Nauki Biologiczne i Rolnicze

Teka Commission of Motorization and Power Industry in Agriculture


Teka Commission of Motorization and Power Industry in Agriculture | 2016 | vol. 16 | No 2


The possibility of producing 3-aminobenzyl alcohol and 3-aminobenzaldehyde by oxidation of 3-aminotoluene with ozone in the solution of acetic anhydrite in the presence of manganese (II) acetate, potassium bromide and sulfuric acid has been shown. The catalytic systems for regulating selectivity and depth of substrate oxidation has been developed. The catalytic system Mn(OAc)₂ – Ac₂0 – H₂SO₄ promotes the formation of alcohol (65.5%) and 3- acetylaminobenzylidendiacetate (20.1%) with the system Mn(OAc)₂ – KBr – Ac₂O – H2SO₄ increases oxidation selectivity on the methyl group to 90.8% producing mainly aldehyde (80.8%) The optimum temperature of selective oxidation of 3– aminotoluene with the ozone – air mixture (30°C) which is much lower than that of oxidation by the known methods (120°-240°C) and the optimum rations of the reagents concentrations: for alcohol synthesis – [ArCH3] : [Mn(OAc)₂] : [H₂SO₄] =1 : 0.2 : 2.5; for aldehyde synthesis –[ ArCH3]: [Mn(OAc)₂] : [KBr] aldehyde synthesis – [ArCH3] : [Mn(OAc)₂] : [KBr] : [H₂SO₄] = 1:0.2:2.5 have been determined.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Galstyan
G. Galstyan
L. Timoshyna


A mathematical model of the process of thermoelastic deformation and dissipative heating of elastomeric structural elements are assumed . The methods of prediction the longevity of structures based on the use of entropy fracture criteria are proposed. For solving of the link thermoelasticity problem of method of successive approximations is used.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Kozub Yu.
G. Kozub


The article is devoted to the development of technogenic risk management models and formalization of the process of support in making decision in the sphere of industrial safety. The structural, informative and mathematical models, used to process information in the technological risks management, as well as a formal model of the process of support of making decision in achieving an acceptable level of technical risk are presented and analyzed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

V. Lyfar


The article brightens scientific problem concerning the new ball coupling, which can be used in different branches of engineering. A comparative analysis of the results of research known freewheel. The design features a ball coupling on the basis of which it is easy to create a torque limiter evenly tightening bolted connections of various machines and mechanisms. Prepositional necessary analytical fallow that describe the basic values of the forces off the torque limiter, which have become a benchmark for the development of a new design, which received a patent of Ukraine for utility models. Shows a schematic design of torque limiter, which is based on the known developed ball coupling s full description of its constituent parts and principle of operation. Based design features selected design scheme, which allowed for a mathematical model for the analysis of the power unit. Analytically describes the amount of force that acts on working balls at the beginning of the release of their engagement with the groove of the driven coupling half, i.e. an analytical expression effort off the clutch. On the basis of the formulas A quantitative analysis of the impact force of the spring by the amount of torque limiter for different angles of inclination grooves of the coupling halves. Made confirmation of the classical position that the dependence of torque limiter the wire diameter of the spring is the value is not linear. On the basis of current research findings and made practical recommendations for the implementation of the results of research opportunities in industry engineering.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Maznev
V. Malashchenko
A. Borys


The process of wheel - rail interaction is largely determined by dynamic properties of the car, improvement of which is possible by improving design of the bogie and its basic elements. The article analyses and discusses the problems that have arisen in recent years in the course of operation of bogie 18-100. Tribological and mechanical properties of a friction wedge-type oscillation damper are studied.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mogіla V.
O. Potapenko


The article describes one of the methods for computing determinants without using fractions proposed by Bareiss. This problem has a clear algorithmic character in nature and refers to the field of computer algebra. The implementation of this algorithm is proposed in the known Maxima system of symbolic computations. In addition, this method makes it possible to get enough convenient formula for the calculation of the matrix of unitriangular transformation of a quadratic form to a canonical one.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

O. Porkuian
A. Timoshyn
L. Timoshyna


This paper proposes a new, simple and an efficient method for methanol formation under the cavitation influence of hydrogen-peroxide using a dynamic cavitation reactor. The process involves the reaction of the generated hydroxyl radical with propanebutane gas (C3–C4) to form propyl and butyl radicals which decompose into methyl radicals and alkenes, followed by the subsequent yield of methanol (via the interaction of methyl-radical with hydroxyl radical). Technological process parameters employed in this investigation are quite achievable for industrial production.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Tselischev
M. Loriya
A. Ijagbuji


