Applied sciences

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials


Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2023 | vol. 68 | No 4

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In this investigation, the surface characteristics of Nickel based superalloy Inconel-625 were evaluated by the electrical discharge machining with used cooking oil-based biodiesel as a dielectric. Nickel-based superalloys find wide applicability in numerous industries due to their specific properties. The Cu electrodes of various densities prepared by atomic diffusion additive manufacturing process were used for machining. A comparison of the performance was made based on average surface roughness. The Design-expert software was used for experimental design and parametric analysis. The outcome demonstrated that bio-dielectric fluid produced improved surface characteristics. The surface roughness was observed to reduce. The surface micrograph obtained from scanning electron microscopy also confirms a better surface finish of bio-dielectric fluid over EDM oil. The surface roughness was shown to be most significantly influenced by the discharge current, with the other parameters having little or no effect. The results showed that for bio-dielectric, the lowest Ra was 0.643 µm, and for EDM oil, the highest value of 0.844 µm. The slightest difference in roughness value for two dielectric fluids was 0.013 µm, and the highest difference was 0.115 µm.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohd Yunus Khan
P. Sudhakar Rao
BS. Pabla

  1. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh, India
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The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the amount of a commonly used binder in foundry work, furfuryl resin – on the course of the thermal regeneration of used moulding sand. The thermal regeneration procedure was carried out at a temperature of 525°C, the required temperature determined according to a specific procedure, and a lower and less effective temperature of 400°C. On the basis of the ignition losses, the influence of the regeneration temperature on the effects of the procedures carried out was compared. It was found that 400°C was too low to effectively clean the binder matrix, but that the more resin in the spent sand, the more intense the cleaning effect. When the required regeneration temperature for furfuryl resin of 523°C was used, higher binder degradation kinetics were observed due to the additional energy supplied to the process from the combustion of a large amount of organic material in the moulding sand.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Łucarz
Marcini Brzezińsk

  1. AGH University of Krakow , Faculty of Fo undry Engineering, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow , Poland
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The application of titanium alloys is limited due to their low surface hardness and wear resistance, especially for parts operating under friction and contact loads. One of the most widely used technologies for the thermochemical treatment of titanium alloys is gas nitriding. A new method in this direction is surface plasma gas nitriding using indirect arc plasmatrons operating in a chamber with a controlled nitrogen atmosphere. In the present work, the changes in the phase transformations, microstructure, and surface hardness of titanium alloy Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V after plasma gas nitriding at the power of 18 kW, and 25 kW for a time between 5 and 30 minutes are studied. The plasma gas nitriding with the indirect plasmatron of the titanium alloy produced continuous surface layers. Analysis of the surface showed the presence of TiN and TiO2. The thickness of the plasma gas nitrided layers ranges between 100 μm and 350 μm, depending on the technological parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Radostina Yankova
Ludmil Drenchev

  1. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Cube Satellites are miniaturized satellites used for space research with a mass of not more than 1.33 kg per unit. They are widely used in space applications because of its low cost of manufacturing and flexibility of applications. Since, they use commercial off-the-shelf components, thermal consideration of internal components of 1-unit cube satellites becomes a necessity. In this paper, transient thermal analysis of a 1-unit cube satellite is conducted to analyze its behavior during the first 29 seconds of orbit insertion from the launch vehicle. Transient thermal analysis yielded a temperature range that exceeded the optimum limit. As a result, to reduce heat dissipation, two main types of thermal management systems for satellites: active control and passive control systems are included. To maintain critical components at their operating temperature, a passive thermal control is implemented. Thermal strap and multi-layer insulation are used to analyze internal components of 1-unit cube satellite. Using graphite fiber thermal strap and aerogel multi-layer insulation for internal components, the 1-unit modular cube satellite is found to be more suitable under low earth orbit conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sunidhi Kubade
Shruti Kulkarni
Pankaj N. Dhatrak

  1. Dr. Vishwanath Karad Mit World Peace University, Pune, India
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This study utilizes Ti-8Nb-4Co alloys added to different proportions of Mo2C powders (1, 3, and 5 mass%) by the vacuum sintering process of powder metallurgy and simultaneously vacuum sinters the alloys at 1240, 1270, 1300, and 1330°C for 1 h, respectively. The experimental results indicate that when 3 mass% Mo2C powders were added to the Ti-8Nb-4Co alloys, the specimens possessed the optimal mechanical properties after sintering at 1300°C for 1 h. The relative density was 98.02%, and the hardness and TRS were enhanced to 69.6 HRA and 1816.7 MPa, respectively. In addition, the microstructure of vacuum sintered Ti-8Nb-4Co-3Mo2C alloys has both α and β-phase structures, as well as TiC precipitates. EBSD results confirm that the Mo 2C in situ produced TiC during the sintering process and was uniformly dispersed in the grain boundary. Moreover, the reduced molybdenum atom acted as a β-phase stabilizing element and solid-solution in the titanium matrix.
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Authors and Affiliations

Shih-Hsien Chang
Kun Jie Liao
Kuo-Tsung Huang
Cheng Liang

  1. National Taipei University of Technology, Department of Materials and Miner al Resources Engineering, Taipei 10608, Taiwan, ROC
  2. National Kangshan Agricultural Industrial Senior High School, Department of Auto-Mechanics, Kaohsiung 82049, Taiwan, ROC
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The most commonly quenching process for carburizing gears is the oil-quenching (OQ) and salt-quenching (SQ), and finite analysis and comparison of OQ and SQ on the carburizing gear ring were performed. Wherein, the accurate simulation of gear carburization was obtained by the alloying element coefficient for diffusion coefficient and experiment validation. The heat transfer coefficients measured by the inverse heat transfer method was used to the temperature simulation, and the gear distortion mechanism was analyzed by the simulated results. By the comparison of OQ, SQ had higher cooling capacity in the high temperature region and slow cooling rate in the temperature range where martensite transformation occurs. The martensite transformation was more sufficient, and the compressive stress of the tooth was greater in the SQ. The tooth showed a drum-shaped and slight saddle-shaped distortion in the OQ and SQ, respectively. The simulated distortion results have good consistency with the measured results, and the SQ distortion was more uniform and stable based on the measured results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xin Wang
Jinlong Gu

  1. Henan University of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering College, Zhengzhou, Henan 451191 China
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The 0.05 mm-thick 304 stainless steel foil was annealed within the temperature range from 950℃-1100℃ for 10 minutes to obtain different microstructures. And micro-deep drawing experiments of stainless steel foils with different tissue structures were conducted to obtain relevant material forming properties influenced by dimensional effects. On this basis, the influence of the microstructure characteristics on the forming performance of 304 stainless steel foil and the quality of the cup formed by using micro-drawing was studied, and its mechanism was discussed. It can be seen from the results that the stainless steel foil annealed at 950℃ exhibits poor forming performance, and the wrinkle phenomenon of the deep-drawn cup is obvious. At the annealing temperature of 1050℃, the quality of the deep drawing cup is significantly improved. When the annealing temperature reaches 1100℃, with the increase of the annealing temperature, the crystal grains size increase sharply, and the coarse-grain effect causes the uneven plastic deformation effect to be obvious. Besides, the drawing quality is obviously deteriorated. The observation of the microstructure of the deep drawing cup shows that the forming effect of the drawing cup is poor due to the rolling defects and the coarse grain effect. The 304 stainless steel drawing cup annealed at 1050℃ enjoys the best forming effect.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yulin Xing
Peisheng Han
Xiaogang Wang

  1. Taiyuan University of Science and Technology, Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Device Design Theory and Technology (State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base of Province-Ministry Co-Construct), Taiyuan 030024, China
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The paper outlines the material and technological aspects of fine (whiteware) ceramics. Particular attention has been paid to the professional nomenclature of fine aluminosilicate ceramics as used in the past and today. Attention was drawn to this mostly overlooked and poorly studied problem. The reason for the durability problems of some semi-vitreous porcelain and faience materials has been explained. The microstructures of porcelain materials – historic as well as contemporary – have been presented in comparative terms, including the technical material, with a distinction and analysis of the basic phases that build up the shard. Generally similar parameters of microstructure and phase composition were found for all tested materials.
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Authors and Affiliations

Przemysław Ranachowski
Karolina Szymankiewicz
Zbigniew Ranachowski
Stanislav Kudela jr.

