Nauki Techniczne

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials


Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2018 | vol. 63 | No 2


The article presents the results of studies on the rate of zinc evaporation in the atmosphere of helium and carbon monoxide (II) carried out with the thermogravimetric method. The estimated values of zinc streams were compared with the values determined based on theoretical relationships.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Jerzy Łabaj


This study offers a new method to synthesize facilely willemite (Zn2SiO4) based phosphor at the temperature of 800 °C. The ZnO-SiO2 nanocomposite was calcined at different temperatures between 500 and 1000 °C. The structural, morphological and optical properties of the nanocomposite obtained at various calcination temperatures were studied using different techniques. The FT-IR, XRD and the UV-vis result confirmed the formation of willemite phase. The precursor was confirmed to be amorphous by XRD at room temperature, but upon calcination temperature at 500 °C, it was transformed into a crystalline structure. The crystallinity and the particle size of the nanocomposite increase as the calcination temperature were increased as revealed by XRD and TEM measurement. The sample exhibits a spherical morphology from 500 to 800 °C and dumbbell-like morphology above 800 °C as shown by the FESEM images. The absorption spectrum suffers intense in lower temperature and tends to shift to lower wavelength in the UV region as the calcination temperature increases. The band gap values were found to be increasing from 3.228-5.550 eV obtained between 500 to 1000 °C, and all the results confirm the formation of willemite phase at 800 °C.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ibrahim Mustapha Alibe
Khamirul Amin Matori
Haj Abdul Aziz Sidek
Yakoob Yazid
Elias Saion
Ali Mustapha Alibe
Mohd Hafiz Mohd Zaid
Ali Engku Abd Ghapur Engku
Tasiu Zangina


Microwave sintering process was employed to agglomerate ferromanganese alloy powders. The effects of sintering temperature, holding time and particle size composition on the properties and microstructure of sintering products were investigated. The results was shown that increasing sintering temperature or holding time appropriately is beneficial to increase the compressive strength and volume density. SEM and EDAX analysis shows that the liquid phase formed below the melting point in the sintering process, which leads to densification. XRD patterns indicate that the main reaction during microwave sintering is the decarbonization and carburization of iron carbide phase. The experiment demonstrate that the optimum microwave sintering process condition is 1150°C, 10 min and 50% content of the powders with the size of –75 μm
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Lei Li
Libo Zhang
Linqing Dai
Hongbo Zhu
Guo Chen
Jinhui Peng
Qin Guo


Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is one of the most widely used solid lubricants applied in different ways on the surfaces under friction. In this work, AISI 316 austenitic stainless steel was coated with MoS2, using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at four different temperatures (400, 500, 600 and 700°C). Coatings properties were investigated using SEM, EDX, XRD and FTIR, Hardness Tester and Roughness tester. The results showed that with simultaneous evaporation of sulfur and molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) in the CVD chamber, a uniform coating layer containing MoS2 and MoO2 phases was formed. Increase in the substrate temperature resulted in the rise in the amount of MoS2 to MoO2 phases. The thickness, grain size and the hardness of the coating were 17-29 μm, 50-120 nm and 260-480 HV respectively. Friction tests carried out using pin-on-plate method under normal loads of 10 N under ambient conditions showed values of the friction coefficient 0.25-0.40.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Moradpour
M. Akbarzadeh
M. Zandrahimi


In the present work, the performance of multilayer coated carbide tool was investigated considering the effect of cutting parameters during turning of 34CrMo4 Low alloy steel. It has high strength and creep strength, and good impact tenacity at low temperature. It can work at –110°C to 500°C. And EN 10083-1 34CrMo4 owns high static strength, impact tenacity, fatigue resistance, and hardenability; without overheating tendencies. The objective functions were selected in relation to the parameters of the cutting process: surface roughness criteria. The correlations between the cutting parameters and performance measures, like surface roughness, were established by multiple linear regression models. Highly significant parameters were determined by performing an Analysis of variance (ANOVA). During the experiments flank wear, cutting force and surface roughness value were measured throughout the tool life. The results have been compared with dry and wet-cooled turning. Analysis of variance factors of design and their interactions were studied for their significance. Finally, a model using multiple regression analysis between cutting speed, fee rate and depth of cut with the tool life was established.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Merzoug
N. Benamara
A. Boulenouar
B. Bouchouicha
M. Mazari


In the present work, rapidly solidified Al-10Ni-XSc (X = 0, 1 and 2) alloys were fabricated by melt spinning under Ar atmosphere. The Effects of Sc on the microstructural and thermal properties and microhardness values were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffractometer (XRD) and a Vickers microhardness tester. Experimental results revealed that the addition of 2 wt. % Sc to melt-spun Al-10Ni alloys changed their brittle nature and hindered formation of cracks. The addition of Sc to melt-spun Al-10Ni alloys also changed the morphology of Al3Ni intermetallics from an acicular/needle – like to a rounded particle-like structure and led to reduction in their size. Formation of the metastable Al9Ni2 phase was observed due to the higher constitutional undercooling caused by Sc addition. A considerable improvement in microhardness value (from 95. 9 to 230. 1 HV) was observed with the addition of Sc.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Fatih Kilicaslan M.
E. Karakose


In this paper the chemo-rheological behavior of aqueous TiC suspension and physical properties of gelcasted green body were investigated. The monomer system used in this project was acrylamide (AM) and methylenebisacrylamide (MBAM). Polymerisation reaction was promoted by the addition of tetramethyl ethylenediamine as a catalyst and ammonium persulfate as a initiator. The effects of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), polyethylenimine (PEI) and polyethylene glycol (PEG) dispersants on the premix solution containing TiC powder have been studied via observation of the zeta potential and rheological behavior. The optimal amount of TMAH was achieved 0.4 wt.% at pH 9. The chemorheological results showed that the gelation time decreased and viscosity increased with increasing the monomer content, solid loading, initiator amount and temperature. The highest flexural strength of gel casted green body was obtained with 50 vol% solid loading and 25 wt.% monomers content.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

H. Foratirad
H.R. Baharvandi
Ghanadi Maragheh M.


The object of investigation was the one-strand tundish with flow control device such as gas permeable barrier (GPB). The aim of this flow control device was to activate the motion of liquid steel in the tundish longitudinal axis region. Computer simulation of the liquid steel flow and argon behaviour in isothermal turbulent motion conditions was done using the Ansys-Fluent computer program. For the validation of the hydrodynamic patterns obtained from computer simulations, a isothermal tundish glass model was used. Tundish glass model enables the recording of the visualization of fluid medium motion through the particle image velocimetry (PIV) method. Based on computer simulations, the liquid steel flow path lines in the tundish with GPB was obtained. For explain the hydrodynamic phenomena occurring in the tundish working space, the Buoyancy number has been calculated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Cwudziński


In this study, metal matrix composite materials containing melt-spun Al-20Si-5Fe alloys and boron carbide was produced by high energy ball milling and then hot pressing at 200 MPa pressure and 450°C. Mechanical and microstructural characterizations were performed by using an optical microscopy, X-Ray diffractometer, and dynamic microhardness tester. It was observed that boron carbide particles were homogenously distributed in the microstructure and values of microhardness and elastic modules were averagely 830 MPa and 42 GPa, respectively.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Fatih Kilicaslan M.
Uzun A.
E. Karakose


Ductile irons of the type of Si-Mo are characterized by increased resistance to long-term influence of high temperatures and cyclic temperature changes. They are mainly used in castings of combustion engine exhaust piping and other castings utilized at temperatures of up to 850°C. The aim of the study is to verify the mechanical properties of non-alloyed cast iron EN CSN GJS 450, SiMo4-0.5 and SiMo5-1 ductile irons at temperatures of 700 to 800°C, and the extent of their superficial oxidation after longterm annealing at a temperature of 900°C. Via chemical microanalysis the composition of oxidation products in the surface layer was evaluated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Roučka
E. Abramová
V. Kaňa


