Applied sciences

Archives of Metallurgy and Materials


Archives of Metallurgy and Materials | 2023 | vol. 68 | No 2

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Pipeline welding is an integral part of oil and gas exploration industries. Often the welded joint failures were due to lack of weld quality, improper heat treatment and even poor workmanship. Further, the use of new material in pipeline industry puts focus on a better understanding of qualifying requirements of welding for reducing the failures in future. This necessitates the need for development and design of suitable welding fluxes for joining these materials. In this paper an attempt is made to study the effects of submerged arc welding fluxes on weldability as well as structural integrity issues in pipeline steels. Physicochemical and thermophysical properties of submerged arc fluxes widely affects the mechanical behaviour of pipeline steels. This paper presents an overview of the role of welding parameters, flux composition, cooling rate, slag behaviour and physicochemical properties of slag on final welded joint properties such as tensile strength, impact toughness etc. during submerged arc welding.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lochan Sharma
1 2
Rahul Chhibber

  1. Chandigarh University, Institute of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India
  2. University Centre for Research & Development, Chandigarh University, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India
  3. MED, IIT Jodhpur, India
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Steel is basically used in construction, automobile, buildings, infrastructure, tools, ships, appliances, machines and weapons due to its good mechanical as well as metallurgical properties. Heat treatment of steels significantly enhance its mechanical and metallurgical properties due to the formation of various phases depending upon the type of steel used for specific application. In present study, blank of EN353 grade steel having different sizes were used to investigate the effect of heat treatment and microstructural changes. JMat-Pro software was used to predict the continuous cooling transformation behaviour of EN353 steel. Different phases such as bainite, perlite and other carbide inclusion can be observed in the microstructural examination. Pearlitic microstructure developed for the specimen of size 40×40×40 mm heated at 870°C for 2 hrs and then isothermal heating was performed for same specimen at 600°C for 73 min followed by air cooling.
Relevance Statement: Steel is an important material which is frequently used in almost all areas such as structure building, pressure vessels, transportation and many more other applications. Addition of alloying elements in parent steel significantly improve the metallurgical as well as mechanical properties. Steel properties like tensile strength, toughness, ductility, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, hardness, hot hardness, weldability, fatigue etc. significantly improved with the addition of alloying and heat treatment. Heat treatment processes can be used to improve the properties of steel which are frequently used in many manufacturing industries. Different grades of steels which are heat treated under a set of sequence of heating and cooling to change their physical and mechanical properties so that it can fulfil its function under loading condition. With the help of heat treatment process desired microstructure has been achieved which exhibit good mechanical properties of steels.
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Authors and Affiliations

Lochan Sharma
1 2
Sandeep Kumar Chaubey

  1. Chandigarh University, Institute of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India
  2. University Centre for Research & Development, Chandigarh University, Mohali-140413, Punjab, India
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The present research investigates the nitriding kinetics of the near-beta-titanium alloy of Ti-Al-Nb-Fe-Zr-Mo-V system at 750, 800, and 850°C in gaseous nitrogen at 10 5 Pa for 2, 4, and 8 h. The parabolic coefficient kp of the layer’s growth rate and the nitriding activation energy E are set as the kinetic parameters of the nitrided layer’s growth. The activation energy for the formation of a nitride layer is ~108 kJ/mol. The authors discuss the morphology of the nitride layers as well as their roughness and surface hardness. The study determines the effective diffusion coefficient for the growth of diffusion layers in the temperature range of 750...850°C: Def = D0 × exp (– E/RT), where D0 = 0.0177 m 2/s; E = 215.7 kJ/mol. The friction coefficient of the disk from near-beta-titanium alloy with a bronze block is lowered by significantly more than 10 times after gas nitriding, and the temperature in the friction zone is reduced by 2.5 times.
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Authors and Affiliations

A.G. Luk’yanenko
I.M. Pohrelyuk
V.M. Fedirko
A.G. Molyar
V.S. Trush
T.M. Kravchyshyn

  1. G.V. Karpenko Physico-Mechanics Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Department of Material Science Bases of Surface Engineering, 5, Naukova Str., 79060 Lviv, Ukraine
  2. G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, Department of Physics of Strength and Ductility of Inhomogeneous Alloys,36 Academician Vernadsky Boulevard, 03142 Kyiv, Ukraine
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The article presents the results of the last stage of work on the impact of changes in the roll pass design on the state of residual stresses in railway rails. The discussed stage includes the summary of industrial experiments of rolling 60E1 rails with a length of 120 meters using a modified pass design of roll grooves. The rolling technology has been deeply modified, ranging from the finishing stand, through the pre-finishing stand, to the semi-finishing stand. The rails in this experiment were cooled using standard cooling technology and then straightened using innovative vertical straightener shaped rollers. Residual stresses were tested using the strain gauge method and the hole-drilling strain gauge method by drilling a hole in the rail axis and at a distance of 14 millimetres from its axis. The resulting tensile stresses in the rail foot were reduced to an average level of less than 43% in relation to the requirements of the EN13674-1 standard.
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Authors and Affiliations

S. Żak
D. Woźniak

  1. ArcelorMittal Poland S.A., 92 Józefa Piłsudskiego 9 Av. 41-308 Dąbrowa Górnicza, Poland
  2. Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, 12 Karola Miarki Str., 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
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Ni625/WC composite coatings added with different amounts of Y 2O 3were prepared on the surface of 304 stainless steels by laser cladding. This study focused on the microstructure characteristics, microhardness, and corrosion performances of Ni625/WC composite coatings. The results showed that Y 2O 3 can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of the composite coatings. The microstructure from the bottom to the surface of composite coatings consists of plane crystal, cellular crystal, columnar crystal and equiaxed crystal. The Y 2O 3content of optimum composite coating was 1.0%. Its microhardness was three times that of matrix material. In addition, the corrosion current density of the composite coating was only 2% of Ni625/WC coating, which was attributed to the good properties of Y 2O 3 and appropriate Y 2O 3 refined microstructure.
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Authors and Affiliations

Jinling Yu
Zheng Zhentai
Shuai Li
Donghui Guo
Liang Chang

  1. Hebei University of Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, No. 5340, Xipingdao Road, Beichen District, Tianjin, 300401, PR China
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Progress in the industry is accompanied by the development of new materials and more efficient technological production processes. At present, additive production is becoming very attractive in all industries (research, development, production), which brings a number of advantages compared to subtractive methods (customization, production speed, control of material properties by users, etc.). The main advantage of 3D printing is the controlled deposition of material in defined places. Instead of demanding manual labour, fully automated production via computers leads to the manufacturing of complex components from materials whose production in conventional ways would be problematic or even impossible. Because these are new technologies, the main direction of research at present is to identify the basic physical properties of these materials under different types of loading.
The main goal of this article is to observe the dependence of the behaviour of the extruded material (thermoplastic reinforced with chopped carbon fibre) on the printing parameters (thickness of the lamina, the orientation of the fibres of the printed material, etc.). Based on published scientific works, it appears that these settings have a significant impact on the achieved physical properties. This is the reason why the authors decided to analyze the influence of these parameters on the basis of processed data from experimental measurements of mechanical properties in the MATLAB program. As this is FFF printing, an essential condition is to identify and specify the directional dependence of the behavior of the printed material. This physical phenomenon is a necessary condition for gradual knowledge for the purposes of a subsequent mathematical description of the material properties. According to the authors, for the purposes of modeling these materials in FEM-based programs, it is essential to define the directional dependence in the plane of the lamina.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Majko
M. Handrik
M. Vaško
M. Sága
P. Kopas
F. Dorčiak
A. Sapietová

