Nauki Techniczne

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials


Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2018 | vol. 63 | No 4


Single crystalline cesium doped ZnO nanorods with homogeneous size and shape were grown hydrothermally on ITO substrates that are presented in our previous work. According to the previous work, XRD analysis showed that cesium doped ZnO nanorods are wurtzite single crystals and are grown preferentially along the c-axis. Also, the electrical conductivity of doped ZnO showed higher values for the 1% cesium, which confirmed incorporation of the cesium dopant. Cesium doped ZnO nanorods are suitable candidates for applications in solar cells. So, in this research, we employed cesium doped ZnO nanorods with the different dopant concentration in inverted polymer solar cell. By comparing the effect of doped ZnO nanorods with diverse dopant concentration (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2%) on the performance of devices, 1.0% cesium doped ZnO was found as the most effective doping level among the selected doping concentrations. Also, using 1.0% cesium doped ZnO nanorods, Jsc of 8.21 mA/cm², Voc of 0.541V and Fill Factor of 63.01% were achieved, which led to power conversion efficiency of 2.80%.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Ahmadi
S. Rashidi Dafeh
S. Ghazanfarpour
M. Khanzadeh


The microscale deformation behaviour of the Al-4.5Cu-2Mg alloy has been studied to understand the influence of various processing routes and conditions, i.e. the gravity casting with and without grain refiner, the rheocast process and the strain induced melt activation (SIMA) process. The micromechanics based simulations have been carried out on the optical microstructures of the alloy by 2D representative volume elements (RVEs) employing two different boundary conditions. Microstructural morphology, such as the grain size, the shape and the volume fraction of α-Al and binary eutectic phases have a significant effect on the stress and strain distribution and the plastic strain localization of the alloy. It is found that the stress and strain distribution became more uniform with increasing the globularity of the α-Al grain and the α-Al phase volume fraction. The simulated RVEs also reveals that the eutectic phase carries more load, but least ductility with respect to the α-Al phase. The SIMA processed alloy contains more uniform stress distribution with less stress localization which ensures better mechanical property than the gravity cast, grain refined and rheocast alloy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Biswas
R. Bhandari
M. Kumar Mondal
D. Mandal


In this study, the effect of gas pressure on the shape and size of the AZ91 alloy powder produced by using the gas atomization method was investigated experimentally. Experiments were carried out at 820°C constant temperature in 2-mm nozzle diameter and by applying 4 different gas pressures (0.5, 1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 MPa). Argon gas was used to atomize the melt. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) to determine the shape of produced AZ91 powders, XRD, XRF and SEM-EDX analysis to determine the phases forming in the internal structures of the produced powders and the percentages of these phases and a laser measuring device for powder size analysis were used. Hardness tests were carried out to determine the mechanical properties of the produced powders. The general appearances of AZ91 alloy powders produced had general appearances of ligament, acicular, droplet, flake and spherical shape, but depending on the increase in gas pressure, the shape of the powders is seen to change mostly towards flake and spherical. It is determined that the finest powder was obtained at 820°C with 2 mm nozzle diameter at 3.5 MPa gas pressure and the powders had complex shapes in general.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Akkaş
T. Çetin
M. Boz


Cu-Al-based high temperature shape memory alloys are preferred commonly due to their cheap costs and shape memory properties. In recent years, studies have been conducted on developing and producing a new type of Cu-Al based shape memory alloy. In this study, the CuAl-Cr alloy system, which has never been produced before, is investigated. After production, the SEMEDX measurements were made in order to determine the phases in the Cu84–xAl12Crx+4 (x = 0, 4, 6) (weight %) alloy system; and precipitate phases together with martensite phases were detected in the alloys. The confirmations of these phases were made via x-ray measurements. The same phases were observed by XRD diffractogram of the alloys as well. The values of transformation temperature of alloys were determined with Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) at 20°C/min heating rate. According to the DSC results, the transformation temperature of the alloys varies between 320°C and 350°C. This reveals that the alloys show high temperature shape memory characteristics.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Z. Deniz Çirak
M. Kök
Y. Aydoğdu


The effects of Mg and Ca on sulfide modification of sulphur steel were studied to elucidate the difference between micromagnesium treatment and micro-calcium treatment for the inclusion of sulphur steel. The results show that the inclusions in the steel appeared with an oxide core of Al2O3 and MnS wrapped. After the addition of Mg, the core was changed to spinel, and the MnS coating was changed to Mn-Mg-S. After Ca was added, the core was changed to Ca-Al-O, and the MnS coating was changed to Mn-Ca-S. The Mg content was higher than Ca content in the sulfides of the steel. Therefore, Mg was more effective than Ca in terms of sulfide modification with the same content of Mg and Ca in steel, but the yielding rate of Mg was lower than that of Ca. The Mg content in the oxide core was higher than Mg of the coating of the inclusions in the steel treated with Mg or Mg-Ca. In contrast, the Ca content in the oxide core was lower than Ca of the coating of the inclusions in the steel treated with Ca or Mg-Ca. MnS formed and precipitated during the melt solidification process. The complex sulfide (Mg-Mn-S) was precipitated around MgO·Al2O3 in the Mg treated steel during the cooling process. CaS inclusion was precipitated on the CaO·Al2O3 inclusions in the liquid Ca-treated steel. Thus, CaS was formed first, whereas MnS was formed during the cooling process, followed by the formation of complex sulfide (CaS+MnS), which finally precipitated around CaO·Al2O3 in the Ca-treated steel.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Tian
T. Qu
D. Wang
H. Wang
Z. Xu
E. Xinrui


GZO/IZO semiconductor thin films were prepared on the ITO substrate via sol-gel spin coating method for using in the dyesensitized solar cells (DSSCs). For this purpose, GZO and IZO thin films were optimized by the percentage of doping gallium and indium in zinc oxide and were studied their electrical, optical and structural properties. After that, the layers with the best performance were selected for use in the DSSCs. The concentration of all solutions for spin coating processes was 0.1 M and zinc oxide has been doped with gallium and indium, with different doping percentages (0, 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 volume percentage). So, by studying the properties of the fabricated thin films, it was found the films with 0.5%GZO and 0.5%IZO have the best performance and hence, the optimized dual-layer (0.5% GZO/0.5% IZO (GIZO)) were prepared and studied their electrical and optical properties. The synthesized optimized dual-layer film was successfully used as the working electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells. The sample with 0.5%IZO shows the 9.1 mA/cm2 short-circuit current density, 0.52 V open circuit voltage, 63% fill factor and 2.98% efficiency.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Hossein Manzari Tavakoli
M. Ahmadi
M. Sabet


The paper presents the analysis of temperature fields, phase transformations, strains and stresses in a cuboidal element made from S235 steel, surfaced with multipass GMA (Gas Metal Arc) method. The temperature field is described assuming a dualdistribution heat source model and summing up the temperature fields induced by the padded weld and by the electric arc. Dependence of stresses on strains is assumed on the basis of tensile curves of particular structures, taking into account the influence of temperature. The calculations were carried out on the example of five welds in the middle of the plate made of S235 steel. The simulation results are illustrated in graphs of thermal cycles, volume shares of structural components and stresses at the selected points of cross-section, and the temperature and strain distributions in the whole cross section.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Winczek


Five new derivatives of 4,6-di(thiophen-2-yl)pyrimidine (DTP) were designed by structural modification with the aim to tune the electro-optical and charge transfer properties. The effect of oligocene and oligocenothiophene incorporation/substitution was investigated on various properties of interests. The smaller hole reorganization energy revealed that compounds 1-5 might be good hole transfer contenders. The smaller hole reorganization energy of newly designed five DTP derivatives than the pentacene showed that prior compounds might be good/comparable hole transfer materials than/to that of pentacene. The computed electron reorganization energy of DTP derivatives 1-5 are 124, 185, 93, 95 and 189 meV smaller than the meridional-tris (8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (mer-Alq3) illuminating that electron mobility of these derivatives might be better/comparable than/to referenced compound.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Irfan
A.R. Chaudhry
A.G. Al-Sehemi
S. Muhammad
R. Jin
S. Tang