  1. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polis h Academy of Sciences, 5b Pawiński ego Str., 02-106 Warszawa, Poland
  2. Institute of Art His tory, University of Warsaw, 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście Str., 00-927 Warszawa, Poland
  3. Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská Cesta 9/6319 845 13 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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Using colloid water as a covering for explosives can improve the energy efficiency for explosive welding, while its effects on bonding properties remain unclear. Here, by employing titanium/steel as a model system, the effect of covering thickness on microstructures and mechanical properties of the bonding interface was systematically investigated. It was found that all the welds displayed wavy interfaces, and the wave size increased with increasing covering thickness. Vortices characterized by solidified melt zones surrounded by strongly deformed parent materials, were only formed for the welds performed with a covering. Moreover, with increasing covering thickness, both the tensile strength and the elongation of the titanium/steel plate decreased, and the failure mode changed from ductile to cleavage fracture, gradually. In the tensile-shear tests, all the fractures took place in titanium matrix without separation at interface, indicating that the titanium/steel interfaces had an excellent bonding strength. The micro-hardness decreased with increasing distance from the interface, and this trend was more remarkable for a thicker covering. The micro-hardness inside the solidified melt zones was far higher than that observed in strain-hardened layers of the parent metal, due to formation of hard intermetallic compounds.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fei Wang
Ming Yang

  1. Anhui University of Science and Technology State Key Laboratory of Mining Response and Disaster Prevention and Control in Deep Coal Mines,Huainan, Anhui Province, China
  2. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, National Key Laboratory of Transient Physics, Nanjing, 210094, China
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Bamboo Ash is a safer and more sustainable building material. It is possible to use bamboo ash as a partial cement replacement as an alternative to cement application and also to reduce pollution. For this study, the main purpose is to determine the compressive strength and water absorption of cement sand brick containing bamboo ash. Laboratory tests such as compression tests and water absorption tests on cement sand brick with bamboo ash as a partial replacement for cement have been conducted. The mixes with various ratios using bamboo ash are 5%, 7%, and 10%. The specimen size for cement sand brick is 215 mm long, 102.5 mm wide, and 65 mm deep according to BS3921:1985. The results from the specimens containing Bamboo Ash have been compared to the control specimens. The water absorption test results increase as the percentage of Bamboo Ash increases due to particle size and air void, but the compressive strength decreases at 28 days.
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Authors and Affiliations

Suraya Hani Adnan
S.N.S.M. Satti
Aqerul Safea'ai
Mohamad Hairi Osman
Wan Jusoh Wan Amizah
Zalipah Jamellodin
Peniel Soon Ern Ang
Wan Ibrahim Wan Mastura
Justyna Garus

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology,Department of Civil Engineering Technology, 84600 Pagoh, Muar Johor,Malaysia
  2. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Civil and Built Engineering, 86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer& Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  4. Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Mechanics and Fundamentalsof Machinery Design, 73 Dąbrowskiego Str., 42-201 Częstochowa, Poland
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In order to expand the application range of casting aluminum alloy ZL105, the stirring fusion casting method was used to add carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with different content and aspect ratio into the ZL105 aluminum matrix. And then the effect of the reinforcement on the mechanical properties of the alloy was compared and analyzed. The research results show that the tensile strength and hardness of the carbon nanotube composites with different contents will be improved, but to a certain extent the elongation of the composite material will be reduced, and there is an optimal addition amount. The mechanical properties of composite materials prepared by adding CNTs with relatively small length and diameter are better. There are different forms of reinforcement mechanisms for CNTs to reinforce cast aluminum alloys, and the improvement of composite material performance is the result of the combined effect of multiple strengthening methods. The research has made a meaningful exploration for the realization of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites under the casting method.
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Authors and Affiliations

Zhilin Pan
Rong Li
Qi Zeng

  1. Guizhou Normal University, School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Contribution China
  2. Manager Section, Guiyang Huaheng Mechanical Manufacture CO. LTD China
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The prediction of equilibrium components for chemical reactions is a considerable section in the metallurgical industry. According to the ion and molecule coexistence theory (IMCT), a modified mass action concentration model based on a thermodynamic database is proposed in this paper, which complys with the law of mass conservation and can be applied in the batching process for Al-Ti-Ca-oxide system that originates from SHS (Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis) metallurgy. The trend for slag and alloy component under different batching conditions are in good agreement with experiment, while the difference between the theoretical calculation and experiment can be attributed to the deviation from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The modified mass action concentration model with melts and slag can be used to predict the composition and content of the system when equilibrium is achieved at a certain temperature under a specific material ratio, which is conducive to reducing the cost of the experiment and predicting the operability of the actual process. Moreover, it is believed that this thermodynamic insight may has certain application prospects in these metallurgical procedure based on the equilibrium process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Yu-lai Song
Zhi-he Dou
Ting-an Zhang
Chu Cheng
Hui Fang
Chao-Lei Ban
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In this work, a new supplementary formula was introduced to modify the Kerner model. This supplementary formula enable the Kerner model to predict the thermal expansion coefficient of multi-phase reinforced composites by normalization of the thermal expansion coefficient, bulk modulus, and shear modulus of the reinforcements. For comparison, the modified Kerner model as well as modified Schapery, the rule of mixtures, and Turner models were used to predict the thermal expansion coefficient of multi-phase reinforced composites 6092 Aluminum Alloy/silicon carbide/β-eucryptite. The results confirm the robustness of the modified Kerner model for predicting the thermal expansion coefficient of composites with multi-phase near-spherical inclusions. It may provide a fine selection to predict the thermal expansion coefficient of multi-phase reinforced metal matrix composites which cannot predict efficiently before.
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Authors and Affiliations

Shihao Zhang
1 2
Qinglin Hou
H.Y. Jiang
1 2

  1. Hunan University of Technology, School of Packaging and Materials Engineering, Zhuzhou 412007, China
  2. Hunan University of Technology, National & Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Advanced Packaging Material and Technology, Zhuzhou 412007, China
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The objective of this paper is to develop a Non Destructive Testing (NDT) method for the detection and classification of defects in composite materials at a micro level and to devise methodologies to analyse the corrosion resistance behavior using Scanned Electron Microscope (SEM) imagery. The defects on the Stainless Steel – Molybdenum (SS-Mo) Nanocomposite coating is estimated from their Scanning Electron Micrographs by using Image Processing algorithms. For this, the SS-Mo Nano Composite coatings are fabricated using a DC magnetron sputtering process using an indigenously prepared sputtering target. Depositions are carried out on Glass substrate for the evaluation of structural, morphological, chemical composition and corrosion resistance of the coatings prepared under different conditions (deposition of SS at 300°C and RT (Room Temperature); deposition of SS + Mo at 300°C and RT). The structural and compositional analysis performed with X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) has confirmed the formation of Stainless Steel Molybdenum Composite, when the deposition is at 300°C. The SS-Mo composite deposited at 300°C is also observed to yield high corrosion resistance of the order 0.058 mm/year. A novel texture – morphology based image feature descriptor has been proposed for corrosion resistance to evaluate the composite material in a Non-destructive manner. The analysis of SEM image of the developed coatings using the proposed feature along with machine learning algorithm reveals the superior property for SS-Mo coatings deposited at 300°C which is also demonstrated by the laboratory experiments.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.C. Pravin
S. Karthikeyan
S. Sathyabama
Sivaramakrishnan Balaji

