Applied sciences

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences


Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences | Early Access

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One of the methods for understanding residents' needs and socially improving urban spaces in terms of transportation, safety, landscape protection, and managing tourist traffic load is eye-tracking (ET). Researchers using mobile ET for outdoor studies face significant challenges, particularly due to sunlight affecting data quality. Existing solutions often overlook participant comfort. This article introduces a novel accessory designed for extreme lighting conditions, such as bright days, sunsets, and snowy or water-filled environments. The goal is to eliminate disruptions caused by uncontrolled sunlight on participants' eyes and enables studies in urban environments. A custom sun shield, designed for ETs based on spectacle frames, prioritizes both physical and psychological comfort. The lightweight shield is easy to install, minimally restricts the field of view, and does not interfere with eye-tracking components. It is cost-effective and suitable for DIY 3D printing. Control studies and field research confirmed its effectiveness, with feedback from over 100 users improving the final design. The shield enhances eye-tracking research credibility in sunny conditions, supports efficient calibration, and improves participant recruitment and well-being. Jakość danych znacząco wzrosła co obrazuje porównanie danych dotyczących sposobu detekcji źrenicy. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to conduct research aimed at better understanding the behavior of city users, while ensuring their comfort and safety. It will also be possible to conduct research within the framework of so-called living labs. Importantly, studies show that the approach to designing subsequent mobile ETs based on IR should undergo significant modification.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Rusnak
Zofia Koszewicz
Franciszek Hackemer
Izabela Garaszczuk
Andrew T. Duchowski
Rafał Karnicki
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The article presents a slip compensation method for traditional scalar (V/f) control of a five-phase induction motor. The proposed control method uses the possibility of injecting the third harmonic of voltage to increase the motor’s electromagnetic torque. The solution is characterized by both the simplicity of scalar control and improved speed control efficiency. The paper presents the PLECS simulation results and describes the laboratory tests that were conducted. The several scenarios were performed with dedicated and self developed algorithm in a laboratory stand using a 5-phase induction motor.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Blecharz
Roland Ryndzionek
Paul Gondran
Imad Merzouk
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A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of mobile devices attached without infrastructure or central management. Network size increases rapidly, resulting in congestion, network delay, data packet loss, a drop in throughput, resulting in poor energy efficiency. Data should be mitigated based on the prediction of congestion. To resolve the problem of congestion, a novel Dragonfly Optimized Deep learning for conGestion Elimination (DODGE) technique has been proposed which predicts the congested node effectively. Initially, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets from the MANET environment has been pre-processed and the features are selected using Dragon Fly Optimization (DFO). The features that are selected from the DFO model has been provided to the Stacked Convolutional Neural Network combined with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (SCNN-BiLSTM). The Deep Learning network will predict the congested node and if congestion is found, then the message will be displayed. The DODGE is simulated by using Network simulator2 (NS2) and a comparison is made between proposed DODGE and traditional approaches such as Hybrid Gravitational Fuzzy Neural Network (HGFNN), Quality of Service-Aware Distributed Congestion Control (QoS-ADCC), and ImprovedPriority Aware-Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (IPA-AODV) in terms of Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), Delay (DE), Throughput (TP), Energy Consumption (EC), Latency (L), Detection Rate (DR), and Network Lifetime (NL). The proposed SCNN-BiLSTM improves the overall accuracy better than 10.05%, 6.59%, 3.26% Bidirectional Long ShortTerm Memory (BiLSTM), Deep Neural Network (DNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for predict the congested node in the shortest time.
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Authors and Affiliations

S Gladson
K Pandiarajan
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The paper discusses a multilevel voltage source inverter with coupled reactors (MVSI-CR). The output voltage is generated using the novel coarsely quantized pulse amplitude modulation (CQ-PAM). The AC voltage synthesis is realized by selecting and applying an appropriate collection of voltage vectors from the space-vector diagram. Integrating classical two-level inverters allows achieving modularity of the solution. The main advantage of the proposed approach is a very low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio and a multistep quasisinusoidal output voltage. The paper includes a theoretical analysis, simulations, and laboratory test results.
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Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Jakub Szwarc
Artur Cichowski
Paweł Szczepankowski
Janusz Nieznański
Ryszard Strzelecki
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This paper presents the design of a laboratory stand that allows the study of the effects of exposure of magnetic induction of extremely low frequency on cultures of cancer cell lines. The designed laboratory bench, is adapted to operate in the frequency range up to 300 Hz and the maximum settable magnetic induction of 2.5 mT. Tests are carried out on cellular test plates of 24, 48 or 96 wells where it is possible to evaluate the combined effect of magnetic field and cisplatin on cancer cells. Tests were conducted to determine the uniformity of field distribution inside the constructed solenoid determining the optimal space for cellular research. Preliminary studies of the effect of the magnetic field on the response of cancer cells treated with cisplatin were carried out on the built stand. The study shows that a magnetic field with certain parameters can significantly affect the response of cancer cells to cisplatin treatment. The application of a magnetic field can either promote cell proliferation or, with appropriately selected parameters, lead to increased cytotoxicity. Continued research will allow us to determine the appropriate drug concentration parameters when using magnetic field exposure with given parameters.
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Authors and Affiliations

