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Archive of Mechanical Engineering


Archive of Mechanical Engineering | 2017 | vol. 64 | No 2

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To achieve better precision of features generated using the micro-electrical discharge machining (micro-EDM), there is a necessity to minimize the wear of the tool electrode, because a change in the dimensions of the electrode is reflected directly or indirectly on the feature. This paper presents a novel modeling and analysis approach of the tool wear in micro-EDM using a systematic statistical method exemplifying the influences of capacitance, feed rate and voltage on the tool wear ratio. The association between tool wear ratio and the input factors is comprehended by using main effect plots, interaction effects and regression analysis. A maximum variation of four-fold in the tool wear ratio have been observed which indicated that the tool wear ratio varies significantly over the trials. As the capacitance increases from 1 to 10 nF, the increase in tool wear ratio is by 33%. An increase in voltage as well as capacitance would lead to an increase in the number of charged particles, the number of collisions among them, which further enhances the transfer of the proportion of heat energy to the tool surface. Furthermore, to model the tool wear phenomenon, a egression relationship between tool wear ratio and the process inputs has been developed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Govindan Puthumana

  1. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
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The work presents investigation on the water droplet impingement at a substrate with three different surface coating. The experiments are carried out for two temperatures of the surface: 23ºC (room temperature) and -10ºC. The water droplet contact is recorded via ultra-fast camera and simultaneously via fast thermographic camera. The wetting properties are changing for subzero temperatures of substrates.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Lizer
Michał Remer
Grzegorz Sobieraj
Maciej Psarski
Daniel Pawlak
Grzegorz Celichowski

  1. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
  2. Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Materials Technology and Chemistry, University of Lodz, Poland.
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Experimental and numerical study of the steady-state cyclonic vortex from isolated heat source in a rotating fluid layer is described. The structure of laboratory cyclonic vortex is similar to the typical structure of tropical cyclones from observational data and numerical modelling including secondary flows in the boundary layer. Differential characteristics of the flow were studied by numerical simulation using CFD software FlowVision. Helicity distribution in rotating fluid layer with localized heat source was analysed. Two mechanisms which play role in helicity generation are found. The first one is the strong correlation of cyclonic vortex and intensive upward motion in the central part of the vessel. The second one is due to large gradients of velocity on the periphery. The integral helicity in the considered case is substantial and its relative level is high.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Sukhanovskii
A. Evgrafova
E. Popova

  1. Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics, Perm, Russia
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While modeling water dynamics in dam reservoirs, it is usually assumed that the flow involves the whole water body. It is true for shallow reservoirs (up to several meters of depth) but may be false for deeper ones. The possible presence of a thermocline creates an inactive bottom layer that does not move, causing all the discharge to be carried by the upper strata. This study compares the results of hydrodynamic simulations performed for the whole reservoir to the ones carried out for the upper strata only. The validity of a non-stratified flow approximation is then discussed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Paweł S. Hachaj
Monika Szlapa

  1. Institute of Water Engineering and Water Management, Cracow University of Technology, Poland
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Small-scale vertical-axis wind turbines can be used as a source of electricity in rural and urban environments. According to the authors’ knowledge, there are no validated simplified aerodynamic models of these wind turbines, therefore the use of more advanced techniques, such as for example the computational methods for fluid dynamics is justified. The paper contains performance analysis of the small-scale vertical-axis wind turbine with a large solidity. The averaged velocity field and the averaged static pressure distribution around the rotor have been also analyzed. All numerical results presented in this paper are obtained using the SST k-ω turbulence model. Computed power coefficients are in good agreement with the experimental results. A small change in the tip speed ratio significantly affects the velocity field. Obtained velocity fields can be further used as a base for simplified aerodynamic methods.