  1. Bannari Amman Institute Of Technology, Mechatr Onics, India
  2. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, India
  3. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, India
  4. Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Chemistry, India
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The use of organically modified clays as nano-reinforcement in polymer matrices is widely investigated owing to their remarkable reinforcement at low filler loading. In this body of work, the nanocomposites were prepared by melt blending nanoclay with polyamide 11 (PA 11) utilising a twin-screw extruder in order to maximise the dispersion of clay particles within the matrix during compounding. The main aim of the work was to study the reinforcing effect of nanoclay within PA 11 using two micromechanical model namely Halpin-Tsai and Mori-Tanaka composite theories. These theories were used to predict the effective tensile modulus of PA 11 nanocomposites and the results were compared to the experimental data. In addition, the Halpin-Tsai model was used to predict the storage modulus and heat distortion temperature (HDT) of PA 11 nanocomposites. It was found that the tensile modulus for nanocomposites with a high clay aspect ratio exhibits up to 10% higher when compared to the nanocomposites with lower clay aspect ratio. Thus, it is believed that the combination of clay aspect ratio and modulus contributes to the super reinforcing effect of nanoclay within the PA 11 matrix.
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Authors and Affiliations

Khairul Anwar Abdul Halim
1 2
James E. Kennedy
Mohd Arif Anuar Mohd Salleh
1 2
Azlin Fazlina Osman
1 2
Mohd Firdaus Omar
1 2
N.M. Sunar

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Centre of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Jejawi 3, Kawasan Perindustrian Jejawi, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Athlone Institute of Technology, Dublin Road, Co. Westmeath , Ireland
  4. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Research Centre for Soft Soil (RECESS), Institute of Integrate d Engineering, 86400 Parit Raja, Johor, Malaysia
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Mn-Al alloys are important alloys due to their magnetic properties and have been identified as permanent magnets. This alloy possesses magnetic properties and can be manufactured at a relatively low cost. Mn-Al alloys could be an alternative to rare earth magnets and hard ferrites and have a promising future. In this study, the effects of sintering temperature, holding time and pressure on densification, average grain size and magnetic properties of the SPS-ed Mn-Al alloys were observed. However, with the different sintering parameters, the magnetic phase τ phase could be achieved. To obtain the τ phase, different annealing methods were tried, yet samples heated to 650°C and air cooled exhibited magnetic properties. This sample was selected from various sintering parameters due to its high density of 99% N6 (800°C – 300 sec – 60 MPa) and has an average grain size of 137±18.1 µm. The uniqueness of this work is that statistical approaches such as Taguchi design of experiment (DOE) and regression were used for optimization of the manufacturing process.
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Authors and Affiliations

Can Burak Danisman
Gultekin Goller

  1. Istanbul Technical University, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul, 34469, Turkey
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The article considers the method of obtaining reinforced castings from gray cast iron by lost foam casting. The aim of this study was to determine the microstructure formation of gray cast iron reinforced with inserts of carbon and stainless steel in this casting method. The results of the research have shown that the products of destruction of expanded polystyrene have a positive effect on the bonding formation of cast iron with reinforcing inserts. When steel wire is used as reinforcement, a decarbonized layer of cast iron is being formed around it, in which the inclusions of graphite are smaller and their quantity is less than in the main metal. Due to carburization, the surface structure of the reinforcement changes from ferrite to pearlite with cementite. Steel wire reinforcement can be effective in increasing strength and toughness of gray cast iron. The usage of stainless steel reinforcement leads to the formation of a transition layer on the part of the matrix metal. It contains ledeburite with dissolved chromium, which increase the wear resistance of cast iron.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pavlo Kaliuzhnyi
Inna Shalevska
Vadym Sliusarev

  1. Department of Physical Chemistry of Foundry Processes, Physico-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciencesof Ukraine, Ukraine
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Arsenic is the only beneficial impurity for copper electrorefining through inhibiting anode passivation and the formation of floating slimes. The behaviour of copper anodes with different content of arsenic were studied at high current density (>280 A/m 2). It showed that low arsenic anodes (As < 300 ppm) easily generated anode passivation, floating slimes and cathode nodules during the electrorefining proccess. The floating slimes, electrolyte, cathode and anode were observed and analyzed. As result, low arsenic anodes were more likely to be passivated due to their microstructure defects and irregular microstructure. Increasing electrolyte temperature and addition of glycerol were propitious to reduce low arsenic anodes’ passivation. The floating slimes occured when the concentration of As(III) in electrolyte decreased to 1 g/L, and they would be precipitated by polyacrylamide. All measures greatly improved the cathode quality at current density of 300 A/m 2.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xuyong Zhang
Silei Chen
Lu Li
Peng Yang

  1. Jiangxi Copper Technology Institute Co., Ltd, Nanchang 330096, Jiangxi, PR China
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The phase transformation dynamic and electrical conductivity equations of the aged Cu-2.7Ti-2.5Ni-0.8V alloy were established in this work. The microstructure evolution and precipitated phases were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The mechanical properties were tested using a hardness testing machine and universal test machine, and the electrical conductivity was measured by the eddy conductivity gauge. The results show that NiTi intermetallic compounds are formed during the solidification, and these phases such as Ni3Ti and NiV3 are precipitated after aging treatment. The fracture morphology displays that a large number of shallow and equiaxed dimples occur on the tensile fracture, indicating a typical ductile fracture. After aging treatment at 450°C for 240 min, the hardness, tensile strength, elongation and electrical conductivity of the Cu-2.7Ti-2.5Ni-0.8V alloy are 184 HV, 459 MPa, 6.3% and 28.72% IACS, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jia Liu
1 2
Jituo Liu
Xianhui Wang

  1. Xi’an Polytechnic University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an 710048, P.R. China
  2. Xi’an University of Technology, School of Mechanical and Precision Instrument Engineering, Xi’an 710048, P. R. China
  3. Xi’an University of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi’an 710048, P. R. China
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Due the importance of using commercially Zamak5 in a wide range in industrial applications, however, this study was focused on the enhancing its machining issues by adding pure copper, so the effect of the addition of (1 to 3)% Cu to commercially Zamak5 on its mechanical properties, microhardness, surface texture and corrosion resistance was investigated. A CNC machining tests, microhardness tests, corrosion test, compression test, and microhardness test were performed. It was found that there is an enhancement on the flow stress at 0.2 strain of about 19% for 3% Cu addition followed by 17% and 15% in the case of 2% Cu and 1% Cu respectively. There was an enhancement in microhardness of about 11.6% in the case of 3% Cu addition. The surface finish was improved by increasing the number of copper contents (1 to 3)% to the base material Za5. Polarization measurements revealed that 3% alloy specimen inhibit the corrosion by more than 70% compared with the blank sample.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmad Al Aboushi
Safwan Al-Qawabah
Nabeel Abu Shaban
Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh

  1. Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Mechanical Engineering Department , Amman, Jordan
  2. Tafila Technical University, 66110 Tafila, Jordan
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In the present study, the mechanical properties and high-temperature sliding wear behaviour of the Al6082-SiC-TiO2 hybrid composite in different environmental conditions produced by the stir-casting process were investigated and distinguished with single-reinforced composites (Al6082-SiC and Al6082-TiO2) and matrix alloy. The microstructure of composites exhibited a reasonably uniform scatter of particles in the aluminium matrix with good bonding between the matrix-particle interfaces. The hybrid composite’s hardness and ultimate tensile strength showed higher hardness and tensile strength than matrix alloy and single-reinforced composites, whereas trends were reversed for the elongation. The impact test of the materials was conducted at different temperatures (room temperature, 0°C, –25°C, –50°C, and –75°C). The hybrid composite shows higher impact strength than the other materials, and impact strength decreases with temperature because ductility decreases with temperature. The fracture surfaces were examined to identify the fracture mechanism. The sliding wear test was conducted at different temperatures (room temperature, 100°C, 175°C, 250°C and 325°C) to distinguish the tribological behaviour of materials. The weight loss of the materials was increased with an increase in temperatures. The hybrid composite shows a lower weight loss than the other condition samples, irrespective of the temperatures. The wear surfaces were examined to predict the material removal mechanism.
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Authors and Affiliations