The paper deals with hypereutectic high chromium cast irons. The subject of examination was the effect of various alloying elements (Ti, W, Mo, V) on the size of primary carbides and on the resultant material hardness. Using a scanning electron microscope with a wave dispersion analyser, the carbon content in carbides was established. To determine the other elements, an energy dispersion analyser was used. It was found that both the primary and the eutectic carbides were of the M7C3 type and very similar in composition. The carbides always contained Cr and Fe, and also W, Mo, V or Ti, in dependence on the alloying elements used. The structure of materials containing only chromium without any alloying additions exhibited coarse acicular primary carbides. The structure of materials alloyed with another element was always finer. Marked refinement was obtained by Ti alloying.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Záděra
V. Kaňa
V. Krutiš


Investment casting technology that utilizes lost-wax casting is one of the most-important achievements of ancient society. In Lower Silesia, Poland (Grzybiany, Legnica county), a 7-6 BC casting workshop was discovered with numerous artifacts, confirming the existence of the manufacturing process of metal ornaments using ceramic molds. The paper presents the research of molds and casts from the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. Microscopic analyses of the casting molds were performed, along with radiographic and chemical composition tests of the artifacts (the latter employing the use of the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy method). The clustering method was used for alloy classification. The microstructure was analyzed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Conclusions from the research were utilized in further experiments
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Garbacz-Klempka
J.S. Suchy
Z. Kwak
T. Tokarski
R. Klempka
T. Stolarczyk


This paper focused on the effect of pure torsion deformation and various torsion pitches on the mechanical properties of the commercial pure Al wires which has not been examined so far. The initial wires with diameter of 4 mm have been torsion deformed to different pitch length (PL). In order to investigate the effect of gradient microstructure caused by torsion deformation, three different pitch length of 15 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm are considered. The results revealed that the level of grain refinement is correlated with the amount of induced plastic shear strain by torsion deformation. For the wire with pitch length of 15 mm, the grain sizes decreased to about 106 μm and 47 μm in the wire center and edge from the initial size of about 150 μm of the annealed wire. The micro-hardness measurement results show a gradient distribution of hardness from the wire center to the wire surface that confirmed the increasing trend of plastic shear strain obtained by FE simulations. The hardness of annealed sample (35 HV) is increased up to 73 HV at the wire surface for the smallest pitch length. The yield and ultimate tensile strength of the torsion deformed wires are also increased up to about 85 MPa and 152 MPa from the initial values of 38 MPa and 103 MPa of the annealed one respectively while the maximum elongation reduced significantly.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Sedighi
A. Vaezi
M. Pourbashiri


Lead-free ceramics of Na0.5K0.5Nb1-xSbxO3 (NKNS) and Na0.5K0.5Nb1-xSbxO3 + 0.5 mol%MnO2 (NKNS + 0.5 mol%MnO2) (0 < x < 0.06) ceramics were prepared by a conventional solid-state hot pressing method. The ceramics possess a single-phase perovskite structure with orthorhombic symmetry. Microstructural examination revealed that Mn doping of NKNS leads to improvement of densification. The cubic-tetragonal and tetragonal-orthorhombic phase transitions of NKNS shifted to higher and lower temperature, respectively after introduction of Mn ion. Besides, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties were improved. The results were discussed in term of difference in both ionic size and electronegativity of Nb5+ and Sb5+ and improvement of densification after Mn ion doping.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Suchanicz
Faszczowy I.
P. Czaja
J. Kusz
M. Zubko


This article describes the influence of thermal and dielectric properties of materials to properties of electrical insulating systems in high voltage electrical equipment. The aim of this experiment is to improve the thermal and dielectric properties of electrical insulating (composite) materials using micro fillers of aluminium oxide Al2O3. Supplement of fillers of aluminium oxide with better thermal conductivity to the electrical insulating systems can be modified to increase their thermal conductivity. Improving the thermal conductivity of electric insulation by addition of micro- or nanofillers and in the same time not adversely affecting the dielectric properties is the objective of the study. Paper is presenting the results measured on prepared samples. Improved thermal conductivity is compared with other dielectric properties as: dissipation factor temperature dependences, resistivity and dielectric spectroscopy. To determine the dielectric insulating properties the following characteristics were measured: tanδ versus temperature from 110°C to 150°C, absorption and resorption currents, volume resistivity. Furthermore, this article describes analysis of moisture and conductivity the material by dielectric spectroscopy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Tomášková
P. Trnka
M. Gutten
D. Korenčiak


A series of Al-5Ti-1B master alloys were obtained via fluoride salt process by holding them between 780°C and 880°C for 10-90 min. The influence of holding temperature and time during preparation on the microstructure and its refining performance were investigated by X-ray diffractometer, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy equ ipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The results indicated both the morphology and the distribution of TiB2 and Al3Ti were seriously affected by holding conditions. Inadequate TiB2 particles were generated when holding time was short. However, Fe-containing impurity particles that aggregated along the matrix grain boundaries were found after the prolonged holding time. The refining and microhardness test results revealed that Al -5Ti-1B, the one held at 820°C for 30 min showed the optimum refining efficiency on Al-Cu alloy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Y. Huang
H. Shao
Z. Xiao
X. Ren


Zinc is present in electric arc furnace dust (EAFD) mainly in two basic minerals, namely as franklinite ZnFe2O4 and/or zincite ZnO. While zincite is relatively reactive and easily treatable, franklinite is considerably refractory, which causes problems during EAFD processing. In this work EAFD containing 18.53% Zn was leached in water solution of ammonium carbonate. This leaching solution selectively leaches zincite, while franklinite is refractory and stable against leaching in this case. The temperature dependence of zinc leaching from EAFD was studied and the activation energy EA was determined by two methods: 1.) classically based on zinc chemical analyses from the leaching solution and 2.) by using of X-Ray diffraction qualitative phase analyses of leaching residues. The determined values of activation energies 37.41 and 38.55 kJmol–1 match perfectly, which show the excellent possibility of using X-Ray diffraction toward the study of leaching kinetics at properly chosen experimental conditions. The important result is the determination of the amount zincite and franklinite in EAFD, which is not possible by using of classical chemical methods.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Havlik
G. Maruskinova
A. Miskufova


Based on the theory of heat transfer, the influence of expansion joints on the temperature and stress distribution of ladle lining is discussed. In view of the current expansion joint, the mathematical model of heat transfer and the three dimensional finite element model of ladle lining brick are established. By analyzing the temperature and stress distribution of ladle lining brick when the expansion joints are in different sizes, the thermal mechanical stress caused by the severe temperature difference can be reduced by the suitable expansion joint of the lining brick during the ladle baking and working process. The analysis results showed that the thermal mechanical stress which is caused by thermal expansion can be released through the 2 mm expansion joint, which is set in the building process. So we can effectively reduce the thermal mechanical stress of the ladle lining, and there is no risk of steel leakage, thus the service life of ladle can be effectively prolonged.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

H. Liu
W. Chang
G. Li
J. Kong
Y. Sun
G. Jiang


The aim of this publication is to present practical application of the R. Kolman’s quality rating method used in the evaluation of aluminium alloys. The results of studies of the mechanical and physical properties of the three selected test materials are discussed. To find the best material, the quality level of each of the tested materials was assessed using quality ratings proposed by R. Kolman. The results of the conducted analysis have proved that the best material was an AKII MM alloy, i.e. a casting AK11 aluminium alloy from the 4XXX series.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Ł. Wzorek
R. Wolniak
K. Łyp-Wrońska
M. Wiewióra
P. Noga
A. Wzorek


