Nauki Techniczne

Archives of Civil Engineering


Archives of Civil Engineering | 2021 | vol. 67 | No 3

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The state of the art in the field of composite polymer bridges in Poland is presented below. Such bridges were built from 1999. Some of them are fully composite polymer structure. Others are developed as hybrid structure. There are two kind of structures: steel girders with FRP deck and FRP girders with concrete deck. Different production methods of FRP elements were used: pultrusion and infusion. Some bridges are the result of research programs, but there are also some commercial projects. Also, the short application history of FRP bridges all over the world is presented and material properties of the construction material are given in the paper. Those materials are much more lighter than steel or concrete. Low weight of FRP materials is an advantage but also disadvantage. It is good from structural and economical point of view because the dimensions of girders, piers and foundation will be smaller. From opposite side to light structure could cause problems related to response of structure against dynamic actions. As a final result the fatigue strength and durability will be reduced. Of course, the high cost of FRP (CFRP especially) limits at the moment range of application. The presented in the paper bridge structures show that despite of mentioned above problems they are now in good conditions and their future life looks optimistic. It could be supposed that modification and/or development of FRP production technologies more better utilizing their properties will create more elegant and useful bridges.
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[1] Chróścielewski J., Miśkiewicz M., Pyrzowski Ł, Wilde K., “Composite GFRP U-shaped footbridge”, Polish Maritime Research, Special Issue 2017 S1 (93) 2017 Vol. 24, pp. 25–31.
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[27], 2021.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Siwowski
Henryk Zobel
Thakaa Al-Khafaji
Wojciech Karwowski

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering & Architecture, ul. Powstancow Warszawy 12, 35-859 Rzeszow, Poland
  2. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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The subject of this paper is to analyse the climate change and its influence on the energy performance of building and indoor temperatures. The research was made on the example of the city of Kielce, Poland. It was was carried out basing on the Municipal Adaptive Plan for the city of Kielce and climate data from the Ministry of Investment and Development.The predicted, future parameters of the climate were estimated using the tool Weather Shift for Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP). The analysis took into consideration the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios for years 2035 and 2065, representing different greenhouse gas concentration trajectories. Scenario RCP4.5represents possible, additional radiative forcing of 4.5 W/m2 in 2100, and RCP8.5 an additional 8.5 W/m2. The calculated parameters included average month values of temperature and relative humidity of outdoor air, wind velocity and solar radiation. The results confirmed the increase of outdoor temperature in the following year. The values of relative humidity do not change significantly for the winter months, while in the summer months decrease is visible. No major changes were spotted in the level of solar radiation or wind speed. Based on the calculated parameters dynamic building modelling was carried out using the TRNSYS software. The methodology and results of the calculations will be presented in the second part of the paper.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Szymon Firląg
Artur Miszczuk
Bartosz Witkowski

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław, Poland
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In this study, we tried to understand the horizontal bearing performances of step-tapered piles using numerical simulations. The influence of the geometric parameters, e.g. the diameter ( D) and the distance (L), and the length ( H) of the pile were considered, and the soil distribution imposed on the horizontal bearing capacity of the piles was simulated. Numerical results show that when the other geometrical parameters of step-tapered piles are kept unchanged: (a) the increasing diameter ( D) of the enlarged upper part of step-tapered piles improves the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of step-tapered piles; (b) reduced distance ( L) improves the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of the step-tapered piles; (c) Increasing length ( H) of the enlarged upper part of steptapered piles increases the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity; (d) the reduced length ( H) decreases the bending moment of the pile body. Higher soil strength surrounding the enlarged upper part of step-tapered piles can increase the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of step-tapered piles. The change of soil strengths at the end of the step-tapered piles does not influence the horizontal ultimate bearing capacity of step-tapered piles.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Liangxiao Xiong
Haijun Chen
Zhongyuan Xu
Changheng Yang

  1. School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, East China Jiaotong University, Nanchang 330013, PR China
  2. Geotechnical Engineering Department, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, 210029, PR China
  3. Department of Earth Sciences, University of Delaware, DE 19716, United States
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The overall efficiency of a construction of a deep excavation urban project does not depend only on the duration of the construction but also on its influence on the urban environment and the traffic [9, 10]. These two things depend greatly on the excavation method and the construction stages defined during the design process. This paper describes the construction stages of three metro stations (two stations in Warsaw and one in Paris) and discusses their advantages and disadvantages including among other things its impact on neighbouring infrastructure and the city’s traffic. An important conclusion drawn from this analysis is that the shape of the slabs used can considerably affect the design and the construction stages. For example, a vaulted top slab allows an almost immediate traffic restoration and a vaulted bottom raft allows a much shorter dewatering period.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Kacprzak
Tomasz Daktera
Andrzej Stańczyk
Urszula Tomczak
Seweryn Bodus
Michał Werle

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Soletanche Bachy International 280 Avenue Napoléon Bonaparte, 92500 Rueil Malmaison, France
  3. Warbud S.A.
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The paper presents analysis of effect of structural soil backfill parameters on load capacity of culvert made as buried flexible steel structure. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the assumptions of the Sundquist-Pettersson method. The principles of the analysis of the structure in terms of ultimate limit strength, serviceability and fatigue in permanent and temporary calculation situations are described. The second part presents a design example of a soil steel composite bridge in the form of a closed profile culvert made of MulitiPlate-type corrugated sheet. The static and strength calculations were conducted according to the Sundquist-Pettersson method and the guidelines presented in the Eurocodes. According to the guidelines, the value of the backfill tangent modulus was determined using the simplified (A) and precise (B) methods. It was found that the modulus values determined by the simplified method were about three times lower than for the exact method, leading to very conservative, uneconomical results. The structural calculations using the tangent modulus determined by the simplified method, indicated that the load capacity of the structure was exceeded, regardless of the thickness of the backfill used (in the range from 0.5 to 5 m). The use of the tangent modulus determined using the precise method resulted in a significant reduction in stress to bearing capacity ratio of analysed parameters. Similar reduction was observed with the increase in the thickness of the backfill.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Bakalarz
Paweł Kossakowski
Wiktor Wciślik