Pushpraj Singh
Raj Kumar Singh
2 3
Anil Kumar Das

  1. National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ashok Rajpath, Mahendru, Patna, Bihar, 800005, India
  2. University Road, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rewa Engineering College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, 486002, India
  3. Vindya Institute of Technology and Science, Mechanical Engineering, Amaudha Kalan, SATNA, MADHYA PRADESH, 485001, India
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Donghua steel continuous casting-rolling (DSCCR) line is a new endless rolling line in which tunnel heating furnace is added before and after roughing mills to change the temperature field of slab and intermediate slab, but this change will affect the microstructure and properties of hot rolled plate. Therefore, the microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, texture analysis, hole expanding and earing test of 2.0 mm thick hot rolled plate produced by DSCCR line at different final rolling temperature of 860°C, 840°C and 820°C are studied. The results show that with the decrease of final rolling temperature, there is an obvious layered microstructure distribution along the thickness direction, and the surface coarse grain area gradually expands inward, at the same time the morphology of cementite also changed from large multi domain lamellar pearlite and long rod cementite to small single domain lamellar pearlite and short rod cementite. The engineering stress-strain curves have discontinuous yield with the yield elongation of 4-5% and the elongations are more than 35%. EBSD analysis shows that small angle grain boundaries and deformed grains increase significantly with the decrease of final rolling temperature, and are mainly distributed in fine grain area. Hole expanding and earing tests show that with the decrease of final rolling temperature, the earing performance decreased but the limiting hole expanding ratio is similar.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chaoyang Li
Peng Tian
Zhipeng Zhao
Xiaohui Liang
Shuhuan Wang
Yonglin Kang
Xian Luo

  1. North China University of Science and Technology, School of Metallurgy and Energy, Tangshan, 063210, China
  2. University of Science and Technology Beijing, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing, 100083, China
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Lubrication and heat transfer control are two significant functions of mold fluxes. In order to coordinate the contradiction between lubrication and heat transfer, the effects of BaO and Li2O on basic characteristics of CaO-SiO2 based mold fluxes were studied by hemispherical melting temperature instrument, rotating cylinder method, X-ray diffractometer (XRD) in present study. The results show that the melting temperature and viscosity at 1300°C all represent a downward trend with BaO and Li2O enhancement at different basicity, and the break temperature decrease with BaO addition while decrease and then increase with Li2O addition, which illustrates that Li2O content should be no more than 0.8 wt% for the purpose of lubrication. Meanwhile, to ensure a sufficient thickness of the liquid slag film and avoid discontinuity of the liquid slag film, the BaO content is better to be 10 wt% with low melting temperature and viscosity. The main crystalline phase in the mold fluxes is cuspidine (3CaO·2SiO2·CaF2), and the crystallization ratio rises sharply when basicity increased to 1.65. For better deal with the contradiction of lubrication and heat transfer, the mold fluxes composition w(BaO) = 10 wt%, w(Li2O) = 0.8 wt%, R ≥1.65 is reasonable, which has a profound impact on high crystallization and lubricity mold fluxes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Haichuan Wang
1 2
Guang-ye Sheng
Haijun Wang
1 2
Hong-meng Liu
Ting Wu
1 2

  1. Anhui University of Technology, School of Metallurgical Engineering, Anhui, Ma’anshan, 243032, China
  2. Anhui University of Technology, Key Laborator y of Metallurgical Emission Reduction & Resource Recycling (Ministry of Education), Anhui,Ma’anshan, 243002, China
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Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) playing a prominent part in the aerospace and automotive sectors owing to their superior mechanical and tribological properties. Hence, the aim of this work is to investigate the effect of titanium dioxide (10 wt.% TiO2) particles addition on hardness and tribological behaviour of Al-0.6Fe-0.5Si alloy (AA8011) composite manufactured by stir casting method. The surface morphology of developed composite clearly shows the inclusion of TiO2 particles evenly distributed within the matrix alloy. Hardness of the composite was measured using Vickers micro hardness tester and the maximum hardness was obtained at 95.6 Hv. A pin-on-disc tribometer was used to carried the wear test under dry sliding conditions. The influence of wear control parameters such as applied load (L), sliding speed (S) and sliding distance (D) were taken as the input parameters and the output responses considered as the specific wear rate (SWR) and co-efficient of friction (COF). The experimental results were analyzed using Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Preferred Solution (TOPSIS). Based on the TOPSIS approach, the less SWR and COF achieved at the optimal parametric combination were found to be L = 30 N, S = 1 m/s and D = 2000 m. ANOVA results revealed that applied load (76.01%) has the primary significant factor on SWR and COF, followed by sliding speed (20.71%) and sliding distance (3.12%) respectively. Worn surface morphology was studied using SEM image of confirmation experiment specimen to understand the wear mechanism.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Kailainathan
M. Ezhilan
S.V. Alagarsamy
C. Chanakyan

  1. Rohini College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kanyakumari-629 401, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Mahath Amma Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pudukkottai-622 101, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Coimbatore-641 402, Tamil Nadu, India
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This study analyses the three-point bending behavior of Nylon 12 (PA12) specimens produced using two additive manufacturing technologies (i.e., fused filament fabrication and selective laser sintering). A Nylon 12 commercially available filament (from Fiberlab S.A.) was selected to employ the fused filament fabrication method (FFF) with a Prusa 3D desktop printer, whereas Nylon 12 sintering powder (from Formlabs Inc.) was chosen for selective laser sintering (SLS) using a benchtop industrial SLS platform, Formlabs Fuse 1, with a powder refresh ratio of 30%. The bending strength and flexural elasticity moduli were determined by following ISO 178:2019 standard specifications to assess the effect of two different technologies on the mechanical behavior of three-point bending specimens produced in three distinct build orientations (i.e., 0°, 45°, and 90°) relative to the printing platform. One-way ANOVA analysis, Tukey’s HSD, and Games-Howell tests are considered to assess the statistical variability of experimental data and compare the mean values of bending strength and flexural moduli. The testing results for the three orientations under question show notable differences and interesting similarities either in terms of strength or elasticity response for a significance p-level of 0.05.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marius Nicolae Baba
Gheorghe-Daniel Voinea
Maria-Elisabeta Lucaci

  1. Transilvania University of Brașov, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eroilor Bvd. 29, 500036, Brașov, Romania
  2. Transilvania University of Brașov, Department of Automotive and Transport Engineering, Eroilor Bvd. 29, 500036, Brașov, Romania
  3. École Centrale de Marseille, 38 Rue Frédéric Joliot Curie, 13013, Marseille, France
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Quaternary ammonium salt (QAS) Hyamine 1622 and benzotriazole (BTAH) were used to form a protective layer on copper surface to resist the corrosion by immersing the copper into the inhibitors-containing solutions. The inhibitor’s anticorrosion properties are studied in neutral 3.5 wt.% NaCl medium by anodic polarization, Tafel polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and OCP exposure. The surface characterization is analyzed by Contact angle(CA) measurement, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy(SEM). The electrochemical tests show that they can act as single inhibitor to form a passive layer to resist Cu corrosion, and the anticorrosion properties of Cu can be improved by using binary Hyamine 1622/BTAH inhibitors. XPS results indicate that both BATH and Hyamine 1622 molecule can be chemisorbed onto the copper surface and make complex films with Cu species. CA measurement revealed the enhancement of hydrophobicity by combining QSA with BTAH. OCP exposure in neutral medium for 72 h evidently reveals that the passive layer formed by binary inhibitors decreases the pit corrosion. Better hydrophobic nature and more compact passive layer give rise to excellent inhibition properties of binary inhibitors.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chuanyun Wan
Xiaotao Li
Hao Xing

  1. Shanghai Institute of Technology, School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Shanghai, 201418
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In zinc electrowinning, small amounts of manganese ions additives are needed in the electrolyte to reduce the corrosion of anodes and minimize the contamination of cathodic zinc by dissolved lead. However, excess manganese oxide could cover the dimensionally stable anodes (DSA) surface and decrease their service life. Additives of phosphoric acid are put in the electrolyte to complex the manganic Mn3+ ion and hence reduce its disproportionation to MnO2. In the investigation, phosphoric acid was added to sulfuric acid or zinc electrolytes, and conventional and recent electrochemical measurements were carried out to examine electrochemical behaviour of DSA (Ti/IrO2-Ta2O5) anode during zinc electrolysis at 48 mA/cm2 and 39°C. It was observed that the anodic potentials of DSA anodes were lower by 27 mV after 5 h polarization in the zinc electrolyte containing 35 g/L phosphoric acid at 39°C. Electrochemical impedance measurements show that the addition of 35 ml/L H3PO4 to the zinc electrolyte can increase impedance resistances of the DSA mesh anodes. Cyclic voltammogram studies (CV) at a scan rate of 5 mV/s without agitation show that the oxidation peak in the solution with 35 ml/L phosphoric acid addition is highest, followed by that with 17 ml/L phosphoric acid addition and that without addition of phosphoric acid.
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Authors and Affiliations