Based on the mould temperature measured by thermocouples during slab continuous casting, a difference of temperature thermograph is developed to detect slab cracks. In order to detect abnormal temperature region caused by longitudinal crack, the suspicious regions are extracted and divided by virtue of computer image processing algorithms, such as threshold segmentation, connected region judgement and boundary tracing. The abnormal regions are then determined and labeled with the eight connected component labeling algorithm. The boundary of abnormal region is also extracted to depict characteristics of longitudinal crack. Based on above researches, longitudinal crack with abnormal temperature region can be detected and is different from other abnormalities. Four samples of temperature drop are picked up to compare with longitudinal crack on the abnormal region formation, length, width, shape, et al. The results show that the abnormal region caused by longitudinal crack has a linear and vertical shape. The height of abnormal region is more than the width obviously. The ratio of height to width is usually larger than that of other temperature drop regions. This method provides a visual and easy way to detect longitudinal crack and other abnormities. Meanwhile it has a positive meaning to the intelligent and visual mould monitoring system of continuous casting.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Y. Liu
Y. Gao
X. Wang
Y. Sun
Du F.
F. Wang
J. Wang


The paper analyzes, from the geometrical aspect, the quality of the new flux cored wire intended for cladding process in function of changes in cladding parameters such as welding speed, coefficient of thermal conductivity, power source setting, the length of projecting portion of the electrode. The results of bead geometry analysis allows to illustrate the nature of the impact of the examined input variables on parameters of generated surface. The most important parameters here are the depth of penetration and the height of clad. The experimental data were processed using the Plackett-Burman experiment, which describes the impact of technological parameters on the main parameters used during production of resisting panels. It shows mathematical relations describing correlations between the input parameters and the value of depth of penetration and hight of bead made by Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Bęczkowski


Aluminium based metal matrix composite (Al-MMC’s) are much popular in the field like automobile and aerospace industries, because of its ease of fabrication process and excellent mechanical properties. In this study, Al-Zn-Mg alloy composite reinforced with 3, 6 and 9 v % of zircon sand was synthesised by stir casting technique. The microstructure of the composites revealed uniform distribution of reinforced particles. Hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance of Al-Zn-Mg alloy/zircon sand composite were found to increase with increase in v % percentage of zircon sand. Scanning Electron Microscope analysis of wear tested sample surface of composites revealed no evidence of plastic deformation of matrix phase. Particle pulls out and abrasive wear was the common feature observed from all the composites.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Satish Kumar T.
K. Krishna Kumar
S. Shalini


Point of present exploration was to figure out the anticorrosion activity of Acacia Cyanophylla (Saligna leaves) extract on the corrosion of mild steel in dilute sulfuric acid medium, using weight loss measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The result of the study revealed that the extract act as a potent inhibitor on mild steel in acid medium. The increase in inhibitor concentration and immersion time showed a positive effect on inhibition efficiency. EIS exhibited one capacitive loop which indicates that the corrosion reaction is controlled by charge transfer process. The increase of phase shift (n) in presence of (ACLE) lower surface roughness. This change reveals the adsorption of the inhibitor compound on the steel surface. According to the results of weight loss measurements, the adsorption of the extract on the steel surface can be described by the Langmuir isotherm. The inhibition mechanism of (ACLE) molecules involves physical interaction between the inhibitor and metal surface. Additionally, Protective film formation against acid attack was confirmed by FT-IR and AFM techniques.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Tezeghdenti
N. Etteyeb
L. Dhouibi
O. Kanoun


Codeposition of antimony and tin from acidic chloride and chloride-sulfate baths was investigated. The calculations of distribution of species showed domination of neutral SnCl2 and anionic SbCl4 – complexes in chloride solution, while in the presence of sulfate ions neutral SnSO4 and cationic SbCl2+ complexes were found. Cyclic voltammetry, anodic stripping analysis and potentiostatic measurements showed that antimony deposited favorably and the reaction run under limiting control. Analysis of chronoamperometric curves suggested instantaneous nucleation of the solid phase in the chloride bath, but progressive model was more probable in the presence of sulfate ions.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

E. Rudnik
M. Kostępski


Aluminium metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are the fastest developing materials for structural applications. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) has evolved as a promising surface composite fabrication technique mainly because it is an eco-friendly and solid-state process. A spurt in the interest of research community and a resulting huge research output makes it difficult to find relevant information to further the research with objectivity. To facilitate this, the present article addresses the current state of the art and development in surface metal matrix fabrication through FSP with a specific focus on ex-situ routes. The available literature has been carefully read and categorized to present effects of particle size, morphology and elemental composition. The effect of various reinforcements on development of different functional characteristics is also discussed. Effect of main FSP parameters on various responses is presented with objectivity. Based on the studied literature concluding summary is presented in a manner in which the literature becomes useful to the researchers working on this important technology.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

N. Gangil
Noor Siddiquee A.
S. Maheshwari
A.M. Al-Ahmari
M.H. Abidi


This research work is devoted to the theoretical study of the pipe calibration on a mandrel. The aim of the study is to improve the precision of the calibrated pipes. As the paper shows, it is advisable to apply different methods of research depending on the purpose of the study of metal forming processes: mathematical, computer or physical simulation. Analytical review of existing mathematical models of the pipes calibration on a mandrel showed that the set of assumptions adopted in the mathematical modeling does not allow assessing the precision of the pipes during calibration. Therefore, finite-element method simulation package was used for this research. Research method and pipes precision index were developed on the basis of the computer simulation using Deform-3D package. The investigations have allowed us to get the dependence of the pipe precision on technological factors and to identify the root cause of reduced efficiency calibration – extrafocal deformation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

D. Salikhyanov
A. Bogatov
H. Dyja


The work presents results of solution combustion method utilization for yttria (Y2O3) nanopowder fabrication. Experiments were carried out with four different reducing agents: urea, glycine, citric acid and malonic acid added in stoichiometric ratio. The reactions were investigated using simultaneous DSC/DTA thermal analysis. After synthesis the reaction products were calcined at temperature range of 800-1100°C and analyzed in terms of particle size, specific surface area and morphology. Best results were obtained for nanoyttria powder produced from glycine. After calcination at temperature of 1100°C the powder exhibits in a form of nanometric, globular particles of diameter <100 nm, according to SEM analysis. The dBET for thus obtained powder is 104 nm, however the powder is agglomerated as the particle size measured by dynamic light scattering analysis is 1190 nm (dV50).
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Gizowska
I. Kobus
K. Perkowski
M. Piątek
G. Konopka
I. Witosławska
M. Osuchowski


The microstructure and corrosion properties of spark plasma sintered yttria dispersed and yttria free duplex and ferritic stainless samples were studied. Spark plasma sintering (SPS) was carried out at 1000°C by applying 50 MPa pressure with holding time of 5 minutes. Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) tests were employed to evaluate pitting corrosion resistance of the samples. Corrosion studies were carried out in 0.5, 1 and 2 M concentration of NaCl and H2SO4 solutions at different quiet time of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 seconds. Yttria dispersed stainless steel samples show more resistance to corrosion than yttria free stainless steel samples. Pitting potential decreases with increase in reaction time from 2 to 10 seconds. Similarly, as concentration of NaCl and H2SO4 increases from 0.5 M to 2 M the corrosion resistance decrements due to the availability of more Cl¯ and SO4 2¯ ions at higher concentration.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Shashanka
D. Chaira
Kumara Swamy B.E.


