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Referring to the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM), the paper proposes a theoretical contribution to assess the uncertainty interval, with relative confidence level, in the case of n successive observations. The approach is based on the Chi-square and Fisher distributions and the validity is proved by a numerical example. For a more detailed study of the uncertainty evaluation, a model for the process variability has been also developed.
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Marcantonio Catelani
Andrea Zanobini
Lorenzo Ciani
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The paper concerns the problem of treatment of the systematic effect as a part of the coverage interval associated with the measurement result. In this case the known systematic effect is not corrected for but instead is treated as an uncertainty component. This effect is characterized by two components: systematic and random. The systematic component is estimated by the bias and the random component is estimated by the uncertainty associated with the bias. Taking into consideration these two components, a random variable can be created with zero expectation and standard deviation calculated by randomizing the systematic effect. The method of randomization of the systematic effect is based on a flatten-Gaussian distribution. The standard uncertainty, being the basic parameter of the systematic effect, may be calculated with a simple mathematical formula. The presented evaluation of uncertainty is more rational than those with the use of other methods. It is useful in practical metrological applications.

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Paweł Fotowicz
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The issues connected with the complex design of various facilities, including up-to-date boiler equipment as well as the ways of organizing the space around them, are the reasons why there is often a lack of room for mounting a flowmeter in accordance with the recommendations of manufacturers. In most cases the problem is associated with ensuring sufficient lengths of straight pipe leading into and out of a flowmeter. When this condition cannot be fulfilled, the uncertainty of measurement increases above the value guaranteed by the manufacturer of the flowmeter. This sort of operation problem has encouraged the authors of this paper to undertake research aimed at the analysis of applicability of averaging Pitot tubes in the areas of flow disturbance.

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Sławomir Pochwała
Janusz Pospolita
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The paper deals with the problem of bias randomization in evaluation of the measuring instrument capability. The bias plays a significant role in assessment of the measuring instrument quality. Because the measurement uncertainty is a comfortable parameter for evaluation in metrology, the bias may be treated as a component of the uncertainty associated with the measuring instrument. The basic method for calculation of the uncertainty in modern metrology is propagation of distributions. Any component of the uncertainty budget should be expressed as a distribution. Usually, in the case of a systematic effect being a bias, the rectangular distribution is assumed. In the paper an alternative randomization method using the Flatten-Gaussian distribution is proposed.
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Paweł Fotowicz
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The aim of this study was to estimate the measurement uncertainty for a material produced by additive manufacturing. The material investigated was FullCure 720 photocured resin, which was applied to fabricate tensile specimens with a Connex 350 3D printer based on PolyJet technology. The tensile strength of the specimens established through static tensile testing was used to determine the measurement uncertainty. There is a need for extensive research into the performance of model materials obtained via 3D printing as they have not been studied sufficiently like metal alloys or plastics, the most common structural materials. In this analysis, the measurement uncertainty was estimated using a larger number of samples than usual, i.e., thirty instead of typical ten. The results can be very useful to engineers who design models and finished products using this material. The investigations also show how wide the scatter of results is.

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Stanisław Adamczak
Jerzy Bochnia
Bożena Kaczmarska
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Measurement of the perfusion coefficient and thermal parameters of skin tissue using dynamic thermography is presented in this paper. A novel approach based on cold provocation and thermal modelling of skin tissue is presented. The measurement was performed on a person’s forearm using a special cooling device equipped with the Peltier module. The proposed method first cools the skin, and then measures the changes of its temperature matching the measurement results with a heat transfer model to estimate the skin perfusion and other thermal parameters. In order to assess correctness of the proposed approach, the uncertainty analysis was performed.

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Maria Strąkowska
Robert Strąkowski
Michał Strzelecki
Gilbert de Mey
Bogusław Więcek
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The paper deals with the accuracy of measurements of strains (elongation and necking) and stresses (tensile strength) in static room-temperature tensile strength tests. We present methods for calculating measurement errors and uncertainties, and discuss the determination of the limiting errors of the quantities measured for circular and rectangular specimens, which is illustrated with examples.

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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Adamczak
Jerzy Bochnia
Czesław Kundera
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When an artificial neural network is used to determine the value of a physical quantity its result is usually presented without an uncertainty. This is due to the difficulty in determining the uncertainties related to the neural model. However, the result of a measurement can be considered valid only with its respective measurement uncertainty. Therefore, this article proposes a method of obtaining reliable results by measuring systems that use artificial neural networks. For this, it considers the Monte Carlo Method (MCM) for propagation of uncertainty distributions during the training and use of the artificial neural networks.