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic
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In-situ study of deformation behaviour and mechanisms occurring during early stages of deformation is of a great practical importance. Low stacking fault energy materials, as is the case of AISI 304L, show non-linear deformation characteristics way below the bulk yield point. Shockley partial dislocations, formation of stacking faults respectively, resulting in creation of shear bands and ε-martensite transformation are the mechanisms occurring in the low strains in the studied steel. Acoustic emission and infrared thermography have been used in this study to investigate the deformation kinetics at the low strain stages of slow strain rate tensile tests. Acoustic emission cumulative energy together with the tracking of specimen maximum temperature have been found to be very useful in-situ techniques both supplementing each other in the sense of the sensitivity to different mechanisms. Mechanical, acoustic emission and infrared thermography results are discussed in detail with respect to potential occurred mechanism.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Sapietová
M. Raček
V. Dekýš
M. Sapieta
M. Sága
P. Šofer

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Applied Mechanics, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic
  2. VŠB -Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation, 17. listopadu 15/2127,708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
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Tilted columnar dendritic morphologies are usually existed in wire and laser additive manufactured parts of GH3039 alloy. Overgrowth behaviors induced by the tilted dendritic arrays with a large tilted angle, and the effect of the angle between the growth direction and the direction vertical locally to the solid substrate on primary spacing, solute concentration and morphological evolution have been investigated at both the converging and the diverging grain boundaries through the phase-field simulation. The formation of cracking depends on solidification behaviors including columnar dendrites growth and micro-segregation in the interdendritic region. Furthermore, the effect of the tilted columnar dendrites on the susceptibility of crack is investigated during wire and laser additive manufacturing.
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Authors and Affiliations

Nanfu Zong
Weizhao Sun
Xinghong Liang
Tao Jing

  1. Tsinghua University, Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology, Ministry of Education, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing 100084, China
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A deep eutectic solvent, ethaline (as a typical representative of new-generation room temperature ionic liquids), was used to anodically treat the surface of copper-nickel alloy (55 wt.% Cu). Anodic treatment in ethaline allows flexibly affecting the patterns of surface morphology: formation of stellated crystallites and surface smoothing (i.e. electropolishing) are observed depending on the applied electrode potential. The measured values of roughness coefficient ( Ra ) well correlate with the changes in surface morphology. Anodic treatment of Cu-Ni alloy in ethaline contributes to a considerable increase in the electrocatalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction in an alkaline aqueous medium, which can be used to develop new high-efficient and inexpensive electrocatalysts within the framework of the concept of carbon-free hydrogen economy.
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Authors and Affiliations

V. Protsenko
T. Butyrina
D. Makhota
S. Korniy
1 2
F. Danilov

  1. Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry, Gagarin Ave., 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine
  2. Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the NAS of Ukraine, Naukova St. 5, Lviv, 79060, Ukraine
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This study examines the optimal parameters for obtaining fluorine-doped SnO 2 (FTO) films with promising potential for photovoltaic applications. Due to its properties, tin oxide is used in a wide range of technologies, among which the manufacture of solar cells is one of the most important. Being doped with fluorine, tin dioxide becomes a good transparent and conductive electrode, suitable for solar cell applications. The chemical stability and low cost of the doped SnO 2 makes it an advantageous alternative to tin-doped indium oxide (ITO). Among the most important characteristics of FTO thin films are high photoconductivity under sunlight irradiation and strong UV absorption. The SnO 2 compound, doped with fluorine, exhibits a considerable chemical and physical stability, good electrical conductivity and high transmission (over 85%) in the visible range. The spray pyrolysis technique is the most preferable and efficient deposition method of fluorine-doped SnO2 thin films. This work aims to identify the optimal parameters for the spray pyrolysis of SnO 2:F films and to analyze the morphology, transparency and strength of as obtained films in relation to the doping amount in the precursor solution, spraying distance and film thickness.
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Authors and Affiliations

P. Lisnic
L. Hrostea
L. Leontie
M. Girtan

  1. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Faculty of Physics Bulevardul Carol I, nr.11, 700506, Iasi, Romania
  2. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Institute of Interdisciplinary Research, Research Center on Advanced Materials and Technologies, Science Department, Bulevardul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506 Iasi, Romania
  3. Angers University, Faculty of Sciences, Photonics Laboratory, (LPhiA) E.A. 4464, SFR Matrix, 2 Bd Lavoisier, 49000 Angers, France
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Automotive industry is constantly interested in building cars made of light and high strength parts in order to reduce the emission levels, the fuel consumption and minimize the effects of a car crash. Some parts may be made of lighter materials, but the steel ones must compensate the strength needed for the car body. Research is made for finding new materials showing high strength combined with high ductility. Among them, transformation – induced – plasticity steels are of great interest, efforts being made to improve their characteristics. A new composition of such a steel is presented, its features being compared with those of three other steels of the same class and category. Optical microscopy at different magnifications is performed, together with Vickers hardness test. Structural particularities are found for each tested steel, justified by their own chemical compositions. The new steel reveals important characteristics: besides the mainly bainitic structure, it has both larger ferritic areas and amounts of retained austenite, making him proper for further study.
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Authors and Affiliations

M.C. Pantilimon
A.C. Berbecaru
G. Coman
M.G. Sohaciu
R.E. Dumitrescu
S. Ciucă
I.A. Gherghescu
C. Predescu

  1. Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Splaiul Independenței No. 313, Bucharest 060042, Romania
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In this study, Al 2024-T3 alloy plates were joined by using friction stir welding. Welding was performed at a rotational speed of 930, 1450, 2280 rpm and a welding feed rate of 180 mm min −1. The welded samples were analyzed at the microstructural level. Moreover, both bending fatigue tests and tensile tests were performed on samples. At the end of the microstructural examination of the samples welded at the rotational speed of 930 rpm and the welding feed rate of 180 mm min −1, the formation of tunnel defects was observed. The highest fatigue life was obtained at 2280 rpm and 180 mm min −1. The lowest fatigue life was obtained at 930 rpm and 180 mm min −1. The highest ultimate tensile stress was obtained at 2280 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample, which shows about a 12% reduction relative to the base material. The lowest ultimate tensile stress was obtained at 930 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample. The ultimate tensile stress value of the 930 rpm/180 mm min –1 sample decreased by approximately 25%.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Şık
A. Özer

  1. Gazi University, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Industrial Design, 06570 Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey
  2. Gazi University, Technical Sciences Vocational School, 06374 Ostim, Yenimahalle, Ankara, Turkey
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Since fatigue cracks nucleate and initiate generally at the surface of the rotary components such as blades and discs, the surface condition is the most important factor affecting the fatigue life. Surface scratches are suitable sites for stress concentrations and therefore the nucleation stage of fatigue cracks will be shortened. In the present work, the influence of surface roughness on the low cycle fatigue life behavior of nickel-based superalloy Rene®80 at the temperature of 900°C was evaluated. Results of low cycle fatigue tests (LCF) under strain-controlled condition at 900°C for R = εmin/εmax = 0 and strain rate of 2×10 –3 s –1, at a total strain range of 1.2% showed an inverse relationship between fatigue strength and surface roughness of the specimens. In this study, increasing the surface roughness of Rene®80 from 0.2 μm to 5.4 μm led to the decline in the final LCF life from 127 cycles to 53 cycles which indicated a 58.3% reduction in fatigue life at the same condition. Fractography evaluation also exhibited that fatigue cracks initiated from the notch in the rough specimens, whereas in the smooth specimen fatigue cracks nucleated from the internal imperfections and carbides.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mohammad Mehdi Barjesteh