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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Krzysztof Rogowski
Ryszard Maroński
Janusz Piechna

  1. Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.
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The article investigates the influence of the carbody vertical flexibility on the ride comfort of the railway vehicles. The ride comfort is evaluated via the comfort index calculated in three reference points of the carbody. The results of the numerical simulations bring attention to the importance of the carbody symmetrical vertical bending upon the dynamic response of the vehicle, mainly at high velocities. Another conclusion is that the ride comfort can be significantly affected as a function of the symmetrical bending frequency of the carbody. Similarly, there are improvement possibilities for the ride comfort when the best selection of the stiffness in the longitudinal traction system between the carbody and bogie and the vertical suspension damping is made.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mădălina Dumitriu
Cătălin Cruceanu

  1. Department of Railway Vehicles, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
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In this paper, nonlinear free vibration analysis of micro-beams resting on the viscoelastic foundation is investigated by the use of the modified couple stress theory, which is able to capture the size effects for structures in micron and sub-micron scales. To this aim, the gov-erning equation of motion and the boundary conditions are derived using the Euler–Bernoulli beam and the Hamilton’s principle. The Galerkin method is employed to solve the governing nonlinear differential equation and obtain the frequency-amplitude algebraic equation. Final-ly, the effects of different parameters, such as the mode number, aspect ratio of length to height, the normalized length scale parameter and foundation parameters on the natural fre-quency-amplitude curves of doubly simply supported beams are studied.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jafar Eskandari Jam
Milad Noorabadi
Nader Namdaran

  1. Composite Materials and Technology Cente, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
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The present work focuses on a first study for a piezoelectric harvesting system, finalized to the obtaining of electrical energy from the kinetic energy of rainy precipitation, a renewable energy source not really considered until now. The system, after the realization, can be collocated on the roof of an house, configuring a “Piezo Roof Harvesting System”. After presenting a state of art of the harvesting systems from environmental energy, linked to vibrations, using piezoelectric structures, and of piezoelectric harvesting systems functioning with rain, the authors propose an analysis of the fundamental features of rainy precipitations for the definition of the harvesting system. Then, four key patterns for the realization of a piezoelectric energy harvesting system are discussed and analysed, arriving to the choice of a cantilever beam scheme, in which the piezoelectric material works in 31 mode. An electro-mechanical model for the simulation of performance of the unit for the energetic conversion, composed of three blocks, is proposed. The model is used for a simulation campaign to perform the final choice of the more suitable piezoelectric unit, available on the market, which will be adopted for the realization of the “Piezo Roof Harvesting System”.

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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Romeo di Leo
Massimo Viscardi
Francesco Paolo Tuccinardi
Michele Visone

  1. Department of Industrial Engineering – Aerospace section, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
  2. Promete S.r.l., Naples, Italy
  3. Blue Design S.r.l., Naples, Italy

Instrukcja dla autorów

About the Journal
Archive of Mechanical Engineering is an international journal publishing works of wide significance, originality and relevance in most branches of mechanical engineering. The journal is peer-reviewed and is published both in electronic and printed form. Archive of Mechanical Engineering publishes original papers which have not been previously published in other journal, and are not being prepared for publication elsewhere. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. The journal accepts papers in English.

Archive of Mechanical Engineering is an Open Access journal. The journal does not have article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges.

Original high quality papers on the following topics are preferred:

  • Mechanics of Solids and Structures,
  • Fluid Dynamics,
  • Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer and Combustion,
  • Machine Design,
  • Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering,
  • Robotics, Automation and Control,
  • Mechatronics and Micro-mechanical Systems,
  • Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering,
  • Heat and Power Engineering.

All submissions to the AME should be made electronically via Editorial System - an online submission and peer review system at:

More detailed instructions for Authors can be found there.


The Editorial Board of the Archive of Mechanical Engineering (AME) sincerely expresses gratitude to the following individuals who devoted their time to review papers submitted to the journal. Particularly, we express our gratitude to those who reviewed papers several times.