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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A comprehensive assessment of buildings in accordance with the concept of sustainable development requires their analysis in three economic, environmental and social aspects. J It is a multi-criteria assessment, which takes into account many factors and their significance for the purpose of this assessment. Due to the complexity of this assessment, it can be performed due to a particular aspect, and the result obtained is a component of the global quality indicator as an additive function. The article presents the results of research conducted in large-panel buildings (LPB) enabling their assessment due to the social aspect. It is particularly important in the assessment of residential buildings, and the existing large resources of LPB are the basis for choosing them for such assessment According to the PN-EN 16309 + A1: 2014-12 standard, during conducting a social assessment of buildings, six main categories should be taken into account, which include: accessibility, adaptability, health and comfort, impact on the neighborhood, maintenance and maintainability, safety and security. The presented data was obtained as a result of the analysis of the features of selected buildings from the “large panel” located in housing estates in Cracow and Jędrzejów using a computer application. It is based on a mathematical model that was developed as part of a doctoral dissertation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Radziejowska
Anna Sobotka

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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The paper presents the comparison of dynamic modulus and phase lag in different loading conditions for asphalt concrete mixture with or without reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) addition. For each mixture, 6 samples were tested using the four point bending beam method, at four temperatures and at six frequencies. The results of the study were subjected to the analysis of the statistical significance of differences between mixtures. The graphic form of results presentation includes Black curves and Cole-Cole plots. Then, matching the sigmoidal functions enabled the creation of master curves of the complex stiffness module and the phase shift angle, being a function of the load frequency. It has been observed that the mixture with the addition of RAS has higher stiffness and elasticity in the range of higher temperatures (20°C and 30°C) and lower load frequencies, which results in higher values of the complex stiffness module and lower values of the phase lag. At 0°C, the behavior of both mixtures is very similar, while at 10°C significant differences between the tested mixtures were found only for low frequency loads (up to 5 Hz). Test results have shown that mixtures with the addition of RAS have a lower thermal sensitivity in terms of the complex stiffness modulus and phase lag than the reference mixture. The above results confirmed an improvement in rutting resistance for RAS mixes observed in previous work.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Piotr Zieliński

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Kraków, Poland
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The cost estimation at the pre-project stage provides an important decision-making indicator for the future of the project. With a preliminary cost estimation, project participants can make financial decisions and cost control. The aim of this paper is to propose a model for estimating the costs of facade systems before the pre-design stage, using the GAM (Generalized Additive Model) method. The commonly used method for the valuation of facade systems is based on individual calculation. Such valuation process is complicated and time consuming. For this reason the search for a new forecasting method is justified. The database developed for modelling purposes includes 61 cases of real costs of system façade execution for public buildings. Each case is described by 16 parameters (namely, input variables). The average absolute percentage error (MAPE) was used to assess the model, which takes the value of 14,26% for the generalized model with a logarithmic binding function and 11.77% for the model with an identity binding function. On the basis of the studies and the results obtained, it can be concluded that the constructed model is useful and can improve the process of forecasting system façade costs at the pre-projection stage.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Agnieszka Leśniak
Monika Górka

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute, 24 Warszawska street, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
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The paper presents the results of experimental tests on the reinforcement of bent laminated veneer lumber beams with carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips glued to the bottom of elements. CFRP strips (1.4×43×2800 mm) were glued to the beams by means of epoxy resin. The tests were performed on full-size components with nominal dimensions of 45×200×3400 mm. Static bending tests were performed in a static scheme of the so-called four-point bending. The increase in the load bearing capacity of the reinforced elements (maximum bending moment and loading force) was 38% when compared to reference beams. A similar increase was noted in relation to the deflection of the elements at maximum loading force. For the global stiffness coefficient in bending, the increase for reinforced beams was 21%. There was a change in the way elements were destroyed from brittle, sudden destruction for reference beams resulting from the exhaustion of tensile strength to more ductile destruction initiated in the compressive zone for reinforced beams. The presented method can be applied to existing structures.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Michał Bakalarz

  1. Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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The paper presents a modified finite element method for nonlinear analysis of 2D beam structures. To take into account the influence of the shear flexibility, a Timoshenko beam element was adopted. The algorithm proposed enables using complex material laws without the need of implementing advanced constitutive models in finite element routines. The method is easy to implement in commonly available CAE software for linear analysis of beam structures. It allows to extend the functionality of these programs with material nonlinearities. By using the structure deformations, computed from the nodal displacements, and the presented here generalized nonlinear constitutive law, it is possible to iteratively reduce the bending, tensile and shear stiffnesses of the structures. By applying a beam model with a multi layered cross-section and generalized stresses and strains to obtain a representative constitutive law, it is easy to model not only the complex multi-material cross-sections, but also the advanced nonlinear constitutive laws (e.g. material softening in tension). The proposed method was implemented in the MATLAB environment, its performance was shown on the several numerical examples. The cross-sections such us a steel I-beam and a steel I-beam with a concrete encasement for different slenderness ratios were considered here. To verify the accuracy of the computations, all results are compared with the ones received from a commercial CAE software. The comparison reveals a good correlation between the reference model and the method proposed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Damian Mrówczyński
Tomasz Gajewski
Tomasz Garbowski