This article deals with the testing of surface layers produced on technical titanium Ti99.2 under glow discharge conditions. In order to determine the effect of process temperature on the produced surface layers, nitriding processes were carried out at 700°C and 800°C and for 3 and 5 hours. The research results on evaluating the properties of the obtained surface layers and the characterization of their morphology were presented. The impact of the adopted nitriding process variant on the quality of the obtained layers was evaluated. It was demonstrated that the use of the supplementary potential during the ion nitriding process reduces the unwanted edge effect, which results in a significant increase in the homogeneity of the nitrided layers and improves the functional properties of the technical titanium Ti99.2.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Pilarska
T. Frączek
K. Maźniak


The scope of this work is to investigate the precipitation of two Al-Mg-Si alloys with and without Cu and excess Si by using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), transmission electron microscopic (TEM), Vickers hardness measurement and X-ray diffraction. The analysis of the DSC curves found that the excess Si accelerate the precipitation and the alloy contain the excess Si and small addition of copper has higher aging-hardness than that of free alloy (without excess Si and Cu) at the same heat treatment condition. The sufficient holding time for the precipitation of the β'' phase was estimated to be 6 hours for the alloy aged at 100°C and 10 hours for the alloy aged at 180°C. The low Copper containing Al-Mg-Si alloy gives rise to the forming a finer distribution of β (Mg2Si) precipitates which increases the hardness of the alloy. In order to know more about the precipitation reactions, concern the peaks on the DSC curve transmission electron microscopy observation were made on samples annealed at temperatures (250°C, 290°C and 400°C) just above the corresponding peaks of the three phases β'', β' and β respectively.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hanna Belghit
Hichem Farh
Toufik Ziar
Mosbah Zidani
Meryem Guemini


The present investigation aims at fabricating a functionally graded Al-6Cr-Y2O3 composite and its microstructural and property characterization. Al-6Cr-alloys with varying percentage of Y2O3 (5-10 vol. %) have been used to fabricate FGM by powder metallurgy route. The samples were subsequently subjected to solution treatment at 610°C for 4 h followed by artificially aged at 310°C for 4 h. The microstructure, hardness and wear behavior of these FGM have been evaluated. FGM exhibited superior hardness (360 ± 5 VHN) as compared to the unprocessed composites (220 ± 5 VHN) due to the uniform dispersion of Y2O3 particles. Wear resistance of Al-6Cr-10 Y2O3 FGM were compared that of with pure Al-6Cr alloy by dry abrasive wear test. Al-6Cr-10 Y2O3 FGM composites were found to exhibit higher wear resistance with the minimum wear rate of 0.009 mm3/m compared to the Al- 6Cr alloy wear rate 0.02 mm3/m.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Satish Kumar
K. Krishna Kumar
S. Shalini
R. Subramanian


Twinned dendrites in Al-Zn alloy with high Zn content (40% wt.%) were successfully prepared by directional solidification. At different directional solidification rates (1000 and 1500 μm/s), microstructures and growth orientation variations of Al twinned dendrite and non-twinned dendrite were characterized. By using the inverted trapezoidal graphite sleeve at 1000 μm/s, Al twinned dendrite were formed to developed feather crystal structures in longitudinal section. Its primary and secondary twinned dendrite were grew along [110] direction. Moreover the deviation angle between [110] direction of Al twinned dendrite and the heat flow direction was about 27.15°. While not using the inverted trapezoidal graphite sleeve at 1000 and 1500 μm/s, Al dendrite was the non-twinned dendrite and the twinned dendrite was not appeared. The experimental results showed that the higher temperature gradient, a certain pulling rate and convection environment were the formation conditions of twinned dendrites.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Gao
W. Song
L. Fan
Y. Ding
X. Guo
R. Zhang


The automated laser welding process of 2.0 mm thick sheets of AISI 304 stainless steel was investigated. The disk laser with a beam spot diameter of 200 μm was used for bead-on-plate and next for autogenous butt joints welding. The influence of basic welding parameters such as laser power, welding speed, and focal spot position on fusion zone configuration, quality of joints, microstructure changes, and microhardness distribution across the joints were analysed and presented in this paper. The results have shown that stiffening of the 2.0 mm thick sheets is crucial for providing high quality and reproducibility of butt joint in a case of AISI 304 stainless steel due to relatively low thermal conductivity and simultaneously high thermal expansion. Relevant drop of microhardness in the weld zone was observed. The mean value of microhardness of the base metal was 230 HV0.1, while the microhardness in fusion zone of the test welds was ranged from 130 to 170 HV0.1. Additionally the microstructure changes in the weld metal and also in the heat affected zone of test joints is described.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Lisiecki
A. Kurc-Lisiecka


The AISI 430 stainless steel with ferritic structure is a low cost material for replacing austenitic stainless steel because of its higher yield strength, higher ductility and also better polarisation resistance in harsh environments. The applications of AISI 430 stainless steel are limited due to insignificant ductility and some undesirable changes of magnetic properties of its weld area with different microstructures. In this research, a study has been done to explore the effects of parameters of laser welding process, namely, welding speed, laser lamping current, and pulse duration, on the coercivity of laser welded AISI 430 stainless steel. Vibrating sample magnetometery has been used used to measure the values of magnetic properties. Observation of microstructural changes and also texture analysis were implemented in order to elucidate the change mechanism of magnetic properties in the welded sections. The results indicated that the laser welded samples undergo a considerable change in magnetic properties. These changes were attributed to the significant grain growth which these grains are ideally oriented in the easiest direction of magnetization and also formation of some non-magnetic phases. The main effects of the above-mentioned factors and the interaction effects with other factors were evaluated quantitatively. The analysis considered the effect of lamping current (175-200 A), pulse duration (10-20 ms) and travel speed (2-10 mm/min) on the coercivity of laser welded samples.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

H. Mostaan
M. Rafiei


This research work is focused on examining the turning behavior of Incoloy 800H superalloy by varying important cutting parameters. Incoloy 800H is an Iron- Nickel-Chromium based superalloy; it can withstand high temperature (810°C), high oxidization and corrosion resistance. But, it is difficult to turn in conventional machines and hence the present work was carried out and investigated. Experiments were conducted based on the standard L27 orthogonal array using uncoated tungsten inserts. The cutting force components, namely, feed force (Fx), thrust force (Fy) and cutting force (Fz); surface roughness (Ra) and specific cutting pressure (SCPR) were measured as responses and optimized using Taguchi-Grey approach. The main effects plots and analysis of mean (ANOM) were performed to check the effect of turning parameters and their significance on responses of cutting forces in all the direction (FX, FY, FZ), the surface roughness (Ra) and specific cutting pressure (SCPR). The tool wear and machined surfaces were also investigated using white light interferometer and SEM.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Palanisamy
T. Selvaraj
S. Sivasankaran


This study investigates the effects of frequency, compression force and Vee angle parameters of High-Frequency Electric Resistance Welding (HF-ERW) process on mechanical properties of API X52 microalloy steel welding joint. Therefore, API X52 microalloy steel sheets having thickness of 8 mm was provided to manufacture pipes with the diameter of 16”. with direct weld seams using the HF-ERW method. During the manufacturing process, frequency values of 150, 200 and 250 kHz, compression forces of 2, 4 and 6 mark and Vee angles of 3°, 5°, and 7° were adopted. After changing the welding parameters, from the welded pipes, tensile and Charpy impact test samples prepared to macroscopically evaluate the weld metal flow and examine the effects of these parameters on mechanical properties of the welded joints. According to the results, it was concluded that frequency of 150 kHz, the compression force of 4 mark and Vee angle of 5° yields best mechanical properties in the HF-ERW joint of API X52 microalloy steel.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Sabzi
A. Kianpour-Barjoie
M. Ghobeiti-Hasab
S. Mersagh Dezfuli


The combined effect of sulfur (S) and acid soluble aluminum (Als) content on precipitates and microstructures in grainoriented silicon steel were investigated. The results show that there are dominant AlN and a little amount of MnS-AlN composite in annealed hot-rolled band, and the amount of precipitates increases distinctly with increasing Als content, while S content plays a negligible role. The inhibitors that precipitate during hot band annealing can restrain the grain growth during hot band annealing and primary annealing, and the smaller grains of annealed hot-rolled band can contribute to the formation of {111} <112> texture during primary annealing. Lower S content is conducive to the formation of {111} <112> texture during primary annealing by promoting the formation of Goss texture during hot rolling.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Zhou
Ch. Zhu
G. Li
Z. Luo
Y. Gao
S. Bao
J. Schneider