List of reviewers in 2024

Mahmoud ABBASI – University of Kashan, Iran
Sara I. ABDELSALAM – University of California, Riverside, United States
Muhammad ABRAR – Capital Univeristy of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Mohd Nazri AHMAD – Technical University of Malaysia Malacca, Malaysia
Noreen AKBAR – National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
Mehmet AKÇAY – Turkish Military Academy, Ankara, Turkey
Harshal AKOLEKAR – Institute of Technology (IIT) Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
Rieza Zulrian ALDIO – Islamic University of Riau, Indonesia
Khalid ALGHANIM – Kuwait University, Kuwait
Ali J. CHAMKHA – Kuwait College of Science and Technology, Kuwait
Mohammad ARDESTANI – Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Andrea ARENA – Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Israa AZZAM – Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States
Saeed BAB – Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
Behrouz BAGHERI – Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Mehmet N. BALCI – Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Albert BALMACEDA-SANTAMARÍA – Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Managua, Nicaragua
Łukasz BARTELA – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Michał BEMBENEK – AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Mustapha BENACHOUR – University of Tlemcen, Algeria
M. BHATTI – Shandong University of Science and Technology, China
Joanna BIJAK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Rajarshi BISWAS – Cargill Inc., Greenbelt, United States
Mohamed BOUKATTAYA – University of Sfax, Tunisia
Francois BOUSSU – ENSAIT, GEMTEX–Laboratoire de Génie et Matériaux Textiles, France
Łukasz BOŁOZ – AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Dariusz BUTRYMOWICZ – Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Weiming CAI – NingboTechnical University, China
Claudia CASAPULLA – University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
A.J. CHAMKHA – Kuwait College of Science and Technology, Kuwait
Chun-Wei CHANG – Taiwan
Watthanaphon CHEEWAWUTTIPONG – Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand
Huayue CHEN – China West Normal University, Nanchong, China
Daniel CONDURACHE – Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Allaeddine Yahia DAMANI – Saad Dahlab University, Blida, Algeria
Marcio DA SILVA – Federal University of Ouro Preto, Brazil
Satya DEO – University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India
Lillie DEWAN – National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
Daniel DUDA – University of West Bohemia, Plzeň, Czech Republic
Vu Ba DUNG – Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam
Ali Abd EL-ATY – Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al Kharj, Saudi Arabia
Anouar EL MAGRI – Euromed University of Fes, Morocco
Giovanni FINOCCHIO – University of Messina, Italy
Muhamad FITRI – Mercu Buana University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Bożena GAJDZIK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Salar GHASEMI – Urmia Universty, Iran
L. GOES – Aeronautics Institute of Technology, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil
Tomasz GOETZENDORF-GRABOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej GRZEBIELEC – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Erkuo GUO – Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jangsu, China
Hamed HABIBI – University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Mohamad HASHEMIAN – Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Przemysław HERMAN – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Jamshed IQBAL – University of Hull, United Kingdom
Łukasz JANKOWSKI – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Jaroslaw KACZOR – Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Dariusz KARDAŚ – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland
Andrzej KATUNIN – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Ali KHALFALLAH – University of Coimbra, Portugal
Heuy KIM – Andong National University, Korea (South)
Nataliya KIZILOVA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Reza KOLAHCHI – University of Khomein, Iran
Michał KOWALIK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz KOZIOR – Kilce University of Technology, Poland
Ireneusz KREJA – Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Mieczysław KUCZMA – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Waldemar KUCZYŃSKI – Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Rafał KUDELSKI – AGH University of Krakow, Poland
M. KUMAR – Builders Engineering College, Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India
Parveen LATA – Punjabi University, Patiala, India
Anna LEE – Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea (South)
Stanisław LEGUTKO – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Luxian LI – Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Yakun LIU – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, United States
Ruben LOSTADO-LORZA – University of La Rioja, Spain
Jinjun LU – Northwest University, Xiʼan, China
Tomasz ŁODYGOWSKI – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej ŁUKASZEWICZ – Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Wojciech MACEK – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Paweł MACIĄG – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Paweł MALCZYK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Maciej MAREK – Czestochowa Uniwersity of Technology, Poland
Debiao MENG – University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
Jyotindra NARAYAN – Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India
Trong NGUYEN – Vinh University, Vietnam
Moslem PAIDAR – Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Andrzej PANAS – Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Amlana PANDA – Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
R. PANDIYARAJAN – KLN College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Mehdi PANJI – Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Jana PERTU – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
Ana PILIPOVIĆ – University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jacek POZORSKI – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk, Poland
Zijian QIAO – Ningbo University, China
Kareem E. RAGAB – Alexandria University, Egypt
Pawan RAKESH – National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand, India
Tony RAY – University of Maribor, Slovenia
Mahmood RAZZAGHI – University of Victoria, Canada
Markus RITTER – German Aerospace Center (DLR), Göttingen, Germany
Krzysztof ROGOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Yuriy ROMASEVYCH – National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Paweł RZUCIDŁO – Rzeszow University of Technology, Poland
Cezary RZYMKOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Elsayed SAAD – Damanhour University, Egypt
Omer SALEEM – National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
Mohammadhadi SARAJCHI – University of Kent, United Kingdom
Grazia SCIUTO – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Mirosław SEREDYŃSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Mohsen SOORI – University of Kyrenia, Turkey
Mariana STANCIU – Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania
GRZEGORZ STRUZIKIEWICZ – AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Michael TODOROV – Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Vaclav URUBA – Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences,, Czech Republic
Ilyas UYGUR – Duzce University, Turkey
Caglar UYULAN – Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Turkey
Peng WANG – Tianjin University of Technology and Education, China
Shaoke WANG – Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Jerzy WINCZEK – Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Marek WOJTYRA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Biao XIANG – Xidian University, China
Jiawei XIANG – Wenzhou University, China
Yongfeng YANG – Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi׳an, China
Xiaobing ZHANG – Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Fei ZHAO – Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Bin ZHONG – Xi’an University of Science and Technology, China
Guibing ZHU – Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, China