  1. Research and Development Division, FEMAT Sp. z o.o., Romana Maya 1, 61-371, Poznan, Poland
  2. Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Structural Analysis, Piotrowo 5, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
  3. Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Biosystems Engineering, Wojska Polskiego 50, 60-627 Poznan, Poland
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The subject of the wind tunnel tests is a steel chimney 85 m high of cylindrical – type structure with a grid-type curtain structure situated at its upper part. The model of the upper part of the chimney made in the scale of 1:19 was equipped with 3 levels of wind pressure measurement points. Each level contained 24 points connected with pressure scanners. On the base of the pressure measurements, both mean and instantaneous aerodynamic drag and side force coefficients were determined. Next wind gust factors for these two wind action components were determined. Moreover, for each pressure signal Fast Fourier Transform was done. Mean wind action components were also determined using stain gauge aerodynamic balance. Obtained results make possible to conclude that the solution applied in the upper part of the designed chimney is correct from building aerodynamics point of view. Some minor vortex excitations were observed during model tests of the upper part of the chimney. The basic dynamic excitation of this part of the chimney is atmospheric turbulence.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Flaga
Renata Kłaput
Łukasz Flaga
Piotr Krajewski

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Wind Engineering Laboratory, Jana Pawła II 37/3a, 31-864 Cracow
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Being negatively impressed by the data published by the European Commission in CARE (Community database on Accidents on the Roads in Europe), where Poland is presented as the European Country with the highest rate of fatalities in road crashes involving cyclists during 4 years period (2009–2013), the Authors decided to analyse available data. Bikes become a more and more popular means of transport and the way of active recreation. In Warsaw, the share of bicycle trips rises 1 to 3% per year. The aforementioned, together with increasing traffic density, caused 4233 registered injuries among cyclists in 2018 in Poland. In 286 cases the accidents were direct reasons for the cyclists’ death. Considering these facts, it becomes extremely important to point the most influencing factors and conditions contributing to cyclists’ serious accidents. Onedimensional or two-dimensional statistics are not sufficient to find all important associations between the road conditions and the number of cyclists’ accidents. To overcome that the association analysis is applied. The results of the analysis can contribute to increasing the knowledge and safety of transport.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Hubert Anysz
Paweł Włodarek
Piotr Olszewski
Salvatore Cafiso

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. University of Catania, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95131 Catania, Italy
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Waste tyres are among the largest and most problematic sources of waste today, due to the large volume produced and their long-lasting decomposition and resistance to water and extreme temperatures. Since 2000 in Europe the EU Landfill Directive has forbidden the disposal of waste tyres in a landfill. Since then waste tyre derived products (TDP), including whole tyres, tyre bales, shreds, chips, and crumb rubber, have been widely used also in civil engineering applications. The baling is nowadays the best way for the product recycling of waste tyres. Waste tyre bales have considerable potential for use in road applications, particularly where their low density, permeability and ease of handling give them an advantage. Road applications include but are not limited to: embankments construction, slope stabilization and repair (landslides), road foundations over soft ground, backfill material for retaining walls and gravity retaining structures (gabion-type). Several case studies, showing the opportunities to use waste tyre bales in road construction, are presented and illustrated in the paper preceded by providing the engineering properties of waste tyre bales, used within the road structures constructed worldwide. The article also describes the first world application of abutment backfill from the tyre bales in a road bridge, realized in Poland.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksander Duda
Tomasz Siwowski

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture, Al. Powstanców Warszawy 12, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland
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Helicopters of the Medical Air Rescue (LPR) help transport the patients to large hospitals quickly. The requirements for the space around the helipad and flight safety mean that more elevated helipads than ground helipads are built at hospitals located in proximity to the city centres. Elevated helipads can vary in design and location depending on the opportunities offered by the hospital buildings and their surroundings. The Vibroacoustic Laboratory of the Warsaw Institute of Aviation took measurements to determine the impact of a helicopter on a hospital elevated helipad during landing or taking off. Helicopter landings are neither frequent nor long, however, they can have a significant impact on a helipad structure, the hospital building itself and its patients, staff or equipment. The impact of the helicopter includes both the noise, vibrations transmitted by the helicopter chassis and air pulsations under the rotor (low-frequency ones). This paper discusses some methods used for measuring vibration properties of several elevated helipads and building recorded during the landing and take-off of the EC135 helicopter. The sample results of such tests are also presented. The tests discussed can be used to verify both the assumptions and calculations referring to helipads and to meet the requirements of the standards in the field of noise and vibrations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Wiesław Krzymień

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation, Al. Krakowska 110/114, 02-256 Warsaw
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The article presents numerical analysis of a typical residential building in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, which was erected in the early twentieth century and was not protected against mining ground deformations. The greatest impact of ground deformation on buildings are ground horizontal strain ε and ground curvature K. Numerical calculations included the building and the ground to take into account the effect of soilstructure interaction. The structure of the analysed building was made of masonry with wooden ceiling and roof elements. The ground was implemented as a layer 3.0m below the foundations and 3.0 m outside the building's projection. Construction loads are divided into two stages – permanent and functional loads as well as ground mining deformation. The maximum convex curvature K+ and the horizontal strain of the substrate ε+ were achieved in the 8th load step. The results of the analyses were presented in the form of stress and deformation maps. The most important results are the magnitude of the main tensile stresses σmax, which could to create cracks in the structure may occur after exceeding the tensile strength ft of the material. The presented method can be used to the analysis of endangered building objects by mining ground deformations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Leszek Szojda
Łukasz Kapusta