Single point incremental forming process is a most economical Die-less forming process. The major constraint of it is that it is a time consuming process. In this work, a new attempt was made in incremental forming process using Multipoint tool for SS430 sheets to increase the formability and to reduce forming time. Fractography analysis was made to study the size of voids that were formed during fracture. The forming limit diagrams were drawn and compared for single point incremental forming and the multipoint incremental forming of SS430 sheet. It was proved that the formability of SS430 sheet in the multipoint forming was better than the formability of that in single point forming and the time consumed was reduced. The strain distribution in both processes had also been studied along with surface roughness.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Ramkumar
G. Paulraj
K. Elangovan
C. Sathiya Narayanan


In this study, two different compositions of submicron-structured titanium (760 nm) and micron-structured chromium (4.66 μm) powders were mixed to fabricate Cr-31.2 mass% Ti alloys by vacuum hot-press sintering. The research imposed various hot-press sintering pressures (20, 35 and 50 MPa), while the sintering temperature maintained at 1250°C for 1 h. The experimental results showed that the optimum parameters of the hot-press sintered Cr-31.2 mass% Ti alloys were 1250°C at 50 MPa for 1 h. Also, the relative density reached 99.94%, the closed porosity decreased to 0.04% and the hardness and transverse rupture strength (TRS) values increased to 81.90 HRA and 448.53 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the electrical conductivity is enhanced to 1.58 × 104 S·cm–1. However, the grain growth generated during the high-temperature and high-pressure of the hot-press sintering process resulted in the grain coarsening phenomenon of the Cr-31.2 mass% Ti alloys after 1250°C hot-press sintering at 50 MPa for 1 h. In addition, the Cr-31.2 mass% Ti alloys were fabricated with the submicron-structured titanium (760 nm) and chromium (588 nm) powders showed more effective compaction than the micron-structured titanium (760 nm) and chromium (4.66 μm) powders did. The closed porosity decreases to 0.02% and the hardness values increase to 83.23 HRA. However, the agglomeration phenomenon of the Cr phase and brittleness of the TiCr2 Laves phases easily led to a slight decrease in TRS (400.54 MPa).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Shih-Hsien Chang
Chien-Lun Li
Kuo-Tsung Huang
Tzu-Hsien Yang


In the present work, studies have been carried out on the variations in the microstructure and hardness of P91 base-metal and welded joint. This variations result from the grit blasting and thermal cycle experienced during the thermal spraying process. The microstructural effects have been analyzed in terms of the depth of the deformation zone. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Xray diffraction were used as characterization techniques. The grit blasting carried out prior to thermal spraying has resulted in the highest change in sub-surface hardness of the heat affected zone (HAZ). However, flame treatment further reduced the subsurface hardness of the heat affected zone. The depth of deformation zone was highest for inter-critical heat affected zone (IC-HAZ). The overall coating process resulted in an increase in subsurface hardness of various regions of HAZ and fusion zone (FZ). The base metal showed a 7% increase in subsurface hardness due to the overall coating process. The IC-HAZ showed maximum variation with 36% increase in subsurface hardness. The coarse grained heat affected zone (CG-HAZ) and FZ did not show any change in subsurface hardness. As a whole, the hardness and microstructure of the welded joint was observed to be more sensitive to the thermal spray coating process as compared to the base metal.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J.G. Thakare
C. Pandey
R.S. Mulik
M.M. Mahapatra
H.K. Narang


The work deal with an assembling and comparing of transformation diagrams of two low-alloy steels, specifically 16MnCrS5 and 20MnCrS5. In this work, diagrams of the type of CCT and DCCT of both steels were assembled. Transformation diagrams were assembled on the basis of dilatometric tests realized on the plastometer Gleeble 3800, of metallographic analyses and of hardness measurements. In addition, for comparison, the transformation diagrams were assembled even with use of the QTSteel 3.2 software. Uniform austenitization temperature of 850°C was chosen in case of both steels and even both types of diagrams. In case of both steels, an influence of deformation led to expected acceleration of phase transformations controlled by diffusion and also of bainite transformation. In both cases, the kinetics of martensitic transformation was not significantly affected by deformation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Kawulok
P. Kawulok
I. Schindler
P. Opěla
S. Rusz
V. Ševčák
Z. Solowski


The aim of the performed experiments was to determine the influence of deformation and of austenitization temperature on the kinetics of phase transformations during cooling of high-carbon steel (0.728 wt. % C). The CCT and DCCT diagrams for austenitization temperature 940°C and DCCT diagram for austenitization temperature 1000°C were constructed with the use of dilatometric tests. On the basis of obtained results, a featureless effect of austenitization temperature and deformation on the kinetics of phase transformations during cooling of investigated steel was observed. Critical cooling rates for the transformation of martensite in microstructure fluctuated from 5 to 7°C · s–1 (depending on the parameters of austenitization and deformation), but only at cooling rates higher than 8°C · s–1 a dominant share of martensite was observed in the investigated steel, which resulted in the significant increase of hardness.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Kawulok
P. Podolinský
P. Kajzar
I. Schindler
R. Kawulok
V. Ševčák
P. Opěla


In this paper, explain the preparation of CaTiO3 ceramics synthesized by the solid-state reaction method. Calcium carbonate and titanium dioxide were high energy mixed in stoichiometric amounts, and the obtained mixture was calcined at different temperatures (800, 900, 1000 and 1300ºC) for 2 h. The obtained samples were characterized by measurement of particle size, Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) Analysis; differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction and SEM images. XRD patterns indicated that CaTiO3 ceramics with the structure of perovskite is obtained from calcined powders at 1,300°C for 2 h. SEM images show the formation of a very fine and homogeneous morphology. The measured values of electrical resistivity were within the typical range of insulating materials and approach values corresponding to insulating ceramics.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Rocha-Rangel
J. López-Hernández
J.A. Castillo-Martínez
J.J. Osorio-Ramos
C.A. Calles-Arriaga
I. Estrada-Guel
R. Martínez-Sánchez


The welding of nuclear grade P91 and P92 steel plate of thickness 5.2 mm were performed using the autogenous tungsten

inert gas (TIG) welding process. The welded joint of P91 and P92 steel plate were subjected to the varying post weld heat-treatment

(PWHT) including the post weld heat treatment (PWHT) and re-austenitizing based tempering (PWNT). A comparative study was

performed related to the microstructure evolution in fusion zone (FZ) of both the welded joint using the scanning electron microscope

and optical microscope in a different condition of heat treatment. The hardness test of the FZ for both joints was also conducted in

a different condition of heat treatment. P92 steel welded joint have observed the higher tendency of the δ ferrite formation that led

to the great variation in hardness of the P92 FZ. The homogeneous microstructure (absence of δ ferrite) and acceptable hardness

was observed after the PWNT treatment for both the welded joint.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

C. Pandey
M. Mohan Mahapatra
P. Kumar
P. Prakesh Kumar
J.G. Thakare


In view of their advantageous properties (high hardness, good frictional wear resistance, chemical and thermal stability at elevated temperatures), cubic boron nitride (cBN) and tungsten carbide (WC) are commonly used for the fabrication of cutting tools. The composites were consolidated at a temperature of 1100°C under a load of 100 MPa for 10 min. The density of the thus produced material was close to the theoretical value (about 99.6%), and the hardness HV30 was about 1950. The phases identified in the composite were WC, Co, and cBN. Microstructural examinations revealed that numerous trans-crystalline fractures through the cBN particles occurred in the material.