  1. Malek Ashtar University of Technology (MUT), Faculty of Material and Manufacturing Technologies, Tehran 15875-1774, Iran
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Self-hardening aluminium alloys represent a new and interesting group of aluminium alloys. They have the advantage that they do not need to be heat treated, which is an important advantage that contributes to a significant reduction in production costs of some components and in the amount of energy used. The present paper deals with the possibility to replace the most used heat treatable AlSi7Mg0.3 cast alloys with a self-hardened AlZn10Si8Mg cast alloy. In this study, microstructural characterization of tensile and fatigue-tested samples has been performed to reveal if this replacement is possible. The results of fatigue tests show that AlSi7Mg0.3 alloy after T6 heat treatment and self-hardened AlZn10Si8Mg has comparable values of fatigue properties. The self-hardening alloy has slightly lower strength, ductility, and hardness.
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Authors and Affiliations

L. Kuchariková
L. Pastierovičová
E. Tillová
M. Chalupová
D. Závodská
1 2

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovak Republic
  2. Schaeffler Slovakia, Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovak Republic
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In this scientific paper it is presented the statistical analysis of the experimental data obtained by the study of the influence of the cutting parameters exerted in end-milling process on the surface roughness. The surface roughness parameter is measured in the cutting feed direction and against it. The parameters of the cutting process, the number of levels and their values were established. Based on these parameters, the research was designed on a complete factorial experiment, randomized with seven blocks. The surface roughness values were measured using a roughness tester. The research method used involved the Romanovski test. The aim of this test was to identify the data affected by aberrant errors, to remove them from the samples and then to repeat the tests for the remaining data strings until all values met the conditions imposed by the test.
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Authors and Affiliations

Mihail Aurel Țîțu
A.B. Pop

  1. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Northern University Centre of Baia Mare, Faculty of Engineering – Department of Engineering and Technology Management, 62A, Victor Babes Street, 430083, Baia Mare, Maramures, Romania
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This study investigates the corrosion characteristics of Q235 steel and 16Mn steel in the sulfur-containing alkaline solution. The composition and the morphology of the corrosion products were analyzed by XPS and SEM respectively. The electrochemical behavior of Q235 steel and 16Mn steel was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarization curve and EIS. The results indicated that the corrosion rate of Q235 steel is greater than 16Mn steel in the early corrosion. Pitting and selective corrosion appeared on the surface of the two steels, and the surface product layer was granular and defective. XPS and EDS indicate that the structurally stable iron oxide is formed on the surface of the two steels. Electrochemical results show the corrosion kinetics of Q235 steel and 16Mn steel are simultaneously controlled by the charge transfer and ion diffusion, and the formation mechanism of corrosion products was clarified.
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Authors and Affiliations

Bianli Quan
Zhiping Xie

  1. Guizhou University, College of Materials and Metallurgy, Guiyang, 550025, China
  2. Guizhou Normal University, School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Guiyang, 550025, China
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In this work, a comparative study on the ballistic behaviour of friction stir processed AL6061 targets had been made. Base Metal AL6061 (BM) plates with 25 mm thickness were friction stir processed by adding Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tubes (MWCNT) and Graphene (G), producing AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G surface composites. Optical microscopy and microhardness test on BM, AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G samples were performed as per the standard procedure. It was noticed that uniform dispersion of ceramic particles and refined grains were obtained for the friction stir processed surface composites. From the microhardness test, it was perceived that friction stir processing had induced strengthening of surface composites, hence increasing the microhardness of AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G by ~60.3% and ~73.6% respectively. Also, ballistic experiments were conducted at 680±10 m/s by impacting Ø7.62×51 mm projectiles. AL6063 backing plates were placed to compare the ballistic behaviours AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets by depth of penetration. It was noted that the depth of penetration of AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets were 37.81% and 65.84% lesser than the BM target. Further, from the results of Post ballistic microscopy it was observed that the microstructure near and away from the penetration channel edge looks unchanged in BM target. However, the AL6061-MWCNT and AL6061-G targets showed considerable change in their morphology, by forming Adiabatic Shear Bands.
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Authors and Affiliations

U. Magarajan
S. Suresh Kumar

  1. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Chennai, India
  2. Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai, India
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2 wt.% TiB2 (mean particle size: 400 nm) reinforced Al 7075 metal matrix composites (MMCs) fabricated through mechanical stirring and ultrasonic agitation integrated squeeze casting process were subjected to electrical discharge machining (EDM) after determining the physical and mechanical properties. EDM was conducted with Cu electrode tools to investigate influence of machining factors, i.e. peak current (IP), pulse on time (TON) and gap voltage (VG) on the tool wear rate (TWR), material removal rate (MRR) and average surface roughness (ASR) of the machined surfaces. All the three responses increased on increasing IP and TON, but reduced on increasing VG. The machined surfaces were studied through scanning electron microscope (SEM). Significance of the EDM parameters on the individual responses were studied using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression models for the responses were developed using response surface method (RSM). The responses under consideration were optimized simultaneously using Taguchi embedded weighted principal component analysis (WPCA), which resulted the parametric combination of 4A (current), 100 μs (pulse duration) and 75V (voltage) was the optimal setting for the multi-criteria decision problem. Finally, the result of optimization was validated by conducting some confirmatory experiments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rahul Chandra Pradhan
Diptikanta Das
Barada Prasanna Sahoo
Chiranjeeb Rout
Akash Panda
Evangelin Barla

  1. KIIT Deemed to be University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Bhubaneswar-751024, India
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the fatigue resistance of austenitic nodular cast iron and to compare it with other types of nodular cast irons. The austenitic nodular cast iron, used for the experiments, was alloyed by 13% nickel and 7% manganese (EN-GJSA-XNiMn13-7) to obtain an austenitic matrix. The microstructure was studied using light metallographic microscopy. Mechanical properties were investigated by tensile test, impact bending test and Brinell hardness test. Fatigue tests were carried out at sinusoidal cyclic push-pull loading at ambient temperature. The results of fatigue tests were compared with the fatigue properties of ferrite-pearlitic nodular cast iron and pearlite-ferritic nodular cast iron. Experimental results show that NiMn-type of austenitic nodular cast iron has lower tensile strength and hardness, but higher elongation and absorbed energy than the compared types of nodular cast iron. However, austenitic nodular cast iron has lower fatigue limit.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Vaško
M. Uhríčik
V. Kaňa

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Materials Engineering, Žilina, Slovakia
  2. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Foundry Engineering, Brno, Czech Republic
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The main focus of this work was the effect of chemical alkaline treatment on Himalayan nettle fibre extraction and the characterization analysis of surface-modified nettle fibre. Nettle fibre is an eco-friendly material naturally grown in the Himalayan hills of India, and it is replacing man-made fibres. The fibres are primarily bound to each other and, in turn, to the core of the plant with pectin, lignin, and gums, which begin to break down through fungal, bacterial, enzymes and chemical treatment action. The stem from the nettle plant is fibrous and has a high-quality fibre to develop nettle yarn, which is utilized to make clothes and handicrafts, mostly aimed at generating livelihood opportunities for the rural tribe’s people. This method of extraction is an effective chemical treatment for enhancing interfacial adhesion between nettle fibres and the epoxy, which is one of the significant challenges to their usage in textiles. In this paper, nettle fibres treated with chemicals such as 1% sodium hydroxide (NaOH), 0.5% sodium sulphite (Na2SO3), 0.05% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and 2% acetic acid (CH3COOH). The impact of bacterial and chemical treatments on nettle fibre and untreated nettle fibre was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, which is used to study the functional elements, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images revealed that there is a fibre breaking mechanism and cross-section of yarn twist formation, physical and mechanical characteristics were then determined for fibre tensile strength, fibre length, Young’s modulus, elongation break, fineness, and moisture content.
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R. Deepa
K. Kumaresan
K. Saravanan