  1. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Structural Engineering, ul. Akademicka 5,44-100 Gliwice, Poland
  2. Kielce University of Technology, Department of Environmental, Geomatic and Energy Engineering, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 7, 25-314 Kielce, Poland
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This paper discusses the use of mechanical cone penetration test CPTM for estimating the soil unit weight of selected organic soils in Rzeszow site, Poland. A search was made for direct relationships between the empirically determined the soil unit weight value and cone penetration test leading parameters (cone resistance qc, sleeve friction fs. The selected, existing models were also analysed in terms of suitability for estimating the soil unit weight and tests were performed to predict the value soil unit weight of local, different organic soils. Based on own the regression analysis, the relationships between empirically determined values of soil unit weight and leading parameters cone penetration test were determined. The results of research and analysis have shown that both existing models and new, determined regression analysis methods are poorly matched to the unit weight values determined in laboratory, the main reason may be the fact that organic soils are characterized by an extremely complicated, diverse and heterogeneous structure. This often results in a large divergence and lack of repeatability of results in a satisfactorily range. Therefore, in addition, to improve the predictive performances of the relationships, analysis using the artificial neural networks (ANN) was carried out.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Grzegorz Straż
Artur Borowiec

  1. Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture Civil Engineering, Powstańców Warszawy 12 Av., 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland
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The liquidation of underground mines by the flooding leads to movements of the rock mass and land surface as a result of pressure changes in the flooded zones. The changes resulting from the rising water table caused by the changes in the stress and strain state, as well as the physical and mechanical properties of rock layers, can lead to damage to building structures and environmental changes, such as chemical pollution of the surface water. For this reason, the ability to predict the movements of rock masses generated as a result of mine closure by flooding serves a key function in relation to the protection of the land surface and buildings present thereon. This paper presents an analysis of a steel industrial portal-frame structure under loading generated by the liquidation of a mine by flooding. The authors obtained land surface uplift results for the liquidated mine and used them in a numerical simulation for the example building. Calculations were performed for different cases, and the results were compared to determine whether limit states may be exceeded. A comparison was made between the cases for the design state and for additional loading caused by the uplift of the subsurface layer of the rock mass.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mateusz Dudek
Janusz Rusek
Krzysztof Tajduś
Leszek Słowik
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The article presents the results of investigation of mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight concrete with waste copper slag as fine aggregate. The obtained results were compared with the results of concrete of the same composition in which natural fine aggregate (river sand) was used. The thermal properties tests carried out with the ISOMET 2114 device included determination of the following values: thermal conductivity coefficient, thermal volume capacity and thermal diffusivity. After determining the material density, the specific heat values were also calculated. The thermal parameters were determined in two states of water saturation: on fully saturated material and dried to constant mass at 65°C. Compressive strength, open porosity and bulk density are given as supplementary values. The results of the conducted research indicate that replacing sand with waste copper slag allows to obtain concrete of higher ecological values, with similar mechanical parameters and allowing to obtain significant energy savings in functioning of cubature structures made of it, due to a significantly lower value of thermal conductivity coefficient.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Roman Jaskulski
Piotr Dolny
Yaroslav Yakymechko

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry, ul. Łukasiewicza 17, 09-400 Płock, Poland
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The present paper focuses on the analysis of resistance of several prototypical under sleeper pads (USP) to severe environmental conditions. Taking into account the climate in Poland, evaluation of USP in regard to water and frost resistance should be performed and the influence of high temperatures should be analyzed. In the present paper results of several tests carried out on the selected USP are presented. The tests were performed in accordance with the rules given in PN-EN 16730. Concrete blocks with USP were immersed in water at room temperature for 24 h and then placed in a climatic chamber for resistance testing. The results show that the severe environmental conditions influence the damping-related parameters of USP, which affects the effectiveness of the vibration isolation. The performed analyses allowed the authors to indicate the most resistant pads that will undergo further testing. Additionally, requirements of several railway infrastructure managers as well as authors' recommendations concerning the properties of USP were given.
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[11] C. Jayasuriya, B. Indraratna, T.N. Ngo, “Experimental study to examine the role of under sleeper pads for improved performance of ballast under cyclic loading”, Transportation Geotechnics 19: pp. 61–73, 2019.
[12] C. Kraśkiewicz, A. Zbiciak, A. Al Sabouni-Zawadzka, A. Piotrowski, “Experimental Research on Fatigue Strength of Prototype under Sleeper Pads Used in the Ballasted Rail Track Systems”, Archives of Civil Engineering 66(1): pp. 241–255, 2020.
[13] Zbiciak, C. Kraśkiewicz, Al Sabouni-Zawadzka, J. Pełczyński, S. Dudziak, “A Novel Approach to the Analysis of Under Sleeper Pads (USP) Applied in the Ballasted Track Structures”, Materials 13(11): p. 2438, 2020.
[14] IRS 70713-1: Railway Application – Track & Structure “Under Sleeper Pads (USP) - Recommendations for Use”, 1st edition 01.04.2018.
[15] PN-EN 16730:2016-08 Railway applications – track – concrete sleepers and bearers with under sleeper pads.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Cezary Kraśkiewicz
Artur Zbiciak
Anna Al Sabouni-Zawadzka