Titania nanotube (TNT) arrays fabricated by anodizing of titanium foil in organic (ethylene glycol) and inorganic (phosphoric acid) electrolytes and thermally modified in argon revealed much improved properties to detect hydrogen peroxide. Horseradish peroxidase and acetate thionine co-absorbed by a dip coating on the TNT electrode were used to detect hydrogen peroxide in phosphate buffered saline. The morphology and electrochemical properties of TNT arrays were studied by scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Well defined oxidation and reduction peaks for potassium ferricyanide have been observed for TNT formed in ethylene glycol and annealed in argon. TNT arrays formed in organic electrolyte and annealed in argon indicated more favorable adsorption and electrochemical properties what was confirmed by detection of hydrogen peroxide towards analyte in phosphorate buffered saline solution.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Arkusz
E. Krasicka-Cydzik


Reduction of three industrial nickel oxides (Goro, Tokyo and Sinter 75) with a hydrogen bearing gas was revisited in the temperature interval from 523 to 673 K (250 to 400°C). A pronounced incubation period is observed in the temperature interval tested. This period decreases as the reduction temperature increases. Thermogravimetric data of these oxides were fitted using the Avrami-Erofeyev kinetic model. The reduction of these oxides is controlled by a nucleation and growth mechanism of metallic nickel over the oxides structure. Rate kinetic constants were re-evaluated and the activation energy for the reduction of these oxides was re-calculated.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Plascencia


The paper presents the study results of laser modification of Vanadis-6 steel after diffusion boronized. The influence of laser beam fluence on selected properties was investigated. Diffusion boronizing lead to formation the FeB and Fe2B iron borides. After laser modification the layers were consisted of: remelted zone, heat affected zone and substrate. It was found that increase of laser beam fluence have influence on increase in dimensions of laser tracks. In the thicker remelting zone, the primary dendrites and boron eutectics were detected. In the thinner remelting zone the primary carbo-borides and eutectics were observed. In obtained layers the FeB, Fe2B, Fe3B0.7C0.3 and Cr2B phases were detected. Laser remelting process caused obtained the mild microhardness gradient from the surface to the substrate. In the remelted zone was in the range from 1800 HV0.1 to 1000 HV0.1. It was found that the laser beam fluence equal to 12.7 J/mm2 was most favorable. Using this value, microhardness was relatively high and homogeneous.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Bartkowska
P. Jurči
M. Hudáková
D. Bartkowski
M. Kusý
D. Przestacki


Oxide fraction of industrial zinc ash from hot dip galvanizing was characterized in terms of composition and leaching behaviour in 10% sulfuric acid solution. Waste product contained about 68% Zn, 6% Cl, 3% Al, 1% Fe, 0.7% Si, 0.5% Pb and minor percentages of other metals (Mn, Cu, Ti etc.). It consisted mainly of zinc oxide contaminated with metallic zinc, zinc hydroxide chloride and silica. Dissolution of the metals from the material was determined as a function of solid to liquid ratio (50-150 kg/m3), temperature (20°C and 35°C) and agitation rate (300 and 900 rpm). The best results (50 g/dm3 Zn(II) at 78% zinc recovery) were obtained for 100 kg/m3 and the temperature of 20°C. Increase in the agitation rate had weak effect on the zinc yield. The final solutions were contaminated mainly by Fe(II, III) ions. Leaching of the material was an exothermic process with the reaction heat of about 800 kJ/kg.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Włoch
E. Rudnik
L. Szatan


The paper described properties of electro-spark deposited coatings under influence of the laser treatment process. The properties were assessed by analyzing the coating microstructure, X-ray radiation, microhardness, bonding strength, corrosion resistance, porosity and wear tests. The tests were conducted for Mo and Cu coatings (the anode) which were electro-spark deposited over the C45 steel substrate (the cathode) and melted with a laser beam. The coatings were deposited by means of an ELFA-541. The laser processing was performed with an Nd:YAG laser. The coatings after laser processing are still distinguished by very good performance properties, which make them suitable for use in sliding friction pairs.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

N. Radek
A. Szczotok
A. Gądek-Moszczak
R. Dwornicka
J. Bronček
J. Pietraszek


This paper presents technological trials aimed at producing Ag-W, Ag-WC, Ag-W-C and Ag-WC-C composite contact materials and characterizing their properties. These materials were obtained using two methods, i.e. press-sinter-repress (PSR) at the refractory phase content of less than 30% by weight as well as press-sinter-infiltration (PSI) at the refractory phase content of ≥50% by weight). The results of research into both the physical and electrical properties of the outcome composites were shown. They include the analysis of the influence of the refractory phase content (W or WC) on arc erosion and contact resistance changes for the following current range: 6 kAmax in the case of composites with a low refractory phase content, 10 kAmax in the case of composites with the refractory phase content of ≥50% by weight.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Frydman
P. Borkowski
K. Pietrzak
D. Wójcik-Grzybek
A. Gładki
A. Sienicki


The preliminary results of the application of open-celled glassy-carbon foam (Cof) in magnesium matrix composites processed by the powder metallurgy method were presented. For the component consolidation, compaction with vertically-torsional vibration and hot-pressing were applied. For the material characterization, the microstructure examination LM and SEM with EDS was employed and also, the porosity and microhardness were measured. An influence of the carbon foam cells’ size on the composite porosity and microhardness was revealed. Additionally, a generation of a few micrometer thin and differently shaped MgO inclusions was observed. Differences in the oxide phase amount, size and shape in the magnesium matrix measured by the quantitative metallography method in the cross-sectioned composite elements were stated. With an increase of the distance from the composite roller top, an increase of the MgO content and microhardness was noticed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Myalski
A. Olszówka-Myalska
M. Godzierz
P. Wrześniowski


The ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is widely used for solar modules encapsulation. During lamination process EVA melts and chemical bonds between polymer chains are created. Its number is tightly related to cross-linking degree and it is consider as a major quality reference for module encapsulation. The lamination can be described as a process with two stages: melting and curing where the typical temperature for curing is in the range from 145 to 175°C. In the present study, for the first time, comparison of three commercial available EVA foils with low curing temperature EVA (EVA LOW). For this reason, the temperature of following lamination processes was set from a range from 115 to 175°C. The behavior of cured EVA films under investigation EVA was determined with two approaches: with extraction and with optical methods. The results indicate the applicability of these methods for the EVA cross-linking characterization. Finally, the extraordinary behavior of EVA LOW foil was noticed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Gawlińska
K. Drabczyk
Z. Starowicz
P. Sobik
B. Drabczyk
P. Zięba


Steel is a versatile material that has found widespread use because of its mechanical properties, its relatively low cost, and the ease with which it can be used in manufacturing process such as forming, welding and machining. Regarding to mechanical properties are strongly affected by grain size and chemical composition variations. Many industrial developments have been carried out both from the point of view of composition variation and grain size in order to exploit the effect of these variables to improve the mechanical proprieties of steels. It is also evident that grain growth are relevant to the mechanical properties of steels, thus suggesting the necessity of mathematical models able to predict the microstructural evolution after thermo cycles. It is therefore of primary importance to study microstructural changes, such as grain size variations of steels during isothermal treatments through the application of a mathematical model, able in general to describe the grain growth in metals. This paper deals with the grain growth modelling of steels based on the statistical theory of grain growth originally developed by Lücke [1] and here integrated to take into account the Zener drag effect and is therefore focused on the process description for the determination of the kinetics of grain growth curves temperature dependence.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Napoli
A. Di Schino


Mg60Zn35Ca5 amorphous powder alloys were synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) technique. The results of the influence of high-energy ball-milling time on amorphization of the Mg60Zn35Ca5 elemental blend (intended for biomedical application) were presented in the study. The amorphization process was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Initial elemental powders were mechanically alloyed in a Spex 8000 high-energy ball mill at different milling times (from 3 to 24 h). Observation of the powder morphology after various stages of milling leads to the conclusion that with the increase of the milling time the size of the powder particles as well as the degree of aggregation change. The partially amorphous powders were obtained in the Mg60Zn35Ca5 alloy after milling for 13-18h. The results indicate that this technique is a powerful process for preparing Mg60Zn35Ca5 alloys with amorphous and nanocrystalline structure.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