Remigiusz Mydlikowski
Krzysztof Maniak
Patrycja Grosman-Dziewiszek
Benita Wiatrak
Paweł Bieńkowski
Tomasz Gębarowski
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Composite materials are defined as new materials formed by combining two or more materials that do not mix with each other, leveraging the best properties of each constituent. Composite materials are used in important industrial sectors such as aerospace and automotive due to their superior properties. In this study, XPS (extruded polystyrene) polymer foam was utilized as the core material. Glass fibers were combined with resin in a total of 8 and 12 layers, applied to both the top and bottom of the core structure. Production involved both manual laying and vacuum bagging methods. Two types of glass fiber, weighing 200 g/m2 and 300 g/m2 , were employed. After production, the composites were cut to standardized dimensions, followed by three-point bending and low-speed impact tests. Impact experiments were conducted with a constant energy of 50 J. Results showed that the 200 g/m2 glass fiber composites experienced perforation in the 8-layer samples and rebound in the 12-layer samples. Although greater deformation was observed in the impact tests of the 300 g/m2 glass fiber composites in the 8-layer samples compared to the 12-layer samples, rebound occurred in both. In three-point bending tests, the bending strength increased as the number of layers increased, and at the same number of layers, composites with 300 g/m² properties showed higher strength than 200 g/m² composites.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ibrahim Yavuz
Baris Senol
Ercan Simsir
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The following paper deals with the multipole design of the switched reluctance motor (SRM). The design is intended to facilitate the four-channel operation of the motor. Due to multipole design of the rotor and multichannel operation abilities, there are numerous possible configurations for powering the poles in each phase. Analysis of selected such configurations was carried out, including multichannel (MC) operating conditions (e.g. single-channel operation (SCO)). A mathematical model of three-phase MC SRM is presented. The static electromagnetic torque characteristics were obtained together with the self- and mutual inductance characteristics. Selected laboratory test results are presented in the paper.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Korkosz
Piotr Bogusz
Jan Prokop
Piotr Zasowski
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Drones have become common devices that are increasingly used, from toy mini-drones to very advanced autonomous flying platforms used in various industries. The safety of using engineering structures and the need to shorten the time of carrying out diagnostic activities, and thus reduce costs, force the use of innovative tools to carry out an automated and unmanned process of assessing the technical condition of existing engineering structures, especially large-size ones, including bridges strengthened with external FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) composite overlays. There are conventional methods for assessing the technical condition of existing building structures carried out by inspectors and experts, involving the use of typical inspection and diagnostic tools. During the research, it was found that it is possible to carry out an automated and unmanned process of assessing the technical condition of engineering structures using an unmanned flying platform equipped with a thermal imaging diagnostic device. The uniqueness of the presented solution is that the drone is equipped with a docking module that allows the drone to be temporarily attached to the structure being diagnosed for the duration of diagnostic activities. To ensure appropriate conditions for structural diagnostics, a unique system of automated diagnostic process and a multi-stage structure of the control system in all phases of operation were developed. The article presents a solution for the control system based on control consistent with the reference model. In particular, the focus was on the difficult and dangerous issue of altitude control during the docking phase. Simulation tests carried out in the Matlab/Simulink environment, as well as laboratory and field tests on a real drone, proved the correctness of the proposed solutions, which enabled the undisturbed operation of the diagnostic module.
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Authors and Affiliations