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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In drill and blast tunneling method (D&B), non-electric detonators are the most commonly used initiation system. The constant development of excavation technology provides advanced tools for achieving better results of excavation. The research presented in this paper was focused on the attempt to evaluate the influence of electronic detonators, which nowadays are unconventional in tunnelling engineering, on the quality of the excavated tunnel contour. Based on the data form Bjørnegård tunnel in Sandvika, where electronic detonators were tested in five blasting rounds, detailed analysis of drilling was performed. The analysis was made based on the data from laser scanning of the tunnel. 103 profile scans were used for the analysis: 68 from non-electric detonators and 35 from electronic detonators rounds. The results analyzed in terms of contour quality showed that comparing to the results from rounds blasted with non-electric detonators, there was not significant improvement of the contour quality in rounds with electronic detonators.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Monika Skłodowska
1 2
Monika Mitew-Czajewska

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Now at: Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS, Borgo Grotta Gigante 42/C - 34010 - Sgonico, Italy & University of Trieste, Piazzale Europa 1, Trieste, Italy
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This paper presents a study of laminated veneer lumber panels subjected to bending. Laminated veneer lumber (LVL) is a sustainable building material manufactured by laminating 3-4-mm-thick wood veneers, using adhesives. The authors of this article studied the behaviour of type R laminated veneer lumber (LVL R), in which all veneers are glued together longitudinally – along the grain. Tensile, compressive and bending tests of LVL R were conducted. The short-term behaviour, load carrying-capacity, mode of failure and load-deflection of the LVL R panels were investigated. The authors observed failure modes at the collapse load, associated with the delamination and cracking of veneer layers in the tensile zone. What is more, two non-linear finite element models of the tested LVL R panel were developed and verified against the experimental results. In the 3D finite element model, LVL R was described as an elastic-perfectly plastic material. In the 2D finite element model, on the other hand, it was described as an orthotropic material and its failure was captured using the Hashin damage model. The comparison of the numerical and experimental analyses demonstrated that the adopted numerical models yielded the results similar to the experimental results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Marcin Chybiński
Łukasz Polus

  1. Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering, Piotrowo 5 Street, 60-965 Poznan, Poland
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In pursuing numerous construction projects, investors and contractors regularly face construction delay problems, many of which are likely to have been avoidable. There is found that payment delays and project delays are the two most critical effects of risk factors of construction management. The paper presents the practical application of the Earned Value Management method, which was used to estimate the possible extension of the duration of construction works during which realization disturbances occurred on the example of selected construction investment. The realization disturbances are usually an inseparable element in the implementation of construction works. They are the result of, among others: additional works, changes or design defects, as well as a badly adopted logistics strategy regarding the supply of construction materials. Delays or increasing the total cost of investment is a problem often encountered in the implementation of construction investments, despite advanced construction technologies, including system technologies and proven tools supporting the management of the construction process. The EVM method is used to control investments. It allows you to control delays and acceleration of construction works as well as to estimate their cost and completion date. In the analyzed case it was used to determine the scale of delays arising in construction works and related effects with the specification of the participation of individual participants of the investment process for delays. This paper is a continuation and supplementation of the research presented in the article: “The influence of construction works disturbances on the EVM analysis outcomes – case study” [23].
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Anna Starczyk-Kołbyk
Leopold Kruszka

  1. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00–908 Warsaw, Poland
  2. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2,00–908 Warsaw, Poland
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The paper presents the description and results of ultrasonic pulse velocity tests performed on heated beams. The studies aimed to verify the suitability of the UPV method for the assessment of the damaged external layer in the cross-section of RC members after a fire. Four beams heated in a planned way from the bottom (a one-way heat transfer) for 60, 120, 180 and 240 minutes and one unheated beam were examined. The tests were performed using an indirect UPV method (linear measurement on the heated surface). Reference tests were conducted using a direct UPV method (measurement across the member section, parallel to the isotherm layout). Exponential transducers were used for testing concrete surface, which was degraded in high temperature and not grinded. The estimated thicknesses of the destroyed external concrete layer corresponded to the location of the isotherm not exceeding 230oC. Therefore, this test can be used to determine at which depth in the member crosssection the concrete was practically undamaged by high temperature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Julia Wróblewska
Robert Kowalski
Michał Głowacki
Bogumiła Juchnowicz-Bierbasz

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Al. Armii Ludowej 16, 00-637 Warsaw, Poland
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Pea gravel is a kind of a coarse aggregate with a specific particle size used to fill the annular gap between the lining segments and the surrounding ground when tunnel construction with shield machines is performed in hard rock. The main purpose of the present study is to propose quantitative morphological indices of the pea gravel and to establish their relations with the void content of the aggregate and the compressive strength of the mixture of pea gravel and slurry (MPS). Results indicate that the pea gravel of the crushed rock generally have a larger void content than that of the river pebble, and the grain size has the highest influence on the void ratio. Elongation, roughness and angularity have moderate influences on the void ratio. The content of the oversize or undersize particles in the sample affects the void ratio of the granular assembly in a contrary way. The compressive strength of the MPS made with the river pebble is obviously smaller than that of the MPS made with the crushed rock. In the crushed rock samples, the compressive strength increases with the increase of the oversize particle content. The relations between the morphological properties and the void content, and the morphological properties and the compressive strength of the MPS are expressed as regression functions. The outcomes of this study would assist with quality assessments in TBM engineering for the selection of the pea gravel material and the prediction of the compressive strength of the MPS.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jinliang Zhang
Qiuxiang Huang
Chao Hu
Zhiqiang Wang