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Rodrigo Coral
Carlos A. Flesch
Cesar A. Penz
Mauro Roisenberg
Antonio L.S. Pacheco
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The objective of the paper is to analyse traceability issues in real-life gas flow measurements in complex distribution systems. The initial aim is to provide complete and traceable measurement results and calibration certificates of gas-flow meters, which correspond to specific installation conditions. Extensive work has been done to enable a more credible decision on how to deal in particular situations with the measurement uncertainty which is always subject of a flow meter’s calibration as a quantitative parameter value obtained in laboratory, and with the qualitative statement about the error of an outdoor meter. The laboratory simulation of a complex, real-life distributed system has been designed to achieve the initial aim. As an extension of standardized procedures that refer to the laboratory conditions, the proposed methods introduce additional “installation-specific” error sources. These sources could be either corrected (if identified) or considered as an additional “installation-specific” uncertainty contribution otherwise. The analysis and the results of the experimental work will contribute to more precise and accurate measurement results, thus assuring proper measurements with a known/estimated uncertainty for a specific gas flow installation. Also, the analysis will improve the existing normative documents by here presented findings, as well as fair trade in one of the most important and growing energy consumption areas regarding the legal metrology aspects. These facts will enable comparing the entire quantity of gas at the input of a complex distributed system with the cumulative sum of all individual gas meters in a specific installation.

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Zijad Džemić
Brane Širok
Janko Drnovšek
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The aim of this study was to assess the innovation risk for an additive manufacturing process. The analysis was based on the results of static tensile tests obtained for specimens made of photocured resin. The assessment involved analyzing the measurement uncertainty by applying the FMEA method. The structure of the causes and effects of the discrepancies was illustrated using the Ishikawa diagram. The risk priority numbers were calculated. The uncertainty of the tensile test measurement was determined for three printing orientations. The results suggest that the material used to fabricate the tensile specimens shows clear anisotropy of the properties in relation to the printing direction.
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Authors and Affiliations

Stanisław Adamczak
Jerzy Bochnia
Bożena Kaczmarska
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The article presents methodology for testing the electric strength of vacuum chambers designed for modern medium voltage switchgear developed by the authors, using two innovative test stands designed and constructed by the research team above. Verification of the correctness of operation of the test stands, as well as the validity of the developed methodology was carried out by performing a series of tests. It was determined that below certain pressure values in the tested chamber (from about 5.0×10 0 Pa for station 1 and for about 4.0×10 -1 Pa for station 2), the electric strength maintains a constant value, which guarantees stable operation of the vacuum chamber. The values of the total measurement uncertainty for the electric strength tests were also estimated.

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Paweł Węgierek
Michał Lech
Czesław Kozak
Justyna Pastuszak
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The sequential multilateration principle is often adopted in geometric error measurement of CNC machine tools. To identify the geometric errors, a single laser tracker is placed at different positions to measure the length between the target point and the laser tracker. However, the measurement of each laser tracker position is not simultaneous and measurement accuracy is mainly subject to positioning repeatability of the machine tool. This paper attempts to evaluate the measurement uncertainty of geometric errors caused by the positioning repeatability of the machine tool and the laser tracker spatial length measurement error based on the Monte Carlo method. Firstly, a direct identification method for geometric errors of CNC machine tools based on geometric error evaluation constraints is introduced, combined with the geometric error model of a three-axis machine tool. Moreover, uncertainty contributors caused by the repeatability of positioning of numerically controlled axes of the machine tool and the laser length measurement error are analyzed. The measurement uncertainty of the geometric error and the volumetric positioning error is evaluated with the Monte Carlo method. Finally, geometric error measurement and verification experiments are conducted. The results show that the maximum volumetric positioning error of the machine tool is 84.1 μm and the expanded uncertainty is 5.8 μm (�� = 2). The correctness of the geometric error measurement and uncertainty evaluation method proposed in this paper is verified compared with the direct geometric error measurement methods.
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Xingbao Liu
Yangqiu Xia
Xiaoting Rui

  1. Institute of Launch Dynamics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China
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It is now widely recognized that the evaluation of the uncertainty associated with a result is an essential part of any quantitative analysis. One way to use the estimation of measurement uncertainty as a metrological critical evaluation tool is the identification of sources of uncertainty on the analytical result, knowing the weak steps, in order to improve the method, when it is necessary. In this work, this methodology is applied to fuel analyses and the results show that the relevant sources of uncertainty are: beyond the repeatability, the resolution of the volumetric glassware and the blank in the analytical curve that are little studied.