  1. Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Sathyamangalam, Erode-638401, Tamilnadu, India
  2. Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Department of Fashion Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode-638401, Tamilnadu, India
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The copper and copper alloys’ ingots have been subjected to structural observation in order to estimate the Peclet Number at which these ingots were solidifying. It was stated that the formation of columnar structure within the ingots occurred at a high Peclet Number, higher than the threshold value of this parameter, Pe = 500. The formulated relationships of the Growth Law correspond to a high Peclet Number due to application of the adequate development in series of the Ivantsov’s function. The Growth Law has been developed on the basis of the definition of the wavelength of perturbation which leads to the dispersion of the planar s/l interface. New definition of the index of stability connected with the behavior of solute concentration at the s/l interface has been delivered. The current definition is related to non-equilibrium solidification. The index can be easily calculated using some parameters delivered by a given Cu-X phase diagram. Physical meaning of the formulated Growth Law has also been presented.
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P. Kwapisiński
W. Wołczyński

  1. KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 48, 59-301 Lubin, Polska
  2. Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Sciences PAS, Reymonta St. 25, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The tensile properties and microstructures of ZL114A alloy component with a complex shape are investigated at room temperature and 200°C, using the tensile tests, scanning electron microscopy and electron backscattering diffraction. Both thin wall and thick structure exhibit excellent properties, of which max ultimate tensile strength and elongation at break reach 314 MPa and 2.5% at room temperature, respectively. The ultimate tensile strengths of thin wall are 40 MPa and 25 MPa greater than those of thick structure at room temperature and 200°C, respectively. Moreover, the eutectic Si phases of thin wall exhibit a predominantly spherical morphology while of the morphology of thick structure are rod-like, resulting in the different mechanical properties between thin wall and thick structure. The fracture morphologies of thin wall and thick structure are studied to explain the difference in performance between thin wall and thick structure.
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Jianquan Tao
Lin Xiang
Xidong Chen
Jipeng Sun
Yanbin Wang
Chuanhang Du
Feifei Peng
Shiqing Gao
Qiang Chen

  1. Southwest Technology and Engineering Research Institute, Chongqing 400039, China
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This study aimed to investigate the effect of different coating processes on interlayer coating using ProCAST software and identify the preferred coating process so as to prepare an EH40/2205 composite plate with a coating interlayer of Ni-5 Fe-15 Co (wt.%) displaying good performance. The preparation and characterization tests were conducted to analyze the interlayer coating, the diffusion of elements at the bonding interface and the mechanical properties of the hot-rolled composite plate. The results showed that the coating rate increased linearly with an increase in the initial coating temperature, pressure difference and the width ratio of the suction layer. The interlayer coating was complete under the guidance of optimized process parameters, and the test results and simulations confirmed each other. The coated interlayer successfully blocked the diffusion of elements between the bonding surfaces. The tensile strength of the rolled composite plate was 580 MPa, which met the needs of the project. The tensile shear fracture occurred at EH40, which proved that the plate was well bonded.
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K.K. Feng
Y.L. Yi
Y. Qin
H.R. Jin
2 3

  1. Yanshan University, School of Mechanical Engineering, Qinhuangdao, China
  2. Yanshan University, Key Laboratory of Advanced Forging & Stamping Technology and Science of Ministry of National Education, Qinhuangdao, China
  3. Yanshan University, Parallel Robot and Mechatronic System Laboratory of Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao, China
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The Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding processes one of the prevalent methods used for welding aluminum alloys. TIG welding is most commonly used due to its superiority in welding less dense materials. The most prevalent issues encountered with TIG welding aluminium alloys are porosity creation and cracking due to solidification, both of which result in lower mechanical properties. Because of the metal’s susceptibility to heat input, this occurs. The current work is the result of a desire to improve the mechanical properties of dissimilar aluminium metals: AA5052-H32 & AA5083-H111. The process parameters of TIG welding are optimized towards eliminating the previously discussed failure scenarios. Various optimization techniques exist towards obtaining optimizing processes such as Response Surface Methodology (RSM), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Artificial Neutral Network (ANN), Flower pollination algorithm, Taguchi method etc, The Taguchi method was chosen for the optimization of process parameters due to its inherent nature of solving problems of singular variance. The optimal parameters combination was determined i.e. welding current at 170 A, filler rod diameter 2.4 mm and Gas flow rate of 11 lpm. The optimized input parameter was used to TIG weld the confirmation specimen which are further investigated for mechanical and metallurgical characterizations. The parameters were optimized and the results indicate that the input current was found to be the most contributing towards improving mechanical properties over all the process parameters.
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D. Antony Prabu
K.S. Jayakumar
E. Madhavan Pillai
G. Kumaresan

  1. LOYOLA-ICAM College of Engineering and Technology (LICET), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Loyola Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  2. Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyamangalam, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
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To determine the relationships between operating conditions and tribological properties of Zn-30Al-3Cu alloy, its wear characteristics were investigated at wide ranges of oil flow rate, pressure and sliding velocity using a block-on-disk type test apparatus. The results are compared to those of SAE 660 leaded bearing bronze. Wear loss of these materials increased with sliding distance, pressure and sliding velocity, but decreased slightly with oil flow rate. The relationships between operating conditions and lubricated wear properties of Zn-30Al-3Cu alloy were determined by nonlinear regression analysis of the experimental data. Lubricated wear behavior of the zinc-based alloy was discussed in terms its microstructure and mechanical properties, and test conditions.
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Authors and Affiliations

Temel Savaşkan
Hasan Onur Tan

  1. Haliç University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 34060 Eyüpsultan, Istanbul, Turkey
  2. Giresun University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 28200, Giresun, Turkey
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In this study, Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is extracted from the Rihu fish scales which are generally dumped as garbage. The aluminium composite was fabricated through the powder metallurgy technique by reinforcing HAp (0, 5, 10 and 15 wt%) as a reinforcement. The fabricated samples were sintered through microwave sintering at 530℃ for 15 min under an argon gas environment. The fabricated composites were subjected to X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) analysis to confirm the constituting elements and to describe the reinforcement dispersion in the matrix. Uniform reinforcement dispersion was observed for the composite reinforces with 5%HAp, 10%HAp particles. The mechanical characterization results reveal that the Al-10% HAp composite exhibits a microhardness value of 123 ± 3 Hv and maximum ultimate tensile strength of 263 ± 10 MPa and 299 ± 9 MPa compression strength was obtained due to the presence of a strong bond among the aluminium and HAp particles.
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Authors and Affiliations

V.S.S. Venkatesh
Kalapala Prasad
Ashish B. Deoghare

  1. GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, India
  2. University College of Engineering, JNTU Kakinada, India
  3. National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India
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In this study, a hybrid surface composite of AA5083/SiC-Gr was produced by Friction Stir Processing (FSP). Reinforcement material each in 50:50 proportion was filled in the base matrix using holes method. Three different hybrid reinforcement volumes of 301.6 mm 3, 452.4 mm 3, and 603.2 mm 3 were prepared for surface composite. Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to check the quality of the prepared surface composite and homogeneous distribution of reinforcement was observed in the images. It was observed that due to better uniform distribution of reinforcement particles during 3 pass FSP, specimens with 301.6 mm 3/ reinforcement volume showed enhanced microhardness and wear properties in comparison with the other specimens. Keywords: Surface Composites; Multi-pass; Friction Stir Processing; Reinforcement; Hybrid Composite
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Authors and Affiliations