  1. Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou, Henan, China
  2. State Key Lab of Geohazard Prevention and Environment Protection (SKLGP), Chengdu University of Technology (CDUT), Chengdu, Sichuan, China
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The document presents current methods of forecasting aggregate production, mainly depending on the size and dynamics of changes in GDP. With a view to developing more accurate forecasts, this article presents the dependence of extraction and consumption of mineral aggregates used in construction on two indicators: the general business climate indicator in the construction industry and the cement consumption volume. The results obtained from regression and correlation analysis turned out more favourable for the dependence of aggregates production on cement consumption. This particularly applies to the dependence of sand and gravel aggregate production and total natural aggregate production on cement consumption. Good dependence has also been confirmed for other European countries as well as for the USA. For Poland, the indicator of sand and gravel aggregates production for cement production in recent years was between 9.5 and 12 Mg/Mg. The values of this indicator vary from country to country, mainly depending on the share of different types of aggregates in total production of aggregates in construction industry. Although the indicator values vary considerably, its advantage is that cement production is identified and included in the industrial production balance sheets of most countries, which is not the case when it comes to the identification or accurate record for the production of construction aggregates. The adoption of this indicator makes it possible to monitor the extraction of natural construction aggregates for individual countries and regions more accurately, as called for – among other things – by UN resolutions.
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ireneusz Ryszard Baic
Wiesław Kozioł
Artur Miros

  1. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institue of Mechanised Construction & Rock Mining, Warszawa, Poland
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The effectiveness of applied means of traffic noise protection can be determined through examining acoustic climate of the areas located near the communication routes. It allows to determine sound level in a specific area and determine the extent that its inhabitants are exposed to the effects of noise. The research and the analysis of the acoustic climate were carried out in the town of Podszosie, located in the vicinity of the S7 expressway. The aim of the research was: to determine the level of noise emitted by traffic on the S7 expressway, to determine the effectiveness of noise barriers installed in a given area, to determine the sound level in the vicinity of properties located in Podszosie, to determine whether the noise level in Podszosie is normal. The conducted research allowed the authors to determine the sound level prevailing in the study area, and to what extent its inhabitants are exposed to the effects of noise and how to prevent it. Showing the scale of the problem posed by noise from road transport. In addition to carrying out activities aimed at reducing its level, society should also be made aware of the harmful effects of its impact.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zbigniew Łukasik
Aldona Kuśmińska-Fijałkowska
Jacek Kozyra
Sylwia Olszańska

  1. Faculty of Transport, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom, Radom, Poland
  2. Chair of Logistics and Process Engineering, University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow, Rzeszow, Poland
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The aim of the study was to indicate the procedure of using laboratory physical model tests of scour around bridge piers for the purposes of determining the potential scour of a riverbed on field bridge crossings. The determination of the uniform modeling scale coefficient according to the criterion of reliable sediment diameter limits the application of the results of tests on physical models to selected types of sediment. The projected depths of scouring of the riverbed at the pier in nature were determined for an object reproduced in the scale of 1:15 determined from the relationship of flow resistance, expressed by hydraulic losses described by the Chézy velocity coefficient, the value of which, in the model and in nature, should be the same. Expressing the value of the Chézy velocity coefficient with the Manning roughness coefficient and introducing the Strickler parameter, it was shown that the coarse sand used in the laboratory bed models the flow resistance corresponding to the resistance generated by gravel in nature. The verification of the calculated size of scouring was based on popular formulas from Russian literature by Begam and Volčenkov [16], Laursen and Toch’s [20] from the English, and use in Poland according to the Regulation ... (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 63, item 735) [32].
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sławomir Bajkowski
Marta Kiraga
Janusz Urbański

  1. Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS-SGGW, Institute of Civil Engineering, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
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The article analyses the changes occurring in accidents in the construction industry in Poland. It was analyzed the influence of the season on the number and structure of accidents. Research and analyzes were carried out on the basis of statistical data, made available by the Central Statistical Office, regarding accidents at work in construction that occurred in the period from 2010 to 2018. The total number of accidents at work in the construction sector in in these years shows a significant downward trend. A similar downward trend can also be seen in individual groups of accidents, broken down into light, serious and fatal. Based on the research carried out, the decisive impact of the season on the accident rates in construction sector was noticed. The smallest value of the accident frequency rate in most of the accident types considered can be observed in the winter season. In turn, the highest value of the light and fatal accident frequency rate can be observed in summer season (July - September). Weather conditions, for example, high temperatures and sunshine can lead to dangerous situations which can result in accidents at work. Climate conditions should therefore play an increasingly important role in assessing the risk of accidents.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Iwona Szer
Jacek Szer
Monika Kaszubska
Jakub Miszczak
Bożena Hoła
Ewa Błazik-Borowa
Marek Jabłoński

  1. Lodz University of Technology, Department of Building Materials Physics and Sustainable Design, Politechniki 6, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
  2. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, pl. Grunwaldzki 11, 50-377 Wrocław, Poland
  3. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ul. Nadbystrzycka 40, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
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The paper presents an introduction to the method enabling the estimation of the range of investments necessary for the realisation of the mobility policy understood as the correction of the modal split into the sustainable proportion between car and non-car journeys. The models allow the calculation of the number of travellers required to shift into the public transport mode and the scale of selected investments including the development of the transport network, interchanges, rolling stock, and technical infrastructure. The basis of such calculations is the results of traffic surveys. The worldwide context of the study and similar actions are also presented. The paper consists of five sections. The first section contains a review of current problems connected with the sustainable mobility policy and the role of modal split. The second section focuses on the case study with the presentation of the local mobility policy and selected results of complex traffic surveys. The models used to estimate the investment challenges with exemplary calculations and presentation of similar effects of the intervention are described in the next section (3). Section four contains a discussion on the described methodology. The conclusions in section five end the main part of the paper.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Kruszyna