Wei Zhang
1 2
Georges Houlachi
Sanae Haskouri
Edward Ghali

  1. Hunan University of Technology, School of Metallurgical, ZhuZhou, China, 412002
  2. Laval University, Department of Mining, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Quebec, QC, Canada, G1K 7P4
  3. Hydro-Québec research institute, Shawinigan, QC, Canada, G9N 7N5
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Through the powder metallurgy technique, alloys of the eutectic composition of the Zn-Al system were manufactured (22.3 wt.%Al), reinforced with Ag additions (0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 wt.%), with subsequent annealing heat treatment at three different temperatures; 100, 150 and 200°C for 1 hr. X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and mechanical tests were performed on the resulting samples. The addition of Ag favors the formation of alpha and beta compounds with Al and Zn respectively, which improves the compressive strength of the alloy. However, with the presence of Ag the hardness is decreased. On the other hand, the application of an annealing heat treatment, shows no significant effect on the evaluated properties of the alloy. The microstructure of the alloys resulted in the presence of very small grains smaller than 1 mm and with rounded morphology.
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Authors and Affiliations

Miguel Angel Rubio-Padrón
Olga Alondra Echartea-Reyes
Carlos A. Calles-Arriaga
Enrique Rocha-Rangel

  1. Universidad Politécnica de Victoria, Ciudad Victoria, México
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Aluminium matrix composites offer a combination of properties such as lower weight, higher strength, higher wear resistance and many more. The stir casting process is easy to use, involves low cost and is suitable for mass production compared to other manufacturing processes. An in-depth look at recently manufactured aluminium matrix composites and their impact on particle distribution, porosity, wettability, microstructure and mechanical properties of Al matrix composites have all been studied in relation to stirring parameters. Several significant concerns have been raised about the sample’s poor wettability, porosity and particle distribution. Mechanical, thermal, and tribological properties are frequently studied in conjunction with variations in reinforcement proportion but few studies on the effect of stirrer blade design and parameters such as stirrer shape, dimensions and position have been reported. To study the effect of stirrer blade design on particle distribution, computational fluid dynamics is used by rese­archers. Reported multiphysics models were k-ε model and the k-ω model for simulation. It is necessary to analyse these models to determine which one best solves the real-time problem. Stirrer design selection and analysis of its effect on particle distribution using simulation, while taking underlying physics into account, can be well-thought-out as a future area of research in the widely adopted stir casting field.
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Authors and Affiliations

Chintan Morsiya
1 2
Shailesh Pandya

  1. Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Surat, Gujarat, India
  2. Research Scholar, Departme nt of Mechanical Engineering, Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Ichchhanath, Surat, 395007,Gujarat, India
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Bioactive glass (BG) can be utilized as a replacement and regeneration material for orthopaedic and orthodontic. However, a load-bearing structure requires good mechanical properties to withstand high stress, in addition to good bioactivity properties. In this research, BG and cordierite (BG-cord) composite was fabricated to improve BG’s mechanical properties. The mechanical strength of the BG-cord was investigated. Both BG and cordierite were synthesized separately using the glass melting method. The synthesized BG and cordierite powders were used to fabricate BG-cord using a composition variation from 10 to 50 wt.%. The composite with 30 wt.% cordierite demonstrated the highest diametral tensile strength (DTS), 14.01 MPa.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ahmad Fakhruddin Mohd Mokhtar Kamil
Hamisah Ismail
Mohamad Hasmaliza

  1. Universiti Sains Malaysia, School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering,Biomaterial Research Niche Group, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
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The study was intended to determine the effect of the input condition of the 17-4PH steel on the microstructure, mechanical properties and stress state of welded joints. The steel adopted for testing was in the solution condition at 1040°C, the aged condition at 550°C/4h and the overaged condition at 760°C/2 h + 620°C/4 h. Samples of 17-4PH steel, after heat treatment processed with different parameters, were electron beam welded (EBW). The microscopic observation (LM, SEM/EDS) showed that the microstructure of the weld consisted of martensite with a δ-ferrite lattice. In the heat-affected zone (HAZ), transformed martensite was found with evidence of niobium carbides. The results of hardness testing revealed the different nature of the hardness profile with the condition the material before the EB welding process. The hardness profile of the HAZ of the welded samples in the as-solution (ES2) and overaged (ES12) condition was varied (from about 340 HV to 450 HV). However, in the aged condition specimen of 17-4PH steel (ES22) showed a similar hardness level, at around 370 HV. The solution condition (ES2) had the highest strength properties Rm 1180.6 MPa with the lowest elongation A 7.6% of all samples tested. The aged welded specimen (ES22) retained high strength Rm 1103.4 MPa with a better relative elongation A 10.1%, whereas the overaged welded specimen (ES12) saw a reduction of strength Rm 950.4 MPa with an improvement in plastic properties A 18.8%. Obtained results showed a significant effect of the input steel condition on the obtained EB welded joints.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Nalborczyk-Kazanecka
1 2
Grażyna Mrówka-Nowotnik
A. Pytel
1 2

  1. Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineeri ng and Aeronautics, 12 Powstańców Warszawy Av., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
  2. Pratt & Whitney Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland
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The injection moulding conditions may change the degree of crystallinity of the plastic to some extent, which affects the mechanical properties such as tensile strength and hardness. Moreover, the cooling conditions of the moulded parts may contribute to changes in their shrinkage. The paper presents the results of determination of the melting enthalpy of a polypropylene. The melting enthalpy ∆ Hm was determined by differential scanning calorimetry. It was found, that the value of the melting enthalpy depends on the physical conditions prevailing during the sample production process, such as the temperature of the liquid material, the cooling rate of the plastic (related to the mould temperature Tm) and the flow rate of the plastic in the mould. The degree of crystallinity of the obtained samples was also determined, which, depending on the measured enthalpy of fusion, influences the degree of structural order of the polymer. Standardized test samples were also analysed in terms of transversal shrinkage and longitudinal shrinkage. The shrinkage of the injection moulded parts results from the change of physical state of plastic during its solidification in the mould.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Palutkiewicz
A. Kalwik
T. Jaruga

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Technology and Automation, 19C Armii Krajowej Av., 42- 201 Czestochowa, Poland
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The paper presents the results of the analysis of physical phenomena associated with the degradation processes of the surface layer of polymeric materials. During the interaction disturbance of ultraviolet radiation, atoms are knocked out of the polymer chains, thus breaking the macromolecules, which leads to the disturbance in the structural stability of the materials. The standardised test samples obtained using the injection moulding method were subjected to the degradation process in natural and accelerated conditions in the UV Test device. The degradation process in laboratory conditions was carried out during 750 hours with the use of lamps with a wavelength of 313 nanometers and an irradiation level of 0.76 W/m 2, which corresponds to a period of 2 years in natural conditions. Using of thermogravimetric TGA and differential scanning calorimetry DSC analysis, the influence of energy applied from lamps and the energy reaching the earth’s surface on the change of melting enthalpy ∆ Hm, quantitative index of the crystalline phase and the temperature of phase changes were determined.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Kalwik
P. Postawa

  1. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Depa rtment of Technology and Automation, 19C Armii Krajowej Av., 42- 201 Czestochowa, Poland
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AISI 1045 steel has the characteristics of high strain rate, large strain, and sharp rise in temperature during high-speed deformation process, resulting in a concentrated deformation band and fine structure. In this work, the microstructure of submicron-sized grains in AISI 1045 steel material formed under 10 6 s –1 during a high speed cutting process was examined. To reveal the dynamic evolution mechanism of the AISI 1045 microstructure, the continuous dynamic recrystallization theory was introduced. The results show a high dislocation density which favor the formation of small angle grain boundaries during the high speed cutting process. Kinetics calculations that use continuous dynamic recrystallization mechanisms prove that the recrystallization size is constant when the strain rate ncreases from 10 3 s –1 to 10 6 s –1, and the transition time is reduced from 6×10 –5 s to 4×10 –8 s. The recrystallization grains were gradually formed during the deformation of the material, not generated after the deformation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lingen Luo
Jianming Pang
Yaoxin Song
Shulan Liu
Guoliang Yin
Hao Peng
Chunlei Pu
Yinhe Lin
Jingwei Li
Xuefeng Shi