List of reviewers in 2023

Sara I. ABDELSALAM – University of California Riverside, United States
M. ARUNA – Liwa College of Technology, United Arab Emirates
Krzysztof BADYDA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Nathalie BÄSCHLIN – Kunstmuseum Bern, Germany
Joanna BIJAK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Tomas BODNAR – The Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Dariusz BUTRYMOWICZ – Białystok University of Technology, Poland
Suleyman CAGAN – Mechanical Engineering, Mersin University, Turkey
Claudia CASAPULLA – University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Peng CHEN – Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
Yao CHENG – Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
Jan de JONG – University of Twente, Netherlands
Mariusz DEJA – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Jerzy EJSMONT – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
İsmail ESEN – Karabuk University, Turkey
Pedro Javier GAMEZ-MONTERO – Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Aman GARG – National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
Michał HAĆ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Satoshi ISHIKAWA – Kyushu University, Japan
Jacek JACKIEWICZ – Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
Krzysztof JAMROZIAK – Wrocław University of Technology, Poland
Hong-Lae JANG – Changwon National University, Korea (South)
Łukasz JANKOWSKI – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, PAS, Gdansk, Poland
Albizuri JOSEBA – University of the Basque Country, Spain
Łukasz KAPUSTA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Dariusz KARDAŚ – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, PAS, Gdansk, Poland
Panagiotis KARMIRIS-OBRATAŃSKI – AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
Sivakumar KARTHIKEYAN – SRM Nagar
Tarek KHELFA – Hunan University of Humanities Science and Technology, China
Sven-Joachim KIMMERLE – Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Thomas KLETSCHKOWSKI – HAW Hamburg, Germany
Piotr KLONOWICZ – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, PAS, Gdansk, Poland
Vladis KOSSE – Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Mariusz KOSTRZEWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Maria KOTELKO – Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Michał KOWALIK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Zbigniew KRZEMIANOWSKI – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdańsk, Poland
Slawomir KUBACKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Mieczysław KUCZMA – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Waldemar KUCZYŃSKI – The Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Rafał KUDELSKI – AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
Rajesh KUMAR – Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
Mustafa KUNTOĞLU – Selcuk University, Turkey
Anna LEE – Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea, Korea (South)
Guolong LI – Chongqing University, China
Luxian LI – Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
Yingchao LI – Ludong University, Yantai, China
Xiaochuan LIN – Nanjing Tech University, China
Zhihong LIN – HuaQiao University, China
Yakun LIU – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
Jinjun LU – Northwest University, Xiʼan, China
Paweł MACIĄG – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Paweł MALCZYK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Emil MANOACH – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Mihaela MARIN – “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania
Miloš MATEJIĆ – University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Krzysztof MIANOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Tran MINH TU – Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, Viet Nam
Farhad Sadegh MOGHANLOU – University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
Mohsen MOTAMEDI – University of Isfahan, Iran
Adis MUMINOVIC – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mohamed NASR – National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
Huu-That NGUYEN – Nha Trang University, Viet Nam
Tan-Luy NGUYEN – Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Viet Nam
Viorel PALEU – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Nicolae PANC – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Marcin PĘKAL – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Van Vinh PHAM – Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Vaclav PISTEK – Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Paweł PYRZANOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Lei QIN – Beijing Information Science & Technology University, China
Milan RACKOV – University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Yuriy ROMASEVYCH – National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
Artur RUSOWICZ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej SACHAJDAK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Mirosław SEREDYŃSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Maciej SUŁOWICZ – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Biswajit SWAIN – National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India
Tadeusz SZYMCZAK – Motor Transport Institute, Warsaw, Poland
Reza TAHERDANGKOO – Institute of Geotechnics, Freiberg, Germany
Rulong TAN – Chongqing University of Technology, China
Daniel TOBOŁA – Łukasiewicz Research Network - Cracow Institute of Technology, Poland
Milan TRIFUNOVIĆ – University of Niš, Serbia
Duong VU – Duy Tan University, Viet Nam
Shaoke WAN – Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Dong WEI – Northwest A&F University, Yangling , China
Marek WOJTYRA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Mateusz WRZOCHAL – Kielce University of Technology, Poland
Hugo YAÑEZ-BADILLO – TecNM: Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Tianguistenco, Mexico
Guichao YANG – Nanjing Tech University, China
Xiao YANG – Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
Yusuf Furkan YAPAN – Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Luhe ZHANG – Chongqing University, China
Xiuli ZHANG – Shandong University of Technology, Zibo, China

