina Franczyk
Michał Lewak
Piotr Machniewski
Eugeniusz Molga

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, ul. Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – New Chemical Syntheses Institute, Al. Tysiaclecia Panstwa Polskiego 13a, 24-110 Puławy, Poland
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The works presents the application of mass/volume balances of liquid drug converted into the aerosol during atomization in medical nebulizers. The amount of liquid that can be delivered to the respiratory system during inhalation is reduced compared to the nominal dose not only because of drug losses both in the device (the residual volume, RV) and outside the nebulizer (in the mouthpiece, mask, or tubings), but also to the limitations of the patient (periodic flow with limited capacity). The paper should help to understand the complexity of aerosol therapy widely used in asthma, COPD and other pulmonary diseases.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz R. Sosnowski
Kamil Janeczek
Karolina Grzywna
3 4
Andrzej Emeryk

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Medical University of Lublin, Clinics of Lung Diseases and Pediatric Reumathology, Gebali 6, 20-093 Lublin, Poland
  3. Silesian Medical University in Katowice, Student Scientific Club at the Chair and Division of Pathomorphology and Molecular Diagnostics, Medyków 18, 40-752 Katowice, Poland
  4. Silesian Medical University in Katowice, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze, Traugutta sq. 2, 41-800 Zabrze, Poland
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Most antiseptic agents are intended for use on intact skin, e.g. for hand hygiene or skin preparation before any medical procedure. This paper presents multiple emulsion-based antiseptic agents as formulations for application to body surfaces with modified release rates.
Multiple emulsions with a co-encapsulated antiseptic (phenyl salicylate – salol) and an agent preventing microorganism growth (benzoic acid) were formed in a Couette–Taylor flow apparatus. Results confirmed the possibility of the release kinetics modification while two compounds were encapsulated in the internal droplets of emulsions to control the release rates and time of the dose release. The addition of benzoic acid as a second active compound of the encapsulation process in the internal phase of double O1/W/O2 emulsion reduced the time necessary for the total release of salol triggering a two-step release.
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Chan R.J., Keller J., Cheuk R., Blades R., Tripcony L., Keogh S., 2012. A double-blind randomised controlled trial of a natural oil-based emulsion (Moogoo Udder Cream®) containing allantoin versus aqueous cream for managing radiation-induced skin reactions in patients with cancer. Radiat. Oncol., 7, 121. DOI: 10.1186/1748-717X-7-121.
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Authors and Affiliations

Agnieszka Markowska-Radomska
Ewa Dluska
Agata Metera
Maria Wojcieszak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
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Every bone implant to work correctly after implantation needs to integrate with the surrounding bone. To enhance such a process, called osseointegration, various techniques of implant surface modification emerged. One of the approaches is based on the deposition of nano- and submicron materials on the implant surface. This paper presents a solution blow spinning process for producing poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)/ceramic fibrous composites designed to be deposited directly onto orthopaedic implants prior to implantation to increase osseointegration. We produced plain PLLA fibrous materials for comparison, and fibrous composite materials with ��-tricalcium phosphate (��TCP), hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHAp) and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles modified with lecithin (nHAp-LE). We performed the structural analysis of produced materials with scanning electron microscopy, gravimetric determination of porosity, and water contact angle measurement. We also used infrared spectroscopy, Alizarin Red S staining, and cytotoxicity evaluation to conclude that PLLA/nHAp-LE composite material shows the most promising properties to be applied as surface modification of bone implants. To visualise fibrous composite deposition on implants, we used two models: titanium plate and stainlesssteel bolt. Thus, we showed that the solution blow spun materials can be used for surface modification of orthopaedic implants.
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Authors and Affiliations

Michał Wojasiński
Tomasz Ciach
1 2

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warynskiego 1, 00-645 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT, Poleczki 19, 02-822 Warsaw, Poland

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ten Cate A., Bermingham S.K., Derksen J.J., Kramer H.M.J., 2000. Compartmental modeling of an 1100L DTB crystallizer based on Large Eddy flow simulation. 10th European Conference on Mixing. Delft, the Netherlands, 2-5 July 2000, 255-264.

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Referees' duties

Editorial decisions

Referee supports Editor-in-Chief in taking editorial decisions and may also support author in improving the paper.

Back information
In case a selected referee is not able to review the paper or cannot do it in due time period, he/she should inform secretary of the Editorial Office about this fact.