  1. Resource Application and Alloy Materials Division, China Iron and Steel Research Institute Group, Beijing, 100081, P.R. China
  2. Tangshan Normal University, School of Physical Science and Technology, Tangshan, 063000, P.R. China
  3. Yibin University, Depart ment of Materials and Chemical Engineering, Yibin, 644000, P.R. China
  4. Yangtze Normal University, Institute of Chemical Engineering, Chongqing, 408100, P.R. China
  5. MCC Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation, Nanjing, 210019, P.R. China
  6. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, 230009, P.R. China
  7. North China University of Science and Technology, College of Metallurgy and Energy, Tangshan, 063210, P.R. China
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This paper conducts low temperature welding tests on Q460GJC thick plate (60 mm), and based on the basic theory of phase transformation structure evolution, a three-dimensional microstructure evolution analysis method for large welded joints is established, and the analysis of the evolution process of multi-layer and multi-pass weld structure under the low temperature environment of thick plates is completed. The comparison and analysis of test and numerical simulation results are in good agreement, which proves that the welding phase transformation model realizes the digitalization of metallurgical phase transformation in steel structure welding, and optimizes welding process parameters. It is of great significance to improve the quality of welding products and lay a foundation for predicting the performance of welded joints from the micro level.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xin Li
Meng Wang
Han Qi
Jie Li
Changchun Pan
Jing Zhang
Jingman Lai

  1. Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co., LTD, Beijing, 100032, P.R. China
  2. Beijing Third Construction Engineering Co., LTD, Beijing, 100032, P.R. China
  3. Central Research Institute of Building and Construction Co., Ltd. MCC, Beijing, 100032, P.R. China
  4. China State Shipbuilding International Engineering Co., Ltd. CSIE, Beijing, 100000, P.R. China
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The aluminum alloy performance gradient plate was prepared by friction stir joining. Analysis results of the macro morphology, microstructure, and hardness of the aluminum alloy performance gradient plate prepared under various parameters show that when the feed speed of the stirring tool is 250 mm/min, the downward pressure of the stirring tool is 6.6 mm, and the rotation speed of the stirring tool changes from 200 rpm to 800 rpm. The macroscopic morphology of the aluminum alloy gradient plates prepared by the method first changed from burr to smooth, and vice versa. There is a different cross-section morphology of the prepared aluminum alloy gradient plates, however, the aluminum alloy plates are stirred and involved with each other, and the grains of the prepared plates are refined. The hardness of the upper and lower surfaces of the aluminum alloy gradient sheet decreases, whereas that of the upper surface of the side increases, and that of the middle and bottom sides also decreases. However, the hardness of the middle side of the sheet prepared with the rotation speed of the stirring tool at 800 rpm increases, but that of the bottom side still decreases. Obtained through analysis that the performance of the aluminum alloy gradient sheet prepared at the stirring tool rotation speed of 500 rpm increases in equal proportion to achieve a good performance gradient change.
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Authors and Affiliations

Song Weiwei
1 2 3
Pu Jiafei
1 2 3
Jiang Di
1 2 3
Ge Xiaole
1 2 3
Dong Qi
1 2 3
Wang Hongfeng
1 2 3

  1. Huangshan University, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Huangshan 245041, P.R. China
  2. Anhui Simulation Design and Modern Engineering Research Center, Huangshan 245041, P.R. China
  3. Anhui Province Tea Chrysanthemum Intelligent Processing Equipment Engineering Research Center, Huangshan 245041, P.R. China
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Dual-phase steels have received extensive attention in autobody frame manufacturing due to the resulting characteristics of an interesting combination of ductile ferrite and hard martensite. Moreover, the ductile ferrite and hard martensite lead to heterogeneous deformation in the boundary between the two phases. Then, geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) are created to accommodate a lattice mismatch due to the deformation incompatibility of the boundary in straining. In this study, a new empirical GND model is developed, in which the GND density is a function of local plastic deformation; the GND density is distributed in the phase boundary in accordance with an “S” model of material plastic strain. The boundary conditions are applied to define the parameters. The proposed model is verified with DP600 steel. The effects of the GNDs and the width between ferrite and martensite on the strain hardening of DP600 steel are evaluated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Gou Rui-Bin
Dan Wen-Jiao
Xu Yong-Sheng
Yu Min
Li Tong-Jie

  1. Anhui Science and Technology University, College of Mechanical Engineering, Fengyang 233100, Anhui, China
  2. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai 200240, China
  3. Anhui Science and Technology University, College of Architecture, Bengbu 233000, Anhui, China
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WC-8Co cemented carbide was prepared by a high-temperature liquid phase sintering in argon at 5-200 Pa. Three microtextured grooves with a spacing of 500, 750, and 1000 μm were prepared on the surface of WC-8Co cemented carbide. TiAlCrSiN multi-element hard coating was deposited on the WC-8Co cemented carbide microtextured surface with multi-arc ion plating technology. The Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of coated and uncoated WC-8Co cemented carbide with or without a microtextured surface were investigated. The effect of different microtextured spacing on the interface bonding strength of the TiAlCrSiN coating was analyzed. The results show that with the reduction of the microtextured spacing, the Vickers hardness of the cemented carbide slightly decreases, and the fracture toughness slightly increases. The microtextured surface can improve the interface bonding strength between the coating and the substrate. The smaller the microtextured spacing, the larger the specific surface area and the higher the surface energy, so the interface bonding strength between the coating and the substrate increases.
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Authors and Affiliations

ManFeng Gong
1 2
GuangFa Liu
1 2
Meng Li
1 3
XiaoQun Xia
Lei Wang
JianFeng Wu
1 2
ShanHua Zhang
1 2
Fang Mei

  1. Lingnan Normal University, School of Mechatronics Engineering, Zhanjiang 524048, China
  2. Guangdong Ocean University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Zhanjiang 524088, China
  3. Northwestern Polytechnical University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xian 710072, China
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Refractories are the basic material for the construction of the lining of a melting furnace used, among other things, in the foundry industry. The article describes a comparative study of the influence of the type of moulding on the quality of the finished refractory product. A method for making products from refractory materials was proposed and a test methodology was developed. The results, based on a classic study of the quality of these materials, confirm a strong influence on the quality of the materials obtained in terms of reduced porosity and homogeneity of pore size.
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Authors and Affiliations

Alicja Trela
Alena Pribulová
Peter Futas

  1. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Foundry Engineering, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
  2. Technical University Kosice, Department of Metallurgy, Slovakia
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The main purpose of the work was to determine the powder influence of the powder preparation on the microstructure and properties of iron-based sinters used as a metallic-diamond matrix. The sinters obtained from a mixture of comercial powders were used for research. A mixture of powders was selected for the tests, in which the mass fractions of individual powders were as follows: 60% Fe, 23.8% Cu, 4.2% Sn and 12% Ni. The powders were pre-mixed in a Turbula mixer and next a part of material was subjected to milling in a ball mill. Sintering was performed using hot-pressing technique in a graphite mould. The investigated properties of the sinters were concerned density, porosity, hardness, oxygen content, static tensile test and analysis of microstructure. Spot chemical analysis revealed the presence of Fe solution, Cu solution and the presence of iron oxides oxides. Nickel atoms were present throughout the sinter volume. The obtained test results showed that the presented sinter has good functional properties (hardness and thermal expansion) and can be used as a diamond-metal composite matrix in diamond tools.The microstructure and mechanical properties of sinters were investigated.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jan Lachowski
Joanna Borowiecka-Jamrozek