Shalok Bharti
1 2
Nilesh D. Ghetiya
Kaushik M. Patel
Kuldeep K. Saxena

  1. Nirma University, Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical, Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat – 382481 – India
  2. CT University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ludhiana, Punjab – 142024 – India
  3. Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab – 144001 – India
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Currently, one of the main challenges of civil engineering and science materials engineers is to develop a sustainable substitute for Ordinary Portland Cement. While the most promising solution is provided by the geopolymerisation technology, most of the studied geopolymers are based on natural raw materials (kaolin). The metakaolin is mainly preferred because of its rapid rate of dissolution in the activator solution, easy control of the Si/Al ratio, and white color. However, its high cost prevents it from being widely used in geopolymer composites or other materials that can become an industrial alternative for Ordinary Portland Cement. Several studies have shown that geopolymers with good performance can also be obtained from secondary raw materials (industrial wastes such as coal ash or slag). This explains why countries with rapidly developing economies are so interested in this technology. These countries have significant amounts of industrial waste and lack a well-developed recycling infrastructure. Therefore, the use of these by-products for geopolymers manufacturing could solve a waste problem while simultaneously lowering virgin raw material consumption. This study evaluates the effect of replacing different amounts of coal ash with sand on the microstructure of sintered geopolymers. Accordingly, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray analysis were involved to highlight the morphological particularities of room-cured and sintered geopolymers.
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Authors and Affiliations

D.D. Burduhos-Nergis
P. Vizureanu
1 2
D.C. Achitei
A.V. Sandu
1 3
D.P. Burduhos-Nergis
M.M.A.B. Abdullah
4 5

  1. Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, D. Mangeron 41, 700050 Iasi, Romania
  2. Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, Dacia Blvd 26, 030167 Bucharest, Romania
  3. Romanian Inventors Forum, St. P. Movila 3, 700089 Iasi, Romania
  4. Centre of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGeoGTech), Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Arau 02600, Perlis, Malaysia
  5. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Chemical Engineering Technology, Arau 02600, Perlis, Malaysia
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The as-cast microstructure of ductile cast iron (DI) was investigated using light microscopy (LM) and SEM techniques. Further the influence of hot plastic extrusion at 1000°C with plastic strain in the range of 20-60-80% on the transformation of the as-cast microstructure and on the mechanical properties was studied. Besides this, the microstructure of DI subjected to hot extrusion after the fracture of the corresponding samples induced by compression tests was thoroughly investigated. It was found that compression had a dramatic influence on a shear deformation and hence shear fracture of the compressed samples. It was shown that the shear fracture of the hot deformed ductile iron is accompanied by the occurrence of a narrow zone of severe plastic deformation. The fracture surfaces of the extruded samples subjected to the tensile tests and the compression tests were examined.
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Authors and Affiliations

A.S. Chaus
Ľ. Čaplovič
A.I. Pokrovskii
R. Sobota

  1. Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, J. Bottu 25, Trnava, 917 24 Slovakia
  2. National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Physical Technical Institute, 10. Kuprevicha Str., Minsk, 220141 Belarus
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In this study, the microstructures and mechanical properties of X70 pipeline steels produced with varying Mo contents, accelerated cooling rate and intermediate slab blank thickness are systematically investigated. Results showed that the microstructures and mechanical properties of the X70 pipeline steels were strongly affected by Mo addition. The pearlite and proeutectoid ferrite formation is obviously inhibited in containing-Mo steel and the acicular ferrite (AF) is obtained in a wide range of cooling rates. With the increasing the cooling rates, the AF constituent amount increases. The grains can be refined by increasing the thickness of intermediate slab for enhancing the cumulative reduction rates, and meanwhile increase the number density of precipitates. It was proved by simulation and industrial trials that the low-alloy X70 pipeline steels can be produced increasing cooling rates and the thickness of intermediate slab without strength and toughness degradation which also reduce alloy cost.
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Authors and Affiliations

Haijian Xu
Chufei Han
Pingyuan Yan
Baochun Zhao
Weijuan Li

  1. School of Materials and Metallurgy, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan, 114051, P.R. China
  2. Angang Steel Company Limited, Anshan, 114009, P.R. China
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The coarse-grained heat-affected zone specimens of X80 pipeline steel were produced by welding thermal simulation under different heat inputs of 10, 30, and 55 kJ/cm to study the effects of heat input on microstructure evolution and corrosion characterization. The corrosion resistance of coarse-grained heat-affected zones was poorer than that of base metal due to less homogenous in the former. For 10 kJ/cm coarse-grained heat-affected zone, the corrosion resistance was poorer than the others due to the more adsorption hydrogen around the needle-like martensite/austenite constituents and greater galvanic driving force between the needle-like martensite/austenite constituents and ferrite. In carbonate/bicarbonate solution, better corrosion resistance for coarse-grained heat-affected zones was obtained when the heat input is 30 kJ/cm, which can be attributed to the severe coarse martensite/austenite constituents for 55 kJ/cm coarse-grained heat-affected zone. In the H2S environment, the better corrosion resistance for coarse-grained heat-affected zone was obtained when the heat input is 55 kJ/cm, which can be attributed to the protective effect of corrosion products. In addition, the high content of M/A constituents for 30 kJ/cm CGHAZ was good for hydrogen adsorption, which was adverse to the corrosion resistance in acid environments.
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Authors and Affiliations

Xue-Mei Wang
1 2
Wei Zhao
1 2 3
Kai Chen
1 2
Zhen Li
1 2

  1. Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, China
  2. Shandong Institute of Mechanical Design and Research, China
  3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, China
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Present study describes about the effect of coolant water flow rate and coolant water temperature underside cooling slope on structural characteristics of casted AZ91 Mg alloy. Here, over the cooling slope, hot melt flows from top to bottom. Additionally, under the cooling slope, coolant water flows from bottom to top. Slurry gets obtained at bottom of cooling slope by pouring AZ91 Mg melt from top of the slope. Coolant water flow rate with coolant water temperature underside cooling slope warrant necessary solidification and shear to obtain AZ91 Mg slurry. Specifically, slurry at 5 different coolant water flow rates (4, 6, 8, 10, 12 lpm) and at 5 different coolant water temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30, 35°C) underside cooling slope are delivered inside metal mould. Modest coolant water flow rate of 8 lpm with coolant water temperature of 25°C (underside cooling slope) results fairly modest solidification that would enormously contribute towards enhanced structural characteristics. As, quite smaller/bigger coolant water flow rate/temperature underside cooling slope would reason shearing that causes inferior structural characteristics. Ultimately, favoured microstructure was realized at 8 lpm coolant water flow rate and 25°C coolant water temperature underside cooling slope with grain size, shape factor, primary α-phase fraction and grain density of 63 µm, 0.71, 0.68 and 198, respectively. Correspondingly, superior mechanical properties was realized at 8 lpm coolant water flow rate and 25°C coolant water temperature underside cooling slope with tensile strength, elongation, yield strength and hardness of 250 MPa, 8%, 192 MPa and 80 HV, respectively.
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Authors and Affiliations