  1. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław, Poland
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The paper studies the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) with various types and orientation of reinforcement. Analyzed specimens manufactured in the infusion process are made of polymer vinyl ester resin reinforced with glass fibres. Several samples were examined containing different plies and various fibres orientation [0, 90] or [+45, –45]. To assess the mechanical parameters of laminates, a series of experimental tests were carried out. The samples were subjected to the uniaxial tensile tests, which allowed us to obtain substitute parameters, such as modulus of elasticity or strength. After all, results from experiments were used to validate the numerical model. A computational model was developed employing ABAQUS software using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The analysis was performed to verify and compare the results obtained from numerical calculations with the experiments. Additionally, the following failure criteria were studied, based on the index of failure IF Maximum Stress, Maximum Strain, Tsai–Hill, and Tsai–Wu. The results confirmed the assumptions made for the footbridge's design purpose, which is made using examined material. Moreover, comparing the experimental and numerical results found that in the linear-elastic range of the material, they are consistent, and there is no significant difference in results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tomasz Wiczenbach
Tomasz Ferenc

  1. Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk
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The article presents method of assessment of one of the three basic aspects of sustainable construction concerning social utility properties of residential buildings. The study was based on the recommendations of standards [1] and [2], on the basis of which the area of features characterizing the social aspect of buildings was determined. Additionally, the presented method includes criteria which are necessary for the assessment of this aspect, and which are not included in the normative guidelines. The presented method fits in with the current trend of sustainable construction. This method enables and facilitates the comparison of social utility properties in different residential buildings. It is also allows for the classification of buildings according to the degree to which they meet their social utility properties; that can be a practical tool to support the decision on the future of the building (i.e., the sequence of necessary refurbishments) or the decision to buy or sell the property by indicating its strengths and weaknesses. By developing a way to assess a comprehensive set of criteria, the proposed method allows you to quickly and easily assess the social quality of residential buildings. In addition, the proposed measures for individual criteria can easily be adapted to requirements in other countries. The proposed “star” classification can also be used as a universal scale for assessing the social quality index of buildings.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Aleksandra Radziejowska

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Department of Geomechanics, Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Av. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland
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The cable force of a cable-stayed bridge plays a vital role in its internal force state. Different cable forces on both sides of the main tower make the force characteristics of the polygonal-line tower quite different from those of the straight-line tower. Therefore, the determination of the cable force of the polygonal-line tower cable-stayed bridge is a crucial aspect of any evaluation of its mechanical characteristics. A single-cable plane prestressed concrete broken-line tower cable-stayed bridge is taken as a case study to conduct a model test and theoretical cable force determination. The reasonable cable force of the bridge is determined by the minimum bending energy method combined with false load and internal force balance methods. analysis includes a comparison between cable force calculation results, model test results, and the design value of the actual bridge. The distribution law of the dead load cable force of the completed bridge is determined accordingly.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Yanfeng Li
Tianyu Guo
Longsheng Bao
Fuchun Wang

  1. School of Transportation Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China
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In order to investigate the influence of vertical ground motion on seismic responses of story-isolation structures mounted on triple friction pendulum (TFP) bearings, the finite element model of a six-story building with various types of interlayer isolation TFP bearings under far field or near fault ground motions is established and analysed. A discrepancy rate function of peak interlayer shear, acceleration and displacement results is adopted to discuss the influence of the vertical seismic motions on isolation structural responses. Furthermore, the isolation form, the isolation period and the friction coefficient of bearings are changed to study their effect on the vertical seismic component’s influence. The results show that the influence of the vertical seismic component is considerable on the isolation layer especially under near-fault ground motions, so it should not be overlooked during the structural design; The change of isolation forms will greatly affect the influence of the vertical seismic component especially in the isolation layer and isolation systems with isolation devices set on higher stories or with less isolation layers will have less vertical seismic effect on story acceleration; The increase of the isolation period will globally result in the decrease of the influence of vertical seismic components, though in some cases it shows some sort of fluctuation before the final decrease; The increase of the friction coefficient will lead to the global decrease in the influence of the vertical seismic component in single-layer isolation structures, while it does not obviously affect those in the multi-layer isolation systems.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Zhao Fang
Ping Yan

  1. Nanjing Institute of Technology, School of Architecture Engineering, Hongjing Avenue 1, 211167 Nanjing, China
  2. Jiangsu Provincial Architectural D&R Institute LTD, Chuangyi Road 86, 211167 Nanjing, China
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Cutting blasting has been widely used for tunnel excavation. The cutting forms significantly influence the blasting effect. This research focuses on the study of the relationship between cutting forms and blasting effects. Similarity theory is proposed for the experimental study of the rock blasting using small models. Then four experimental modes with different cutting forms are used to study the blasting effect due to the cutting forms. The cutting depth, borehole utilization rate, fragments volume, and average fragment size are analysed. The blasting effects with various cutting forms are compared. The influences of the borehole space and the blasting delay are discussed. It is concluded that the spiral cutting form can produce more fragments and is recommend for the small section tunnel excavation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Huaming An
Yushan Song
Deqiang Yang

  1. Kunming University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Public Security and Emergency Management, 650093, Kunming, China
  2. University of Science and Technology Beijing, School of Civil and Resource Engineering, 100083, Beijing, China
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Several months after August 4, 2020, Lebanon is still recovering from the enormous explosion at the port of Beirut that killed more than 200 people and injured more than 7500. This explosion ripped the city to shreds and significantly damaged the Beirut port silos. Saint Joseph University of Beirut “the school of engineering ESIB” in collaboration with “Amann” Engineering performed a 3D scan of the Beirut port silos to assess the silos’ level of damage. The obtained data was then compared to the numerical modelling results, obtained from Abaqus explicit, in order to estimate the blast magnitude and to check if the pile foundation can be reused in building new silos at the same place due to the limited space available at the port of Beirut while considering the soil-foundation-structure interaction effect. In addition, the silos’ structural response against the filling of the silos at the time of explosion was investigated. The displacement of the silos and the amount of silos’ damage obtained from the fixed and flexible numerical models indicate that a blast magnitude of 0.44 kt TNT (approximately 1100 tons of Ammonium Nitrate) best estimates the 20 to 30 cm silos’ tilting in the direction of the blast. In addition, the soil and the foundation played a positive role by absorbing part while dissipating less amount of the blast energy. Also, the grains at the time of the event did not affect the silos’ deformation and damage amount. Noting that the displacement of the pile foundation exceeded all limits set by design codes, indicating that the pile foundation cannot be reused to build new silos at the same place.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Sahar Ali Ismail
Wassim Raphael
Emmanuel Durand
Fouad Kaddah
Fadi Geara