The present study is concerned with the wear of the WCCo and WCCo/cBN composites. Comparative tribological examinations were performed in a tribological tester using the ball-on-disc arrangement under the conditions of dry friction. The counterspecimens were steel and Al2O3 balls. The tests were conducted under a unit load of 10 N. After the tests, the surface of the samples was examined to describe the wear mechanisms active in various composite materials.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Wachowicz
T. Truszkowski
M. Rosiński
M. Ossowski
G. Skrabalak
M. Cyrankowski


A better understanding of phosphorus distribution in slag is necessary to develop an effective way to treat dephosphorization slag formed during steelmaking. Here, previous studies on the enrichment, separation, and recovery of phosphorus from dephosphorization slag are reviewed, along with their influencing factors. The results suggest that a proper heat treatment can promote the selective enrichment and growth of P-rich phases. Further, adding P2O5 and FetO facilitates phosphorus enrichment. Also, Ca3(PO4)2 is precipitated from slag containing 18 wt% P2O5. MnO and MgO in the slag barely affect the phosphorus recovery. In contrast, the addition of Al2O3 and TiO2 significantly affects phosphorus enrichment and magnetic separation. A phosphorus recovery rate of more than 70% is achieved with the addition of 10 wt% Al2O3 or 10 wt% TiO2. New phases (Na2Ca4(PO4)2SiO4, Na3PO4, and Ca5(PO4)3F) tend to be formed on the addition of Na2O and CaF2, which promote phosphorus enrichment. However, the addition of Na2O and CaF2 results in the incomplete separation of phosphorus and iron, as CaF2 and Na2O improve slag metallization and the magnetism of iron-rich phases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Z. Yan-Ling
G. Ming
L. Feng-Shan
Y. Kan


Influence of the initial grain size on hot deformation behavior of the low-alloy Mn-Ti-B steel was investigated. The uniaxial compression tests were performed in range of the deformation temperatures of 900-1200°C and strain rates of 0.1-10 s–1. One set of samples was heated directly to the deformation temperature, which corresponded to the initial austenitic grain size of 19-56 μm; the other set of samples was uniformly preheated at the temperature of 1200°C. Whereas the values of activation energy, peak stress and steady-state stress values practically did not depend on the initial austenitic grain size, the peak strain values of coarser-grained structure significantly increase mainly at high values of the Zener-Hollomon parameter. This confirms the negative effect of the large size of the initial grain on the dynamic recrystallization kinetics, which can be explained by the reduction in nucleation density.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Kawulok
I. Schindler
R. Kawulok
P. Opěla
R. Sedláček


Copper slag is a by-product obtained during smelting and refining of copper. Copper smelting slag typically contains about 1 wt.% copper and 40 wt.% iron depending upon the initial ore quality and the furnace type. Main components of copper slag are iron oxide and silica. These exist in copper slag mainly in the form of fayalite (2FeO ·SiO2). This study was intended to recover pig iron from the copper smelting slag by reduction smelting method. At the reaction temperature of below 1400°С the whole copper smelting slag was not smelted, and some agglomerated, showing a mass in a sponge form. The recovery behavior of pig iron from copper smelting slag increases with increasing smelting temperature and duration. The recovery rate of pig iron varied greatly depending on the reaction temperature.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

U. Erdenebold
H.-M. Choi
J.-P. Wang


The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between the values of the fluidity obtained by computer simulation and by an experimental test in the horizontal three-channel mould designed in accordance with the Measurement Systems Analysis. Al-Si alloy was a model material. The factors affecting the fluidity varied in following ranges: Si content 5 wt.% – 12 wt.%, Fe content 0.15 wt.% – 0.3wt. %, the pouring temperature 605°C-830°C, and the pouring speed 100 g · s–1 – 400 g · s–1. The software NovaFlow&Solid was used for simulations. The statistically significant difference between the value of fluidity calculated by the equation and obtained by experiment was not found. This design simplifies the calculation of the capability of the measurement process of the fluidity with full replacement of experiments by calculation, using regression equation.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Futáš
J. Petrík
A. Pribulová
P. Blaško
P. Palfy


In this study, medium-carbon steel was subjected to warm deformation experiments on a Gleeble 3500 thermosimulator machine at temperatures of 550°C and 650°C and strain rates of 0.001 s–1 to 1 s–1. The warm deformation behavior of martensite and the effects of strain rate on the microstructure of ultrafine grained medium-carbon steel were investigated. The precipitation behavior of Fe3C during deformation was analyzed and the results showed that recrystallization occurred at a low strain rate. The average ultrafine ferrite grains of 500 ± 58 nm were fabricated at 550°C and a strain rate of 0.001 s–1. In addition, the size of Fe3C particles in the ferrite grains did not show any apparent change, while that of the Fe3C particles at the grain boundaries was mainly affected by the deformation temperature. The size of Fe3C particles increased with the increasing deformation temperature, while the strain rate had no significant effect on Fe3C particles. Moreover, the grain size of recrystallized ferrite decreased with an increase in the strain rate. The effects of the strain rate on the grain size of recrystallized ferrite depended on the deformation temperature and the strain rate had a prominent effect on the grain size at 550°C deformation temperature. Finally, the deformation resistance apparently decreased at 550°C and strain rate of 1 s–1 due to the maximum adiabatic heating in the material.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Q. Yuan
G. Xu
S. Liu
M. Liu
H. Hu


The paper presents the microscopic and mechanoacoustic study of degradation processes of the porcelain material C 130 type.

This kind of material is used in the production of the most durable and reliable electrotechnical elements. Raw material composition of the studied porcelain was modified. This had an impact on the inner properties, cohesion and – in consequence – on operational properties of the material.

Using mechanical-acoustic and microscopic methods of testing of small-size samples that were subjected to compression, it was possible to distinguish successive stages of degradation of the porcelain structure. These stages were generally typical of the porcelain materials. In the authors’ opinion, they are connected to the ageing process happening over many years of work under operating conditions.

Optimization of composition and technological properties – important during technological processes – resulted in a slight decrease in inner cohesion of the porcelain. When compared to the reference material – typical domestic C 130 material, mechanical strength was somewhat lower. Carried out investigations proved that resistance of the investigated material to the ageing degradation process – during long term operation – also decreased. The improvement of technological parameters and the reduction in the number of defective elements occurred simultaneously with some decrease in the operational parameters of the material. To restore their initial high level, further work is needed to optimize the raw material composition of the porcelain.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Ranachowski
Z. Ranachowski
K. Wieczorek
M. Jaroszewski
S. Kudela Jr


Two MgLiAl alloys of composition 4.5% Li and 1.5% Al (in wt.%) composed of α phase and of 9% Li, 1.5% Al composed of α (hcp) + β (bcc) phases were subjected to twist channel angular pressing (TCAP) deformation. Such deformation of α + β alloys caused less effective grain refinement than that of single α phase alloy. However, with increasing number of passes, grain size of single α phase alloy increased and that of β phase in two phase α + β alloy also grew, which suggested the effect of dynamic recrystallization. TEM studies allowed identifying particles of Li2MgAl phase of size of few μm. {001}<100> texture was observed in extruded alloy. Texture studies of extruded and TCAPed single phase hcp alloy indicated texture with {101 – 0} plane perpendicular to the extrusion direction and {0002} plane parallel to the extrusion direction. Duplex α + β alloys showed poor texture development.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Dutkiewicz
S. Rusz
D. Kuc
O. Hilser
P. Bobrowski
B. Kania


Main aim of submitted work is evaluation and experimental verification of inoculation effect on Al alloys hot-tear sensitivity. Submitted work consists of two parts. The first part introduces the reader to the hot tearing in general and provides theoretical analysis of hot tearing phenomenon. The second part describes strontium effect on hot tearing susceptibility, and gives the results on hot tearing for various aluminium alloys. During the test, the effect of alloy chemical composition on hot tearing susceptibility was also analyzed. Two different Al-based alloys were examined. Conclusions deals with effect of strontium on hot tearing susceptibility and confirms that main objective was achieved.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Bolibruchová
M. Bruna
R. Pastirčák
K. Major-Gabryś


The results of mechanical reclamation of waste moulding sands with furfuryl resin and activators of new generation are presented.

The aim of the research described in this study was to determine what effect the addition of reclaim obtained in the process of dry mechanical reclamation could have on the properties of furan sands.