S.K. Sahu
N.K. Kund

  1. VSS University of Technology, Department of Production Engineering, Burla 768018, India
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The effect of aging time at 850°C for 300 s, 600 s, 1800 s, and 84600 s on the microstructural evolution and corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex stainless steel (DSS) was studied after cold rolling up to 60% of reduction. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy were used for microstructural characterization. The corrosion behavior was studied by cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) and electrochemical impedance technique (EIS) in 3.5% NaCl solution and the susceptibility to sensitization was investigated through the double loop electrochemical potentiodynamic reactivation (DL-EPR) test in 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.1 M NaCl + 0.002 M KSCN solution. After cold working, increasing aging time led to an increase in sigma phase precipitation and a decrease in pitting corrosion resistance. However, the ultrafine microstructure had a beneficial influence on the self-healing effect in Cr and Mo depleted areas with the increasing of aging time, resulting in higher passivation ability. The DSS 2205 type was not susceptible to intergranular corrosion for the aged conditions applied.
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Authors and Affiliations

R.F. Assumpção
J.C. Fortes Monteiro
V.C. Campideli
D.B. Santos
D.C. Sicupira

  1. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  2. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Department of Chemistry, Campus Morro do Cruzeiro, Brazil
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Processing of metal alloys in semi-solid state is a way of producing many near net-shape parts and nowadays is commercially successful. Particular behaviour of alloys in the partially liquid state, having non-dendritic microstructure, is a base for thixoforming processing. Processing materials in the semi-solid state concerns alloys with relatively wide solidification range. Thermodynamic modelling can be used as a one of a potential tools that allow to identify alloys with proper temperature range. It means that the key feature of alloys suitable for thixoforming is a widely enough melting range, allowing for precise control of material temperature. The data gathered from thermodynamics calculations can also pay off in the industrial thixoforming processes design. The goal of this paper is to identify copper alloys which can be successfully shaped in the semi-solid state. Apart to thermodynamic calculations, the observations on high temperature microscope was carried out. During experiments the solidus, liquidus and also deformation temperatures can be determined. An experimental work allows confirming results obtained within the confines of thermodynamic calculations and firstly to determine the deformation temperatures which are the optimal for shaping processes. The basic achievement of this work is an identification of copper alloy groups possible for shaping in the semi-solid state. At the first part of the paper, the basic criteria of suitable alloys were described. Next, both the solid fraction curves for copper alloys with different alloying elements using ProCAST software and the phase diagrams were determined to identify the solidification temperature ranges of these alloys. In the second part of these paper, the identification of the deformation temperatures was carried out with use of high temperature microscope observation.
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A. Madetko
K. Sołek
P. Drożdż

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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This paper presents the results of research into the cross wedge rolling (CWR) process of axle forgings. The presented results concern the parallel rolling process with two wedges. The use of two parallel wedges is aimed at shortening the tool length (increasing productivity) and reducing the values of wedge opening angles and increasing the forming angles, so that the condition 0.04 ≤ tgαtgβ ≤ 0.08 is maintained to guarantee the highest quality forgings. The article analyses the influence of the design of the double wedge tool on the geometric correctness of the forgings obtained, the value of the failure criterion and the force parameters of the process. The results obtained show that the use of multi wedge tools improves rolling conditions by increasing productivity and reducing the tendency of the material to crack with appropriately selected tool parameters.
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T. Bulzak

  1. Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Metal Forming, 36 Nadbystrzycka Str., 20-618, Lublin, Poland
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This paper presents a method based on the use of fuzzy logic for the rapid selection of optimal induction sintering parameters. The prepared fuzzy controller uses expert knowledge developed from the results of induction sintering tests of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-3Cr alloy green compacts produced from a mixture of elemental powders. The analysis of the influence of the applied sintering parameters on the material characteristics was based on the evaluation of the microstructure state and the measurement of the relative density of the samples after sintering. In this way, a universal tool for estimating the sintering parameters of titanium powder-based green compacts was obtained. It was shown that with the help of fuzzy logic it is possible to analyze the influence of the parameters of the manufacturing process of metal powder materials on the quality of the obtained products.
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Authors and Affiliations

K. Zyguła
M. Wojtaszek

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland
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The study discusses the issues of low durability of dies used in the first operation of producing a valve type forging from high nickel steel assigned for the application in motor truck engines. The analyzed process of manufacturing the exhaust valve forgings is realized in the coextrusion technology, followed by forging in closed dies. This process is difficult to master, mainly due to elevated adhesion of the charge material (high nickel steel – NCF3015) to the tool substrate as well as very high abrasive wear of the tool, most probably caused by the dissolution of hard carbide precipitates during the charge heating. A big temperature scatter of the charge during the heating and its short presence in the inductor prevents microstructure homogenization of the bearing roller and dissolution of hard precipitates. In effect, this causes an increase of the forging force and the pressures in the contact, which, in extreme cases, is the cause of the blocking of the forging already at the beginning of the process. In order to analyze this issue, complex investigations were conducted, which included: numerical modelling, dilatometric tests and hardness measurements. The microstructure examinations after the heating process pointed to lack of structure repeatability; the dilatometric tests determined the phase transformations, and the FEM results enabled an analysis of the process for different charge hardness values. On the basis of the conducted analyzes, it was found that the batch material heating process was not repeatable, because the collected samples showed a different amount of dissolved carbides in the microstructure, which translated into different hardnesses (from over 300 HV to 192 HV). Also, the results of numerical modeling showed that lower charge temperature translates into greater forces (by about 100 kN) and normal stresses (1000 MPa for the nominal process and 1500 MPa for a harder charge) and equivalent stresses in the tools (respectively: 1300 MPa and over 1800 MPa), as well as abrasive wear (3000 MPa mm; 4500 MPa mm). The obtained results determined the directions of further studies aiming at improvement of the production process and thus increase of tool durability.
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M.R. Hawryluk
M. Lachowicz
M. Janik
Z. Gronostajski
M. Stachowicz

  1. Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 5 Ignacego Łukasiewicza Str., 50-371 Wrocław , Poland
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The paper presents an approach based on the use of the fuzzy logic method as a tool for quick estimation of favorable parameters of hot plastic working of selected alloy and for the identification of those combinations of parameters that should be avoided. The idea and basic principles of operation of fuzzy controllers for the selection of thermo-mechanical parameters of hot metal forming were presented. The most important information necessary for a quick analysis based on knowledge engineering has been compiled. An example of the fuzzy controller using the information obtained based on plastometric test data and the results of observation of the microstructure state of deformed samples at various temperature and strain rate variants is presented. For the tested alloy, it was shown that the analysis of the parameters of their plastic processing using the fuzzy logic method, based on properly formulated expert knowledge, leads to obtaining satisfactory results. Thus, it was confirmed that fuzzy logic can be successfully used as a tool for quick estimation of correct or unfavorable thermal and mechanical combinations of hot forging processes.
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Authors and Affiliations

M. Wojtaszek
K. Zyguła

  1. AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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The studied collecting electrodes for electrostatic precipitators are cold-rolled formed. Here Sigma 750 open section was manufactured of DC01 steel grade. Length of the electrodes ranged from 8 to 13 meters, all were thin-walled of 1.5 mm. Tolerance of their manufacture is strictly set. A database of material properties, chemical composition, and a set of final tolerance of manufactured profiles has been collected. At first basic statistics for the data has been done. Finally statistical relation between the material composition and profile geometrical tolerance has been studied, next between the material mechanical properties and profile geometrical tolerance has been examined.
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P. Tracz
K. Wacławiak
J. Chrapoński
R. Popiel