  1. Civil Engineering Department, Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Beirut 17-5208, Lebanon
  2. Amann Engineering, Geneva 1212, Switzerland
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This paper reports on efficient experimental and numerical techniques used in the design of critical infrastructure requiring special protection measures regarding security and safety. The presented results, some of which have already been reported in [1], were obtained from perforation experiments carried out on S235 steel sheets subjected to impacts characterized as moderate velocity (approximately 40–120 m/s). The metal was tested using the Hopkinson Bar Technique and pneumatic gun. The originality of perforation testing consist on using a thermal chamber designed to carry out experiments at higher temperatures. 3D scanners and numerically controlled measuring devices were used for the final shape deformation measurements. Finally, the results of FEM analysis obtained using explicit solver are presented. The full-scale CAD model was used in numeric calculations.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Maciej Klosak
Michał Grazka
Leopold Kruszka
Wojciech Mocko

  1. Universiapolis, Technical University of Agadir, Technopole d'Agadir, Qr Tilila, 80000 Agadir, Morocco
  2. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Mechatronics, Armaments and Aviation, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  3. Military University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, ul. gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw, Poland
  4. Motor Transport Institute, Center for Material Testing, Jagiellońska 80, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland
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The flexural toughness of chopped steel wool fiber reinforced cementitious composite panels was investigated. Reinforced cementitious composite panels were produced by mixing of chopped steel wool fiber with a ratio range between 0.5% to 6.0% and 0.5% as a step increment of the total mixture weight, where the cement to sand ratio was 1:1.5 with water to cement ratio of 0.45. The generated reinforced cementitious panels were tested at 28 days in terms of load-carrying capacity, deflection capacities, post-yielding effects, and flexural toughness. The inclusion of chopped steel wool fiber until 4.5% resulted in gradually increasing load-carrying capacity and deflection capacities while, provides various ductility, which would simultaneously the varying of deflection capability in the post-yielding stage. Meanwhile, additional fiber beyond 4.5% resulted in decreased maximum load-carrying capacity and increase stiffness at the expense of ductility. Lastly, the inclusion of curves gradually.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Akrm A. Rmdan Amer
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Yun Ming Liew
Ikmal Hakem A. Aziz
Muhammad Faheem Mohd Tahir
Shayfull Zamree Abd Rahim
Hetham A.R. Amer

  1. Geopolymer & Green Technology, Center of Excellence (CEGeoGTech), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis, Malaysia
  2. Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia
  3. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Perlis, Malaysia
  4. Omar Al-Mukhtar Universiti, Civil Engineering Department, Libya
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Red-light running at intersections is a common problem that may have severe consequences for traffic safety. The present paper investigates driver behavior in dilemma zones in Polish conditions. Based on the empirical research conducted at 25 urban and rural signalized intersections, type II dilemma zone boundaries were determined. In this study, generalized linear regression models were used to fit the probability of stopping to explanatory variables. Seeing as the dependent variable is dichotomous (stop/go), binary logistic regression was used for predicting the probability of the outcome based on the values of continuous or categorical predictor variables. The results show that factors which have a statistically significant effect on drivers’ propensity to stop include: vehicle type, the geometry of the intersection, location of signal heads and platooning on the approach to the stop line. Type-II dilemma zone boundaries are situated at the following distance: the beginning from 1.9 s to 2.4 s, and end from 5.0 to 5.9 s (on average 2.2 ÷ 5.4 s) from the stop line.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Radosław Bąk
Janusz Chodur
Nikiforos Stamatiadis

  1. Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ul. Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland
  2. University of Kentucky, Department of Civil Engineering, Lexington, KY 40506, United States
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Przejdź do artykułu

Autorzy i Afiliacje

Andrzej Więckowski
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A large portion of the credits and financial resources of countries is spent on the preparation and construction of building projects because their implementation would create housing, job opportunities, financial turnover, and economic prosperity. At present, many construction projects are under construction in developing countries, and most of these projects are facing rising costs. The local scope of this research is construction projects in Yazd city. This research is operational in terms of purpose and was carried out in a descriptive and survey manner with an analytical-mathematical method. Data collection was done by documentary and survey methods. The Statistical Society consisted of 150 managers and officials, contractors, and actors involved in construction projects. Data analysis by hierarchical analysis technique showed that the criterion of management factors with a weight of 0.582 has the highest priority in increasing building costs. The criterion of environmental factors with a weight of 0.309 is at the second priority. The criterion of legal and administrative factors with a weight of 0.109 is in the third priority. Therefore, a key element in increasing the cost of construction projects in the under-studied city is the management factor that can be reduced by establishing new management systems and improving the quality of construction projects.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Seyedkazem Seyedebrahimi
Alireza Mirjalili
Abolfazl Sadeghian

  1. Department of Civil Engineering, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd , Iran
  2. Department of Management, Yazd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yazd, Iran

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