S. Lesz
K. Gołombek
M. Kremzer
R. Nowosielski


Multiferroic composites are very promising materials because of their applicability because the magnetoelectric effect occurs in them. The subject of the study were two multiferroic ceramic composites: leaded obtained from powder of the composition PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3 and ferrite powder of the composition Ni0.64Zn0.36Fe2O4 and unleaded which was obtained from the powder of the composition BaFe0.5Nb0.5O3 and the same ferrite powder Ni0.64Zn0.36Fe2O4. For the both multiferroic materials the following studies were conducted: SEM, BSE, EDS, XRD and the temperature dependence of dielectric constant ε(T). Using the previously developed method of calculating the magnetoelectric coupling factor (g), based on dielectric measurements, the magnitude of the magnetoelectric effect in the multiferroic composites was determined.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J.A. Bartkowska
D. Bochenek
P. Niemiec


The aim of research was the elaboration of the synthesis of new organic monomer applicable in gelcasting. The substance named 3,4-di-acryloyl-D-mannitol which contains two acryloyl groups and four hydroxyl groups in its molecule has been synthesized. The monomer has been then applied in the preparation of Al2O3-ZrO2 composites by gelcasting and subsequent sintering. Rheological properties of ceramic suspensions have been examined, as well as the properties of green and sintered bodies. SEM observations allowed to determine the distribution of zirconia grains in alumina matrix. Density, Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of ZTA composites have been measured. The new monomer, that is diacryloyl derivative of mannitol, is less sensitive to the oxygen inhibition than commonly used in gelcasting and commercially available 2-hydroxyethyl acrylate.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Antosik
P. Wiecińska
E. Pietrzak
D. Kubica
A. Sakowicz
N. Prokurat


Nanostructured, biocompatible, TiC/Ti Supersonic Cold Gas Sprayed coatings were deposited onto a Ti6Al4V alloy and their microstructure, wear resistance and hardness were investigated. The starting nanostructured powder, containing a varied mixture of Ti and TiC particles, was produced by high energy ball milling. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction were used for structural and chemical analyses of powder particles and coatings. Coatings, 250-350 μm thick, preserving the nanostructure and chemical powder composition, with low porosity and relatively high hardness (~850 HV), were obtained. These nanostructured TiC/Ti coatings exhibited better tribological properties than commonly used biomedical benchmark materials, due to an appropriate balance of hard and soft nano-phases.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Kusiński
S. Kac
K. Kowalski
S. Dosta
E.P. Georgiou
J. Garcia-Forgas
P. Matteazzi


Isothermal hot compression experiments were carried out using the Gleeble-1500D thermal mechanical simulator. The flow stress of the Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys was studied at hot deformation temperature of 550°C, 650°C, 750°C, 850°C, 900°C and the strain rate of 0.001 s–1, 0.01 s–1, 0.1 s–1, 1 s–1, 10 s–1. Hot deformation activation energy and constitutive equations for two kinds of alloys with and without yttrium addition were obtained by correlating the flow stress, strain rate and deformation temperature. The reasons for the change of hot deformation activation energy of the two alloys were analyzed. Dynamic recrystallization microstructure evolution for the two kinds of alloys during hot compression deformation was analyzed by optical and transmission electron microscopy. Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys exhibit similar behavior of hot compression deformation. Typical dynamic recovery occurs during the 550-750°C deformation temperature, while dynamic recrystallization (DRX) occurs during the 850-900°C deformation temperature. High Zr content and the addition of Y significantly improved Cu-1%Zr alloy hot deformation activation energy. Compared with hot deformation activation energy of pure copper, hot deformation activation energy of the Cu-1%Zr and Cu-1%Zr-0.15%Y alloys is increased by 54% and 81%, respectively. Compared with hot deformation activation energy of the Cu-1%Zr alloy, it increased by 18% with the addition of Y. The addition of yttrium refines grain, advances the dynamic recrystallization critical strain point and improves dynamic recrystallization.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

K. Tian
B. Tian
A.A. Volinsky
Y. Zhang
Y. Liu
Y. Du


The aim of this paper was to determine the effect of heat treatment for the corrosion resistance of the ZnAl40Ti2Cu alloy under “acid rain” conditions. ZnAl40TiCu alloy after supersaturation and after supersaturation and aging was studied. Potentiodynamic studies, potentiostatic studies and studies on structure of the alloy top layer of samples after corrosion tests were carried out. These investigations indicated a significant influence of heat treatment on corrosion resistance of the ZnAl40Ti2Cu alloy. The highest increase in corrosion resistance comparing to the alloy in the as-cast condition may be obtained by supersaturation. A significant influence of the aging temperature and time on corrosion resistance was proved.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Michalik


This paper presents the method for determination of the time of further safe service for welded joints of boiler components after exceeding the design work time. The evaluation of the life of the parent material and its welded joints was performed. Microstructure investigations using a scanning electron microscope, investigations of strength properties, impact testing, hardness measurements and abridged creep tests of the basic material and welded joints were carried out. The investigations described in this paper allowed the time of further safe service of the examined components made of 13CrMo4-5 steel to be determined. The method for determination of the time of safe service of boiler components working under creep conditions allows their operation beyond the design service life. The obtained results of investigations are part of the materials database developed by the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Zieliński
M. Dziuba-Kałuża
J. Dobrzański
M. Sroka
P. Urbańczyk
A. Śliwa


The paper presents the results of research studies involving the ceramic-metal tool materials with the deposited nitride coatings on the basis of aluminium, titanium and silicon. The cathodic arc evaporation with lateral rotating cathodes method was used for deposition of nanocrystalline, wear resistant nitride coatings – AlTiSiN type. Structural examinations are presented of the applied coatings and their support material made on the scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the scanning/transmission electron microscope (STEM). Chemical composition analysis as a function of the distance from the specimen surface, the so-called profile analysis, were carried out also. The structural analysis confirms that deposited multilayer coatings have dense microstructure without any visible porosity and delamination. It was found that the investigated coatings have nanocrystalline structure and consisting of fine crystallites even less than 6nm. Lattice deformations and numerous structural defects were also observed in the nanolayers. Depositing the AlTiSiN coatings results in the significant hardness increase within the range of 2252 ±256 to 2908 ±295 HV0.01.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A.E. Tomiczek
K. Gołombek
K. Matus
D. Pakuła


The aim of the performed experiments was to determine the influence of a cooling rate on the evolution of microstructure and hardness of the steel 27MnCrB5. By using dilatometric tests performed on the plastometer Gleeble 3800 and by using mathematical modelling in the software QTSteel a continuous cooling transformation diagram for a heating temperature of 850°C was constructed. Conformity of diagrams constructed for both methods is relatively good, except for the position and shape of the ferrite nose. The values of hardness, temperatures of phase transformations and the volume fractions of structural phases upon cooling from the temperature of 850°C at the rate from 0.16°C · s–1 to 37.2°C · s–1 were determined. Mathematically predicted proportion of martensite with real data was of relatively solid conformity, but the hardness values evaluated by mathematical modelling was always higher.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

I. Schindler
P. Kawulok
J. Mizera
S. Rusz
R. Kawulok
P. Opěla
M. Olszar
K.M. Čmiel


The present paper describe the issue of tool materials wear in a high temperature conditions. The investigations were performed at the cast steel tool material at the tribological contact to the structural steel. The investigations aim was to determine the role of microstructure in a tribological properties between the structural steel and tool material. The results of such investigation could be referenced to the industry conditions and could answer about the problems of tool materials wear. The observations of the wear mechanisms were referred to the microstructure of the mill rolls. The laboratory tests ware aimed at evaluating the thermal treatment modification effect on the cast steels properties. A significant role of the morphology of ledeburitic cementite and secondary cementite on the tribological properties was exhibited. The investigations assumed the presence of an austenitic matrix with primary and secondary cementite. Influence of varying morphology carbides was described. in the cast steel microstructure. The investigation results make possible to point to a direction of carbide morphology change with the purpose of obtaining the assumed properties of hot operation tools.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Krawczyk
E. Rożniata
S. Zimowski
M. Kot
R. Dądrowski
R. Dziurka
Ł. Frocisz