The sand supplied by one of the domestic foundries was after the initial reclamation subjected to a two-step proper reclamation

process. The following tests were carried out on the obtained reclaim: pH, S and N content, loss on ignition and comprehensive

sieve analysis. The obtained reclaim was next used as a component of moulding sands with furfuryl resin, wherein it formed 50%

and 80% of the base moulding material, respectively. The strength properties of the ready sand mixtures (bending strength Rg u and tensile strength Rm u ) were determined after the hardening time of 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 24 hours.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Kamińska
E. Basińska
M. Angrecki
A. Palma


Internal structure of metal foams is one of the most important factors that determine its mechanical properties. There exists a number of methods for studying the nature of the inner porous structure. Unfortunately most of these processes is destructive and therefore it is not possible to reuse the sample. From this point of view, as a suitable method seems to be the ability of using the so-called X-ray microtomography (also micro-CT). This is a non-destructive methodology used in a number of fields (industry, science, archaeology, medicine) for a description of the material distribution in the space (e.g. pores, fillers, defects, etc.). In principle, this technology works on different absorption of X-ray radiation by materials with changing proton number. The contribution was worked out in collaboration with experts from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava and it is focused on the analysis of internal structure of the metal foam casting with irregular arrangement of internal pores by using micro-CT. The obtained data were evaluated in the commercial software VGStudio MAX 2.2 and in the FOTOMNG system. For the evaluation of these data a new specialized module was introduced in this system. Several methods of pre-processing the image was prepared for the measurement. This preliminary processing consists, for example, from a binary image thresholding for better diversity between the internal porosity and the material itself or functions for colour inversion.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

I. Kroupová
P. Lichý
L. Ličev
J. Hendrych
K. Souček


Currently is the biggest problem of metallurgical companies the increase of fossil fuel prices and strict environmental regulations. As a result of this, companies must look for alternatives that would reduce the amount of fossil fuels and reduce emissions. Wood sawdust has huge energy potential, which can be used in the process of agglomerate production. This type of energy is locally available, has some similar properties as fossil fuels and is economically advantageous. For these reasons, experimental study using laboratory agglomeration pan was realized to study the possibility of agglomerate production with a mixed fuel. Experimental results show the viability of mixed fuel use in the agglomeration process, but also show significant possibility for improvement. The maximum acceptable substitution ratio, which corresponds to qualitatively suitable agglomerate is 20% of pine sawdust. Based on the realized experiments and the obtained results we have acceded to the intensification of the agglomeration process with an objective to increase the amount of added substitution fuel while maintaining the required quality of agglomerate.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Z. Semanová
J. Legemza
M. Hrubovčáková
R. Findorák
M. Fröhlichová


The rolls for the hot rolling finishing stands are cast centrifugally as two or three-layer rolls. The working layer is called a shell. The material of the shell is selected according to the position of the respective roll in the final finishing stand of the rolling mill. Typically, a combination of rolls made of a high-chromium cast iron + indefinite cast iron or high-speed steel + indefinite cast iron is commonly used. Great attention has been paid to indefinite cast iron in recent years and this material received a number of modifications that led to the increase of material properties up to 20% in comparison to the ordinary indefinite cast iron. But the goals of the new generation of material for hot rollers were chosen higher: increasing of production about 30% and more. This material has specific physical properties, heat treatment requirements as well as rolling mill requirements as is stated in the paper. It is expected that introduction of this material will reduce the difference between wear of the front and finishing stands, which can extend rolling campaigns and have a positive effect on the reduction rolls exchanges, the grinding of the rolls and the reduction of downtime.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Válek
Z. Kuboň
J. Kosňovská


Blast furnace and cupola furnace are furnace aggregates used for pig iron and cast iron production. Both furnace aggregates work on very similar principles: they use coke as the fuel, charge goes from the top to down, the gases flow against it, etc. Their construction is very similar (cupola furnace is usually much smaller) and the structures of pig iron and cast iron are very similar too. Small differences between cast iron and pig iron are only in carbon and silicon content. The slags from blast furnace and cupola furnace are very similar in chemical composition, but blast furnace slag has a very widespread use in civil engineering, primarily in road construction, concrete and cement production, and in other industries, but the cupola furnace slag utilization is minimal. The contribution analyzes identical and different properties of both kinds of slags, and attempts to explain the differences in their uses. They are compared by the contribution of the blast furnace slag cooled in water and on air, and cupola furnace slag cooled on air and granulated in water. Their chemical composition, basicity, hydraulicity, melting temperature and surface were compared to explain the differences in their utilization.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Pribulová
P. Futáš
J. Petrík
M. Pokusová
M. Brzeziński
J. Jakubski


The work deals with possibilities of using this specific material. It is focused on cast metal foams with a regular arrangement of internal cells and it refers to already used casting technologies – the production of metal foamswith the aid of sand cores. Metal foamsare used in many industries, such as: automotive, aerospace, construction, power engineering. They have unique propertiesand due to lower weight with sufficient strength and greater contact surface can be used, for example, for the conduction of heat. This article deals with the useof the metal foam as a heat exchanger. The efficiency of the heat exchanger depends on its shape and size and therefore the study is focused first on the optimization of the shape before the proper manufacture.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

F. Radkovský
M. Gebauer
V. Merta


The paper deals with the influence of manganese in AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy with higher iron content. Main aim is to eliminate harmful effect of intermetallic – iron based phases. Manganese in an alloy having an iron content of about 0.7 wt. % was graded at levels from 0.3 to 1.4 wt. %. In the paper, the effect of manganese is evaluated with respect to the resulting mechanical properties, also after the heat treatment (T6). Morphology of the excluded intermetallic phases and the character of the crystallisation of the alloy was also evaluated. From the obtained results it can be concluded that the increasing level of manganese in the alloy leads to an increase in the temperature of the β-Al5FeSi phase formation and therefore its elimination. Reducing the amount of β-Al5FeSi phase in the structure results in an improvement of the mechanical properties (observed at levels of 0.3 to 0.8 wt. % Mn). The highest addition of Mn (1.4 wt.%) leads to a decrease in the temperature corresponding to the formation of eutectic silicon, which has a positive influence on the structure, but at the same time the negative sludge particles were also present

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Bolibruchová
R. Podprocká
R. Pastirčák
K. Major-Gabryś


The paper deals with squeeze casting technology. For this research a direct squeeze casting method has been chosen. The influence of process parameters variation (casting temperature, mold temperature, pressure) on mechanical properties and structure will be observed. The thicknesses of the individual walls were selected based on the use of preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers (STN ISO 17) with the sequence of 3.15, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00 and 8.00 mm. The width of each wall was 22 mm with a length of 100 mm. As an experimental material was chosen the AlSi12 and AlSi7Mg0.3 alloys. The mechanical properties (UTS, E) for individual casting parameters and their individual areas of different thicknesses were evaluated. In the structure the influence of pressure on the change of the eutectic morphology, the change of the volume of eutectic and the primary alpha phase, the effect of the pressure on the more fine-grain and the regularization of the structure were evaluated.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Pastirčák
J. Ščury
M. Brůna
D. Bolibruchová
J. Jakubski


Detailed studies of the movement of liquid steel (hydrodynamics) on a real object are practically impossible. The solution to this problem are physical modelling carried out on water models and numerical modelling using appropriate programs. The method of numerical modelling thanks to the considerable computing power of modern computers gives the possibility of solving very complex problems.

The paper presents the results of model tests of liquid flow through tundish. The examined object was model of the twonozzle tundish model. The ANSYS Fluent program was used to describe the behavior of liquid in the working area of the tundish model. Numerical simulations were carried out using two numerical methods of turbulence description: RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) – model k-ε and LES (Large Eddy Simulation). The results obtained from CFD calculations were compared with the results obtained using the water model.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Merder


The subject of the study are alumina foams produced by gelcasting method. The results of micro-computed tomography of the foam samples are used to create the numerical model reconstructing the real structure of the foam skeleton as well as the simplified periodic open-cell structure models. The aim of the paper is to present a new idea of the energy-based assessment of failure strength under uniaxial compression of real alumina foams of various porosity with use of the periodic structure model of the same porosity. Considering two kinds of cellular structures: the periodic one, for instance of fcc type, and the random structure of real alumina foam it is possible to justify the hypothesis, computationally and experimentally, that the same elastic energy density cumulated in the both structures of the same porosity allows to determine the close values of fracture strength under compression. Application of finite element computations for the analysis of deformation and failure processes in real ceramic foams is time consuming. Therefore, the use of simplified periodic cell structure models for the assessment of elastic moduli and failure strength appears very attractive from the point of view of practical applications.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Nowak
Z. Nowak
R.B. Pęcherski
M. Potoczek
R.E. Śliwa