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Elcio de Oliveira
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Prior knowledge of the autocorrelation function (ACF) enables an application of analytical formalism for the unbiased estimators of variance s2a and variance of the mean s2a(xmacr;). Both can be expressed with the use of so-called effective number of observations neff. We show how to adopt this formalism if only an estimate {rk} of the ACF derived from a sample is available. A novel method is introduced based on truncation of the {rk} function at the point of its first transit through zero (FTZ). It can be applied to non-negative ACFs with a correlation range smaller than the sample size. Contrary to the other methods described in literature, the FTZ method assures the finite range 1 < neff ≤ n for any data. The effect of replacement of the standard estimator of the ACF by three alternative estimators is also investigated. Monte Carlo simulations, concerning the bias and dispersion of resulting estimators sa and sa(×), suggest that the presented formalism can be effectively used to determine a measurement uncertainty. The described method is illustrated with the exemplary analysis of autocorrelated variations of the intensity of an X-ray beam diffracted from a powder sample, known as the particle statistics effect.

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Andrzej Zięba
Piotr Ramza
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The electrical power drawn by an induction motor is distorted in case of appearance of a certain type of failures. Under spectral analysis of the instantaneous power one obtains the components which are connected with definite types of damage. An analysis of the amplitudes and frequencies of the components allows to recognize the type of fault.

The paper presents a metrological analysis of the measurement system used for diagnosis of induction motor bearings, based on the analysis of the instantaneous power. This system was implemented as a set of devices with dedicated software installed on a PC. A number of measurements for uncertainty estimation was carried out. The results of the measurements are presented in the paper. The results of the aforementioned analysis helped to determine the measurement uncertainty which can be expected during bearing diagnostic measurements, by the method relying on measurement and analysis of the instantaneous power of an induction machine.

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Ariel Dzwonkowski
Leon Swędrowski
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Non-measured points (NMPs) are one of vital problems in optical measurement. The number and location of NMPs affect the obtained surface texture parameters. Therefore, systematic studying of the NMP is meaningful in understanding the instrument performance and optimizing measurement strategies. This paper investigates the influence of measurement settings on the non-measured points ratio (NMPR) using structured illumination microscopy. It is found that using a low magnification lens, high exposure time, high dynamic range (HDR) lighting levels, and low vertical scanning interval may help reduce the NMPR. In addition, an improved approach is proposed to analyze the influence of NMP on areal surface texture parameters. The analysis indicates that the influence of NMP on some parameters cannot be ignored, especially for extreme height parameters and feature parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhen Li
Sophie Gröger

  1. Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of Production Measuring Technology, Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany
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At the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM) an evaluation of a commercial dual source high resistance bridge has been performed. Its two main measurement modes (single measurements and multiple measurements) have been investigated. The best settle time of a 10:1 measurement of high resistance ratio has been estimated to be about three times the time constant of the circuit involving the resistors. This constant, in turn, depends on the highest value resistor. By means of mathematical estimators, suitable numbers of the readings of the detector have been established in order to minimize noises. A compatibility test at 100 TΩ has shown that the best precision of the commercial bridge is achieved utilizing the multiple measurements mode with the auto update function. This mode also allows the characterization of a resistor as a function of the settle time. This characterization can be useful for the owner of the resistor who can request the laboratory to perform the calibration of the resistor with the settle time which is necessary for him.
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Iulian Mihai
Pier Paolo Capra
Flavio Galliana

  1. National Institute of Metrological Research, Applied Metrology and Engineering Department, Str. delle Cacce 91, 10135 Turin, Italy
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In this study, the uncertainty of measurement paths was estimated using selected statistical methods. Specifically, temperature measurements obtained from contact temperature sensors used in a heat transfer test section were investigated. The experiments utilized a drywell temperature calibrator, thermoelements (types K, J, N, and T), and a data acquisition station. Additionally, a certified Pt-100 resistance sensor connected to the temperature meter was considered during measurements. The temperature range for the selected measurement points was 0.3 to 100 °C, covering both increasing and decreasing temperatures. To calculate the expanded uncertainty, both the uncertainty propagation method and the Monte Carlo method were employed. The results were analyzed and found to be similar.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Michalski
Beata Maciejewska
Magdalena Piasecka
Norbert Dadas
Artur Piasecki

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Poland

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