Thermo-chemical treatments are known to increase the fatigue life of industrial parts. Due to the imprecise consideration of residual stresses in predicting the durability of components subjected to cyclic loading and their effect on the fatigue life, the authors developed a numerical model combining the influence of residual stresses with stresses caused by bending. The authors performed the numerical simulation with the use of Finite Element Method to analyse material behaviour during cyclic loading. The residual stress state developed during nitriding was introduced onto cross-section of the numerical specimen. The goal of this work was better understanding of the real conditions of the nitride steel fatigue processes and improving the knowledge about numerical predicting of the fatigue life for parts with residual stresses. The results of simulation were compared with plane bending fatigue tests. The presented method indicates the possibility of increasing the accuracy of the fatigue analysis of elements after surface treatment, increasing its certainty and the ability to perform better optimization of service life.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

J. Sawicki
P. Siedlaczek
A. Staszczyk


The paper presents properties of HS6-5-2 high speed steel subjected to deep cryogenic treatment (DCT) and subsequent tempering at different temperatures. DCT process of HS6-5-2 steel leads to shifting of maximum hardness peak to the lower temperature and the reduction of the obtained maximum hardness by about 1 HRC. These changes in hardness may be due to the shifting of the stage of nucleation and growth of carbide phases to lower temperatures or the changes taking place in the matrix, connected with the additional transformation of the martensite proceeding during the isothermal martensitic transformation occurring at cryogenic temperatures and more extensively occurring precipitation processes, lowering the content of the carbon in the martensite, determining thereby its lower hardness.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Ciski


Analysis of a crystallographic texture (a preferred orientation) effect on cavitation wear resistance of the as-cast CuZn10 alloy, has been conducted in the present paper. The experiment was conducted on the CuZn10 alloy samples with <101>//ND or <111>//ND preferred orientations (where the ND denotes direction that is perpendicular to the exposed surface). The cavitation resistance examinations have been carried out on three different laboratory stands (namely, vibration, jet-impact and flow stands) that are characterized by a various intensity and a way of cavitation’s excitement. Obtained results point towards a higher cavitation resistance of the CuZn10 alloy with the <111> // ND preferred orientation.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

W. Polkowski
R. Jasionowski
D. Zasada


In the work was presented the results of studies concerns on the destructive mechanisms for forging tools used in the wheel forging process as well the laboratory results obtained on a specially constructed test items for testing abrasive wear and thermal fatigue. The research results of the forging tools shown that the dominant destructive mechanisms are thermal fatigue occurring in the initial the exploitation stage and abrasive wear, which occurs later, and is intensified effects of thermo-mechanical fatigue and oxidation process. In order to better analysis of phenomena associated with destructive mechanisms, the authors built a special test stands allow for a more complete analysis of each of the mechanisms separately under laboratory conditions, which correspond to the industrial forging processes. A comprehensive analysis of the forging tools confirmed by laboratory tests, showed the interaction between the thermal fatigue and abrasive wear, combined with the oxidation process. The obtained results showed that the process of oxidation and thermal fatigue, very often occur together with the mechanism of abrasive wear, creating a synergy effect. This causing the acceleration, the most visible and easily measurable process of abrasive wear.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Hawryluk
M. Zwierzchowski
M. Marciniak


In this paper were conducted virtual tests to assess the impact of geometry changes on the response of metallic hexagonal honeycomb structures to applied loadings. The lateral compressive stress state was taken into consideration. The material properties used to build numerical models were assessed in laboratory tests of aluminium alloy 7075. The modelling at meso-scale level allow to comprehensive study of honeycomb internal structure. The changes of honeycomb geometry elements such as: fillets radius of the cell edges in the vicinity of hexagonal vertexes, wall thickness were considered. The computations were conducted by using finite element method with application of the ABAQUS finite element method environment. Elaborated numerical models allowed to demonstrate sensitivity of honeycomb structures damage process response to geometry element changes. They are a proper tools to perform optimization of the honeycomb structures. They will be also helpful in designing process of modern constructions build up of the considered composite constituents in various branches of industry. Moreover, the obtained results can be used as a guide for engineers. Conducted virtual tests lead to conclusion that simplification of the models of internal honeycomb structure which have become commonplace among both engineers and scientist can lead to inaccurate results.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Sadowski
D. Pietras


Catalytic converters contain the catalytic substance in their structure, which is a mixture of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs). The prices of these metals and a growing demand for them in the market, make it necessary to recycle spent catalytic converters and recovery of PGMs. In the study, the effect of ozone and hydrogen peroxide application on the possibility of extracting PGM from used car catalysts was investigated. The catalytic carrier was milled, sieved and then the fractions with the desired grain size were treated with the appropriate HCl mixture and 3%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 30% H2O2, respectively, and the tests were also carried out at temperature 333 K. Ozone tests were conducted with the O3 flow in the range of 1,3,5 g/h. Samples for analysis were collected after 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h and after 4 h, respectively. The residue after the experiments and filtration process was also analysed. The obtained results confirmed the assumption that PGMs can be extracted using hydrochloric acid with the addition of H2O2 or ozone as oxidants. It allows to significantly intensify the carried out reactions and to improve the rate of PGMs transfer to the solution.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

A. Fornalczyk
B. Gajda
J. Willner
J. Sedlakova-Kadukova


New technologies and the globalization of the electrical and electronic equipment market cause a continuous increase in the amount of electrical and electronic waste. They constitute one of the waste groups that grows the fastest in quantity. The development of the new generation of electrical and electronic devices is much faster than before. Recently attention has been concentrated on hydrometallurgical methods for the recovery of metals from electronic waste. In this article the role of an oxidizing agent, mainly ozone and hydrogen peroxide was presented in hydrometallurgical processes. Leaching process of printed circuits boards (PCBs) from used cell phones was conducted. The experiments were carried out in the presence of sulfuric acid and ozone as an oxidizing agent for various temperatures, acid concentration, ozone concentration. As a result, the concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and aluminum in the obtained solution were measured. The obtained results were compared to results obtained earlier in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent and discussed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Saternus
A. Fornalczyk
M. Lisińska
J. Willner


An economical alternative for the steel industry which uses a separate ferrosilicon and aluminum for the deoxidization of steel is a complex deoxidizer in the form of FeSiAl alloys. The effectiveness of complex deoxidizers is higher and they have a positive effect on quality improvement and also for mechanical properties of the finished steel. It is associated with a smaller number of non-metallic inclusions and a more favorable its distribution in the structure of steel. Noteworthy are the waste from the mining industry simultaneously contains SiO2 and Al2O3 oxides with a few of dopants in the form of CaO, MgO, FeO, TiO2 oxides. These wastes are present in large quantities and can be a cheap raw material for obtaining complex FeSiAl ferroalloys by an electrothermal method. “Poor” hard coal grades which so far did not apply as a reducing agent in the ferroalloy industry because of the high ash content can also be a raw material for the electrothermal FeSiAl process. The electrothermal FeSiAl melting process is similar to the ferrosilicon process in the submerged arc furnace. For this reason, a model based on Gibbs’ free enthalpy minimization algorithm was used to analyze the simultaneous reduction of SiO2 and Al2O3 oxides, which was originally elaborated for the ferrosilicon smelting process. This is a system of two closed reactors: the upper one with the lower temperature and the lower one with the higher temperature. Between the reaction system and the environment, and between the reactors inside the system, there is a cyclical mass transfer in moments when the state of equilibrium is reached in the reactors. Based on the model, the basic parameters of the electrothermal reduction process of SiO2 and Al2O3 oxides were determined and a comparative analysis was made towards the ferrosilicon process.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Machulec
W. Bialik
S. Gil