  1. PST Consulting Rafał Popiel, Poland
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Department of Materials Technologies, 8. Krasińskiego Str., 40-019 Katowice, Poland
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A simple methodology was used for calculating the equivalent strain values during forming the sample alternately in two mutually perpendicular directions. This method reflects an unexpected material flow out of the nominal deformation zone when forming on the MAXStrain II device. Thus it was possible to perform two temperature variants of the simulation of continuous rolling and cooling of a long product made of steel containing 0.17% C and 0.80% Mn. Increasing the finishing temperature from 900°C to 950°C and decreasing the cooling rate from 10°C/s to 5°C/s led to a decrease in the content of acicular ferrite and bainite and an increase in the mean grain size of proeutectoid ferrite from about 8 µm to 14 µm. The result was a change in the hardness of the material by 15%.
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I. Schindler
P. Kawulok
K. Konečná
M. Sauer
H. Navrátil
P. Opěla
R. Kawulok
S. Rusz

  1. VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Ostrava, Czech Republic
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The aim of this paper was to analyze the impact of varying zirconium addition on selected properties of AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy. The results of this research showed that zirconium addition in the range of 0.05 to 0.20 wt. % caused a decrease in ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of the experimental alloys after T7 heat treatment, probably due to the formation of primary Al3Zr intermetallic phases. These phases were observed as an individual plates or as a formation of two crossed plate-like phases. Potentiodynamic polarization tests in 3.5% NaCl solution revealed that addition of Zr had a positive effect on thermodynamic corrosion stability of the AlSi5Cu2Mg alloy due to shift of the corrosion potential to a more positive values for all as-cast samples. Addition of Zr in the as-cast alloys improved corrosion kinetics by lowering of corrosion current density.
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D. Bolibruchová
L. Širanec
D. Kajánek
M. Chalupová

  1. University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
  2. University of Žilina, Research Centre, Univerzitná 8215/1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
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This paper describes the technology for the production of precursors (space holder material) used to form the complex internal structure of cast metal foam. The precursor material must exhibit sufficient refractoriness, resist contact with liquid metal and at the same time should exhibit good collapsibility after casting. With regard to the greening of foundry production, the focus of this paper was on materials that could exhibit the above properties and at the same time do not have a negative impact on the environment. In this paper, the technology for the production of spherical precursors from a self-hardening mixture with a geopolymer-based binder system is described and verified. The motivation for the choice of material and all the sub-steps of the process – molding into the core box, tumbling, including the necessary accompanying tests of the mechanical properties of the core mixture being verified – are described.
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I. Kroupová
M. Bašistová
P. Lichý
V. Merta
F. Radkovský
J. Jezierski

  1. VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Department of Metallurgical Technologies, 17. Listopadu 2172/15, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
  2. Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Foundry Engineering, 2 Towarowa Str., 744-100 Gliwice, Poland
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This work deals with the characterization of structure, magnetic and mechanical properties of (FeNiCo)100-x(AlSi)x (x = 0, 5, 10, 15, 25) multicomponent alloys prepared by casting. The results of X-ray diffraction measurements, scanning electron microscopy observations and hardness and magnetic properties investigations are presented. The studies show that cast (FeNiCo)100-x(AlSi)x alloys reveal dendritic morphology and their phase composition depends on (Al + Si) content. For x ≤ 10 a face-centered cubic phase is observed, while the increase of Al and Si content results in a body-centered cubic phase formation. It leads to a fivefold increase of hardness from 88 HV to 526 HV. The investigated alloys have high magnetic induction reaching 170 emu/g, while their coercivity value is even up to 2.9 kA/m for x = 15, and strongly depends on chemical and phase composition.
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Authors and Affiliations

B. Kurowski
D. Oleszak

  1. Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, Woloska Str. 141, 02-507 Warsaw, Poland
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Titanium and its alloys have significant uses in the biomedical, chemical, and aerospace industries. In this article, the current and gas flow rates were varied using Taguchi’s experiment design. The mechanical properties of the welded joint made using tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding and Ti6Al4V ELI as filler metal was characterized using the microstructure, microhardness, and tensile strength. The joint was classified into three regions, namely, fusion zone (FZ), heat affected zone (HAZ), and base metal (BM). Results show martensitic microstructure within the fusion zone (FZ) and the heat affected zone (HAZ), which resulted in an increased hardness within the fusion and heat affected zone.
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Authors and Affiliations

P.O. Omoniyi
1 2
R.M. Mahamood
3 2
A.A. Adeleke
P.P. Ikubanni
S.A. Akinlabi
E.T. Akinlabi

  1. University of Ilorin, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria
  2. University of Johannesburg, Department of Mechanical Engineering Science, P. O. Box 524, Johannesburg, South Africa
  3. University of Ilorin, Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, P. M. B. 1515, Ilorin, Nigeria
  4. Nile University of Nigeria, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 900001, Nigeria
  5. Landmark University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 252201, Nigeria
  6. University of Northumbria, Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering, Newcastle, NE18ST, United Kingdom
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In this research, AA7068/Si3N4 composites were fabricated through stir casting with the attachment of ultrasonic treatment. The quenching medium and aging duration significantly influenced the hardness of Al alloy samples. Peak hardness was achieved after 12 h of artificial aging at the temperature of 140°C. The addition of nano Si3N4 significantly refined the microstructure of unreinforced AA7068. The dispersion of intermetallic compounds (MgZn2) and grain boundary discontinuation were noticed after the T-6 heat treatment. Ultimate tensile strength, yield strength, and hardness were improved by 70.95%, 76.19%, and 44.33%, respectively, with the addition of 1.5 weight % Si3N4 compared to as-cast alloy due to the combined effect of heat treatment, hall-Petch, Orowan, thermal miss match, load-bearing strengthening mechanisms and uniform dispersion of reinforcement. A reduction in percentage elongation was noticed due to composites’ brittle nature by the effect of ceramic Si3N4 particles’ inclusion. The fracture surfaces reveal ductile failure for alloy and mixed-mode failure in the case of composites.
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Authors and Affiliations

Ashish Kumar
Ravindra Singh Rana
Rajesh Purohit
Anurag Namdev

  1. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bhopa l, Madhya Pradesh, India
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This paper details the properties, microstructures, and morphologies of the fly ash-based alkali-activated material (AAM), also known as geopolymers, under various steam curing temperatures. The steam curing temperature result in subsequent high strengths relative to average curing temperatures. However, detailed studies involving the use of steam curing for AAM remain scarce. The AAM paste was prepared by mixing fly ash with an alkali activator consisting of sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The sample was steam cured at 50°C, 60°C, 70°C, and 80°C, and the fresh paste was tested for its setting time. The sample also prepared for compressive strength, density, and water absorption testings. It was observed that the fastest time for the fly ash geopolymer to start hardening was at 80°C at only 10 minutes due to the elevated temperature quickening the hydration of the paste. The compressive strength of the AAM increased with increasing curing time from 3 days to 28 days. The AAM’s highest compressive strength was 61 MPa when the sample was steam cured at 50°C for 28 days. The density of AAM was determined to be ~2122 2187 kg/m3, while its water absorption was ~6.72-8.82%. The phase analyses showed the presence of quartz, srebrodolskite, fayalite, and hematite, which indirectly confirms Fe and Ca’s role in the hydration of AAM. The morphology of AAM steam-cured at 50°C showed small amounts of unreacted fly ash and a denser matrix, which resulted in high compressive strength.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rafiza Abd Razak
1 2
Sh. Nur Syamimi Sy. Izman
Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri Abdullah
Zarina Yahya
1 2
Alida Abdullah
Rosnita Mohamed