Objectivity standards
Reviews should be objective. Personal criticism is inappropriate. Referees should clearly ex-press their opinions and support them with proper arguments.

All reviewed papers should be dealt with as confidential. They should not be discussed or revealed to persons other than the secretary of the Editorial Office.

All reviews should be made anonymously and the Editorial Office does not disclose names of the authors to referees.

Disclosure and conflict of interests
Confidential information or ideas resulting from reviewing procedure should be kept secret and should not be used to gain personal benefits. Referees should not review papers, which might generate conflict of interests resulting from relationships with the author, firm or institution involved in the study.

Confirmation of sources
Referees should indicate publications which are not referred to in the paper. Any statement that the observation, source or argument was described previously should be supported by appropriate citation. Referee should also inform the secretary of the Editorial Office about significant similarity to or partial overlapping of the reviewed paper with any other published paper and about suspected plagiarism.

Appeals and Complaints

Authors' Right to Appeal
Authors who wish to appeal an editorial decision should submit a detailed written explanation to the Editor-in-Chief, outlining the reasons for the appeal and providing any supporting evidence. The Editor-in-Chief will review the appeal in consultation with the editorial team and, if necessary, external reviewers. A decision regarding the appeal will be communicated to the author within [specific timeframe, e.g., 4-6 weeks]. The decision following the appeal is final. Complaints Procedure Complaints related to editorial processes, such as delays in manuscript handling or concerns about publication ethics, should be directed to the Editor-in-Chief. Complaints must be submitted in writing, detailing the nature of the complaint and any relevant information. The Editor-in-Chief will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within [specific timeframe, e.g., 7 days] and will investigate the issue in accordance with COPE guidelines. A formal response will be provided to the complainant within [specific timeframe, e.g., 4-6 weeks]. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they may escalate the complaint to [relevant authority, e.g., the publisher or an ethics committee].


The journal is committed to maintaining the integrity of the scholarly record. Retractions will be considered in cases of:
• evidence of unreliable data or findings due to misconduct or honest error
• redundant or duplicate publication
• plagiarism.

Unethical research practices

Retraction requests can be initiated by authors, readers, or the editorial team. The process involves a thorough investigation by the editorial board, following COPE guidelines. If a retraction is warranted, a retraction notice will be published, clearly stating the reasons for the retraction and linking to the original article. The original article will be marked as retracted but remain accessible for transparency.

Plagiarism Detection and Prevention

The journal employs [specific plagiarism detection software, e.g., Turnitin, iThenticate] to screen all submitted manuscripts for potential plagiarism. Authors are expected to ensure that their work is original and properly cites the work of others. If plagiarism is detected: Before Publication: The manuscript will be returned to the author for correction or rejected outright, depending on the severity of the plagiarism. After Publication: An investigation will be conducted. If plagiarism is confirmed, the article may be retracted, and a notice of retraction will be published. The authors' institutions may also be notified.

Policies on data sharing and reproducibility

All articles published in “Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers ” are published in the form of the so-called Gold Open Access, under The Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 ( Authors are encouraged to place articles published in the journal in open repositories, under the condition that a link to the journal’s website is provided.

Permissions for the use (preprints of archived articles) of texts published in „Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers ” may be sought directly from the Editors, by writing an e-mail to: Author Rights and Licensing Authors retain the copyright of their work. By submitting and publishing with us, authors agree to license their articles under the CC BY 4.0 license. This permits others to share, copy, distribute, and adapt the work, even for commercial purposes, provided appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and the source.

Grant of Rights to the Publisher

Authors grant "Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers" a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any user the right to use the article freely, provided its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details, and publisher are identified.

Post-Publication Use

Authors are encouraged to share and disseminate their published work. They may post the published version of their article on personal or institutional websites and repositories, provided that the original publication in "Chemical and Process Engineering: New Frontiers" is properly cited.

Peer-review Procedure

Peer-review procedure
The journal employs a Single-Blind Peer Review Process, where the reviewers are aware of the authors' identities, but the authors remain unaware of who the reviewers are. This approach ensures an impartial evaluation of the manuscript while maintaining the reviewers' confidentiality.

The entire review process is conducted within the Editorial System. Additionally, the journal engages external experts for the review process to ensure high-quality assessments.

Authors are kindly requested to include a list of 4 potential reviewers for their manuscript, providing complete contact information. The suggested reviewers should not reside in the same country as the corresponding author and remain subject to the Editors' discretion when assigning manuscripts for review.

The entire review process is conducted within the Editorial System.

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