Thermal analysis allows for determination of temperature specific for the beginning and the end of phase transitions occurring in studied samples. In this paper results obtained from DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis) of alloys of chemical composition referring to nickel-rich part of Ni-Al-Cr system, specifically from section Ni75Al25÷Ni65Cr35 are presented. Those alloys are based on intermetallic phase Ni3Al. Referring to measurements obtained during heating and cooling, characteristic peaks related to occurrence of phase transition of order-disorder type were noted as well as melting and solidification temperature of alloys was determined. Results of thermal analysis DTA of studied range were compared with results obtained for section Ni75Al25÷Ni75Cr25 and Ni75Al25÷Ni87Cr13, additionally results of measurements performed on high-temperature solution calorimeter were collated. Both methods presented good compatibility.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

T. Maciąg


This paper deals with the possibilities of using physical modelling to study the degassing of metal melt during its treatment in the refining ladle. The method of inert gas blowing, so-called refining gas, presents the most common operational technology for the elimination of impurities from molten metal, e.g. for decreasing or removing the hydrogen content from liquid aluminium. This refining process presents the system of gas-liquid and its efficiency depends on the creation of fine bubbles with a high interphase surface, uniform distribution, long period of its effect in the melt, and mostly on the uniform arrangement of bubbles into the whole volume of the refining ladle. Physical modelling represents the basic method of modelling and it makes it possible to obtain information about the course of refining processes. On the basis of obtained results, it is possible to predict the behaviour of the real system during different changes in the process. The experimental part focuses on the evaluation of methodical laboratory experiments aimed at the proposal and testing of the developed methods of degassing during physical modelling. The results obtained on the basis of laboratory experiments realized on the specific physical model were discussed.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Tkadlečková
K. Gryc
K. Michalek
L. Socha
M. Saternus
T. Merder
J. Pieprzyca


Stability of silver nanoparticles strongly influences the potential of their application. The literature shows wide possibilities of nanoparticles preparation, which has significantly impact on their properties. Therefore, the improvement of AgNPs preparation plays a key role in the case of their practical use. The pH values of the environment are one of the important factors, which directly influences stability of AgNPs. We present a comparing study of the silver nanoparticles prepared by „bottom-up“ methods over by chemical synthesis and biosynthesis using AgNO3 (0.29 mM) solution. For the biosynthesis of the silver nanoparticles, the green freshwater algae Parachlorella kessleri and Citrus limon extracts were used as reducing and stabilizing agents. Chemically synthesized AgNPs were performed using sodium citrate (0.5%) as a capping agent and 0.01% gelatine as a reducing agent. The formation and long term stability of those silver nanoparticles synthesized either biologically and chemically were clearly observed by solution colour changes and confirmed by UV-vis spectroscopy. The pH values of formed nanoparticle solutions were 3 and 5.8 for biosynthesized AgNPs using extract of Citrus limon and Parachlorella kessleri, respectively and 7.2 for chemically prepared AgNPs solution using citrate. The SEM as a surface imaging method was used for the characterization of nanoparticle shapes, size distribution and also for resolving different particle sizes. These micrographs confirmed the presence of dispersed and aggregated AgNPs with various shapes and sizes.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

O. Velgosová
A. Mražíková
J. Kavuličová
M. Matvija
E. Čižmárová
J. Willner


The principle of work of many metallurgical shaft furnaces is based on the flow of reaction gas through the descending packed bed composed of metallurgical materials. Hot gases flow up the shaft furnace through the column of materials, give their heat to the descending charge materials. At the same time due to their reducing nature they interact chemically, causing the reduction of oxides inside the charge. In real conditions, during the course of the process, the powder is generated, the source of which is the batch materials or it is introduced into the as part of the process procedure. The powder in the form of thin slurry is carried by the stream of flowing gas. Such multiphase flow might considerably affect the permeability of the charge due to the local holdup of powder. The holdup of solid phase in packed beds of metallurgical shaft furnaces leads to radial changes in bed porosity. Radial changes in bed porosity uneven gas flow along the radius of the reactor and negatively affect the course and efficiency of the process. The article describes the model studies on radial distribution of carbon powder holdup in the packed bed composed of metallurgical materials. The powder was divided into fractions – “static” and “dynamic”. Large diversity of carbon powder distribution was observed in the function of the radius of reactor in relation to the bed type, apparent velocity of gas carrying powder and the level of bed height.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Panic


The paper evaluates two approaches of numerical modelling of solidification of continuously cast steel billets by finite element method, namely by the numerical modelling under the Steady-State Thermal Conditions, and by the numerical modelling with the Traveling Boundary Conditions. In the paper, the 3D drawing of the geometry, the preparation of computational mesh, the definition of boundary conditions and also the definition of thermo-physical properties of materials in relation to the expected results are discussed. The effect of thermo-physical properties on the computation of central porosity in billet is also mentioned. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages of two described approaches are listed and the direction of the next research in the prediction of temperature field in continuously cast billets is also outlined.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

M. Tkadlečková
K. Michalek
M. Strouhalová
M. Saternus
T. Merder
J. Pieprzyca
J. Sviželová


In this study a two-step short wet etching was implemented for the black silicon formation. The proposed structure consists of two steps. The first step: wet acidic etched pits-like morphology with a quite new solution of lowering the texturization temperature and second step: wires structure obtained by a metal assisted etching (MAE). The temperature of the process was chosen due to surface development control and surface defects limitation during texturing process. This allowed to maintain better minority carrier lifetime compared to etching in ambient temperature. On the top of the acidic texture the wires were formed with optimized height of 350 nm. The effective reflectance of presented black silicon structure in the wavelength range of 300-1100 nm was equal to 3.65%.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

G. Kulesza-Matlak
K. Gawlińska
Z. Starowicz
A. Sypień
K. Drabczyk
B. Drabczyk
M. Lipiński
P. Zięba


Mechanical properties and residual stresses of friction stir welded and autogenous tungsten inert gas welded structural steel butt welds have been studied. Friction stir welding (FSW) of structural steel butt joints has been carried out by in-house prepared tungsten carbide tool with 20 mm/ min welding speed and 931 rpm tool rotation. Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding of the butt joints was carried out with welding current, arc voltage and the welding speed of 140 amp, 12 V and 90 mm/min respectively. Residual stress measurement in the butt welds has been carried out in weld fusion zone and heat affected zone (HAZ) by using blind hole drilling method. The magnitude of longitudinal residual stress along the weld line of TIG welded joints were observed to be higher than friction stir welded joint. In both TIG and FSW joints, the nature of longitudinal stress in the base metal was observed to be compressive whereas in HAZ was observed to be tensile. It can be stated that butt welds produced with FSW process had residual stress much lower than the autogenous TIG welds.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

P.K. Chaurasia
C. Pandey
N. Saini M.M. Mahapatra Giri A.


This paper presents the results of experiments on metallization of plastic elements produced using 3D printing technology from the light-hardened resins. The obtained coatings were bimetallic (Cu/Ni). The first step of metallization was the electroless deposition of copper. The second one was electrodeposition of nickel on the previously prepared copper substrate. The parameters of 3D prints preparation and metallization processes were deeply investigated. The etching of plastics substrates and duration of electroless metallization of 3D prints by copper were analyzed. In the next step the influence of nickel electrodeposition time was investigated. The coating were analyzed by XRD method and morphology of surface was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The thickness of coatings was calculated based on mass differences and measured by using optical microscopy method. The optimal parameters for both processes were specified.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

R. Kowalik
D. Kutyła
A. Kwiecińska
P. Żabiński
K. Kołczyk
W. Zborowski


An ecoefficient, economical and sustainable valorization process for the synthesis of Co3O4 from waste lithium-ion battery (LIB) by leaching-solvent extract-scrubbing-precipitation stripping route has been developed. Through an optimization, the waste LIB cathode was leached using 2000 mole/m3 of H2SO4 and 5 Vol. % of the H2O2 at a pulp density of 100 kg/m3 under leaching time 60 minutes and temperature 75 °C. From the separated leach liquor, cobalt was purified by saponified Cyanex 272. From cobalt, loaded Cyanex 272 impurities were scrubbed and the CoC2O4·2H2O was recovered through precipitation stripping. Finally, the precipitate was calcined to synthesize Co3O4, which is a precursor for LIB cathode materials manufacturing. From TGA-DTA, followed by XRD analysis it was confirmed that at 200 °C the CoC2O4·2H2O can be converted to anhydrous CoC2O4 and at 350 °C the anhydrous can be converted to Co3O4 and at 1100 °C the Co3O4 can be converted to CoO. Through reported route waste LIB can back to LIB manufacturing process through a versatile and flexible industrial approach.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Swain
J.-C. Lee
C.-G. Lee