Roman Czyba
Jarosław Domin
Marcin Górski
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This article presents the technological problem related to the production of rotor with internal permanent magnet. Most often, the magnetic circuits of such rotors used in alternating current synchronous motors (AC IPM) are made of isotropic magnetic sheets. At this point, it should be noted that it is often not taken into account that each isotropic magnetic sheet exhibitssome anisotropy. This significantly affects the operational parameters of the brushless permanent magnet (PM) motor such as a cogging torque, electromagnetic torque ripples and an increase in induced voltage harmonics. To illustrate how important it is to properly design the rotor core, two rotors of the IPM motor were analysed in this work. In the first rotor solution, the minimisation of the anisotropy of the magnetic sheet was not taken into account, and the skew of the magnets was not used. In the second case of the IPM motor, the problem of anisotropy of the rotor magnetic circuit was minimised and an additional skew of the PMs was used. The obtained measurements and calculations of selected useful parameters of both rotor designs were compared with each other. Importantly, the conclusions and comments are extremely important for designers, assemblers and manufacturers of electrical machine components.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mariusz Korkosz
Adrian Młot
Elżbieta Sztajmec
Karol Ryłło
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The design of responsive structures has evolved significantly, establishing itself as an interdisciplinary field characterized by a fully customized ideation process. To streamline and unify this process, a novel method for modeling the behavior of rod-like responsive structures using an evolutionary algorithm is introduced. The proposed mathematical framework leverages key geometric and physic parameters to control the generative process, enabling adaptability and fluidity in form development. By employing an evolutionary algorithm, the method offers an alternative to conventional rigid and repetitive morphing models, providing flexibility and innovation in responsive design outcomes. The developed model supports independent learning and fosters originality in solutions at both architectural and urban scales. Moreover, the presented methodology serves as the foundation upon which the authors developed the model, enabling its application across a wide spectrum of responsive structures for users. This paper addresses challenges in spatial modeling, behavioral algorithms, and the implementation of responsive architecture, presenting the author’s innovative model for rod-like responsive structures alongside performance analysis. The methodology demonstrates promising results in terms of adaptability and efficiency, with potential for further refinement to enhance speed and output quality. Research also describes challenges and risks for further development of responsive models implementation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Jankowski
Waldemar Bober
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The paper states a complex study on the adaptive rescue cushion and concerns a problem of efficient impact mitigation, which is present during evacuation or assurance of people conducted by fire brigades. In order to minimize negative effects of person’s fall from height an airbag system is applied. Unfortunately, until now only passive solutions have been used. As a result, loads acting on a landing person were not minimized, because passive systems are designed for predefined, extreme conditions. Since the authors proposed to introduce adaptation mechanisms into the rescue cushion, a number of issues arose. They include construction and control of release vents, taking into account the inaccuracies of estimated impact parameters, and optimization of the venting area in case the evacuated person lands outside the airbag’s center. All these problems were addressed within this paper and described in detail. Discussion on the system adaptation and its optimization was preceded by experimental validation of a numerical model. The energy absorbing capabilities of widely used passive rescue cushions were significantly enhanced as a result of the conducted research.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rami Faraj
Błażej Popławski
Dorian Gabryel
Grzegorz Mikułowski
Rafał Wiszowaty
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This paper describes research on a prototype of a multi-axis force and torque sensor dedicated to the support system of a telescopic camera crane arm. Based on studies conducted on an actual telescopic camera crane arm., the requirements that the sensor must meet to enable precise control of the drives in two working axes of the telescopic camera crane arm were defined. In the developed sensor, a method for measuring forces and torques using an optical displacement sensor was proposed. A simplified sensor prototype was made to verify the assumptions, and measurement tests were carried out. Additionally, the paper presents a CAD model of the sensor using an elastic pin, based on which a numerical model was developed, and calculations of displacements and mechanical stresses were performed.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Młotek
Piotr Mynarek
Marcin Kowol
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This paper presents a detailed study on the impact of temperature on the performance of a nonlinear electromagnetic vibration energy harvester, which is applied in autonomous power systems. The variability of material properties under the influence of temperature, such as stiffness, damping, and magnetic induction, significantly affects the operational characteristics of the device. A mathematical model accounting for these factors, including linear and quadratic temperature coefficients, optimized using a genetic algorithm, is presented in the article. The simulation results were compared with experimental data, showing good agreement, particularly in the range of frequency bandwidth and output voltage. It was demonstrated that higher temperatures lead to a reduction in mechanical and magnetic stiffness, resulting in decreased energy conversion efficiency.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marcin Kulik
Rafał Gabor
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The fast algorithms of discrete sinusoidal transform of the fourth type (DST-IV) for small-length input data in the range of lengths from 2 to 9 are developed. Fast algorithms for short input data sequences are subsequently used as building blocks for designing fast algorithms of large-sized discrete transforms. Applying the fast DST-IV algorithms for small-size block processing can reduce overall system complexity and delay, allowing detailed signal processing. As a result of the literature review, two main approaches to developing fast discrete sine transform (DST) algorithms were identified, namely, the polynomial algebraic approach and the matrix factorization approach. In the paper, the last approach is exploited. A matrix-vector product expression of the DST-IV is the starting point for designing the fast algorithms. Then based on the repetition and arranging of the matrix elements, the factorization of the matrices of coefficients of DST-IV is produced to reduce computational complexity. The correctness of the obtained algorithmic solutions was justified theoretically using a strict mathematical background of each of them. The elaborated algorithms were then further tested using MATLAB R2023b software to finally confirm their performance. The resulting factorizations of the DST-IV matrices reduce the number of multiplications by 63% but increase the number of additions by 8% on average in the range of signal sample numbers from 3 to 9. It has been observed that for even-length input sequences, the reduction in the number of multiplications is not as significant as for odd-length sequences. For some other well-known discrete trigonometric transforms (discrete Fourier transform, discrete Hartley transform) the opposite situation holds. The proposed DST-IV fast algorithms do not limit the length of the input data sequence to powers of two or three. The data flow graphs constructed for the proposed algorithms reveal their modular space-time structure suitable for VLSI implementation.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marina Polyakova
Anna Witenberg
Aleksandr Cariov
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In this paper, a university formula racing suspension is taken as the research object. Based on the requirements of acing suspension, the double wishbone suspension is improved, and a new arrangement scheme based on the stepped shaft is proposed, which theoretically realizes the decoupling of the pitch stiffness and the roll stiffness of the suspension. Based on ADAMS/Car module, the front and rear suspension models are established. By simulating the motion of formula racing, it is further judged whether the pitch and roll stiffness of the suspension are decoupled. According to this, the hard point coordinates of the suspension is adjusted to ensure that the length of each spring changes within the ideal range. Based on the optimized suspension, according to the national standard test method and the scoring standard of the automobile industry, combined with the university formula racing project, the vehicle handling stability test and scoring evaluation are carried out, and the vehicle handling stability is verified by the real vehicle test. A set of decoupling suspension is obtained, which can realize separate adjustment of pitch stiffness and roll stiffness and improve vehicle handling stability.
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Authors and Affiliations