  1. Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Geopolymer and Green Technology, Center of Excellence (CEGeoGTech), Kangar, Malaysia
  2. Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Faculty of Civil Engineering Technology, Perlis, Malaysia
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The present work comprises the development of Al6061/nano Al2O3 composites with 0 to 4 weight percent in steps of 0.5 wt. % of nano alumina particles by using ultrasonic assisted stir casting. Casted samples were subjected to heat treatment and hot forging. Further forged and heat-treated gear blanks of nano Al2O3 (0 to 3.0 weight %) reinforced nanocomposites were machined to make spur gears for the wear test. The results have shown that nano Al2O3 reinforcement in the Al6061 matrix with heat treatment and forging improves the hardness and compressive strength up to 3.5 wt. %, after that, it starts decreasing because of the agglomeration of nano alumina particles. SEM results reveal grain refinement of the pure alloy after reinforcement. Removal of porosity and voids observed after forging operation. Wear resistance increasing with incorporation of Al2O3 nanoparticles in base alloy, reinforcement wt. %, precipitation hardening and hot forging also improves wear resistance and mechanical properties. These composites have widespread applications in gear, brake discs, crankshaft, clutch plates, pistons, and other components of automobiles and aircraft structures.
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Authors and Affiliations

Rajesh Purohit
M.M.U. Qureshi
Ashish Kumar
Abhishek Mishra
R.S. Rana

  1. Mechanical Engineering Department, MANIT, Bhopal, India-462003
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The present research addresses the low-temperature sintering of 4% kaolin clay reinforced aluminium composite using susceptor-aided microwave sintering at 2.45 GHz frequency. Kaoline clay the naturally available mineral in the north-eastern regions of india. The study aims to convert this kaoline clay into the value added product with enhanced mechanical properties. The Al-x% Kaolin (x = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) composite was fabricated through the powder metallurgy process by the application of 600 MPa compaction pressure. The composite corresponding to optimum ultimate tensile strength (U.T.S) was subjected to single-mode cavity microwave-assisted sintering by varying the sintering temperatures as 500°C, 550°C and 600°C. The effect of incorporating kaolin clay on the dielectric characteristics of composite powders, as well as the effect of sintering temperature on the microstructural changes and mechanical characteristics of Al-4%Kaolin composites were also examined. Results concluded that the addition of 4 wt% kaolin powder improves the dielectric characteristics of the composite powder. The maximum Hardness. Compression strength and U.T.S of 97 Hv, 202 MPa and 152 MPa respectively achieved for the Al-4% Kaolin composite sintered at 550°C. The higher fracture toughness of 9.56 Ma. m1/2 reveals the ductile fracture for the composite sintered at 550°C.
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Authors and Affiliations

V.S.S. Venkatesh
Sunil Kumar
Lokeswar Patnaik

  1. G.M.R Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh, India
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Chennai, India
  3. School of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to Be University), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600 119, India
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The Zirconium 702 alloy effectively used in nuclear industry at various critical conditions like high temperature and high pressure. This survey is an assessment of insights into the mechanical properties of the metal when exposed to different temperatures along the rolling direction.The main objective of this work is to characterize the tensile properties, and fracture study of broken tensile test samples at various temperatures.The tensile samples tested in our current work are 100°C,150°C, and 200°C temperatures in different directions (0°, 45°, 90°) along with the rolling direction of the sheet. It is evident from the experimental results that temperatures significantly affect material properties. Temperature increases cause % elongation to increase, and strength decreases. ANOVA analysis revealed that temperature significantly influenced ultimate tensile strength (UTS), and yield strength (YS), as well as % elongation.The temperature contribution for UTS, YS, and % elongation is 41.90%, 31.60%, and 77.80% respectively. SEM fractured images showing the ductile type of behavior for all the temperatures.
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Authors and Affiliations

J. Lade
B. Dharavath
A. Badrish
S. Kosaraju
S.K. Singh
K.K. Saxena

  1. KG Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hyderabad 500075, India
  2. DOFS, DRDL, Hyderabad, 500058, India
  3. GRIET, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hyderabad 500090, India
  4. Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara 144411, India
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In this paper the investigation of the FSW result characteristics on AA7075-T6 of the highest grade is carried out using different process parameters. A vertical milling machine with different FSW tool geometry is used to weld AA7075. When the tool rotational speed varies from 1200 and 1800 (rpm), different welding parameters are studied, the plunge depth of tool is between 0.14 and 0.20 mm, the table transverse speed range is between 20 and 50 (mm/min) and the tool shoulder diameter was 20 mm. The welding settings are optimized using the Taguchi approach. In this experimental investigation Taguchi Technique is utilized in this study to optimize three factorial and three level designs. The results show that when the rotating speed increases, the UTS of the welded joint increases, whereas the tensile strength of the welded joint decreases resulting to frictional heat created during the FSW process. Tensile strength decreases as feed increases and increases as rotational speed increases. For a 5 mm thick plate, tensile strength is optimal with a tool shoulder diameter of 20 mm, a rotational speed of 1600 rpm, feed rate of 30 mm/min and plunge depth. The shoulder diameter of 20 mm provides the maximum ultimate tensile strength when it is compared with all other tool shoulder diameter. The Al alloy AA7075-T6 plates, however, concurrently developed an equiaxial grain structure with a substantially smaller grain size and coarsened the precipitates.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Sharma
1 2
V. Kumar Dwivedi
Y. Pal Singh

  1. GLA University Mathura, Department of Mechanical Engineering, India
  2. Manager-Regulatory Affairs Department, KAULMED Pvt. Ltd., Sonipat , India
  3. Temperature and Humidity Standards Group, CSIR – National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India
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In this research, Graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) reinforced epoxy nano composites were fabricated via magnetic stirrer and ultra sonification assisted hand layup method. The impact of different weight percentage of GNP (0, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0%) on different characteristics of nano composites was evaluated. The microstructure analysis of developed nano composite was determined by Field emission scanning electron microscopy. It was examined that epoxy nano composites containing 0.5 wt.% GNP have the highest tensile, flexural, and impact strength compared to neat epoxy. The reduction in tensile and flexural strength is achieved at 1% of GNP. Adding more nanofiller to a certain limit causes non-uniform dispersion and agglomeration of nanoparticles, which results in a reduction in properties. The 1% GNP reinforced nano composite has the highest value of shore hardness.
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Authors and Affiliations

A. Namdev
R. Purohit
A. Telang
A. Kumar

  1. Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering Bhopa l, Madhya Pradesh, India

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[1] L.B. Magalas, Development of High-Resolution Mechanical Spectroscopy, HRMS: Status and Perspectives. HRMS Coupled with a Laser Dilatometer. Arch. Metall. Mater. 60 (3), 2069-2076 (2015). DOI:

[2] E. Pagounis, M.J. Szczerba, R. Chulist, M. Laufenberg, Large Magnetic Field-Induced Work output in a NiMgGa Seven-Lavered Modulated Martensite. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 152407 (2015). DOI:

[3] H. Etschmaier, H. Torwesten, H. Eder, P. Hadley, Suppression of Interdiffusion in Copper/Tin thin Films. J. Mater. Eng. Perform. (2012).



[4] K.U. Kainer (Ed.), Metal Matrix Composites, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2006).

[5] K. Szacilowski, Infochemistry: Information Processing at the Nanoscale, Wiley (2012).

[6] L. Reimer, H. Kohl, Transmission Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation, Springer, New York (2008).

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[7] R. Major, P. Lacki, R. Kustosz, J. M. Lackner, Modelling of nanoindentation to simulate thin layer behavior, in: K. J. Kurzydłowski, B. Major, P. Zięba (Eds.), Foundation of Materials Design 2006, Research Signpost (2006).

Internet resource:

[8], accessed: 17.04.2017

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[9] T. Mitra, PhD thesis, Modeling of Burden Distribution in the Blast Furnace, Abo Akademia University, Turku/Abo, Finland (2016).


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