List of reviewers in 2022
Isam Tareq ABDULLAH – Middle Technical University, Baghdad, Iraq
Ahmed AKBAR – University of Technology, Iraq
Nandalur AMER AHAMMAD – University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia
Ali ARSHAD – Riga Technical University, Latvia
Ihsan A. BAQER – University of Technology, Iraq
Thomas BAR – Daimler AG, Stuttgart, Germany
Huang BIN – Zhejiang University, Zhoushan, China
Zbigniew BULIŃSKI – Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Onur ÇAVUSOGLU – Gazi University, Turkey
Ali J CHAMKHA – Duy Tan University, Da Nang , Vietnam
Dexiong CHEN – Putian University, China
Xiaoquan CHENG – Beihang University, Beijing, China
Piotr CYKLIS – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Agnieszka DĄBSKA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Raphael DEIMEL – Berlin University of Technology, Germany
Zhe DING – Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
Anselmo DINIZ – University of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
Paweł FLASZYŃSKI – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdańsk, Poland
Jerzy FLOYRAN – University of Western Ontario, London, Canada
Xiuli FU – University of Jinan, China
Piotr FURMAŃSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Artur GANCZARSKI – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Ahmad Reza GHASEMI– University of Kashan, Iran
P.M. GOPAL – Anna University, Regional Campus Coimbatore, India
Michał GUMNIAK – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Bali GUPTA – Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, India
Dmitriy GVOZDYAKOV – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Jianyou HAN – University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China
Tomasz HANISZEWSKI – Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Juipin HUNG – National Chin-Yi University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan
T. JAAGADEESHA – National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
Jacek JACKIEWICZ – Kazimierz Wielki University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
JC JI – University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Feng JIAO – Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, China
Daria JÓŹWIAK-NIEDŹWIEDZKA – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Rongjie KANG – Tianjin University, China
Dariusz KARDAŚ – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdansk, Poland
Leif KARI – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Daria KHANUKAEVA – Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Russia
Sven-Joachim KIMMERLE – Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Yeong-Jin KING – Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Kaushal KISHORE – Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur, India
Nataliya KIZILOVA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Adam KLIMANEK – Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Vladis KOSSE – Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Maria KOTEŁKO – Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Roman KRÓL – Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Poland
Krzysztof KUBRYŃSKI – Airforce Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Mieczysław KUCZMA – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Paweł KWIATOŃ – Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Lihui Lang – Beihang University, China
Rafał LASKOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Guolong Li – Chongqing University, China
Leo Gu LI – Guangzhou University, China
Pengnan LI – Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Nan LIANG – University of Toronto, Mississauga, Canada
Michał LIBERA – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Wen-Yi LIN – Hungkuo Delin University of Technology, Taiwan
Wojciech LIPINSKI – Austrialian National University, Canberra, Australia
Linas LITVINAS – Vilnius University, Lithuania
Paweł MACIĄG – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Krishna Prasad MADASU – National Institute of Technology Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Trent MAKI – Amino North America Corporation, Canada