  1. Kielce University of Technology, 7 Tysiąclecia P.P. Av., 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The purpose of the paper was to design geometric models of the movable connection made of brass for three different attachment options and three different loads. The numerical analysis of the mechanical properties, stresses, strains and displacements using the finite element method was carried out in SolidWorks 2020 and their comparative analysis was performed. The computer simulations performed will allow the boundary conditions that directly affect the mechanical properties of the engineering materials to be optimised.
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Authors and Affiliations

Amadeusz Dziwis
Tomasz Tański
Marek Sroka
Agata Śliwa
Rafał Dziwis

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, 18A S. Konarskiego Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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The purpose of this scientific paper is to follow the influence of thermal galvanizing, as a technological process on the quality of the galvanized surface. The galvanizing technology used and studied involves at the end of the process, the removal of excess zinc from the surface by centrifugation. The zinc layer will be lower than that of simple immersion galvanizing. The measurements were performed following the roughness of the machined surface on a five-Section specimen – each Section being processed with a different cutting regime. The results were analyzed after each operation. The first measurements were made after the turning operation, followed by measurements made after pickling and fluxing and then after thermal galvanizing. Based on the results obtained, the aim was to set up a range of best roughness at which the galvanized part should have a commercial appearance and be made with a cost-effective cutting regime in terms of costs.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sandor Ravai-Nagy
Alina Bianca Pop
Marcin Nabiałek
Costin Alexandru
Mihail Aurel Țîțu

  1. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Northern Un iversity Cent re of Baia Mare, Faculty of Engineering – Department of Engineering and Technology Management , 62A, Vict or Babes Street, 430083, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania
  2. Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Physics , Armii Krajowej 19 Av., 42-200 Częstochowa
  3. Electro Sistem, 4B, 8 Martie Street, 430406, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania
  4. ”Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management Department , 10 Victoriei Street, 550024, Sibiu, Romania
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Depending on the clinical context, objectives, and treatment requirements, a variety of prosthetic devices capable of artificially reconstructing the dental arches in a manner as customized as possible can be utilized in the treatment of complete edentation. The purpose of this study is to compare the efficacy of general vitamin B12 treatment vs the efficacy of local treatment accomplished through full dentures. The study was performed on a group of patients of Dental Faculty in Iasi.Because cyanocobalamin deficiency is typically treated parenterally, the current study proved the superiority of local treatment with complete dentures obtained through the crosslinked polymerization method, a much easier and less expensive way to perform the same treatment in the same time period.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dana Gabriela Budală
Dragos Ioan Virvescu
Elena-Raluca Baciu
Paweł J. Pietrusiewicz
Roxana Ionela Vasluianu
Dragos Nicolae Frățilă

  1. University of Medicine and Pharmacy Gr.T. Popa, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Iasi, Romania
  2. Czestochowa University of Technology Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Physics, 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
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This research was conducted to examine the corrosion behaviour of mild steel bar embedded in geopolymer paste based fly ash Class F during curing and non-curing process. The geopolymer paste was fabricated by blending in the fly ash with alkaline activators (NaOH solution with molarity of 12 M, 2.5 ratio of solution Na2SiO3/NaOH). The paste was produced in 50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm mould where the mild steel bar of 100 mm (length) × 12 mm (diameter) was embedded at the center of geopolymer paste. This is to comprehend the corrosion behaviour of mild steel embedded in geopolymer paste with and without curing process. Process of curing is carried out for 24 hours at a temperature of 60°C in oven. While on the contrary, the non-curing process will only be leave at room temperature. Both samples were tested after 28 days of curing to determine the corrosion behaviour, phase analysis and morphology analysis. In accordance with the morphology analysis, it shows that the fly ash was totally reacted with alkaline solutions in curing geopolymer paste sample while the non-curing geopolymer paste has shown the unreacted fly ash with high number of pores. The phase analysis of mild steel embedded in this geopolymer paste during curing and without curing process has proven that the presence of new crystallographic peak which also known as passive layer occurred. The potential values result by OCP testing shows the curing sample has highest potential values as compared to the non-curing sample ones.
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Authors and Affiliations

Fatin Shahira Shaharudin
Farah Farhana Zainal
Nur Farhana Hayazi
Noraziana Parimin
Nur Izzati Muhammad Nadzri
Sri Hastuty
Andri Kusbiantoro

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Center of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Universitas Pertamina, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jakarta 12220, Indonesia
  3. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Johor, Malaysia
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The present study is aimed to access the growth rates, biomass productivity and nutrient removal in different concentrations of microalgae Botryococcus sp. beads using kitchen wastewater as a media. Verhulst logistic kinetic model was used to measure the optimal concentrations of microalgae Botryococcus sp. in kitchen wastewater in terms of cell growth rate kinetics and biomass productivity. The study verified that the maximum productivity was recorded with 1×106 cell/ml of the initial concentration of Botryococcus sp. with 42.64 mg/l/day and the highest removal of tp and ammonia was obtained (78.14% and 60.53% respectively). The highest specific growth rate of biomass at 0.2896 μmax/d compare to other concentrations, while the lowest occurred at concentrations of 105 cells/ml at 0.0412 μmax/d. The present study shows the different concentrations of Botryococcus sp. in alginate beads culturing in kitchen wastewater influence the cells growth of biomass and nutrient uptake with optimum concentration (106 cells/ml) of Botryococcus sp. which is suggested for wastewater treatment purposes. The result of scanning electron microscopy (sem) shows differences in morphology in terms of surface; smoother and cleaner (before the experiment), cracks and rough surface with black/white spots (after the experiment). These findings seemly can be applied efficiently in kitchen wastewater treatment as well as a production medium for microalgae biomass.
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Authors and Affiliations

N.A.R. Shaari
N.M. Apandi
1 2
N.M. Sunar
R. Nagarajah
K. Cheong
S.S.M. Ahia
Khairul Anwar Abdul Halim
M. Gacek
Wan Mastura Wan Ibrahim

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Faculty Of Engineering Technology, Department of Civil Engineering Technology, Pagoh Education Hub, 84600, Pagoh, Muar, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Susta Inable Engineering Technology Research Centre (Setechrc), Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Pagoh Educat Ion Hub, 84600, Pagoh, Muar, Johor, Malaysia
  3. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Research Centre for Soft Soil (Recess), Institute of Integrat Edengineering, 86400 Batu Pahat , Johor, Malaysia
  4. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (Unimap), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (Cegeogtech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  5. Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering And Materials Technology. Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Czestochowa , Poland
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Natural fibres have recently gained attention as an alternative sustainable material for civil engineering applications due to natural fibres’ exceptional performance, including high strength, and their environmental-friendliness and cost-effectiveness. However, there are disadvantages to using natural fibres in extreme environments. Therefore, this paper reviewed the effect of moisture content and temperature on the tensile strength of potential natural fibres for engineering purposes. Furthermore, this paper also critically reviewed the influence of alkaline treatment on natural fibres’ tensile strength. This is significant because alkaline treatment enhances surface friction and the fraction of the revealed cellulose on the fibres’ surface, resulting in better mechanical interlocking. In conclusion, natural fibres demonstrate their potential for geotechnical applications due to the materials’ strong tensile properties after being subjected to treatment processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nur Faezah Yahya
T.N.H.T Ismail
Fatimah Mohamed Yusop
Norul Ahsanah Aulia Mohamad Mahani
Alia Farhana Malik
L.A. Sofri
Joanna Gondro

  1. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Engineering Technology, 84600 Panchor, Johor, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Centre of Excellence Geopolymer & Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), 01000 Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Częstochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Department of Physics, 19 Armii Krajowej Av., 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland
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This paper introduces an approach for vacuum brazing of niobium-316L stainless steel transition joints for application in superconducting radiofrequency cavity helium jackets. The study takes advantage of good wettability of Ag-Cu-Pd brazing alloy to suppress brittle Fe-Nb intermetallic formation, hence improve the joints’ mechanical performance. The wettability of Ag-Cu-Pd filler metal on niobium, the interface microstructure and mechanical properties of the transition joints were investigated. Two kinds of Ag-Cu-Pd filler metals had been studied and wet well on the niobium, and the wettability of Ag-31.5Cu-10Pd filler metal on niobium was better than Ag-28Cu-20Pd filler metal. Microstructure characterization demonstrated the absence of brittle intermetallic layers in all of the joint interfaces. Mechanical properties of samples prepared with Ag-31.5Cu-10Pd filler metal were also better than their peers made with Ag-28Cu-20Pd filler metal both room temperature (300 K) and liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K). The transition joints displayed shear strengths of 356-375 MPa at 300 K and 440-457 MPa at 77 K, respectively. After undergoing ten thermal cycles between the room temperature and the liquid nitrogen temperature, the transition joints’ leak rates were all lower than 1.1×10 –11 mbar·L/s. Therefore, Ag-Cu-Pd filler metal is applicable to high vacuum vessels used at cryogenic temperatures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ruoxu Wang
1 2 3
Lubei Liu
1 2
Zongheng Xue
1 2
Teng Tan
1 2