Han Xu
Jiachuan Xu
Xuemin Cui
Yang Zhou
Xinyu Sun
Zongqi Wang
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The article compares selected classification algorithms and those dedicated to anomaly detection. The models used temperature measurements in four rooms simulated in the Matlab Simscape environment as test signals. The empirical part of the work consists of two parts. In the first one, an example data from the simulated building heating model object, models were built using unsupervised and supervised machine learning algorithms. Then, data from the facility was collected again with changed parameters (failures occurred at times other than the test ones, and the temperature patterns differed from those recorded and used to train the models). The algorithms' effects and test signals (temperature changes) were saved in the database. The obtained results were presented graphically in the Grafana program. The second part of the work presents a solution in which the analysis of the operating status of the heating system takes place in real time. Using an OPC server, data was exchanged between the Matlab environment and the database installed on a virtual machine in the Ubuntu system. The conclusions present the results and collect the authors' suggestions regarding the practical applications of the discussed classification models.
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Authors and Affiliations

Sandra Włostowska
Bartłomiej Kawa
Piotr Borkowski
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The widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has heightened the demand for effective UAV monitoring, particularly in protected areas. Current learning-based detection systems depend heavily on camera sensors’ ability to capture UAVs in surveillance areas; however, advanced camera control methods remain limited. This paper proposes determining multi-camera trajectories that maximize UAV capture probability, ensuring UAVs remain within the camera’s field of view for further analysis, such as detection methods from camera-shot images. For this purpose, stochastic modelling is considered in the control framework for optimizing surveillance camera trajectories to enhance the probability of capturing UAVs. Key control parameters are derived through classical probability evaluations of the model with maximizing the entropy and covering trajectory-based strategies are applied. The reliability of stochastic system modeling is empirically validated through comprehensive computational experiments. These findings demonstrate the model’s potential to enhance UAV capture rates through optimized camera trajectories and coverage efficiency, paving the way for future advancements in real-environment applications.
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Authors and Affiliations

Khishigjargal Gonchigsumlaa
Young Il Kim
Kun Min Yeo
Seong Hee Park
Yong Tae Lee
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This paper introduces a control strategy utilizing the Fractional Variable Order PID digital controller (FVOPID). We employ two variants of fractional discrete-time operators with variable order: the Grünwald-Letnikov type and its convolution version. We examine and compare the performance of both controllers types on a higher order plant. Parameter optimization is conducted using a particle swarm algorithm.
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Authors and Affiliations