Marco MANCINI – Institut für Energieverfahrenstechnik und Brennstofftechnik, Germany
Piotr MAREK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Miloš MATEJIĆ – University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Phani Kumar MEDURI – VIT-AP University, Amaravati, India
Fei MENG – University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Saleh MOBAYEN – University of Zanjan, Iran
Vedran MRZLJAK – Rijeka University, Croatia
Adis MUMINOVIC – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mohamed Fawzy NASR – National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
Paweł OCŁOŃ – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Yusuf Aytaç ONUR – Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey
Grzegorz ORZECHOWSKI – LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland
Halil ÖZER – Yıldız Technical University, Turkey
Muthuswamy PADMAKUMAR – Technology Centre Kennametal India Ltd., Bangalore, India
Viorel PALEU – Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Romania
Andrzej PANAS – Warsaw Military Academy, Poland
Carmine Maria PAPPALARDO – University of Salerno, Italy
Paweł PARULSKI – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Antonio PICCININNI – Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Janusz PIECHNA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Vaclav PISTEK – Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Grzegorz PRZYBYŁA – Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Paweł PYRZANOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
K.P. RAJURKARB – University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States
Michał REJDAK – Institute of Chemical Processing of Coal, Zabrze, Poland
Krzysztof ROGOWSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Juan RUBIO – University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Artur RUSOWICZ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Wagner Figueiredo SACCO – Universidade Federal Fluminense, Petropolis, Brazil
Andrzej SACHAJDAK – Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Bikash SARKAR – NIT Meghalaya, Shillong, India
Bozidar SARLER – University of Lubljana, Slovenia
Veerendra SINGH – TATA STEEL, India
Wieńczysław STALEWSKI – Institute of Aviation, Warsaw, Poland
Cyprian SUCHOCKI – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Maciej SUŁOWICZ – Cracov University of Technology, Poland
Wojciech SUMELKA – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Tomasz SZOLC – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Oskar SZULC – Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Gdansk, Poland
Rafał ŚWIERCZ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Raquel TABOADA VAZQUEZ – University of Coruña, Spain
Halit TURKMEN – Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Daniel UGURU-OKORIE – Federal University, Oye Ekiti, Nigeria
Alper UYSAL – Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Yeqin WANG – Syndem LLC, United States
Xiaoqiong WEN – Dalian University of Technology, China
Szymon WOJCIECHOWSKI – Poznan University of Technology, Poland
Marek WOJTYRA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Guenter WOZNIAK – Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
Guanlun WU – Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Xiangyu WU – University of California at Berkeley, United States
Guang XIA – Hefei University of Technology, China
Jiawei XIANG – Wenzhou University, China
Jinyang XU – Shanghai Jiao Tong University,China
Jianwei YANG – Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, China
Xiao YANG – Chongqing Technology and Business University, China
Oguzhan YILMAZ – Gazi University, Turkey
Aznifa Mahyam ZAHARUDIN – Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Malaysia
Zdzislaw ZATORSKI – Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland
S.H. ZHANG – Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Yu ZHANG – Shenyang Jianzhu University, China
Shun-Peng ZHU – University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China
Yongsheng ZHU – Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