It is really hard to determine the phenomena occurring during aluminum refining process using argon blowing through the liquid metal in industrial conditions. The solution of such problem is physical modelling. This kind of modelling gives possibility to determine the level of dispersion of the refining gas in liquid metal. Especially in steel metallurgy RTD (Residence Time Distribution) analysis and visualization process with some colour tracer, which can give extra information about time of mixing are very popularly used. Because the modelling research (especially visualization) is pictorial, the research was conducted to check if it is possible to estimate quantitatively impeller working effectiveness basing on determination of the RTD curves. The examined object was model of URO-200 batch refining reactor. The RTD curves was registered and discussed for three different impellers and four different variants of processing parameters (rotary impeller speed: 300-500 rpm, and gas flow rate: 15-20 l·min–1). Additionally, the process of mixing of the inert gas with water as a modelling agent was enabled to be observed due to introduction of colour tracer (KMnO4). Results obtained from both measuring methods were graphically presented, compared and shortly discussed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Saternus


Experimental observations of the steel morphology as well as measurements of the solutes concentration in the macro-scale were made on the basis of the vertical cut at the mid-depth of the 15-tons steel forging ingot serially produced in one of the steel plant in Poland. Experimental observations of the morphology accompanied by the measurements of the Peclet Number were also made on the cross-section of the continuously cast brass ingots serially produced in the copper / brass industry in Poland. The performed measurements allowed to work out some maps of the alloying elements segregation for the longitudinal section of the steel static ingot and a Growth Law for the columnar grains formation in the brass ingots. The marginal stability criterion has been applied to the last mentioned development / description. Some suggestions for the micro-segregation measurement mode in the columnar structure are derived.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

W. Wołczyński


The post-processing slags containing about 0.8 wt.% of copper were subjected to the treatment of a complex reagent. The chemical composition of the complex reagent has been elaborated and patented in frame of the Grant No. PBS3/A5/45/2015. The slags had an industrial origin and were delivered by the Smelter and Refinery Plant, Głogów, as a product of the direct-to-blister technology performed in the flash furnace assisted by the arc furnace. An agglomeration of copper droplets suspended in the liquid slag, their coagulation, and deposition on the bottom of furnace were observed after the treatment this post-processing slag by the mentioned reagent. The treatment of the post-processing slags by the complex reagent was performed in the arc furnace equipped with some additional electrodes situated at the furnace bottom (additional, in comparison with the arc furnace usually applied in the Smelter and Refinery Plant, Głogów). The behaviour of the copper droplets in the liquid slag within the competition between buoyancy force and gravity was studied from the viewpoint of the required deposition of coagulated copper droplets. The applied complex reagent improves sufficiently the surface free energy of the copper droplets. In the result, the mechanical equilibrium between coagulated copper droplets and surrounding liquid slag is properly modified. Eventually, sufficiently large copper droplets are subjected to a settlement on the furnace bottom according to the requirements. The agglomeration and coagulation of the copper droplets were significantly improved by an optimized tilting of the upper electrodes and even by their rotation. Moreover, the settlement was substantially facilitated and improved by the employment of both upper and lower system of electrodes with the simultaneous substitution of the variable current by the direct current.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

W. Wołczyński
A.W. Bydałek
P. Migas
A. Tarasek


The paper analyzes the effect of ageing on the variations in the mechanical and technological properties of steel wire. The process of drawing 5.5 mm-diameter wire rod into 1.70 mm wire was carried out in 12 draws on a Koch KGT multi-stage drawing machine in the drawing velocity range of 5-25 m/s. Finished 1.7 mm-diameter wires after, respectively, 1, 24, 720 and 8760 hours of the completion of the drawing process were subjected to testing to determine their mechanical and technological properties. The yield strength, YS; tensile strength, UTS; uniform elongation, Ar; total elongation, Ac; reduction of area, Z; number of twists, Nt; and the number of bends, Nb, have been determined. It has been demonstrated that variations in mechanical properties occur after the multi-stage drawing process due to ageing, with their degree and mode being dependent on the drawing speed.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Suliga


The behaviour of porous sinters, during compression and compression with reverse cyclic torsion tests is investigated in the article based on the combination of experimental and numerical techniques. The sinters manufactured from the Distaloy AB powder are examined. First, series of simple uniaxial compression tests were performed on samples with three different porosity volume fractions: 15, 20 and 25%. Obtained data were then used during identification procedure of the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman finite element based model, which can capture influence of porosity evolution on plasticity. Finally, the identified Gurson-Tvergaard- Needleman model was validated under complex compression with reverse cyclic torsion conditions and proved its good predictive capabilities. Details on both experimental and numerical investigations are presented within the paper.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

L. Madej
K. Perzyński
M. Składzień
M. Tkocz
M. Rosiak
F. Grosman


The paper presents the evaluation of utility properties of a tube bend produced by bending process using local induction heating technique. Optimal process parameters were defined on the basis of numerical simulations. Mechanical testing procedures for the tube bend were carried out after normalising annealing. Heat treatment parameters have been chosen in compliance with the relevant standard. Geometrical measurements of the bend manufactured under industrial conditions indicate high accuracy of numerical simulations. Geometry and mechanical properties of the produced bend were consistent with the requirements of the applicable standards.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Junak
T. Kawała
M. Cieśla


In the paper, on the basis of the performed tests, low-cycle fatigue characteristics (LCF) of selected light metal alloys used among others in the automotive and aviation industries were developed. The material for the research consisted of hot-worked rods made of magnesium alloy EN-MAMgAl3Zn1, two-phase titanium alloy Ti6Al4V and aluminium alloy AlCu4MgSi(A). Alloys used in components of means of transport should have satisfactory fatigue, including low-cycle fatigue, characteristics. Low-cycle fatigue tests were performed on an MTS-810 machine at room temperature. Low-cycle fatigue tests were performed for three total strain ranges Δεt = 0.8%, 1.0% and 1.2% with a cycle asymmetry coefficient R = –1. On the basis of the obtained results, characteristics of the fatigue life of materials, cyclic deformation σa = f(N) and cyclic deformation of the tested alloys were developed. The tests showed that titanium alloy Ti6Al4V was characterised by the highest fatigue life Nf, whereas the lowest fatigue life was found in the tests of the aluminium alloy AlCu4MgSi(A).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Junak


This paper shows results of researches of a structure and mechanical properties of metal sheets of IF steels subjected torecrystallization

annealing. The annealing was held in the scope of the temperature of 600-900°C over 25 min time. The impact of heat treatment on changes of properties and structure of the researches steel has been analysed. During annealing typical processes of rebuilding of the structure deformed as a result of cold deformation in the form of forming new recrystallized grains and their growth were observed. As the temperature of annealing increases the hardness of the material gradually decreases.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Kowalczyk
M. Jabłońska
S. Rusz
G. Junak


The study presents a durability analysis of dies used in the first operation of producing a valve-type forging from high nickel steel assigned to be applied in motor truck engines. The analyzed process of producing exhaust valves is realized in the forward extrusion technology and next through forging in closed dies. It is difficult to master, mainly due to the increased adhesion of the charge material (high nickel steel) to the tool’s substrate. The mean durability of tools made of tool steel W360, subjected to thermal treatment and nitriding, equals about 1000 forgings. In order to perform a thorough analysis, complex investigations were carried out, which included: a macroscopic analysis combined with laser scanning, numerical modelling by FEM, microstructural tests on a scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy (metallographic), as well as hardness tests. The preliminary results showed the presence of traces of abrasive wear, fatigue cracks as well as traces of adhesive wear and plastic deformation on the surface of the dies. Also, the effect of the forging material being stuck to the tool surface was observed, caused by the excessive friction in the forging’s contact with the tool and the presence of intermetallic phases in the nickel-chromium steel. The obtained results demonstrated numerous tool cracks, excessive friction, especially in the area of sectional reduction, as well as sticking of the forging material, which, with insufficient control of the tribological conditions, may be the cause of premature wear of the dies.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Hawryluk
Z. Gronostajski
M. Kaszuba
J. Krawczyk
P. Widomski
J. Ziemba
M. Zwierzchowski
J. Janik


The article presents tests results of the influence of deformation methods on the microstructure and properties of alloy WE43. There were direct extrusion tests and extrusion with KoBo method performed. An assessment of the influence of the methods of deformation on the microstructure and the mechanical properties of the achieved rods from alloy WE43 was conducted. There was an analysis of microstructure carried out with the use of light and scanning microscopy techniques in the initial state and after plastic deformation. Static tensile test was conducted in temperature of 350°C at a speed of 0.0001 m·s–1 and microhardness measurements were performed of HV0.2. On the basis of the achieved mechanical tests results it was stated that in the temperature of 350°C for samples deformed with the use of KoBo method there was an effect of superplastic flow found. The value of elongation achieved was 250% which was 3 times higher than in case of classic extrusion (80%).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