Dorota Mozyrska
Malgorzata Wyrwas
Piotr Oziablo
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This article is the second part of a comprehensive research program investigating the structural performance of thinwalled channels with modified cross-sectional geometries. The study involved testing six beams, three of which featured perforated webs, while the other three had flat, solid webs. The beams were subjected to four-point bending tests to evaluate their load-bearing capacity. The first part of the research presented the results of experimental tests and finite strip analysis. This article will focus on finite element analyses and analytical calculations conducted in accordance with Eurocode 3 guidelines and the principle of minimizing potential energy. The study provides several significant contributions: it integrates experimental, numerical, and theoretical methods to deliver a thorough evaluation of beam performance. The finite element method (FEM) simulations offer precise modeling of complex stress and strain states, while analytical calculations supply a solid theoretical foundation for interpreting structural behavior. The research demonstrates that web perforation, while reducing critical and maximum forces, also results in considerable weight savings, enhancing material efficiency. Additionally, the division of the research into two articles ensures clarity and accessibility, with this second part dedicated to detailed FEM and analytical results, thereby facilitating both academic understanding and practical engineering applications.
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Authors and Affiliations

Paweł Jasion
Aleksandra Magdalena Pawlak
Piotr Paczos
Michał Plust
Marcin Rodak
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The subject of this study is thin-walled channel sections with a modified cross-sectional shape. The investigation involved six beams, three of which had perforations on the web, while the other three had a flat, solid web. The beams were subjected to four-point bending tests. Experimental tests were conducted using both electronic and optical methods, with a test setup specifically designed for this investigation. Additionally, numerical analyses were performed using the Finite Strip Method. The primary objective of the research was to determine the impact of web perforations on the strength and stability of the bent beams. The perforation of the web also resulted in a reduction in the overall weight of the structure, thereby decreasing material consumption. Based on the research, the critical forces and maximum forces at which total loss of load-bearing capacity occurred were determined. Furthermore, the buckling modes of the beams were identified. The study revealed that the critical and maximum forces for beams with perforated webs were lower compared to beams with a flat, solid web. However, the significant reduction in weight for the perforated beams suggests that their use remains advantageous. The results of FEM and analytical analyses, essential for modeling and understanding complex behaviors in thin-walled structures, will be presented in the second part of this publication to maintain clarity and accessibility.
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Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Paczos
Aleksandra Magdalena Pawlak
Paweł Jasion
Michał Plust
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This paper discusses the research and multivariate analyses of rheological properties of asphalt binders and mastics containing various mineral fillers and SBS copolymer-modified bitumen. In the experimental design employed, three types of mineral filler were used: limestone, basalt or granodiorite. For the purpose of determining the effect of ageing processes on the rheological properties of the obtained mastics, all asphalt binders tested were subjected to short-term (technological) ageing simulated under laboratory conditions using the RTFOT method. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the rutting resistance of modified binders and asphalt mastics depending on such factors as: the type of mineral filler, the percentage of SBS copolymer, temperature, and the influence of the ageing process. A three-way ANOVA was used to test for rutting resistance. The results of laboratory tests and statistical analyses made it possible to assess the significance of the factors examined in the research on the rutting resistance of asphalt binders and mastics, both before and after short-term ageing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Marta Mielczarek
Karol Andrzejczak
Mieczysław Słowik
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The performance of a large-size helical baffle heater in an in-situ operating is investigated using a numerical simulation method. It revealed that the fluid in the shell retains a spiral flow, and the output flow velocity is higher than in the surrounding area. However, the pitch design is rather big, resulting in a low-velocity flow zone on the backwind side. At 100 kW and 500 m³/h, the fluid flow is turbulent. 50 kW and 200 m³/h, the fluid remained laminar. As flow rate rose, the pressure of tar-rich coal formation grew dramatically. The wall temperature exhibited spiral plunger at the inlet, but the bottom temperature was symmetrically distributed. Under low power and flow, Reynolds number change has a greater impact on the combination of Nusselt and Prandtl number. The wellbore experiences higher thermal loads during downhole heating, increasing the possibility of thermal damage dramatically. An increase in the heater shell length improves the total heat transfer performance. Conventional heaters often only heat the bottom formation. Therefore, while optimizing the construction, it is vital to ensure that the weight of heater itself does not exceed the tensile strength of cable, and consider shifting down the perforation outlet or lowering the outlet.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ying Tang
Li Xiao
Fan Yang
Xiaodan Wu
Zhan Su
Yue Zhang
Shixin Jiang
Peng Yang

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