This article presents the peculiarities and methodical principles for designing the technologies and forms of organization of the construction liquidation cycle for typical unified series of residential buildings. The systematic approach for developing the necessary settings and indicators of the structure of a complex technological process for disassembling, destructing and demolishing of structural elements and buildings in general is given. The multigraph is created for the closed walk model of correlation of the parameters of the organizational and technological solutions of the construction liquidation cycle.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Uvarov
M. Shparber


We consider the manure removal system, which is used in most pig farms being built and reconstructed at present in Ukraine, and it has been discovered that there are major mistakes during the baths construction in the correct geometry and depth, and therefore discusses their rules of operation. If the baths geometry is wrongly executed, for instance, if the slope is made to slant toward the bottom of the tub filler drain pipe, which in itself is unacceptable, or not properly executed in the form of a special pit steps towards the neck drain, and etc., then a number of problems is inherent of its exploitation. The basic requirements for laying fused-pipe is compliance with its slope. The considered equipment must be equipped with pumping stations to pump manure. The pumps for pumping manure: submersible sewage pumps and dry-installed in the mine and long sewage pumps with electric or PTO shaft of a tractor were analyzed. Attention was paid to the designing of modern equipment for the distribution of manure waste into fractions. The classification of manure storage and the basic requirements for their placement and arrangement was carried out, and recommendations are made for the designing of pumping stations, to select pumps for the pumping stations and the design during the modern construction and reconstruction of old pig farms.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

O. Boltianskyi
B. Boltianskyi
N. Boltyanska
S. Sosnowski


The flow of a viscous incompressible fluid in small gaps hydraulic devices and devices based on the hop boundary changes in viscosity. For the distribution model adopted dynamic viscosity was integrate the equations of fluid motion, whereby expressions are obtained for the velocity of the liquid height of the gap. The expressions for calculation of the fall capacity flow section are determined. Examples of the calculation of distributions velocity and falling bandwidth to a narrow gap are given.The estimation of the limits of applicability of classical approach to the calculation of viscous flow in micro gap is executed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sokolova Ya.
Yu. Rasskazova
O. Krol
V. Sokolov


The article deals with the automated control of the catalytic cracking process of vacuum gas oil. A functional scheme of automation is proposed, and a computer-integrated control system for the reactor of nanocatalytic petroleum products refining is developed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Alahmad Almou


The influence of external factors, temperature and flow velocity on the corrosion processes St3 in model solutions petrochemical plant recycled water with high salinity and hardness without open systems and in the presence of the inhibiting composition. It was found that an increase in temperature leads to a linear increase in corrosion rates, and the change in circulating water flow rate leads to the extreme nature of corrosion processes; optimal conditions are determined. Recommended use of cathodic inhibitors or mixed type inhibitor, in particular, the composition "SVOD-BI" (means for controlling the biological corrosion), which can significantly reduce the effect of temperature and flow on the corrosion rate St3, promotes the growth and strengthening of the oxide film in the presence of oxygen, increases the degree of protection of steel and preventing the formation of at its surface carbonate-calcium deposits.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Tatarchenko
N. Biloshitska
O. Vodolazskyy

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Jan Kowalski, Katedra ....., Nazwa uczelni, adres, e-mail
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1. Chełkowski Z., 1966: Introdukcja troci do rzeki Gowienicy. Gospod. Ryb. 1(2), 18–19.
2. Greń J., Kowalski Z., 1972. Statystyka matematyczna. PWN Warszawa.
3. Horabik J., 1994: Load distribution in a model bin as influence d by mechanical properties
of wheat grain (in Polish). Acta Agrophysica, 1.5. Jury W.A., Roth K., 1990: Transfer Function
and Solute Movement through Soil. In: Theory and Applications. Birkhaser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland.
4. Turski W., 1972: Projektowanie oprogramowania systemów liczących. Mat. Konf.

Projektowanie maszyn i systemów cyfrowych. Warszawa 2-5 czerwca 1971. PWN Warszawa, 132-139.
Prace w języku angielskim: tytuły publikacji powinny być w jęz. angielskim, francuskim
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