Fe-40wt% TiB2 nanocomposites were fabricated by mechanical activation and spark-plasma sintering of a powder mixture of iron boride (FeB) and titanium hydride (TiH2). The powder mixture of (FeB, TiH2) was prepared by high-energy ball milling in a planetary ball mill at 700 rpm for 3 h followed by spark-plasma sintering (SPS) at various conditions. Analysis of the change in relative sintered density and densification rate during sintering showed that a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis reaction occurs to form TiB2 from FeB and Ti. A sintered body with relative density higher than 98% was obtained after sintering at 1150°C for 5 and 15 min. The microstructural observation of sintered compacts with the use of FE-SEM and TEM revealed that ultrafine particulates with approximately 5 nm were evenly distributed in an Fe-matrix. A hardness value of 83 HRC was obtained, which is equivalent to that of conventional WC-20 Co systems.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B.-W. Kim
X.-K. Huynh
J.-S. Kim


Metallic fuel slugs containing rare-earth (RE) elements have high reactivity with quartz (SiO2) molds, and a reaction layer with a considerable thickness is formed at the surface of metallic fuel slugs. The surface characterization of metallic fuel slugs is essential for safety while operating a fast reactor at elevated temperature. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate the surface characteristics of the fuel slugs so that chemical interaction between fuel slug and cladding can be minimized in the reactor. When the Si element causes a eutectic reaction with the cladding, it deteriorates the metallic fuel slugs. Thus, it is necessary to examine the characteristics of the surface reaction layer to prevent the reaction of the metallic fuel slugs. In this study, we investigated the metallurgical characteristics of the surface reaction layer of fabricated U-10wt.%Zr-Xwt.%RE (X = 0, 5, 10) fuel slugs using injection casting. The results showed that the thickness of the surface reaction layer increased as the RE content of the metallic fuel slugs increased. The surface reaction layer of the metallic fuel slug was mainly formed by RE, Zr and the Si, which diffused in the quartz mold.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Mun Seung-Uk
Kim Ki-Hwan
Oh Seok-Jin
Park Jeong-Young
Hong Sun-Ig


In this study, precisely controlled large scale gas atomization process was applied to produce spherical and uniform shaped high entropy alloy powder. The gas atomization process was carried out to fabricate CoCrFeNiMn alloy, which was studied for high ductility and mechanical properties at low temperatures. It was confirmed that the mass scale, single phase, equiatomic, and high purity spherical high entropy alloy powder was produced by gas atomization process. The powder was sintered by spark plasma sintering process with various sintering conditions, and mechanical properties were characterized. Through this research, we have developed a mass production process of high quality and spherical high entropy alloy powder, and it is expected to expand applications of this high entropy alloy into fields such as powder injection molding and 3D printing for complex shaped components.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Tae Gyu Park
Sang Hyun Lee
Bin Lee
Hye Mi Cho
Won Jung Choi
Bum Sung Kim
Kwang Seon Shin
Taek-Soo Kim


Among the various thin film coating techniques, atomic layer deposition (ALD) has features of good controllability of the thickness, excellent step-coverage in 3-dimensional object even in the sub-nm thickness range at the relatively low deposition temperature. In this study, SnO2 thin films were grown by ALD in the variation of substrate temperatures from 150 to 250°C. Even such a low temperature may influence on the growth kinetics of the ALD reaction and thus the physical characteristics of thin films, such as crystallinity, film density and optical band gap, etc. We observed the decrease of the growth rate with increasing substrate temperature, at the same time, the density of the film was decreased with increasing temperature. Steric hindrance effect of the precursor molecule was attributed to the inverse relationship of the growth temperature and growth rate as well as the film density. Optical indirect band gap energy (~3.6 eV) of the ALD-grown amorphous SnO2 films grown at 150°C was similar with that of the literature value, while slightly lower band gap energy (~3.4 eV) was acquired at the films grown at higher temperature.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

Daeho Kim
Dong Ha Kim
Doh-Hyung Riu
Byung Joon Choi


In the paper, the technology of the production of the modified ceramic proppants used in the shale gas extracting process is described. The natural available materials and uncomplicated process to new ceramic proppants preparation were applied. The modification of the ceramic proppants based on the addition of the waste material as fly ash. The produced ceramic material in the form of granules characterized by high mechanical properties and low production costs. Moreover, the obtained good values of compressive strength and gas permeability for investigated proppants confirmed that this material has appropriate properties to be used in the hydraulic fracturing.
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Autorzy i Afiliacje

B. Zboromirska-Wnukiewicz
K. Kasprzyk
K. Kogut
A. Dyjakon

Instrukcja dla autorów

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials is a quarterly journal of Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science PAS, which has published continuously since 1954, scientific papers in English in the following fields: metallurgy and materials science, foundry, mechanical working of metals, thermal engineering in metallurgy, thermodynamic and physical properties of materials, phase equilibria in the broad context and diffusion.

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Keywords: 5 maximum.

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The use of DOI numbers (full notation and linked) is mandatory for each paper and should be formatted as shown in the examples below:

3. Samples


[1] L.B. Magalas, Development of High-Resolution Mechanical Spectroscopy, HRMS: Status and Perspectives. HRMS Coupled with a Laser Dilatometer. Arch. Metall. Mater. 60 (3), 2069-2076 (2015). DOI:

[2] E. Pagounis, M.J. Szczerba, R. Chulist, M. Laufenberg, Large Magnetic Field-Induced Work output in a NiMgGa Seven-Lavered Modulated Martensite. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 152407 (2015). DOI:

[3] H. Etschmaier, H. Torwesten, H. Eder, P. Hadley, Suppression of Interdiffusion in Copper/Tin thin Films. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2012).



[4] K.U. Kainer (Ed.), Metal Matrix Composites, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006).

[5] K. Szacilowski, Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale, Wiley (2012).

[6] L. Reimer, H. Kohl, Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation, Springer, New York (2008).

Proceedings or chapter in books with editor(s):

[7] R. Major, P. Lacki, R. Kustosz, J. M. Lackner, Modelling of nanoindentation to simulate thin layer behavior, in: K. J. Kurzydłowski, B. Major, P. Zięba (Eds.), Foundation of Materials Design 2006, Research Signpost (2006).

Internet resource:

[8], accessed: 17.04.2017

Academic thesis (PhD, MSc):

[9] T. Mitra, PhD thesis, Modeling of Burden Distribution in the Blast Furnace, Abo Akademia University, Turku/Abo, Finland (2016).


3. Fee

We would like to inform the Authors that from July 1, 2024, the fee is increased and will amount to 300 EUR plus 23%VAT (1250 PLN net for authors with Polish affiliation).

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4.1. Peer review process

All submitted manuscripts are subject to review by recognized experts appointed by the Editor-in-Chief and members of the Editorial Board. Authors are requested to provide in the editorial system the names and contact details (affiliations and valid e-mail addresses) of two experts who could act as reviewers. Only one of these names may be from the same country as the affiliation of the corresponding author. The decision to appoint a reviewer is solely at the editor's discretion. When the article requires corrections, the authors are required to respond in writing to the comments of the Editor and Reviewers and to make corrections to the manuscript. The decision to reject the article is made by the Editorial Board, and the final decision is made by the Editor, who may appoint another reviewer if necessary. The reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and their identity cannot be disclosed by the Editor.

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