I. Bednarczyk
D. Kuc
M. Tkocz
A. Tomaszewska


The article proposes the implementation of a novel method of plastic forming of internal toothing in flange spline sleeves. A method being the subject of Polish patent application P.416772 has been used for this purpose, which involves a combination of the scheme of the direct extrusion of a cone hollow with the die press forming of the wall to obtain a flange. The entire process takes place in a single technological sequence. The operations come one after another, so that there is no need for reheating the stock or carrying out intermediate soft annealing. The proposed method is assumed to be an alternative to the operation of press forming of internal spline sleeve toothing in a conical die [1] and to the operation of swaging on rotary swaging machines [2]. It is assumed that this method, too, is alternative to other technologies known from the literature and industrial practice, whose specifications and literature references will be indicated later on in this paper. Computer simulations of the flanged sleeve plastic forming process were performed using the commercial numerical program Forge®3D. During the numerical computations, the distributions of temperature fields were determined on the cross-section of the plastically formed product. The computations enabled also the visualization of the plastic flow of metal, especially in the toothing forming regions, and the determination of the energy and force parameters of the process.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Michalczyk
S. Wiewiórowska
Z. Muskalski


The paper presents the results of laboratory tests into the effects of moisture and the content of two types of bentonite on dielectric properties of moulding sand. The use of electromagnetic waves in foundry industry is becoming more and more popular, which provides to some extent alternatives to conventional drying methods. Experimental studies published so far have shown the validity of using microwaves for drying classic moulding sands with bentonite. However, these studies lack data on the effect of moisture or bentonite content in moulding sand on the real component ε' or imaginary component ε'' of the relative complex electrical permittivity. The presented results may become in the future the basis for the evaluation of the composition of moulding sands, taking into account the phenomena occurring under the influence of electromagnetic field, which directly translates into the quality of the castings made and may constitute an attempt to develop a mathematical model of electric properties of moulding sands.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Nowak


The paper presents the results and provides an analyse of the geometric structure of Fe-Al protective coatings, gas-treated under specified GDS conditions. The analysis of the surface topography was conducted on the basis of the results obtained from the SEM data. Topographic images were converted to three-dimensional maps, scaling the registered amplitude coordinates of specific gray levels to the relative range of 0÷1. This allowed us to assess the degree of surface development by determining the fractal dimension. At the same time, the generated three-dimensional spectra of the autocorrelation function enabled the researchers to determine the autocorrelation length (Sal) and the degree of anisotropy (Str) of the surfaces, in accordance with ISO 25178. Furthermore, the reconstructed three-dimensional images of the topography allowed us to evaluate the functional properties o the studied surfaces based on the Abbott-Firestone curve (A-F), also known as the bearing area curve. The ordinate describing the height of the profile was replaced by the percentage of surface amplitude in this method, so in effect the shares of the height of the three-dimensional topographic map profiles of various load-bearing properties were determined. In this way, both the relative height of peaks, core and recesses as well as their percentages were subsequently established.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Chrostek
K. Rychlik
M. Bramowicz
C. Senderowski


Paper describes the results of Fe80Si11B9 amorphous ribbon investigation after pulsed laser interference heating and conventional annealing. As a result of interference heating periodically placed laser heated microareas were obtained. Structure characterisation by scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed in case of laser heated samples presence of crystalline nanostructure in amorphous matrix. Microscopy observations showed significant difference in material structure after laser heating – nanograin structure, and material after annealing – dendritic structure. Magnetic force microscopy investigation showed expanded magnetic structure in laser heated microareas, while amorphous matrix did not give magnetic signal. Change of magnetic properties was examined by magnetic hysteresis loop measurement, which showed that the laser heating did not have a significant influence on soft magnetic properties.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

O. Czyż
J. Kusiński
A. Radziszewska
R. Ostrowski
J. Morgiel
J. Kanak
M. Kąc


The article shows a new model of Continuous Cooling Transformation (CCT) diagrams of structural steels and engineering steels. The modelling used artificial neural networks and a set of experimental data prepared based on 550 CCT diagrams published in the literature. The model of CCT diagrams forms 17 artificial neural networks which solve classification and regression tasks. Neural model is implemented in a computer software that enables calculation of a CCT diagram based on chemical composition of steel and its austenitizing temperature.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Trzaska


The effect of combination grain refinement with AlTi5B1 master (55 ppm) and Sr-modification with AlSr5 master (20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ppm) on the microstructure, tensile and hardness properties of AlSi7MgTi cast alloy were systematically investigated. Eutectic silicon was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy after standard (0.5% HF) and deep etching (HCl). Morphology of eutectic Si changes from compact plate-like (as-cast state) to fibbers (after modification). Si-fibbers in samples with 50 and 60 ppm Sr coarsen probably as a result of over-modification. The optimum mechanical properties has the experimental material which was grain refined and modified with 40 ppm of Sr (UTS = 220.6 MPa; ductility = 6.1%, and 82.3 HBW 5/250/15).

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

L. Kuchariková
E. Tillová
M.S. Bonek
M. Chalupová


The paper presents the results of the effect of isothermal heating time on the disappearance of strain hardening (the softening degree) of the studied high-manganese TRIPLEX type steels at a temperature of 900 and 1000°C. In order to determine the kinetics of recrystallization of austenite plastically deformed for selected steels, hot compression tests with draft ε = 0.2 were made. The presented results reveal that the complete recrystallization of austenite needs long isothermal heating times. In industrial conditions, such long times are not used, therefore in the initial rolling passages, the time required for half recrystallization of austenite t0.5 is often used. The total disappearance of the strain hardening, completion of the recrystallization of austenite tested high-manganese X98 and X105 TRIPLEX type steels isothermal heating time requires far more than 200 s. The increase of the deformation temperature is a factor influencing the acceleration of the disappearance of strain hardening.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

L. Sozańska-Jędrasik
J. Mazurkiewicz
W. Borek


New graphite tools were designed and produced to fabricate a semi-finished product from which nine cutting inserts were obtained in one spark plasma sintering process. As a result, WC-5Co cemented carbides were spark plasma sintered and the effect of various sintering parameters such as compacting pressure, heating rate and holding time on the main mechanical properties were investigated. It was shown that WC-5Co cemented carbides spark plasma sintered at 1200°C, 80 MPa, 400°C/min, for 5 min are characterized by the best relation of hardness (1861 ±10 HV30) and fracture toughness (9.30 MPa·m1/2). The microstructure of these materials besides the WC ceramic phase and Co binder phase consists of a synthesized Co3W3C complex phase. Comparison with a commercial WC-6Co cutting insert fabricated by conventional powder metallurgy techniques shows that spark plasma sintering is a very effective technique to produce materials characterized by improved mechanical properties.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Siwak
D. Garbiec


The sintered stainless steels of different microstructures (austenitic, ferritic and duplex) were laser surface alloyed with hard powders (SiC, Si3N4) and elemental alloying powders (Cr, FeCr, FeNi) to obtain a complex steel microstructure of improved properties. Laser surface alloying (LSA) involved different strategies of powder placing: the direct powder feeding to the molten metal pool and filling grooves machined on the sample surface by powder, and then laser surface melting. Obtained microstructures were characterised and summarised, basing on LOM, SEM and XRD analysis. The links between base material properties, like superficial hardness and microhardness, derived microstructures and erosion resistance was described. The LSA conditions and alloying powder placement strategies on erosion resistance was evaluated. The erosion wear is lower for Cr, FeCr, FeNi laser alloying, where powders were dissolved in the steel microstructure, and hard phases were not precipitated. Precipitations of hard phases (carbides, silicides, martensite formation) reduce erosion resistance of SiC alloyed stainless steel. The LSA with Si3N4 works better due to lack of precipitates and formation of a soft and ductile austenitic microstructure. The erosion wear at the impingement angle of 90° is high for hard and therefore brittle surface layers obtained as a result of alloying by hard particles (SiC, Si3N4). The softer and ductile austenitic stainless steel resist better than harder ferritic and duplex stainless steel material at studied erodent im pingement angle.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Z. Brytan