List of reviewers of volume 68 (2021)
Ahmad ABDALLA – Huaiyin Institute of Technology, China
Sara ABDELSALAM – University of California, Riverside, United States
Muhammad Ilman Hakimi Chua ABDULLAH – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
Hafiz Malik Naqash AFZAL – University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Reza ANSARI – University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran
Jeewan C. ATWAL – Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India
Hadi BABAEI – Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Sakthi BALAN – K. Ramakrishnan college of Engineering, Trichy, India
Leszek BARANOWSKI – Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Elias BRASSITOS – Lebanese American University, Byblos, Lebanon
Tadeusz BURCZYŃSKI – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Nguyen Duy CHINH – Hung Yen University of Technology and Education, Hung Yen, Vietnam
Dorota CHWIEDUK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Adam CISZKIEWICZ – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Meera CS – University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Duhradun, India
Piotr CYKLIS – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Abanti DATTA – Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, India
Piotr DEUSZKIEWICZ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Dinesh DHANDE – AISSMS College of Engineering, Pune, India
Sufen DONG – Dalian University of Technology, China
N. Godwin Raja EBENEZER – Loyola-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai, India
Halina EGNER – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Fehim FINDIK – Sakarya University of Applied Sciences, Turkey
Artur GANCZARSKI – Cracow University of Technology, Poland
Peng GAO – Northeastern University, Shenyang, China
Rafał GOŁĘBSKI – Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej GRZEBIELEC – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Ngoc San HA – Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Mehmet HASKUL – University of Sirnak, Turkey
Michal HATALA – Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic
Dewey HODGES – Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, United States
Hamed HONARI – Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, United States
Olga IWASINSKA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Emmanuelle JACQUET – University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Maciej JAWORSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Xiaoling JIN – Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Halil Burak KAYBAL – Amasya University, Turkey
Vladis KOSSE – Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Krzysztof KUBRYŃSKI – Air Force Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Waldemar KUCZYŃSKI – Koszalin University of Technology, Poland
Igor KURYTNIK – State Higher School in Oswiecim, Poland
Daniel LESNIC – University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Witold LEWANDOWSKI – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Guolu LI – Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China
Jun LI – Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Baiquan LIN – China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China
Dawei LIU – Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao, China
Luis Norberto LÓPEZ DE LACALLE – University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
Ming LUO – Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China
Xin MA – Shandong University, Jinan, China
Najmuldeen Yousif MAHMOOD – University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq
Arun Kumar MAJUMDER – Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Paweł MALCZYK – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Miloš MATEJIĆ – University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Norkhairunnisa MAZLAN – Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia
Dariusz MAZURKIEWICZ – Lublin University of Technology, Poland
Florin MINGIREANU – Romanian Space Agency, Bucharest, Romania
Vladimir MITYUSHEV – Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
Adis MUMINOVIC – University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Baraka Olivier MUSHAGE – Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs, Goma, Congo (DRC)
Tomasz MUSZYŃSKI – Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Mohamed NASR – National Research Centre, Giza, Egypt
Driss NEHARI – University of Ain Temouchent, Algeria
Oleksii NOSKO – Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
Grzegorz NOWAK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Iwona NOWAK – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Samy ORABY – Pharos University in Alexandria, Egypt
Marcin PĘKAL – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Bo PENG – University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom
Janusz PIECHNA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Maciej PIKULIŃSKI – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
T.V.V.L.N. RAO – The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, India
Andrzej RUSIN – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Artur RUSOWICZ – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Benjamin SCHLEICH – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Jerzy SĘK – Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Reza SERAJIAN – University of California, Merced, USA
Artem SHAKLEIN – Udmurt Federal Research Center, Izhevsk, Russia
G.L. SHI – Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou, China
Muhammad Faheem SIDDIQUI – Vrije University, Brussels, Belgium
Jarosław SMOCZEK – AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland
Josip STJEPANDIC – PROSTEP AG, Darmstadt, Germany
Pavel A. STRIZHAK – Tomsk Polytechnic University, Russia
Vadym STUPNYTSKYY – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Miklós SZAKÁLL – Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
Agnieszka TOMASZEWSKA – Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Artur TYLISZCZAK – Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Aneta USTRZYCKA – Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw, Poland
Alper UYSAL – Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
Gabriel WĘCEL – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Marek WĘGLOWSKI – Welding Institute, Gliwice, Poland
Frank WILL – Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Michał WODTKE – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
Marek WOJTYRA – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Włodzimierz WRÓBLEWSKI – Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland
Hongtao WU – Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China
Jinyang XU – Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Zhiwu XU – Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Zbigniew ZAPAŁOWICZ – West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland
Zdzislaw ZATORSKI – Polish Naval Academy, Gdynia, Poland
Wanming ZHAI – Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
Xin ZHANG – Wenzhou University of Technology, China
Su ZHAO – Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, China

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