  1. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China
  2. The Advanced Energy Science and Technology Guangdong Laboratory, Huizhou, Guangdong 516000, China
  3. Anhui East China Photoelectric Technology Research Institute, Wuhu, Anhui 241002, China
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The paper focuses on the investigation of AISI 302 steel wire of different initial diameters, in solutionized condition. Three different drawing schedules were realized, starting from three different diameters, where two smaller-gauge wires were obtained by drawing of large-diameter wire and applying solution heat treatment to the product. However, the drawing schedules were carried out with almost the same total reduction and similar partial reductions. The measurement of drawing force was performed for each drawing pass, and the samples of wire were taken after each pass. The samples were then tested to obtain a set of mechanical and technological properties, as well as the distribution of Vickers hardness on wire cross section. Finally, the effect of different history of deformation and heat treatment on drawing process stability and final properties of drawn wires was discussed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Maciej Rumiński

  1. AGH University of Krakow , Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow , Poland
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DP600 steels are characterized by a dual phase ferritic-martensitic microstructure, to which they owe their exceptionally favourable combination of high strength and good ductility. One of the production methods for this grade of steel is the hot rolling process. Despite the fact that these steels have been produced on an industrial scale for almost 40 years, they are still being studied intensively, with new research on the formation of their microstructure and properties published every year. This article focuses on the characteristics of DP600 steel produced on a hot rolling mill for applications in automotive industry. The article presents the results of mechanical properties tests and microstructure analysis of DP600 steel obtained in an industrial hot rolling process. The general characteristic of DP600 steel presented in this article, is supplemented with statistical analysis of correlations between chemical composition, selected process parameters and mechanical properties of hot rolled DP600 steel.
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Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Kaźmierski
Janusz Krawczyk
Łukasz Frocisz

  1. ArcelorMitt al Poland S.A. Unit in Krakow, Tadeusza Sendzimira 1 Street, 31-752 Krakow, Poland; AGH Doctoral School al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The FEM simulations of the ECAP including real conditions of the process – the friction between the metal extruded and the die walls, as well as, the channels rounding, were done here in two scales – macro- and micro-. The macroscopic analyses were done for isotopic material with a non-linear hardening using the UMAT user material procedure. The pure Lagrangian approach was applied here. The stress, strains and their increments, as well as, the deformation gradient tensor were recorded for selected finite elements in each calculation step. The displacements obtained in the macroscopic FEM analysis are then used as the kinematic input for the polycrystalline structure. The dislocation slip was included as the source of the plastic deformation here for the face-centered cubic structure. The results obtained with the use of the crystal plasticity show the heterogeneous distribution of stress and strain within the material associated with the grains anisotropy. The results in both micro- and macro- scales are coincident. The FEM analyses show the potential of the application of the crystal plasticity approach for solving elastic-plastic problems including the material forming processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Wójcik

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics, Department of Materials Forming and Processing, 8 Powstańców Warszawy Av., 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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This article presents the results of an experimental study of cold rolling TRB strips of S235JR steel applying one grooved roll and another plain roll. The purpose of the study was to determine the possibility of rolling TRB strips with the technology studied, depending on the dimensions of the charge and the number of rolling passes. In addition, the possibility of reducing the magnitude of TRB strip curvature due to the introduction of asymmetry into the process was investigated. The effect of the rolling process and shape variation on the material’s hardening was evaluated by measuring hardness. Based on the results, it was determined that the greater the initial thickness of the charge, the higher the shape tolerances can be obtained. In addition, hardness variation was observed on the cross-section of TRB strips, which decreased with increasing values of plastic deformation. It has also been shown that it is possible to reduce the curvature of the TRB strip due to the use of double asymmetry.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bartosz Sułek
1 2
Janusz Krawczyk

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Poznan Institute of Technology, 6 Ewarysta Estkowskiego Str, 61-755 Poznan, Poland
  2. AGH University of Krakow, Doctoral School, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
  3. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Computer Science, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The new cast steel with a chemical composition of Fe-(0.85-0.95)C-(1.50-1.60)Si-(2.40-2.60)Mn-(1.0-1.2)Al-(0.30-0.40)­Mo-(0.10-0.15)V-(1.0-1.1)Ni (all in wt.%) was investigated in aspect of formation of the multiphase microstructure leading to high strength and ductility. Two types of heat treatment technologies were developed. The first one involves softening annealing at a temperature of 650°C for 4 hours, heating up to 950°C and holding for 2 hours, and then fast cooling down to 200°C and isothermally treated for 2 hours. The second one involves homogenizing annealing at 1100°C for 6 hours, then cooling with furnace down to 950°C and holding for 2 hours, then fast cooling down to 200°C and isothermally treated for 2 hours. A unique microstructure of cast steel consisting of martensite and retained austenite plates of various thicknesses and volume fractions was obtained. Additionally, nanometric transition carbides were noticed after the above-mentioned heat treatments. This microstructure ensures high hardness, strength and plasticity ( Rm = 1426 MPa and A = 9.5%), respectively, due to the fact that TWIP/TRIP processes occur during deformation related to the high volume fraction of retained austenite, which the stacking fault energy is above 15 mJ/m –2 resulting from the chemical composition of the investigated cast steel.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Garbień
1 2
A. Kokosza
W. Maj
Ł. Rogal
R. Chulist
K. Janus
A. Wójcik
Z. Żółkiewicz
Wojciech Maziarz

  1. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, 25 Reymonta Str., 30-059, Kraków, Poland
  2. Specodlew Sp. z o.o. Rotmistrza Witolda Pileckiego 3 Str., 32-050 Skawina, Poland
  3. AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

Instructions for authors

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials is a quarterly journal of Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science PAS, which has published continuously since 1954, scientific papers in English in the following fields: metallurgy and materials science, foundry, mechanical working of metals, thermal engineering in metallurgy, thermodynamic and physical properties of materials, phase equilibria in the broad context and diffusion.

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3. Samples


[1] L.B. Magalas, Development of High-Resolution Mechanical Spectroscopy, HRMS: Status and Perspectives. HRMS Coupled with a Laser Dilatometer. Arch. Metall. Mater. 60 (3), 2069-2076 (2015). DOI:

[2] E. Pagounis, M.J. Szczerba, R. Chulist, M. Laufenberg, Large Magnetic Field-Induced Work output in a NiMgGa Seven-Lavered Modulated Martensite. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 152407 (2015). DOI:

[3] H. Etschmaier, H. Torwesten, H. Eder, P. Hadley, Suppression of Interdiffusion in Copper/Tin thin Films. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2012).



[4] K.U. Kainer (Ed.), Metal Matrix Composites, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006).

[5] K. Szacilowski, Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale, Wiley (2012).

[6] L. Reimer, H. Kohl, Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation, Springer, New York (2008).

Proceedings or chapter in books with editor(s):

[7] R. Major, P. Lacki, R. Kustosz, J. M. Lackner, Modelling of nanoindentation to simulate thin layer behavior, in: K. J. Kurzydłowski, B. Major, P. Zięba (Eds.), Foundation of Materials Design 2006, Research Signpost (2006).

Internet resource:

[8], accessed: 17.04.2017

Academic thesis (PhD, MSc):

[9] T. Mitra, PhD thesis, Modeling of Burden Distribution in the Blast Furnace, Abo Akademia University, Turku/Abo, Finland (2016).


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