Commercially pure titanium is less expensive, generally more corrosion resistant and lower in strength than its alloys, and is not heat-treatable. The use of Ti and its alloys as construction materials under severe friction and wear conditions is limited due to their poor tribological properties. Nevertheless, proper addition of hard ceramic particles into Ti and its alloys has proved to be an efficient way to enhance their mechanical and wear properties. Our purpose in this work was to analyze the corrosion, tribocorrosion, mechanical and morphological effects of combining titanium carbide with titanium metal, to create a unique composite via spark plasma sintering technique (SPS). Composites with different mass percentage (1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt %) of ceramic phase were produced. The samples of pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy were also tested, as a reference. These composites were examined for mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in an environment similar to the human body (Ringer’s solution). Open circuit potential (OPC) and anodic polarization measurements were performed. The properties of titanium composites reinforced with micro- and nanocrystalline TiC powders were compared. It was stated that wear properties were significantly improved with increasing amount of TiC in matrix, especially in the case of nanocrystalline reinforcement. In terms of corrosion resistance, the composites showed slightly worse properties compared to pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V alloy.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P. Figiel
D. Garbiec
A. Biedunkiewicz
W. Biedunkiewicz
P. Kochmański
R. Wróbel


The samples of the CuCr0.6 alloy in the solution treated and additionally in aging states were severely plastically deformed by compression with oscillatory torsion (COT) method to produce ultrafine – grained structure. The samples were processed by using process parameters as: frequency of torsion (f = 1.6 Hz), compression speed (v = 0.04 mm/s), angle torsion (α = ±6°), height reduction (Δh = 7 mm). The total effective strain was εft = 40. The microstructure has been analyzed by scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) Hitachi HD-2300A equipped with a cold field emission gun at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The quantitative microstructure investigations as disorientation angles were performed using a FEI INSPECT F scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a cold field emission gun and a electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) detector. The mechanical properties were determined using MST QTest/10 machine equipped with digital image correlation (DIC). The COT processed alloy previously aged at 500°C per 2h shows high mechanical strength, ultimate tensile strength UTS: 521 MPa and yield tensile strength YS: 488 MP attributed to the high density of coherent precipitates and ultrafine grained structure.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Urbańczyk-Gucwa
A. Brzezińska
K. Rodak


The paper presents research results of multilayer systems composed of alternate Cu/Ni layers. The layers thickness obtained by the galvanic treatment was determined by using the transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction method in the grazing incidence diffraction geometry. The surface morphology was observed using scanning electron microscope with EDS microanalysis. Observation of the surface topography of systems using the atomic force microscope was also carried out.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Spilka
R. Babilas
W. Ratuszek
J. Kowalska
K. Matus


The article presents the results of investigations performed on segregation of elements in the billets. The research were performed under standard industrial conditions, during high carbon steel production cycle. Probes (templates with the thickness of 20 mm) were taken from billets with square cross-section of 160 mm. Segregation of elements was determined based on the quantitative analysis of results performed by using spark spectrometry pursuant to PN-H-04045. Changes in concentrations of elements were analysed along two cross-sections. Element contents were performed at points distanced from each other by approx. 10 mm. The segregation of carbon, sulphur and phosphorus was determined for different billets.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A.M. Hutny
M. Warzecha
P. Wieczorek
W. Derda


The main purpose of the present work was to validate the numerical model for the pulse-step liquid steel alloying method using a physical simulator that enables the observation and recording of phenomena occurring during the continuous steel casting process. The facility under investigation was a single-nozzle tundish equipped with a dam. To physical trials the glass water model was made on a scale of 2:5. For the mathematical description of turbulence during liquid steel alloying process, the k-ε and k-ω models were employed in the simulations. Based on the computer simulations and physical trials carried out, alloy addition behaviour and mixing curves for different tundish alloy addition feeding positions were obtained. The change in the location of alloy addition feeding to the liquid steel had an effect on the process of alloy addition spread in the liquid steel bulk and on the mixing time.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Cwudziński
B. Gajda
A. Hutny
J. Jowsa


In the present paper the structure and thermal properties of europium cerium oxides were investigated. The material for the research was obtained via solid state synthesis. The initial powders: ceria CeO2 and europia Eu2O3 were mixed in 1:1 mass ratio (non-stoichiometric proportion with the excess of CeO2) and milled. The sintering process was performed using high temperature vacuum press at 1350°C. Calorimetric analysis was conducted both for initial powders and milled mixture. The structure, phase composition and thermal diffusivity of obtained material were investigated in as-sintered condition. It was revealed that the obtained material was multi-phase. Non-stoichiometric phases including Ce0.5Eu0.5O1.75 with fluorite type structure and different lattice parameters were present. Thermal diffusivity decreased in the range from 25 to 900°C from 1.49 to 0.57 mm2/s and then increased to 0.70 mm2/s at 1400°C.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Mikuśkiewicz
M. Stopyra
G. Moskal


This research paper shows the influence of a repeated SPD (Severe Plastic Deformation) plastic forming with the DRECE technique (Dual Rolls Equal Channel Extrusion) on hardening of low carbon IF steel. The influence of number of passes through the device on change of mechanical properties, such as tensile strength TS and yield stress YS, of tested steel was tested. The developed method is based on equal channel extrusion with dual rolls and uses a repeated plastic forming to refinement of structure and improve mechanical properties of metal bands [1-2]. For the tested steel the increase of strength properties after the DRECE process was confirmed after the first pass in relation to the initial material. The biggest strain hardening is observed after the fourth pass.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Kowalczyk
M. Jabłońska
S. Rusz
I. Bednarczyk


Ceramic injection moulding and gas pressure infiltration were employed for the manufacturing of alumina/AlSi10Mg composites. Porous ceramic preforms were prepared by mixing alumina powder with a multi-binder system and injection moulding of the powder polymer slurry. Then, the organic part was removed through a combination of solvent and thermal debinding, and the materials were finally sintered at different temperatures. The ceramic preforms manufactured in this way were infiltrated by an AlSi10Mg alloy. The microstructure and properties of the manufactured materials were examined using scanning electron microscopy, mercury porosimetry and bending strength testing. The results of transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy observations show that the fabricated composite materials are characterised by the percolation type of the microstructure and a lack of unfilled pores with good cohesion at the metal-ceramic interfaces. This is surprising considering that over 30% of the pores are smaller than 1 μm. The results show that the bending strength of the obtained composites decreased with increasing sintering temperature of the porous preforms.

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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Matula

Instrukcja dla autorów

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials is a quarterly journal of Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science PAS, which has published continuously since 1954, scientific papers in English in the following fields: metallurgy and materials science, foundry, mechanical working of metals, thermal engineering in metallurgy, thermodynamic and physical properties of materials, phase equilibria in the broad context and diffusion.

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3. Samples


[1] L.B. Magalas, Development of High-Resolution Mechanical Spectroscopy, HRMS: Status and Perspectives. HRMS Coupled with a Laser Dilatometer. Arch. Metall. Mater. 60 (3), 2069-2076 (2015). DOI:

[2] E. Pagounis, M.J. Szczerba, R. Chulist, M. Laufenberg, Large Magnetic Field-Induced Work output in a NiMgGa Seven-Lavered Modulated Martensite. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 152407 (2015). DOI:

[3] H. Etschmaier, H. Torwesten, H. Eder, P. Hadley, Suppression of Interdiffusion in Copper/Tin thin Films. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2012).



[4] K.U. Kainer (Ed.), Metal Matrix Composites, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006).

[5] K. Szacilowski, Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale, Wiley (2012).

[6] L. Reimer, H. Kohl, Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation, Springer, New York (2008).

Proceedings or chapter in books with editor(s):

[7] R. Major, P. Lacki, R. Kustosz, J. M. Lackner, Modelling of nanoindentation to simulate thin layer behavior, in: K. J. Kurzydłowski, B. Major, P. Zięba (Eds.), Foundation of Materials Design 2006, Research Signpost (2006).

Internet resource:

[8], accessed: 17.04.2017

Academic thesis (PhD, MSc):

[9] T. Mitra, PhD thesis, Modeling of Burden Distribution in the Blast Furnace, Abo Akademia University, Turku/Abo, Finland (2016).


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We would like to inform the Authors that from July 1, 2024, the fee is increased and will amount to 300 EUR plus 23%VAT (1250 PLN net for authors with Polish affiliation).

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